



Not more than THREE Volumes shall be taken out at the same time, and no books shall be permitted to be taken or used, but by the owner of a share, or his family.

For the first year after the admission of a Book, a fine of ten cents is incurred for each library day it may be kept beyond the time limited on the cover; and, after the first year, of five cents per library day, if detained beyond five weeks;-for abuse of Books, the value thereof when new. If any Book be lost, the same must be replaced by a similar volume, or by paying the current price of a new volume: if it be part of a set, the rem taken, paying the current price

THREE DOLLARS assessrien' previous to the delivery of any annual meeting.

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All Books must be returned to the for inspection on the Saturday previou annual meeting, which is always on the sed Friday of June: the fine for non-compliance is one dollar.

Books must be called for by their numbers,, and not by their titles.

The Library is opened every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons, from 3 to 6 in summer, and 3 to 5 in winter;- also every Saturday forenoon, from 10 to 1 o'clock. -No person shall be allowed to go within the railing, or to take down any Book, without the special leave of the Librarian.

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