tection of the Free Public Library and Reading Rooms, and all property belonging thereto, or that may be loaned, devised, bequeathed or donated to the same. Second-To exercise and administer any trust declared or created for such Free Public Library and Reading Rooms, and to provide memorial tablets and niches to perpetuate the memory of those persons who make valuable donations thereto. Third-To remove any Trustee who may neglect to attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees, or who may absent himself from such meetings, or, without the consent of the Board, from the State for three consecutive months; and to fill all vacancies that may from any cause occur in the Board. Fourth-To define the powers and prescribe the duties of any and all officers; determine the number and elect all necessary subordinate officers and assistants, and at their pleasure remove any officer or assistant. Fifth-To purchase necessary books, journals, publications and other personal property. Sixth-To order the drawing and payment upon properly authenticated vouchers, duly certified by the President and Secretary, of money from the Library Fund, for any liability or expenditure herein authorized, and generally to do all that may be necessary to carry into effect general laws and the provisions of this Charter with reference to said Free Public Library and Reading Rooms. Seventh-To fix the salaries of the Librarian, Secretary and assistants, and by and with the consent and approval of the Supervisors, expressed by ordinance, to erect and equip such building or buildings as may be necessary for said Free Public Library and Reading Rooms, upon any real estate purchased or appropriated therefor. SEC. 8. The orders and demands of the Trustees of such library or reading room, when duly made and authenticated as above provided, and when audited by the Auditor, shall be paid by the Treasurer out of the Library Fund properly belonging thereto, of which full entry and record shall be kept as in other cases. SEC. 9. The Trustees of such Free Public Library and Reading Rooms, on or before the first day of August in each year, shall make an annual Report to the Supervisors, giving the condition of their trust, with full statements of all property and money received, whence derived, how used and expended, the number of books, journals and other publications on hand, the number added by purchase, gift or otherwise, during the year, the number lost or missing, the number and character of those loaned, and such other statistics, infor A mation, and suggestions as may be of general interest. financial report, showing all receipts and disbursements of money, shall also be made by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, duly verified by his oath. SEC. 10. The Supervisors shall have power to pass ordinances for the protection of said Free Public Library and Reading Rooms, and of all property thereto belonging, and to impose penalties for the violation of such ordinances, and may also appropriate and authorize the use, either in whole or in part, of any real estate belonging to the said city and county, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a building thereon, to be used only for such Free Public Library and Reading Rooms. ARTICLE VII. Department of Public Works. CHAPTER I. OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. SECTION 1. There is hereby established in and for the City and County a Department of Public Works, to be managed and controlled by a Board of Public Works consisting of three Commissioners, as herein set forth. The Mayor shall be ex-officio one of said Commissioner and President of said Board. The other two Commissioners shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city and county by general ticket, in the manner provided for the election of other municipal officers, and shall be known as "Commissioners of the Board of Public Works." They shall each possess the same qualifications as to eligibility as are required for the office of Mayor, and their term of office shall be four years and until their successors are elected and have qualified; provided, that of the two elected Commissioners, those first elected under this Charter, one of them, to be determined by lot among themselves at their first meeting, shall hold office for two years only. SEC. 2. Each Commissioner, before entering upon the discharge of his duties shall take the Constitutional oath of office and each of the two Commissioners, as provided for in Section one of this Charter, shall enter into a bond, with two or more sufficient sureties, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his official duties; said bond to be approved in accordance with the provisions of this Charter. SEC. 3. Neither of the two said Commissioners shall, during his continuance in office, hold any other office or position under the city and county, or under the government of this State, or of the United States. SEC. 4. Immediately upon qualification, the three Commissioners shall organize as a Board, and when organized may elect a Secretary, and at its pleasure remove him. Said Board shall also establish rules and regulations governing its own proceedings, and for the regulation and conduct of its officers and employees, and may require such bonds as it may deem adequate from said officers and employees for the faithful performance of their duties. Such bonds shall be given to the city and county, and be approved as provided in this Charter. In the performance of their official duties, each Commissioner shall have authority to administer oaths and examine witnesses. SEC. 5. The Board shall hold a regular meeting once in each week, and special meetings at such times as it may appoint. The regular meetings shall be held on a day fixed by a resolution entered upon its records, and which shall not be changed except by similar resolution, of which notice shall be published for two weeks. Every meeting of the Board shall be public. Two members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the concurrence of two shall always be necessary for the performance of any official act. No business shall be transacted at a special or adjourned meeting of said Board except such as may by resolution have been made the special order of business for such meeting, or such as may have been under consideration at the meeting from which the