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Unum scio, quia cæcus cum essem, modo video.

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rly.childhood I knew of no church other than hich my father ministered, and. was vaguely that from it there were some dissidents. These en of in the county as Ranters, in the town as and Quakers, the only sects with which I ver slightly brought in contact.

age in which we lived was in the Somersetshire the fabric of the church was disgraceful, but no eamed of restoration, the communion-table was -legged piece of carpentry without a cover, such ve stood in our kitchen, the whole Service, when o Communion, was read in the desk, the Sacralministered about four or five times in the year; was a full white gown unrelieved by any stole My father's reading of the prayers was grave dantuino old-fashioned orthodox, his


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