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" ... to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in courts of record, or any other place whatsoever. "
Acts Passed by the General Assembly of Georgia - Side 257
av Georgia - 1850
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Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States

United States. Congress. House - 1810 - 448 sider
...and recover all their estates, rights and property belonging thereto, and to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all suits, cont: oversies, causts, actions, matters and things, whether they be actions of debt, assumpbit,...
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Acts Passed at the ... Session of the General Assembly for the Commonwealth ...

Kentucky - 1816 - 244 sider
...grant, demist., alien and dispose of, to sue and • be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and bu answered, defend and be defended, in courts of record, or any other place whatever ; and -also, to have and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at pleasure...
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Laws of the State of New-York: Comprising the Constitution, and the ..., Volum 2

New York (State) - 1792 - 552 sider
...<u- to í"ue lin^ be fued, plead and be impleaded, aniwer and be t.*, luve a «jinmon anfvvered unto, defend and be defended, in courts of record, or any other place whatfoever ; and alfo to make, have, and ufe a common féal, and the fame to break, alter or renew...
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - 1796 - 776 sider
...thousand eight hundred and 'h"rter> ' forty nine ; and by that name may sue and be sued, implead prinicg and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in courts of records, and any other place whatsoever; -and by that name may have and hold, purchase, receive, pos1839....
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The Laws of the United States of America, Volum 1

United States - 1796 - 508 sider
...demife, aliene or difpofe *of ; to fue and be fued, plead and be impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered, defend and be defended, in courts of record, or any other place whatfoever : And alfo to make, have, and ufe a common feal, and the fame to break, T«' have * alter...
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An Abridgement of the Laws of the United States: Or, A Complete Digest of ...

William Graydon - 1803 - 730 sider
...the same to sell, grant, demise, alien or dispose of ; to sue and be su¿:d, plead and be iinpleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in...courts of record, or any other place whatsoever : And also to make, have, and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew, at their pleasure...
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The Works of the Honourable James Wilson, L. L. D.: Late One of the ..., Volum 3

James Wilson - 1804 - 456 sider
...hereafter, able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in courts of record, or any other place whatsoever, and to do and execate all and singular other matters and things, that to them shall or may appertain to do....
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Laws of the State of New York, Volum 2

New York (State) - 1807 - 562 sider
...the same or any part thereof, to sell, grant, demise, alien or dispose of, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended in all courts whatsoever ; Provided, That the same are and shall be necessary for carrying this act into...
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Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina, from ..., Volum 2

South Carolina - 1808 - 602 sider
...the said bank; and the same to sell, grant, demise, alien or dispose of; to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and...courts of record, or any other place whatsoever; and also to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renewal their pleasure ;...
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A Collection of All Such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of a ...

Virginia - 1808 - 734 sider
...denomination *lCr aforesaid, and by that name shall have succession, and may sue • and be sued,, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in any court cf law or equity in this consmonweaUh or elsewhere, and niay buy and sell, do and executeKone...
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