
minds conceived as about to be set up by Jesus; and Paul, the chief apostle, was a persecutor of women and children and a man-slayer, having been the ringleader and abettor of those who stoned Stephen to death. Paul was by nature a fighter. He belonged to that class of irrepressibles that when fired by an idea cannot be hushed up. He just would talk about the subject that possessed his mind. He talked incessantly, argued and expostulated an intellectual debator. In this day he would be called a wordy crank. Consider, for instance, his preaching at Troas, which he kept up all night. The people were overcome with sleep. One young man, Eutychus, fell out of a third story window at midnight and was taken up dead. But Paul was not to be switched off by a little thing like that, so he promptly restored the young man to life, and went on preaching to him. until daylight.

Thus Truth is first conceived by man in the heart, of which Jerusalem is the symbol, but because of intellectual dominance it drifts to the head, of which Rome is the symbol. The orthodox church is domninated by the intellect, and its centre is still at Rome. If it were truly spiritual, Jerusalem would be its head. Paul being taken to Rome in chains is a fitting symbol of Truth captured by the intellect and compelled to confine itself to the bonds which it has placed upon it.

together at Rome and had, so far as he knew, religion of the fathers,

Paul called the Jews explained to them that he done nothing against the "yet was delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans." We often justify ourselves in this way when environments seem to hold us. We argue that we have been true to the science, yet we are bound hand and foot; why is this? We forget that we have appealed to Cæsar in the beginning, and that the law which we then invoked is still working. But in spite of bonds we go on declaring the Truth. The conservative element rebels against

any expansion of the doctrine which it has accepted, and without investigation puts the customary hearsay stamp of counterfeit upon it—"this sect we know is everywhere spoken against."

Truth advances by degrees. "Some believed and some disbelieved." Do not be discouraged if your work is slowly accepted. Go right on, as did Paul, teaching and preaching the Lord Jesus Christ, and the harvest will eventually come. The indomitable persistence of a single mind daily sending out its concentrated force, is said by occultists to be the most potent power in the world. If your philosophy s based upon Truth do not fear but what it will demonstrate, if you persist in affirming it, and refuse to dilute it for the sake of popular demand. Because people disbelieve is no sign that your statements are error. Every new statement of Truth has been hooted by the masses. What is accepted as true today in nearly every avenue of science and religion was ridiculed when it was first set forth. When Jesus declared himself the Messiah the Jews laughed at him in scorn. He did not meet with a hundredth part of the credence that Dowie of Chicago has, who declares himself to be reincarnated Elijah. If Jesus in our day should tramp from town to town, and associate with the class that he did in Palestine, how many would believe in him? The church that owes its origin to his words would be the most sarcastic in its sneers, and the people that bow in adoration before the ideal pictures which art has produced, would laugh in his humble face. "Judge not

according to appearances."

So, forgetting all the sorrow

We have had,

Let us fold away our fears,

And put by our foolish tears,

And through all the coming years

Just be glad.





Seventh Lesson of a Series delivered by different members before the Wednesday meetings of the Unity Society, at Kansas City, Mo.

The Spiritual motive of Man that links him with God. Spiritual consciousness and how to establish it. This takes us to the seventh lesson in our course: 1st, From Nature to Grace; 2nd, A Law unto Ourself; 3rd, God - Him I Declare unto You; 4th, Law of Expression; 5th, Man's Man; 6th, Practice of Healing; 7th, Spiritual Motive of Man that links him with God-Spiritual Consciousness and How to Establish it.

If we

This will deal today on the body in unity. and liberty. To the realm of verity belongs bodily health as well as spiritual perfection. Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Ghost." In the name of the whole Trinity, which is One and is the only unity. The law of Being is not a law of attraction; it is one of expression. speak from the plane of Being we need not fear a mistake in our example. The church and her multitudes have thought that Jesus Christ's way was a slow way of pain. He said, "My burden is light and my yoke is easy." "Now is the accepted time, and now is the day of salvation." To go without eating one week will not make you one whit more spiritually illumined, but if we abstain from thinking discouraging thoughts for one week we will discover a brilliancy of understanding in ourselves and realize a dissolving power over obstacles and make us new creatures in Christ Jesus, and we will become aware we are a free being. He said, "The flesh profiteth nothing. My words are Spirit and they are life unto all flesh." To find myself is to keep my eyes on my

own starting point. Then I discover the first principle back of all things. This dissolves fear, and I turn to this Light that lights every man that comes into the world.

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If the soul be radiant, what can the body do but shine? The spiritual consciousness in man is already established. Our work is to see as the Father sees, to work as the Father works. "Say ye there are four months in the harvest? I say, turn your eyes upward, the harvest already is ripe." We are here in this garden of Eden to work out from a perfect principle that is already established. Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place for you, if it were not so I would have told you.' There is a little flower that grows in the mountain. During a storm it serves as a protection of shelter for the smallest of the bird tribe, known as the humming bird. It is said when the storm approaches these little birds circle around. these flowers and center their little bodies on the petals of the flowers and the leaves close around them during the storm. They sway back and forth as safely housed as we are in our homes. After the storm is spent, the lightning and thunder gone, the flower opens by the rays of the sun, and away fly the little creatures out to their liberty and freedom. It is said to be a most beautiful sight to watch them.

How much more value are ye than many sparrows. Do we think the kind Father has no place prepared for us when the storms of life come over us? "I am the door; by me if any man enter in he shall be saved, and go in and out and find pastures; there shall be one fold and one shepherd." He who most forgets has most dominion. To forget - as the waters that pass away is to wipe out the opposite of good entirely in our consciousness and not have it return, is to forget. Whilst in Mrs. Cramer's class I realized the union of man with the Father, the equality of man and God. I saw there would be no sin, no sickness, no death in the whole world if man would not call it robbery to be equal with God.


part of the Scripture came to me that says, "If the light in you be darkness, oh how great is that dark


He that killeth with

To believe that God is in one place and man in another is to live in irregularity. Call it not robbery to be equal with God. So the spiritual motive of man that links him with God is equality. How to establish it is to constantly see with the single eye, and the whole body will be full of light. I can see that man comes in and goes out like a butterfly, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. a sword must be killed by a sword. "He that overcometh and keepeth my words unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations." The atonement for all false claims for separation is the Creator, Creative Action and Creation. The appearances of disease in the body have no more reality than the darkness in a room, because they cannot be accounted for in Truth as having any reality in idea and substance, for neither have the elements of Being. All the darkness in the universe can not dim nor put out the light of a candle, but the light of a candle as far as it reaches puts out darkness. If we claim, I am the light in which is no darkness, I am the word which is with God and is God, in the beginning - sin, sickness and death will be proven unreal; error, nothing, instead of error making the body sick. It is itself the only sickness sensed. Error cannot harmonize with God, hence it can be sensed as only seeming discord. "Instead of error destroying the body at what is called death, it is the only thing that can be destroyed." (M. E. Cramer.)

The truth of the form can only be known by knowing what its source and cause is, for it is the source and cause that is manifested in the form. All are made of one life that dwell on the face of the planet. To know that I have form but am not that form is to know salvation. Jesus said, "I lay down my life

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