
T. C. Hansard, Paternoster-row Press.

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THE English Universities of late years have provoked much animated discussion. In some instances, both these eyes of England,' have been attacked and defended; in others, one only. But that which has been most seen into,' to commit a vulgarism, is CAMBRIDGE. The Magazines, Reviews, and all other ephemerals, have each had their day upon this bone of contention;' the Edinburgh' first raising the cry, and the 'London' being the last in the field. Playfair, in the former, indeed, would have been a fearful antagonist, had he first provided himself with that best of all weapons, a knowledge of the subject of his attack. But his palpable defects in this respect render his assaults pointless, and altogether innocuous. A host of subaltern levellers there have arisen, who deserve still less consideration. The writers, however, in the 'London,' inasmuch as two of them are themselves well qualified to judge of



the merits of the question, must be treated with higher respect, being distinguished members of the Institution they have thought proper to calumniate. But, when the truth is told, even their aspersions will little avail them-when it is known and considered that these gentlemen, although SENIOR WRANGLERS, and otherwise honoured, were, by their own fault, excluded from the emoluments of the University. Instead of the degrading alternative of subsisting upón Reviews— of catering for those cormorants of scandal and calumny at this moment, had not their common sense forsaken them after the SenateHouse Examination, these sons of Alma might be enjoying, with hundreds of others, the otium cum dignitate' of a Fellowship. But, actuated by disappointment, they have condescended to calumniate, and to deride the very source of all the knowledge they possess, and of all the distinction they now hold in the world.

Being perfectly well acquainted with the persons and motives of several of these ungrateful revilers,

I could easily and at once refute their charges, by simply laying bare the motives which influenced them. But, after the maturest consideration, the best service I can render the public, and my own particular Alma Mater, appears to be, a full and frank avowal of my own experience whilst under her protection. I, too, as the Reader will perceive, have been one of the disappointed; but still will I speak honestly, and

"Nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice." Whatever is disclosed in the ensuing pages, is experience, and nothing but experience—a Seven Years' Experience. Let Parents and Guardians, and Students themselves, then, read my progress, and I hesitate not to affirm they will find their account in it: at least let them take me as their guide, until one whose more intimate acquaintance with the ways of the Cantabs shall present himself as a fitter conductor.

London, Jan. 17, 1827.

This is all I ask.



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