adjournment is had. SEC. 6. The Board shall cause to be kept a record of its proceedings, and shall keep and preserve copies of all contracts, receipts, plans, surveys, field notes, profiles, and of all papers properly belonging to the transactions of the Board. The Board may, whenever it shall deem it expedient, and shall, whenever requested by the Supervisors, or either Board thereof, furnish to the Supervisors or either Board thereof, such data or information as they may require, and shall annually, on or before the First Monday of August, make a report to the Supervisors of all work done under its supervision, during the preceding fiscal year, together with a detailed statement of the same, and of the expenditures of the Department of Public Works; and the said Board shall annually, before the first Monday of May, furnish to the Supervisors, and also to the Auditor, a detailed estimate of the amount of money that will be required for the expenditures of the Department of Public Works during the ensuing fiscal year. SEC. 7. The Secretary of said Board shall keep full and complete minutes of all the transactions of the Board, specifying therein the names of the Commissioners present at its meetings, and giving the ayes and noes upon all votes. No order or resolution shall be valid or have any effect until the same has been recorded at length by the Secretary in the minutes of, and also approved by, the Board, together with the ayes and noes upon the vote by which it was adopted. The minutes and proceedings of the Board shall be open to the inspection of the public. At each meeting of the Board the minutes of the previous meeting shall be read, corrected if necessary, and then approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting at which such minutes are read, and by the Secretary. The Secretary shall cause the publication of all notices herein authorized to be published, or which the Board shall order to be published, and shall do and perform such other duties as the Board may from time to time prescribe or direct. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and enter into a bond in such amount as the Board may fix, with two or more sufficient sureties to be approved as provided in this Charter, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his official duties. He shall prepare and keep indexes of all work ordered or recommended by said Board, and of all contracts and documents, and shall keep filed, indorsed and methodically registered and indexed all vouchers, contracts, petitions and other papers which shall come into the custody of the Board. The Board may appoint one Assistant Secretary, if necessary. Said Board may also appoint one Assessment Clerk, one Contract Clerk, two Deputy Clerks, and two Street Inspectors. SEC. 8. The Board shall also appoint a competent person who shall have had at least ten years active experience in the profession of civil engineering and surveying, and who shall have been a citizen of the United States and resident of the city and county for at least five years, as Civil Engineer for the Board, and may at its pleasure remove him. He shall be styled the City Engineer. Said Engineer shall perform by himself or his assistants, all the civil engineering and surveying required in the prosecution of all the public works and improvements done under the direction and supervision of the Board, and to certify to the progress and completion of the same, and to do such other surveying as he may be directed by said Board, or by the Supervisors. He shall possess the same power in the City and County in making surveys, plats and certificates as may be, from time to time, given by law to County Surveyors, and his official acts and all plats, surveys and certificates made by him shall have the same validity and be of the same force and effect as are, or may be given by law to those of County Surveyors. SEC. 9. The Supervisors shall, by ordinance, establish such fees and charges as may be proper for the services to be performed by the City Engineer, and as are not inconsistent with the laws of the State, and may, from time to time change and adjust the same, and said Engineer shall require such fee or charge to be paid in advance to the Secretary of the Board for any official act or service that may be demanded of him. All fees and charges so collected shall be paid daily by the Secretary into the Treasury of the city and county. The Engineer shall take the constitutional oath of office, and enter into a bond in such form and amount as the Board may require, to be approved as provided in this Charter. With the consent and approval of the Board, the City Engineer may appoint such deputies, not exceeding five as the duties of his office may require, and the said City Engineer shall be liable upon his bond, for the official misconduct or neglect of any of said deputies. The deputies so appointed, or any of them, may be removed at pleasure by the City Engineer, or by the Board. All demands for salaries and compensation for the deputies, assistants and employees for the City Engineer, shall be certified to by the President and Secretary of the Board of Public Works. SEC. 10. The Board may also appoint a competent person who shall have had at least ten years ears active experience in the profession of builder and architect, and have been a citizen and resident of the city and county for at least five years, as Architect, and may at its pleasure remove him. He shall be styled the City Architect. It shall be his duty, under the direction and control of said Board, to draw plans and specifications of the work to be done; to make necessary drawings for the same; to judge of and determine the quality and durability of the materials that may be furnished for the construction of any public building, and approve of or reject the same, and to take special care that all work be done in a good substantial and workmanlike manner, and in accordance with the drawings, plans, and specifications. SEC. 11. The Board may also appoint a Superintendent of Public Works who shall be a master builder, and shall have had at least ten years active experience as such, and have been at least five years a citizen and resident of San Francisco, and may remove him at its pleasure. He shall, when any public building is in the course of construction, or when any materials to be used in its con |