ON THE SAME. I. WHEN wit and genius meet their doom II. Over MURRAY's loss the muses wept, Yet blessed the guardian care, that kept MII. There memory, like the bee, that's fed From Flora's balmy store, The quintessence of all he read Had treasured up before. IV. The lawless herd, with fury blind, Have done him cruel wrong; The flowers are gone-but still we find The honey on his tongue. THE LOVE OF THE WORLD REPROVED; OR, HYPOCRISY DETECTED*. THUS says the prophet of the Turk, * It may be proper to inform the reader that this piece has already appeared in print, having found its way,, though with some unnecessary additions by an unknown hand, inte the Leeds Journal, without the author's privity. Much controversy straight arose, These choose the back, the belly those; He meant not to forbid the head; Thus conscience freed from every clog, You laugh'tis well-The tale applied May make you laugh on t'other side. Renounce the world-the preacher cries. We do a multitude replies. While one as innocent regards A snug and friendly game at cards; And one, whatever you may say, Can see no evil in a play;. Some love a concert, or a race; And others shooting, and the chase. Reviled and loved, renounced and followed, Thus, bit by bit, the world is swallowed; Each thinks his neighbour makes too free, Yet likes a slice as well as he: With sophistry their sauce they sweeten, Till quite from tail to snout 'tis eaten. ON THE DEATH OF MRS. (NOW LADY) THROCKMORTON'S BULFINCH. YE nymphs! if e'er your eyes were red Her favourite, even in his cage, Where Rhenus strays his vines among, Or only with a whistle blest, The honours of his ebon poll Were brighter than the sleekest mole, With which Aurora decks the skies, LADY THROCKMORTON'S BULFINCH. Above, below, in all the house, On Well-latticed-but the grate, alas! But smooth with wands from Ouse's side, Night veiled the pole. All seemed secure. 223 A beast forth sallied on the scout, He, entering at the study-door, And something in the wind Conjectured, sniffing round and round, Just then, by adverse fate impressed, |