
Reybaud, 10018, D. La Pauvre Paysanne, suivi de Georges. Par Madame Charles Reybaud. Bruxelles, 1840.

10017, D. Thérésa. Par Madame Charles Reybaud. Bruxelles, 1840.

10016, D. Madame de Rieux, suivi de Florita. Par Madame Charles Reybaud. Bruxelles, 1840.

10023, D. Clémence, par A. Arnaud (Mad. Charles Reybaud). Bruxelles, 1841.

10012, D. Gabrielle. Par Madame Charles Reybaud. Bruxelles, 1843.

10015, D.

Dona Mariana, par Mad. Charles Reybaud.' Bruxelles,

10908, O. Jérome Paturot à la recherche d'une position sociale.
Par M. **** (Louis Reybaud). Paris, 1842.

12232, O. Jérome Paturot à la recherche d'une position sociale.
Par Louis Rey baud. Illustrée par J. J. Granville. Paris, 1846.
12233, O. Jérome Paturot, à la recherche de la meillure des re-
publiques. Par Louis Reybaud. Illustrée par Toby Johannot.
Paris, 1849.

Richter, 7902, D. Flower, fruit and thorn pieces; or the married life, death and wedding of the advocate of the poor. By Jean Paul Frederick Richter. Translated by E. H. Noel. 2 vols. Boston, 1845. Rothe, 11411, O. Les Romans du Rénard examinés, analysés et comparés. Par M. A. Rothe. Paris, 1845.

Saint Brisson, 11231, D. 1. Ariste, ou les charmes de l'honnêteté. Par Seguier de Saint Brisson. Paris, 1765.

Saintine, 7306, D. Picciola, par X. B. Saintine. Précéde de quelques recherches sur l'emploi du temps dans les prisons d'êtat, par Paul L. Jacob. Paris, 1841.

6510, D. Picciola; or captivity captive. By M. de Saintine. London, 1837.

9803, D. The solitary of Juan Fernandez; or the real Robinson Crusoe. By the author of Picciola (X. B. Saintine). Translated from the French. Boston, 1851.

Sandeau, 9485, D. Moneybags and titles. From the French of Sandeau. Philadelphia, 1850. Gift of the translator.

Schiess, 6809, D. Der Alte Ueberall und Nirgends, eine Geistergeschichte, von C. H. Schiess. Leipzig, 1824, 1826.

Seatsfield, 10324, D. The cabin book; or national characteristics. By Charles Seatsfield. Translated from the German by Sarah Powell. With wood-cuts. London, 1852.

11126, O. Life in the new world. By Seatsfield. From the German. New York, 1844.

Shopenhauer, 6839, D. Gabriele, ein Roman. Von Johanna Shopenhauer. 2 Bde. Leipzig,1826.

Sloth, 11003, O. 2. The lasting resentment of Miss Keaou Swan Wang, a Chinese tale; founded on fact. Translated from the original by Sloth. Canton, 1839. Gift of S. B. Rawle.

Stael, 6315, D. Delphine. By Madame de Stael Holstein. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1836.

Stahl, 11000, O. Scenes de la vie privée et publique des animaux. Vignettes par Grandville. Etudes de moeurs contemporaines de M. P. J. Stahl, avec la collaboration de Messieurs de Balzac, Janin, George Sand, &c. 2 tomes. Paris, 1842.

Steffens, 6833, D. Die vier Norweger, Novellen von Heinrich Steffens. 3 Bde.

Breslau, 1828.

Sterne, 6901, D. 1829.

Tieck, 6832, D.

Tristram Shandy, traduit de l'Anglais de Sterne. Paris,

Der Aufruhr in den Cevennan, eine Novelle, von Ludwig Tieck. Berlin, 1826.

Thorpe, 10704, D. Yule-tide stories; a collection of Scandinavian and northern German popular tales and traditions, from the Swedish, Danish and German. Edited by Benjamin Thorpe. (Bohn's antiquarian library.) London, 1853.

Topffer, 8049, D. Nouvelles Genevoises, par M. Töpffer, precédés d'une lettre par le Comte Xavier de Maistre. Paris, 1844.

