
and nays and the names of those voting for and against, recorded in the Journal thereof, and reports of committees of conference shall be adopted in either Board only by the vote of the majority of the members elected or appointed thereto taken by yeas and nays, and the names of those voting recorded in the Journal.

SEC. 16. No ordinance shall be revised, re-enacted or amended by a reference to its title; but in such case the ordinance revised or re-enacted, or the section thereof amended, shall be re-enacted at length, as revised, re-enacted or amended.

SEC. 17. Every ordinance shall embrace but one subject which shall be expressed in its title, but if any subject shall be embraced in an ordinance which shall not be expressed in its title, such ordinance shall be void only as to so much thereof as shall not be expressed in its title.

SEC. 18. When a bill is put upon its final passage in either Board, and fails to pass, and a motion is made to reconsider the vote by which it was defeated, the vote upon such motion to reconsider shall be immediately taken, and the subject finally disposed of before the Board proceeds to any other business.

SEC. 19. No ordinance shall take effect or go into force until ten days after its approval unless it is otherwise expressed in the said ordinance.

SEC. 20. Every bill, after it shall have passed the two Boards, shall be signed by the presiding officer of each of the Boards in open session in authentication of its adoption by said Board. In signing such bill for authentication the presiding officer shall call the attention of the Board to the bill, and that he is about to sign it, and if any member request, the bill shall be read at length for information as to its correctness as enrolled. If any member shall object that the bill is not the same in substance and form as when considered and passed by the Board, such objection shall be passed upon, and if sustained, the presiding officer shall withhold his signature and the bill shall then be corrected and signed before the Board proceeds to any other busi


SEC. 21. Every bill which shall have passed the two Boards and been authenticated as provided for in the last section, shall be presented to the Mayor for his approval. The Mayor shall return such bill to the Board in which it originated within ten days after receiving it. If he ap. prove it, he shall sign it, and it shall then become an ordinance. If he disapprove it, he shall specify his objections thereto in writing. If he do not return it with such disapproval within the time above specified, it shall take effect as if he had approved it. The objections of the Mayor shall be entered at large on the Journal of the Board in which such bill originated, and the Board shall cause them to be immediately published in the official newspaper. The Board to which said bill shall have been returned with the objections of the Mayor, shall, after five days and within twenty days after such bill shall have been so returned, proceed to reconsider and vote upon the same, and if the same shall upon reconsideration, be again passed by both Boards by a vote of at least three-fourths of all the members elected or appointed to each Board, it shall take effect; but if the bill shall fail to receive upon the first vote thereon in either Board such number of affirmative votes it shall be deemed finally lost. In all cases the votes shall be taken by yeas and nays and the names of the persons voting for or against its passage on such reconsideration shall be entered in the Journals of each Board; and if three-fourths of all the members elected or appointed to each Board vote in the affirmative, the presiding officers of the respective houses shall certify that fact on the bill, attesting the same by their signature, and when thus certified, the bill shall become an ordinance with like effect, as if it had received the approval of the Mayor.

SEC. 22. All ordinances and resolutions shall be deposited with the Clerk of the Supervisors, who, after recording the same at length in a suitable book provided therefor, shall preserve the same in the archives of his office.

SEC. 23. No general appropriation bill shall ever be passed, but every appropriation shall be for the specific amount of the claim to be paid, and no more; and each ordinance authorizing the payment of money shall contain one claim only which shall be expressed in the title. Every ordinance providing for any specific improvement, the granting of any privilege or involving the lease or appropriation of public property, or the expenditure of public moneys (except for sums less than five hundred dollars) or levying any tax or assessment, and every ordinance imposing a new duty or penalty shall, after its introduction in either Board, be published with the yeas and nays in the official newspaper at least five successive days before final action upon the same by the Board in which it was introduced; and in case such ordinance shall be amended before final passage in said Board, then the bill as amended shall be so published in the same manner and for a like period of time before final action by such Board thereon.



SECTION 1. It is declared to be the intent and purpose of this Charter that the income and revenue provided by the Supervisors from taxation, licenses, fines, and such other sources as they may lawfully draw upon, and actually collected and paid into the Treasury, for each and every fiscal year, shall pay the interest and provide for the Sinking Funds of all legally contracted funded debts valid and outstanding at the time this Charter takes effect, (which are made preferred claims over all others) and shall maintain the city and county Government and pay all the expenditures thereof of every possible nature and description during such fiscal year; and that no expenditures, debts or liabilities shall be made, contracted or incurred during any fiscal year that cannot be so paid.

