CASES ARGUED AND DECIDED IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES DECEMBER TERMS, 1861-1864, IN 1, 2 Black, 1, 2 Wallace, WITH OTHERS, BOOK 17, LAWYERS' EDITION, COMPLETE WITH HEAD LINES, HEAD NOTES, STATEMENTS OF CASES, POINTS AND RY STEPHEN K. WILLIAMS, LLD. : WITH “NOTES ON U. S. REPORTS” BY WALTER MALINS ROSE. THE LAWYERS' CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. Copyright 1884 by THE LAWYERS CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO. Copyright 1900 by WALTER MALINS ROSE Copyright 1901 by THE LAWYERS CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO., and Copyright Renewed 1912 by THE LAWYERS CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO. E. R. ANDREWS PRINTING COMPANY, ROCHESTER. N. Y. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. T HE first republication, nearly twenty years ago, of the United States Supreme Court Reports in the Lawyers' Edition, was an event of public importance. It has resulted, not merely in the increase, but in the literal multiplication, of the number of lawyers and judges who own and use this great series of decisions. It has, therefore, materially extended the influence of those decisions upon the general jurisprudence of the country. Now the inclusion of Rose's Notes obviously adds great value to these reports. At the end of each volume of reports, several of which are bound in every book of this set, will be found Rose's Notes for that volume. These volumes are separated by colored sheets. |