
Topography. Section I, 37; section III, 51,
52; section IV, 58; section V, 66; section
VI, 71; section VIII, 76; section IX, 80;
western coast, 86; topographical descrip-
tion of Florida, Agassiz, 147.
Totten, Lieutenant James. Florida, 71.
Transits. Prof. Kendall, 44.


Wainwright, S. A. Topography of Chesapeake, 52; Savannah river, 66.

Walker, S. C. Longitudes, 34; observations, 46; telegraphic, 48, 49; in section IV, 56; letter on telegraphic, 462; report on galvanic wave time, 476; on longitudes, 480. Wampler, J. M. Galveston topography, 70.

Transportation of navy officers estimated for, Wellfleet. Topography, 38; changes, 40.


Trenholm, G. W. Letter on Charleston harbor chart, 487.

Triangulation. Section I, 32, 36; section II, 44; section III, 50, 51; section IV, 57; section V, 64, 65; section VI, 70; section VIII, 76; section IX, 79; Western coast, 85; progress of triangulation, 17; method of, 163.

Trinidad bay, 87, 521, 528.

Trowbridge, Lieutenant W. P. Triangulation
section I, 32; discussions, 100.

Velocity of galvanic wave, 48, 476.
Verification. Sections II and III, 4.
Vessels of coast survey, 115, 118.

Wacassassa bay, 490.


Wadsworth, A. S. Triangulation, section IV, 58.

Wainwright, Lieutenant R. Hydrography section IV, 58.

Western coast. Plan of survey, reasons, 4, 5;
estimate for 1852-53, 26; operations on,
81, 83; lights, &c., on, 468.
Whiting, H. L. Topography Cape Ann, 37;
Sandy Hook resurvey, 45; Beaufort, 58,

Whiting, Lieutenant W. B. Hydrographic
examinations in office, 99.

Williams, J. S. Triangulation Galveston bay,

Wise, G. D. Topography section III, 52;
Edisto, 66.

Withlacoochee bay, 491.

Woodhull, Lieutenant M. Chatham harbor, 28, 41; Portsmouth, Newburyport, 42; tidal observations section I, 41; light-house examinations, 44; off-shore soundings, 45, mouth of Connecticut river, 45; Shovelful shoals light-boat, 465; lights, &c., near New York, 475.


Yulee, Prof. Computations, 49.

[blocks in formation]


Page 11, line 8 from bottom, for reduced read recorded.

Page 17, line 32 from top, for VI read VII.

Page 33, line 4 from top, for Sebattis read Mount Independence.

Page 34, line 11 from bottom, for Liverpool read Greenwich.

Page 34, line 10 from bottom, for 39.96 read 29.96.

Page 36, line 21 from top, for Mason read Nason.

Page 92, line 15 from bottom, for Charles N. Schott read Charles A. Schott.

Page 378, line Longitude of South Birch, for 75° 10′ 08′′. 51 read 75° 10' 10". 51.

Pages 553 to 558. The depth on Pot Rock was found, in the subsequent survey by Major Frazer, to be 18 feet, and, after additional blasting, three points of 19 feet 3 inches remained, December, 1852.

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