interested in any lot within said district may file with the Secretary of said Board his objection to the recommendation or ordering of said work or improvement, stating briefly the grounds of his objections, and if at any time within said period of ten days the owners of a majority of the frontage of the lands fronting on the street where said improvement is proposed shall file written objections to said improvement, the Board shall not recommend the ordering of said work or improvement, and shall not within six months thereafter pass any resolution of its intention to recommend the same, unless prior thereto, it shall receive a petition therefor signed by the owners of a majority of the frontage of the lands fronting upon said street. Upon the day fixed in its resolution of intention for final action thereon, or at its next regular meeting, the Board shall consider and pass upon the said objections. If the Board shall consider that the objections are sufficient it shall adopta resolution to that effect, and shall not recommend the ordering of said work or improvement. If it shall consider that the said objections are not sufficient, or if no objections are filed, the Board may recommend the ordering of said work or improvement, and shall with its rooscommendation, transmit to the Supervisors all objections to such recommendation that may have been filed. r con SEC. 5. At the renext regular meeting after receiving from the Board of Prablic Works its recommendation of such work, or at such time within thirty days thereafter to which the hearing thereof by either Board may be postponed, the Supervisors shall take action upon such recommendation, and if any objections to the ordering of said work have been transmitted with said recommendation, they shall sider and a dispose of said objections before passing upon said recorremendation. If either Board shall consider the objections Te resolution ec or any of them sufficient, it shall so declare by fo, and the Supervisors shall not order the said work or improve ement. If the Supervisors shall consider that the objections are insufficient they shall so declare by resolution, and ther teafter, or if no objections have been filed with the Board of to Public Works, they may within thirty days pass an ordinan ce directing that the said work or improvement be done; and they shall specify in the said ordinance what amount of these cost and expense thereof shall be assessed upon the property to be affected thereby, and also the district upon whi Sich the said amount shall be assessed. SEC. 6. Upon the passage of said ordinance the Clerk of the Supervisors shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the Board of Public Works, and the said Board shall thereafter proceed to make an assessment of the amount specified in said ordinance upon the lots and lands within the said district or territory-each lot being described sufficiently for identification and being separately assessed for its proportion of said amount, in proportion to the benefit received by .it from the said work or improvement and shall make and attach to said assessment a map or diagram of the district or territory, showing the several lots assessed and their relative location. Each of the said lots shall be numbered upon the map, and a corresponding number shall be given to the description of the lots, and the amount of each assessment placed opposite thereto. After making said assessment the said Board shall cause a notice thereof to be published for five days, and to be delivered to an occupant of each of the lots assessed; (if any of said lots are unoccupied, said notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon said lot or lots,) which notice shall state the day and hour when the said Board will, at its office, take final action upon said assessment; and in all cases a copy of the said notice shall be sent by mail addressed to the person in whose stands upon the books the Assessor, at the Post Office ΟΙ lot stand in the name of "unat San Francisco; but if such known owners" such notice nee need be sent. no name the lot to be assessed the said assess same erroneous. SEC. 7. At any time prior to the time fixed in the present in writing said notice, any person interested may'l and file with the said Board his objections to ment, stating briefly wherein he deems the e day to which At the time specified in said notice, or at som rd shall conthe hearing shall then be adjourned, the Boa n well taken, sider the said objections, and if it shall deem ther aid lots and it shall again assess the said amount upon the s benefits relands as it shall deem to be in proportion to the o gain cause a ceived from said work or improvement, and shall as livered, or notice of its assessment to be published and de posted, as is required in making an assessment instance, and the same proceedings may be takenssment is said Board shall finally determine that the said asse ad assessjust and correct. Upon such determination the sara 10 in the first until the ment shall be signed by the President and Secretar of said dons who Board, and shall be final and conclusive as to all pers have made no objections thereto. have SEC. 8. If any objections to the said assessment five been filed with said Board, the Secretary shall within gard, days after the same has been finally approved by the Bol to transmit the said assessment and map with said objections the Board of Aldermen, and the Board of Aldermen shall at its next regular meeting, not less than ten days from the receipt thereof, consider and determine the sufficiency of the * said objections. If it shall determine that the said objections are well taken, it shall direct the Board of Public Works to modify or change the said assessment in the particulars wherein it is erroneous, and thereupon the same proceedings shall be had in making the assessment as in the first instance. If the Board of Aldermen shall determine that the objections to the assessment are not well taken, the Clerk of said Board shall certify such determination upon the said assessment, and return the said assessment so certified to the Board of Public Works, and thereupon the said assessment shall become final and conclusive. Whenever the said assessment shall become final and conclusive, it, together with the map of the lots assessed, shall be recorded in a Book of Assessments, to be kept in the office of the Board of Public Works, for that purpose, and the record thereof shall thereupon be signed by the President and Secretary of said Board, and thereafter the assessment shall be a lien upon the respective lots assessed, until the same is canceled or discharged as herein provided. SEC. 9. In making said assessment the Commissioners shall act as a Board, and