8050, D.

Le Presbytère. Par R. Töpffer. Paris, 1845. Viennet, 7535, D. Fables, par M. Viennet. Paris, 1843.

Vigny, 8547, D.

Cinq Mars; or a conspiracy under Louis XIII.; an historical romance. By Count Alfred de Vigny. Translated from the 9th Paris edition. By Wm. Hazlitt, Esq. London, 1847.

Virués, 6928, D. El Monserrate del Capitan Cristobal de Virués. Madrid,


Voltaire, 11010, O. 2. La Princesse de Babilone. A Gèneve, 1768.

Wagner, 9998, O. Die reisenden Maler, von Ernst Wagner. Leipzig, 1820. 6835, D. Wilibald's Ansichten des Lebens, ein Roman, von Ernst Wagner. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1822.

Wette, 9992, O. Theodor, oder des Zweiflers Weihe, herausgegeben von Dr. W. M. L. de Wette. 2 Bande. Berlin, 1828.

Friarte, 11094, D. Literary fables of Yriarte. Translated from the Spanish by Geo. H. Devereux. Boston, 1855.

Zachükke, 8029, D. Tales from the German of Heinrich Zschökke. By Parke Godwin. New York, 1845.

6842, D.

Alamontade der Galeeren-Sklav. Herausgegeben von

Heinrich Zschökke. Zurich, 1827.

8136, D. Alamontade; or the galley slave. By Heinrich Zschökke. Translated by Jno. T. Sullivan. Philadelphia, 1845.

7809, D. Incidents of social life amid the European Alps. Translated from the German of J. H. Zschökke by Louis Strack. New York, 1844.

8118, D. The fool of the 19th Century, and other tales. Translated from the German of Zschökke. New York, 1845.

10604, D. Heinrich Zschokke's gesammelte Schriften. 15 Bde. Aarau, 1851.

10205, O. Voyage philosophique au Japon, eu conferences Anglo-FrancoBataves. Paris, 1788.

6822, D.

6853, D. Les mille et un quarte d'heure, Contes Tartares. A Paris, 1753. 6938, D. Quattro novelle narrate da un Maestro di Sculo. Milano, 1829. 6916, D. La Signora di Monza storia del Secolo xvii. Milano, 1829. Das Goldne Kalb, eine Biographie. 4 Bde. Gotha, 1804. 6830, D. Memoiren des Freiherren von S -a. 3 Bde. Prag, 1815. 10074, D. The court and the desert; or priests, pastors and philosophers, in the time of Louis XV. From the French. 3 vols. London, 1852. 11147, D. Voyage autour de ma chambre, suivi du Lépreux de la cité d'Aoste. Paris, 1823.

6864, D. La Hérodie, ou recueil de poésies chrétiennes. Caen, 1828. 9203, D. Erholungen. Leipzig, 1762.


Alciatus, 9146, D. 1550.


Emblemata D. A. Alciati imagenibus locupleta. Lugduni,

Arvine, 12092, O.
K. Arvine.
York, 1848.

Cyclopædia of moral and religious anecdotes. By Rev.
With an introduction by Rev. George B. Cheever. New

Bohn, 10985, D. A hand book of proverbs, comprising an entire republica tion of Ray's collection. And an index, with large additions by Henry G. Bohn. London, 1855. (Bohn's antiquarian library.) Buck, 7307, D. Anecdotes, religious, moral, and entertaining. Selected by the late Rev. Charles Buck. From the ninth London edition. New York, 1841.

Brydges, 6563, D. Moral axioms. By Sir Egerton Brydges. London,


Camerarius, 9212, D. Joachimi Camerarii Symbolarum et Emblematum ethico politicorum centuriæ quatuor. Moguntiæ, 1697.

Clulow, 8274, D. Aphorisms and reflections; a miscellany of thought and opinion. By William Benton Clulow. London, 1843. Hooker, 11377, D. Thoughts and maxims. By Herman Hooker, D. D. Philadelphia, 1848.

Joubert, 10688, O. Penseès, essais et maximes de Joubert. 2 tom. Paris, 1842.

