

Addreffed Refpectfully to all CHRISTIAN FAMILIES, And the PUBLIC in general.

THE very favourable reception which the NEW CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE has met with from the most refpectable characters, demands our grateful acknowledgments; while, at the fame time, it is a powerful incitement, whereby we are encouraged to exert our utmost endeavours, to preferve a continuance of their patronage and fupport. Our numerous readers, fubfcribers, and correfpondents, (far exceeding our most fanguine expectations, confidering the fhort time of our probation,) and the increase of fale in the work itself, afford us the most pleasing of all proofs, that we have not laboured in vain; and that we may appropriate, as our due, the many encomiums bestowed upon our productions, without drawing down upon us the cenfure of being under the influence of pedantic pride. Neither this mean paffion, nor a vain love of fame, nor a mercenary expectation of profit, we can with strict truth, affirm, are the fprings of action by which we are moved. There is a woe denounced against us if we do not preach Chrift; and, while our hearts are directed to his grace and favour alone for affiftance, approbation, and fuccefs, we truft, it is our fincere defire, and the principal aim we have in view, to enforce that divine foul faving TRUTH, which is equally distant from the two dangerous extremes of Enthufiafm and Infidelity.

Influenced by thefe motives, and if thus fupported, we may reasonably, expect, that, in the progrefs of this important defign, our fellowchristians will unite their endeavours with ours, that hereby the weak and unftable may be built up in their moft holy faith, and wandering finners may be converted from the error of their ways. In this glorious caufe, we hope the number of our affiftants will increase daily; and we affure the public, nothing fhall be wanting as to compofition or ornament, nor any pains, or expence, be fpared, that may contribute to render this univerfal repofitory of divine knowledge both entertaining and useful. The feveral divifions of the work, with the rich variety of fubjects which are introduced under them, are fufficient to fhew, without multiplying words, its utility, and latitude, which is calculated to comprehend all



the arts and sciences included in Chriftian-knowledge, or which are neceffary for the faithful fervants of the Saviour of mankind to be atquainted with.

Here our thoughts naturally turn to our Correfpondents; to whom it is our very earnest request, to keep, in the choice of their fubjects, a fteady eye upon the feveral departments of that extenfive plan, which, with the bleffing of God, we propofe always regularly to purfue. We have marked out for them a fpacious tract of ground, wherein we wish to fee planted in beautiful order, all thofe feeds of facred fcience, that not only merit commendation on account of their peculiar qualities, but which will produce fruits of immortal growth, inward peace, and everlasting life.

In the field of CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES, the whole profpect of the conftitution and difcipline of the church of England, with a variety of ather important objects, are before them. The wonders of God in his creation may be comprized in the little garden of PHYSICO THEOLOGY. By affuming the character of our CHRISTIAN MONITOR, the good old aged divine has an opportunity offered him of inftructing youth, of training them up in the way they fhould go, and of encouraging those who have trodden the fame path with himself, to hold out to the end. Our DiviNITY walk we have laid out for our brethren the clergy. Inquifitive, active minds, the end of whose investigations and researches is the public good, are invited to cultivate an acquaintance with our CHRISTIAN PHI LOSOPHER, RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTOR, and SERIOUS TRAVELLER,➡ The friendly GUARDIAN of CHRISTIANITY has entered the list with a view of defending the infpired writings against the common place objec tions of infidels, and the modern corruptions of ungenerous Scep. tics. This champion for a crucified JESUS, will think it an ho nour to fight under the banners of other Chriftian Knights, who may be difpofed, for the fake of their common mafter, to engage in the fame important undertaking, Nor let the juvenile enquirer imagine he is overlooked; we fhall always, with pleasure contemplate the dawn of genius; and even our female correfpondents, if still difpofed to favour the defign of this performance, may exercise their talents for familiar compofitions, in which they generally excel, with our CHRISTIAN SPECTATOR and SENTIMENTAL COMPANION; or may generously contribute a mopal Letter, Effay, or instructive Tale, to our CABINET of ENTERTAIN MENTS. In fhort, we have opened a fpacious Repofitory in the New CHRISTIAN'S MAGAZINE, where worthy believers of all denominations may teftify their love to Chrift, by promoting the present and future felieity of the feveral members of his univerfal church.

