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" States," and shall so continue until the third day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and by that name shall be, and are hereby, made able and capable, in law, to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy, and retain, to them... "
Acts Passed by the General Assembly of Georgia - Side 202
av Georgia - 1850
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An Abridgement of the Laws of the United States: Or, A Complete Digest of ...

William Graydon - 1803 - 730 sider
...until the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eleven : And by that name, shall be, and are hereby made; able and capable in law, to have,...possess, enjoy, and retain to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects of what kind, nature or quality...
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The Works of the Honourable James Wilson, L. L. D.: Late One of the ..., Volum 3

James Wilson - 1804 - 456 sider
...be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said corporation are hereby declared and made able and capable in law, to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goodsj chattels and effects, of what kind, nature or quality...
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A Catalogue of the Books, &c. Belonging to the Library Company of Baltimore ...

Library Company of Baltimore - 1809 - 208 sider
...hereafter, by the name and style of THE LIBRARY-COMPANY OF BALTIMORE; and by that name, they shall be, and are hereby made, able and capable in law to have,...possess, enjoy, and retain, to them and their successors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities, pensions, and other hereditaments, in fee simple, or for a term...
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Acts of the State of Tennessee Passed at the General Assembly

Tennessee - 1844 - 402 sider
...1875, and no longer; and by the name and stylo aforesaid they shall be and arc hereby made able fmd capable in law to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain to them and their successors lands rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, and effects of what kind, nature or quality...
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - 1811 - 464 sider
...name and style of the Farmers' Bank of Alexandria ; and by that name and ( 293 ) style shall be and are hereby made able and capable in law to have, purchase, receive, Bank lncor. possess, enjoy and retain, to them and their poratai. successors, lands, rents, hereditaments,...
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - 1813 - 548 sider
...by the name and style of the Mechanics' Bank of Alexandria, and by that name and style shall be and are hereby made able and capable in law, to have,...possess, enjoy and retain to them and their successors, lands, rents, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, of what kind, nature or quality soever, and...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Volum 4

United States. Congress. House - 1832 - 936 sider
...eleven: And by that name shall be, and are hereby, made able and capable, in law, to Power« and «a have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy, and retain, to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, of what kind, nature, or quality,...
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An Alphabetical Digest of the Public Statute Law of South-Carolina, Volum 3

Joseph Brevard, South Carolina - 1814 - 528 sider
...their respective names aforesaid, shall be, and they and tach of the said corporations, are hereby made capable in law, TO have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain, to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, TIT. 13. AA 1801. 2 Faust 383-4, Corporate powers and capacities....
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The National Register, Volum 1,Utgave 1 -Volum 2,Utgave 43

1816 - 728 sider
...of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirtysix, and by that name shall be, and arc hereby made able and capable, in law, to have, purchase,...possess, enjoy and retain to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chatties and effects, of whatsoever kind, nature and...
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Laws Passed by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of ...

Illinois - 1817 - 136 sider
...the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and by that name shall be and are hereby made able and capable in law to have, purchase,...possess, enjoy and retain, to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chatties and effects of what kind, nature or quality...
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