resentatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That David C. Sears, William Dorsett, Harry Josey, Jesse Applewaite and James Wilson, and their successors be, and they are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the "Trustees of the Searsville Academy," with power to receive any gift, grant or donation, real or personal, which may be necessary for the existence of said corporation; and to sue and be sued, with power to pass all such by-laws and regulations as may be necessary for the government of said Academy; Provided, said by-laws and regulations are not contrary to the Constitution and laws of this State. SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That when any vacancy may occur by death, resignation or otherwise, of any of the Trustees of the Searsville Academy, the survivors or remaining Trustees, shall fill the same in such manner as shall be pointed out by the by-laws and regulations of the Trustees aforesaid. Approved, February 6, 1850. AN ACT to incorporate the Harrison Academy in Wilkinson county, and appoint Trustees for the same; also, to revive an act in relation to the West Point Company. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, That A. W. Jordon, Nimrod Burke, R. T. Rozar, John Burke and Samuel Meredith, be, and they are hereby appointed Trustees, and they and their successors in office are declared a body corporate, by the name and style of the Harrison Academy in Wilkinson county. SECTION 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Trustees be, and they are hereby vested with full power of filling all vacancies which may occur in said board of Trustees, of using a common seal, of sueing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in the several Courts of Law and Equity in this State; of holding title to, and conveying real and personal estate, of making all by-laws necessary for their own government, not repugnant to the laws and Constitution of this State, to appoint to, or remove from office, such officers as they or a majority of them may think proper. SECTION 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the act passed on the 29th December, 1838, entitled an act to incorporate the West Point Company, and to provide a more easy manner for the conveyance and exe cution of titles to the real and personal property belonging to said company within the corporate limits of the town of West Point, and for other purposes therein named, be, and the same is hereby revived, and made of full force and effect, and the Stockholders of said company authorized to proceed under the same. SECTION 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, February 5, 1850. AN ACT to revive and continue in force an act passed in 1839, incorporating the St. Mary's Academy, and to appoint Trustees for the same; and to appoint Trustees for the Newnan Male and Female Seminary in the county of Coweta, to confer upon them certain privileges and exemptions. WHEREAS in 1839, the St. Mary's Academy was incorporated, and Duncan L. Clinch, Samuel Clark, Henry R. Sadler, Alfred Doolittle, Edmund Atkinson, James M. Smith and George W. Thomas, were appointed Trustees of said Academy, and whereas, the said Trustees have all vacated their places, either by death or removal, and whereas, the said Academy owns and is rightfully entitled to considerable property, which there are now no Trustees to control for the use of said Academy. SECTION 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Abraham J. Bessent, Henry Bacon, James Stewart, James M. Smith, Henry E. W. Clark, John J. Dufour and Robert P. Burton be, and they are hereby appointed Trustees of the said Academy, and are hereby declared a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the Trustees of the St. Mary's Academy, and shall be capable and liable in law or equity, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, purchase and hold property, and to have and use a common seal, to fill vacancies, and to do all other things which by law a body corporate or politic may do. SECTION 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Trustees shall be entitled to take into their possession, and to hold and use for the use of said Academy, all property of whatsoever kind, which rightfully belongs to said Academy, as fully as the said Trustees appointed by said act of 1839, might or could have done, had they still continued in office as Trustees of said Academy, and shall be entitled to sue for and recover said property, and to do all acts in relation to the same, which might or could lawfully have been done by said Trustees appointed in 1839, had they still continued in office, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. SECTION 3. And be it further enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, that John Ray, Hugh Brewster, Andrew S. Berry, Joseph J. Pinson, Edward M. Story and Jeptha Davis be, and they are hereby appointed Trustees of the Newnan Male and Female Seminary in the county of Coweta, located on town lot number fifty-eight, in the town of Newnan, and said Seminary not to be subject to any judgments or executions that may hereafter be obtained against said Trustees or their successors in office. SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That said Trustees and their successors in office be, and they are hereby authorized to fill all vacancies occasioned by death, resignation or otherwise, and to do all other things that may in their opinion be for the interest of said Seminary. SECTION 5. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the former acts incorporating the Male and Female Academies of Newnan, and all former acts in relation thereto, and all acts which militate against this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, February 23, 1850. AN ACT to incorporate Lafayette Female Academy, and to appoint Trustees for the same. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That James Hoge, Spencer Marsh, David Stewart, Benjamin R. McCutchen, A. W. T. Clendenan and James H. Culberson, be, and they are hereby appointed Trustees for the Academy to be established in the town of Lafayette, to be called the "Lafayette Female Academy." SECTION 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Trustees aforesaid, are hereby declared to be a body corporate, under the style hereinbefore named and designated, and may as a corporate body, have a common seal, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in the several courts of law and equity in this State, shall have power to make all necessary bye-laws, rules and regulations for the government of said corporation, not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State or of the United States, to fill all vacancies in their board, by death, resignation, removal or otherwise-may hold all kinds of pro perty, make or receive conveyances, be invested with all gifts, grants, rights, immunities or privileges whatsoever, that may be essential for the well being of said corporate body, in reference to the interests of education, which are usually done by Trustees of Academies. SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act, are hereby repealed. Approved, February 5, 1850. AN ACT to authorize and empower the Trustees of the Male Academy of the town of Greenesborough to sell and dispose of a portion of the land belonging to said Academy, and to appropriate the money arising from the sale of the same. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, the Trustees of the Male Academy of the town of Greenesborough have full power to sell and dispose of all that portion of land belonging to said Academy, lying on the South side of the Georgia Railroad, adjoining the corporate limits of said town, and they are hereby fully empowered to make titles to the same, and that the proceeds of said sale shall be appropriated to the use of said Academy, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, January 26, 1850. AN ACT to reduce the number of the Trustees of the Henry County Academy. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That immediately after the passage of this act, that the number of Trustees of the Henry county Academy be five, and that Adam C. Sloan, Humphrey, Tomlinson, Leonard T. Doyal, Lewis L. Ledbetter and Daniel Nolley be, and they are hereby appointed Trustees of the said Henry County Academy, and that they have full power to fill any vacancy that may occur in that body, by death or otherwise, and that all laws and parts of laws contrary to this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, January 18, 1850. AN ACT to incorporate the Malloreysville Academy, in Morgan county, and to appoint Trustees for the same. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That James Arnold, Barnet Malcolm, Jacob Č. Butts, Charles Crawley and Willis Head, and their successors in office, be, and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of the Malloreysville Academy. SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That the Trustees and their successors in office, under the name and style aforesaid, may use a common seal, and shall be capable of sueing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded; also to have, take, possess, and acquire by gift, grant or purchase, lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and other estates, and the same to be used for purposes of edu cation. SECTION 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Trustees, or a majority of them, shall have power to appoint a Principal for the Institute, and that said Principal shall have the right and power to appoint assistants, prescribe a course of studies-to make and enforce all such laws as the internal policy of the Institute may require. SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That the Trustees aforesaid, in their corporate character and name, shall have perpetual succession, and when any vacancy shall occur in said board of Trustees by death, resignation or otherwise, the remaining Trustees, or a majority of them, shall have the power of filling such vacancies. SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, That the Principal of the Institute shall have power to confer all such honors, degrees, medals and privileges as are usually conferred in such institutions. SECTION 6. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, February 5, 1850. AN ACT to incorporate Spring Place Academy, in the county of Murray, and to appoint Trustees for the same. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, Robert McCarney, John W. |