the assessment shall be authenticated by the signatures of at least two of said Commissioners as "Commissioners of the Board of Public Works ;" and every assessment so authenticated and recorded in the Book of Assessments shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness and regularity of all the proceedings of said Board and of the Supervisors prior to the date of such record. SEC. 10. Upon the recording of the said assessment the President and Secretary of the Board of Public Works shall sign a warrant for its collection, and thereupon the said assessment and map, with the warrant attached thereto, shall be delivered to the Tax Collector for collection, and the said Tax Collector shall immediately give notice thereof by publication for thirty days. Said notice shall set forth in general terms the locality and character of the work or improvement for which the assessment is made, and shall notify all persons interested that a warrant for its collection has been given to said Tax Collector, and that unless payment is made within sixty days from the first publication of said notice, the property so assessed will be sold to satisfy the said assessment. SEC. 11. Whenever any assessment upon any of the lots delineated on said map shall be paid, the Tax Collector shall write the word "Paid," together with the date of payment, opposite the number of said lot, upon said assessment, and shall give to the person paying the same a receipt therefor, showing upon which lot the said payment was made, and presentation of the said upon present receipt to the Secretary of the Board of Public Works, he shall cancel the assessment against the said lot upon the record thereof. After the expiration of sixty days from the first publication of said notice, the Tax Collector shall make a report in writing to the Board of Public Works, of all lots or parcels of land in the said assessment on which the amounts assessed have not been paid, accompanied by his oath that the same is correct, and that no portion of the assessment therein named has been paid, and that he has given the notice, required by the preceding section, that the warrant for the collection of said assessment had been received by him and requiring payment of said assessment. Thereupon the Board of Public Works shall, by a resolution, direct the said Tax Collector to sell the said lots for the amount of said delinquent assessments. The report of the Tax Collector, verified as aforesaid, shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of all the proceedings taken by him prior thereto. SEC. 12. Upon the passage of said resolution by the Board of Public Works, the assessment therein named shall be deemed to be delinquent, and thereupon the Tax Collector shall, after having published a notice for ten days, sell the lands upon which the said assessments are delinquent, and in making such sales shall be governed, so far as the same may be applicable, by the General Revenue Laws of the State, providing for the sale of lands for delinquent taxes. He shall add to the amount of each assessment its aliquot part of the cost of advertising said sale, and also the sum of one dollar for the certificate of sale to be issued by him. After making said sales the Tax Collector shall return the assessment and warrant with a report of his doings indorsed thereon, to the office of the Board of Public Works, and the Secretary of said Board shall note in the record of said Assessment, and opposite to the number of each lot sold, the fact of its sale by the Tax Collector, together with the date of sale and name of the purchaser. SEC. 13. The General Revenue Laws of the State in force at the time of said sale in reference to the sale of property for delinquent taxes, the execution of certificates of sale and deeds therefor, the force and effect of such sales and deeds, and all other provisions of said laws, in relation to the enforcement and collection of taxes and redemption from tax sales, except as herein otherwise provided, shall be applicable to the proceedings for the sale of lands for such delinquent assessments. SEC. 14. Each assessment delivered to the Tax Collector shall be numbered, and the moneys received by him upon such assessment, shall be paid to the Treasurer who shall place the same to the credit of a special fund designated in accordance with the number of said assessment as Special Assessment Fund No. -" and upon the payment of the entire amount of any such special assessment, the Tax Collector shall so report to the Board of Public Works. SEC. 15. Upon the receipt by the Board of Public Works of a report from the Tax Collector that the whole amount of any special assessment for any street improvement has been collected and paid into the Treasury, the Board of Public Works shall cause the said improvement to be made, and a contract therefor shall be entered into in the manner herein provided. SEC. 16. Before entering into any contract for said improvement the said Board shall cause a notice to be conspicuously posted in its office, and also to be published for ten days, inviting sealed proposals for doing the work of said improvement according to the specifications reported with its recommendation, and stating the time within which the said work is to be performed, and the amount of the bond to be given by the contractor for the faithful performance of the contract, and the day and hour when the Board will receive and open proposals therefor. All proposals shall be presented in said Board in open session, and shall be made upon printed forms to be prepared by the Board, and furnished gratuitously upon application, with a form for the affidavit hereinafter provided for, printed thereon. Each bid shall have the affidavit of the bidder thereon, duly verified by his oath, that such bid is genuine, and not collusive or sham; that he has not colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other bidder or person to put in a bid, or that such other person shall refrain from bidding, or has in any manner sought by collusion to secure any advantage against the city and county, or any person interested in said improvement, for himself or any other person whomsoever. Making a false affidavit to a bid shall constitute the crime of perjury. Every bidder shall file with his bid a certificate of deposit or certified check on some solvent bank in the city and county, for such sum as the Board in its advertisement, or by general resolution, shall prescribe, payable to the order of the Secretary of said Board, which sum shall be forfeited to the city and county, and drawn by the Secretary and paid into the Treasury, if the bidder for any reason fail or refuse to comply with and make good his bid, in case the contract is awarded to |