La Rochefoucault, 10211, O. Maximes et réflexions morales de la Rochefou cault. A Paris, 1815.

Preston, 12534, O.

Makamat; or rhetorical anecdotes. From the Arabic by T. Preston. London, 1850.

Quitard, 10720, O. Dictionnaire etymologique historique et anecdotique des proverbes, par P. M. Quitard. Paris, 1842.

Sinclair, 9859, D. The Kaleidoscope of anecdotes and aphorisms. Collected by Catharine Sinclair. London, 1851.

Trench, 10333, D. On the lessons in proverbs; being the substance of lectures to young men's societies. By Richard Chenevix Trench. New York, 1853.

Tupper, 9608, O. Proverbial philosophy; a book of thoughts and arguments, originally treated. By Martin Farquhar Tupper, Esq. London, 1838.

7472, D. Proverbial philosophy; a book of thoughts and arguments, originally treated. By Martin Farquhar Tupper. 2d series. London, 1842.

7635, D. Proverbial philosophy; a book of thoughts and arguments, originally treated. By Martin Farquhar Tupper. 1st and 2d series. Philadelphia, 1843.

Valery, 10657, O. Curiosités et anecdotes Italiennes. Par M. Valery. Paris,


Virgil, 12434, O. Polydori Vergilii Urbinatis adagiorum opus. Item divi Joannis Chrysostomi de perfecto monacho. Basiliae, 1541. Gift of Philip F. Snyder, Esq.

8891, D. Discipline. By the author of "letters to my unknown friends." London, 1848.

13005, O. Great truths by great authors. Philadelphia, 1853.


11054, O. History of letter writing from the earliest period to the fifth century. By William Roberts, Esq. London, 1843.

Adams, 7201, D. Letters of John Adams, addressed to his wife. Edited by his grandson, Charles Francis Adams. 2 vols. Boston, 1841. 7013, D. Letters of Mrs. Adams, the wife of John Adams. With an introductory memoir by her grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Boston, 1840.

8809, D. Letters of Mrs. Adams. 4th edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, 1848.

Addington, 11804, O. The life and correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, first Viscount Sidmouth. By the Hon. George Pelew, D. D. 3 vols. London, 1847.

Allen, 11660 & 11769, O. Life of William Allen, with selections from his correspondence. 3 vols. London, 1846.

Americus Vespuccius, 2589, Q. Vita e lettere di Amerigo Vespucci racolte e illustrate dall' Abate Angelo Maria Bandini. Firenze, 1745.

Baillie, 10574, 0. The letters and journals of Robert Baillie, A. M., principal of the University of Glasgow. By David Laing, Esq. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1841.

Baldwin, 7633, D. Reliquiæ Baldwiniana; selections from the correspondence of the late William Baldwin, M. D., surgeon in the U. States Navy, with occasional notes, and a short biographical memoir. Compiled by William Darlington, M. D. Philadelphia, 1843. Gift of the Hon. Thomas Sergeant.

7638, D. The same. Gift of W. H. Dillingham.

Barrow, 10498, O. Correspondence of scientific men of the 17th century, including letters of Barrow, Flamstead, Wallis and Newton. 2 vols. London, 1841.

Bentley, 10602, O. The correspondence of Richard Bentley, D. D., master of Trinity College, Cambridge. 2 vols. London, 1842.

Bedford, 10799, O. Correspondence of John, fourth Duke of Bedford, selected from the original at Woburn Abbey; with an introduction. By Lord John Russell. 2 vols. London, 1842.

Bowcock, 10063, D. The life, experience and correspondence of William Bowcock. Written by himself. London, 1851.

Brock, 8093, D. The life and correspondence of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K. C. B. Edited by his nephew, Ferdinand Brock Tupper, Esq. London, 1845.

Burke, 11151, O. Correspondence of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, between the year 1744 and the period of his decease in 1797. Edited by Charles William, Earl Fitzwilliam, and Lieut. Gen. Sir Richard Bourke. 4 vols. London, 1844.