Said city and county shall not, nor shall the Supervisors, the Board of Education, or any other Board, Department or authority, for or on behalf, of said city and county, or any district, sub-division or portion thereof, make, contract or incur during any fiscal year any expenditure, indebtedness or liability in any manner or for any purpose which cannot, together with the interest and sinking funds of all legally contracted funded debts then existing, and together with all the other expenditures, indebtedness aud liability up to such time made, contracted or incurred during such fiscal year, be paid out of the income and revenue actually provided, collected and paid into the Treasury as the income and revenue for such fiscal year; or which, taken together with all the other expenditures, indebtedness and liabilities up to such time incurred within the fiscal year current and pending when such indebtedness or liability is contracted or incurred, or attempted to be contracted or incurred, together with the necessary payments for interest and sinking funds as aforesaid, shall exceed the income and revenue provided, collected and actually paid into the Treasury, as and for the income and revenue of such fiscal year. Any and all contracts, indebtedness or liabilities incurred, of attempted to be incurred, contrary to the provisions of this Section, shall be void, and shall not be paid out of the Treasury, nor shall they be deemed to constitute or lay the foundation of any claim, demand or liability, legal, equitable or otherwise, against the said city and county, but in such case the Auditor, if it shall be proved that he has given an untrue or incorrect certificate, as required by section 12 of this chapter, and each Supervisor, School Director or other officer or member of any Board, Department or authority voting to authorize or incur such expenditure, demand or liability upon its final passage, or having otherwise wilfully contributed to the authorization, incurrence or approval of the same shall be liable in his individual capacity, as well as upon his official bond, to the holder of such claim for payment thereof. The terms expenditures, indebtedness and liabilities herein used are intended to include official salaries and the pay of all employees of said city and county, or any of its departments, and every possible payment of money from the Treasury for any purpose.

SEC. 2. No part of the income or revenue provided for any particular fiscal year shall ever be applied in payment of any indebtedness or liability incurred during any previous fiscal year, the interest and Sinking Funds upon the lawfully contracted and funded City and County debt alone excepted.

The fact that a demand against the Treasury was incurred during any particular fiscal year, and that the income and revenue provided, collected and paid into the Specific Fund to be charged therewith as the portion of income and revenue provided for such Specific Fund for such year has been in any manner exhausted, leaving such demand unpaid, shall be conclusive as to the invalidity of such demand, so far as said city and county is concerned, and the Auditor and Treasurer, if either of them has in any manner failed in his duty, as provided in this Chapter, and each Supervisor, School Director or other officer or member of any Board, Department or authority voting to authorize or incur such expenditure or liability upon its final passage, or having otherwise wilfully contributed to the authorization, incurrence or approval of the same, to the prejudice or injury of the holder of such demand, shall be severally and respectively liable in person, and upon their respective official bonds, to make good to such holder any loss resulting from their respective official neglect or misconduct. All Boards, Departments, officers, deputies, clerks and employees of said city and county, and all dealers, purveyors, contractors, bidders and others performing work or services or furnishing material, supplies or other thing, or having or seeking business or dealings of any kind or nature whatsoever with said city and county, or any of its Boards, Departments or officers, are hereby directly and specifically informed and made to know and charged with notice of the provisions of this Chapter.

SEC. 3. Any claim or demand against the Treasury, or any fund thereof remaining unpaid at the end of the fiscal year for want of money, and which would be valid but for such cause, shall hold good as to any money which may subsequently come into the proper fund in the Treasury, as delinquent taxes or other uncollected income or revenue for such year, but for no other purpose, as against said city and county. Such claims shall be paid out of such delinquent revenue, for such fiscal year, when collected, in the order of their date of creation, or incurrence, and in accordance with the rules laid down in this Charter as to the various Specific Funds required by law to be kept in said Treasury.

SEC. 4. It shall not be lawful for the Supervisors, the Board of Education or any other Board, Department or officer to give preference in favor of one claim over another against the same Specific Fund in the authorization, allowance or approval thereof; but claims shall be acted upon, and either allowed or rejected in the order in which they accrue and are presented.

SEC. 5. The fiscal year of said city and county shall begin on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June, following. The records, accounts and books of the Supervisors and all boards, departments and officers having anything to do with the incurring of expenditures, indebtedness or liabilities, or of authorizing, certifying, allowing, approving or in any manner passing upon claims or demands upon the Treasury, or any of its Specific Funds, shall make distinct rests, and balances, in the records, books and proceedings at the end of each fiscal year, and shall commence anew with the next fiscal year.

SEC. 6. Every act, ordinance or resolution of the Supervisors, or any other Board, Department or authority, authorizing or providing for the payment of any claim or demand against the Treasury, or any Specific Fund thereof, in addition to the other proceedings, entries and endorsements upon the same required by any of the provisions of this Charter, shall set forth, and show on the face of such demand, ordinance or authorization, the name of the Supervisors, Board, Department or authority authorizing the same, the fiscal year in which the same was incurred and out of the income and revenue of which it is alone payable, the name of the Specific Fund and the number of the claim as to such Specific Fund, for such fiscal year, commencing the fiscal year with No. 1 of the Specific Fund upon which it is drawn, which shall bə its special number. Each ordinance may have a general number in addition to the special number which shall likewise commence and end with the fiscal year and shall embrace the whole number of ordinances or resolutions for the year. Each demand shall likewise have written or printed upon it a statement showing that the same can only be paid out of the income and revenue provided, collected and paid into the proper Specific Fund in the Treasury for the fiscal year in

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