[blocks in formation]

408. Messrs. Bonaparte, Fleurieu, and Roederer, to Mr. Mur


8th June, 1801.-Translation.

409. Mr. Murray to Bonaparte, Fleurieu, and Roederer,

8th June, 1801.-Translation.

410. Mr. Murray to Mr. Lincoln,

9th June, 1801.

411. Mr. Fleurieu to Mr. Murray,

18th June. 1801.-Translation. 412. Mr. Murray to Messrs. Bonaparte. Fleurieu, and Roederer, 14th June 1801.

413. Messrs. Bonaparte, Fleurieu, and Roederer, to Mr. Mur14th June, 1801.-Translation. 414. Mr. Murray to Messrs. Bonaparte, Fleurieu, and Roderer,


415. Same to Mr. Madison, 416. Same to same,

417. Same to same,

15th June, 1801.

23 June, 1801.

24th June, 1801.

418. Messrs. Fleurieu and Roederer to Mr. Murray,

419. Mr. Murray to Messrs. Bonaparte, Fleurieu, and Roede


420. Same to Mr. Madison,

421. Same to same,

26th June, 1801.

27th June, 1801.-Translation.

27th June, 1801.

1st July, 1801.

2d July, 1801.

3d July, 1801.-Translation.

5th July, 1801.

9th July, 1801.

15th July, 1801.

422. Messrs. Fleurieu and Roederer to Mr. Murray,

423. Mr. Murray to Messrs Bonaparte. Fleurieu, and Roede


424. Same to Mr. Madison,

425. Mr. Murray to Mr. Madison,

426. Same to same, 427. Same to same, 428. Same to same,

429. Same to same,

23d July, 1801.
31st July, 1801.
11th August, 1801.
3d August, 1801.

430. The Convention with France,

30th Sept. 1800.

431. Mr. Talleyrand to Mr. Pichon,

sd Jan. 1801.-Translation.

432. The Secretary of the Navy to S. Higginson & Co.

20th March, 1801.

433. Mr. Pichon to the Secretary of State,

434. Same to same,

18th June, 1801.

10th July, 1801.

435. Mr. Madison to Mr. Rufus King,

10th Dec. 1801.

456. Mr. Pichon to the Secretary of State,

19th Dec. 1801.

457. Mr. Lincoln to Messrs. Ellsworth and Murray,

438. Same to Mr. Murray,

March, 1801.
23d April.-Extract.

439. Mr. Pichon to Mr. Madison,

10th July, 1801.

440. Mr. Talleyrand to Mr. Pichon,

4th Aug. 1801.-Extr. Trans. 441. Mr. Guillaume, the particular director of the general liquidation of the public debt, to Mr. Skipwith,

12th March, 1801-Translation.

442. The Minister of Exterior Relations to Mr. Pichon,

12th June, 1801-Extr. Trans.

443. Mr. Livingston to Mr. Madison,

16th Sept, 1801 do.

444. Mr. Madison to Mr. Livingston,

28th Sept. 1801 445. Mr. Livingston to the Secretary of State, 10th Dec. 1801.



446. Mr. Madison to Mr. Livingston,

18th Dec. 1801 447. Mr. Livingston to the Secretary of State, 18th Jan. 1802

[blocks in formation]

454. Mr. Livingston to the Secretary of State,

455. Same to Mr. Madison,

228 March, 1802


[blocks in formation]

456. The Minister Plenipotentiary of the U. S. at Paris, to the Minister of Exterior Relations,

25th March, 1802.

457. Proposition of Mr. Livingston to the French Republic,

(without date.)

458. Mr. Madison to Mr. Livingston,

26th March, 1802-Extract.

459. Mr. Livingston to the Minister of Exterior Relations,

17th April, 1802.

[blocks in formation]

11th May, 1802

463. The Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris, to the Minister of Exterior Relations,

[blocks in formation]

469. Mr. Livingston to the Minister of Exterior Relations,

24th Jan. 1803.

470. Same to Mr. Bonaparte, (first Consul,)

27th Feb. 1803-Extract.

471. Mr. Madison to Messrs. Livingston and Monroe,

2d March, 1803.

472. The Minister of Exterior Relations to Mr. Livingston, 9th March, 1805-Translation.

473. Mr. Livingston to Mr. Madison,

11th March, 1803-Extract.

474. Same to the Minister of Exterior Relations.

475. Same to Mr. Madison 476. Same to same,

16th March, 1803


[blocks in formation]

477. Mr. Monroe to Mr. Madison.

478. Mr. Livingston to same 479. Mr. Madison to Messrs.


15th April, 1805-Extract.
17th April, 1803.
Livingston and Monroe,
18th April, 1803 do.

480. Mr. Monroe to Mr. Madison,

19th April, 1803


481. The Minister of the Public Treasury of France, to the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States,

30th April, 1803


482. Copy of a Convention between the U. States and France, of the 30th April, 1803, (with the conjectural note men30th April, 1803. Madison,

tioned therein,)

483. Mr. Livingston to Mr.

484. Messrs. Livingston and

12th May, 1803-Extract.
Monroe to Mr. Madison,
13th May, 1803

485. Mr. Livingston to Mr. Madison,


20th May, 1803


486. Mr. Madison to Mr. Livingston,

25th May, 1803


28th May, 1803.

487. Same to Messrs. Livingston and Monroe,

488. Mr. Livingston to the President of the United States,

489. Same to Mr. Madison,

2d June, 1803-Extract.
25th June, 1803-Extract.

490. Mr. Madison to Mr. Monroe,

29th July, 1803


[blocks in formation]

498. Mr. Madison to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, (France,)

[blocks in formation]

501. Mr. Livingston to the Minister of Exterior Relations,

[blocks in formation]

506. Mr. Madison to Mr. Pinckney, 6th Feb. 1804-Extract. 507. Mr. Livingston to Mr. Skipwith,

[blocks in formation]

510. Mons. B. Marbois to the Minister of Exterior Relations, 8th March, 1804-Translation:

511. Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, to Mr. Livingston,

9th March, 1804.

512. Mr. Livingston to Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, 13th March, 1804.

513. Mr. Livingston to Mr. Skipwith,

14th March, 1804.

514. Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, to Mr. Livingston, 220 March, 1803-Extract.

515. Mr. Livingston to Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, 22d March, 1804

516. Mr. Madison to Mr. Livingston,

23d March, 1804.


517. Mr. Livingston to Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, 26th March, 1804.-Postscript.

519. Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, to Mr. Livingston, S0th April, 1804 do.

520. Mr. Livingston to Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, 1st May, 1804.

521. Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, to Mr. Livingston, 2d May, 1804.

522. Mr. Livingston to Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure,

[ocr errors][merged small]

52s. Messrs. Mercer, Barnet, and Maclure, to Mr. Livingston,

3d May, 1804.

[blocks in formation]

527. Mr. Livingston to the Minister of Exterior Relations,

27th June, 1804..

528. Mr. Marbois to Mr. Livingston.

529. Mr. Livingston to Mr.

1st July, 1804-Translation. Defournon,

15th July, 1804.

530. Mr. Madison to Mr. John Armstrong, Minister to France,

[blocks in formation]
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