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An Univerfal Repofitory of Divine Knowledge....

JULY, 1783.


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fity; and enquiries of this kind tend both to our inftruction and amufement. In contemplating the features of a good citizen, a good man, and a good Chriftian, we become interested in their history; the view is an incentive, whereby we are urged to perform actions worthy of being tranfmitted down to pofterity; and the fame become a check upon our own conduct both in public and private,

It must be owned however these introductory remarks have very little connection with the fubject now before us; for, after the most diligent enquiries, Dr. Markham is one, among the few, of whom we can fay little more, than what the pompous titles of a high dignitary make known.

We know, indeed, he is a CREAT ΜΑΝ. We have been informed alfo, that his grace was born in


1720; admitted king's fcholar of Weftminster 1724 } elected to Chrift church, Oxford, 1738. That he was head master of Westminster fchool, before the appointment of Dr. Hinchcliffe, the prefent worthy bishop of Peterborough in 1753; prebend of Durham 1759; dean of Rochester 1765, the deaneryhoufe of which he beautified and erected the two wings; dean of Christ church; Oxford, 1767; bithop of Chefter 1771; but what is all this to Me, the poor humblé curate may fay, who preaches three times on a Sunday, and at two parish churches, fituated, perhaps, ten miles apart for the valuable living, (if it may be called a liv ing) from his rector and employer, of zol. per annum? And to Me, fays every Lay-chriftian? Tell us of thofe actions that are worthy to be recorded, by having an influence upon public affairs, and which are productive of public good. Yet, it must be confeffed, the more private circumftancës in the lives of and good men are not lefs great interesting than their public conduct, feeing they offer to our observation more frequent occafions of improvement and instruction.

Hence the utility of biography appears, which, having the hiftory of an individual fór its subject, relates every remarkable circumstance of the life of that individual; confiders his private as well as public conduct; his behaviour among the circle of his friends, as well as how he appears in a cathedral, or on a wool-pack; views him at the head of a family, as well as that of the clergy and the church; follows him from the fenate house to his study; and endeavours to draw the real character of the man, as well as the profeffional Christian. It must be owned, the happiness of fociety depends no lefs upon the conduct of men in their private than in their public capacities. Indeed, they who, by their high ftations, have

it in their power to become emi nently ferviceable, have at the fame time a large fphere in which they may exercife private virtue, and become a bleffing or fcourge, and contribute to the profperity or mifery of their fellow Chriftians. This fpecies of writing then, in which we are engaged, that can enlarge upon the amiable qualities of illuftrious men, and, by drawing a pleafing picture of their virtues, incite others to imitate them in their goodness, must have a friendly influence upon human affairs, and be highly useful. And; certainly they must be infenfible of every virtuous emotion, who never felt their hearts fired with a love of religion, and an admiration of the Chriftian graces, when reading the the lives of great and good men, wrote by the pen of impartiality and candour.

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If there is any truth in these remarks, the difdainful filence of the archbishop of York to our letters, (a copy of the firft of which we publifhed in a former number, and a copy of the fecond we shall now lay before our numerous readers) is reprehenfible, we may fay, highly culpable for fuppofing it to have fprung from the extreme modesty of Dr: Markham, yet the primate of England fhould have confidered, that true grace, bumility and genuine piety, however they may fhun the applaufe of men, are ever ready. with Christian condefcenfion; on every occafion, and when any opportunity offers, to promote the growth of true feligion, and the honour of God the Saviour; or at least to return a civil answer to a reasonable request made in refpeckful terms.

Dr. Markham, and Dr. Hurd have the pleafing fatisfaction to be alone fingular in this uncivil buffnefs, as we are ready to confefs that we have no occafion as yet to complain of any other to whom we have made fimilar applications.


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