Burns, 7673, D. The correspondence of Burns and Clarinda. With a memoir of Mrs. McLehose (Clarinda). Arranged and edited by her grandson, W. C. McLehose. Edinburgh, 1843.

Campbell, 12211, O. The life and letters of Thomas Campbell. Edited by William Beattie, M. D. 3 vols. London, 1849.

Castlereagh, 12119, O. Memoirs and correspondence of Viscount Castlereagh, 2d Marquis of Londonderry. Edited by his brother. 12 vols. London, 1848.

Chalmers, 10613, D. A selection from the correspondence of the late Thomas Chalmers, D. D. Edited by his son-in-law, Rev. William Hanna, LL. D. New York, 1853.

Charles V., 12465, O. Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V. and his ambassadors at the courts of England and France. Edited by Wm. Bradford. London, 1850.

Chesterfield, 11441, O. The letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, including numerous letters now first published from the original manuscripts. Edited with notes by Lord Mahon. 5 vols. London, 1845, &c.

Cicero, 10358, 0. The life and letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero. The life of Cicero by Dr. Middleton. Cicero's letters to several of his friends, translated by Wm. Melmoth. Cicero's letters to Atticus, translated by Dr. Heberden. London, 1840.

Cole, 10487, D. The course of empire, voyage of life and other pictures of Thomas Cole, N. A., with selections from his letters and miscellaneous writings. By Charles L. Noble. New York, 1853. Columbus, 12375, O. Select letters of Christopher Columbus, with original documents relating to his four voyages to the new world. Translated

and edited by R. H. Major, Esq. London. Printed for the Hakluyt Society. 1847.

Combe, 12470, O. & 9524, D. The life and correspondence of Andrew Combe, M. D. By George Combe. Edinburgh and Philadelphia, 1850. Copleston, 12627, O. Memoir of Edward Copleston, D. D., Bishop of Llandaff; with selections from his diary and correspondence. By Wil liam James Copleston, M. A. London, 1851.

Cornwallis, 7462, D. The private correspondence of Lady Jane Cornwallis, 1613, 1644. London, 1842.

Couper, 6135, D. See p. 1242.

her son.

Cox, 12589, O. 17. Correspondence between Rev. Samuel H. Cox, D. D., and Frederick Douglass, a fugitive slave. New York, 1846. Crespigny, 13032, O. Letters of advice from a mother (Mrs. Crespigny) to Portrait inserted and autograph. London, 1853. Cromwell, 9399, D. Oliver Cromwell sa vie privée, ses discours publics, sa correspondence particulière. Par M. P. Chasles. Paris, 1847. Curwen, 10747, O. Journal and letters of the late Samuel Curwen, judge of admiralty, &c., an American refugee in England, from 1775 to 1784. Comprising remarks on the prominent men and measures of that period. To which are added biographical notices of the American loyalists and other eminent persons. By George Atkinson Ward. New York, 1842.

'D'Arblay, 10561, O. & 7264, D. Diary and letters of Madame D'Arblay, author of Evelina, Cecilia, &c. Edited by her niece. 5 vols. Philadelphia and London, 1842.

Doane, 12239, O. Correspondence and remarks in regard to Bishop Doane's signature of the name of Horace Binney as a subscriber to the new church edifice in Burlington. Philadelphia, 1849. Gift of Thomas Dunlap, Esq.

Du Deffand, 10158, O. Correspondence inédite de Mme. du Deffand, suivie des lettres de M. de Voltaire à Mme. du Deffand. 2 vols. Paris, 1809.

10005, O. Lettres de la Marquise du Deffand à Horace Walpole et à Voltaire. 4 vols. A Paris, 1812.

Dudley, 10381, O. Letters of the Earl of Dudley to the Bishop of Llandaff. London, 1840.

Du Pan, 12841, O. Mémoires et correspondance de Mallet Du Pan, mise en ordre par A. Sayous. 2 tomes. Paris, 1851.

Eldon, 11214 & 11237, O. The public and private life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, with selections from his correspondence. By Horace Twiss, Esq. 2 vols. Philadelphia and London, 1844.

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