
sioners shall expire at the expiration of two years, one at the expiration of three years, and one at the expiration of four years from the date of their appointment.

SEC. 2. Each of the Commissioners shall possess the same qualifications for eligibility as are required for the Mayor, and shall, within twenty days after the receipt of his commission, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office. The said Commissioners shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services. Two of said Commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and no money shall be expended or contract entered into authorizing the expenditure of money without the approval of two of said Commissioners.

SEC. 3. The said Park Commissioners shall have power to govern, manage and direct the said public parks and grounds; to lay out, regulate and improve the same; to pass regulations for the use and government of the same; to employ such laborers and other workmen as may be necessary from time to time, and to fix the amount of their compensation, and shall have control and disposition of the funds provided for the management and improvement of said parks and grounds. The sale or gift of intoxicating liquors shall not be permitted within the limits of any of the public parks, and a violation of this provision shall be a misdemeanor.

SEC. 4. The said Park Commissioners shall hold and exercise all rights and privileges that have been hitherto conferred upon the Park Commissioners heretofore having the control and management of said public parks and grounds, and shall have and take possession and control of all papers, maps, documents, plans, property and property rights used in connection with or appertaining to said public parks and grounds, or to the management thereof.

SEC. 5. The said Commissioners may from time to time pass such regulations as they may deem necessary for the regulation, use and government of said parks and grounds not inconsistent with the laws of the State, and may prescribe the penalties for their violation. All persons arrested for the violation of such regulations shall be tried before the Police Court. Every such regulation shall, before it takes effect, be published for ten days (legal holidays excepted) in the official newspaper. All existing regulations heretofore passed by the Park Commissioners who have had the control and management of said public parks and grounds shall continue to be of full force until repealed or modified.

SEC. 6. The Chief of Police shall, when so required by the Park Commissioners, detail as many policemen from the regular police force for said parks and grounds as said Park Commissioners may deem requisite for the purpose of enforcing their ordinances and regulations. Said policemen shall be known as the "Park Police," and shall have authority to arrest, and hold to such bail as in the regulation may be fixed as the maximum penalty for the violation thereof, or as may be prescribed by regulation by said Park Commissioners, any person who shall be found in the act of violating any ordinance or regulation of said Park Commissioners, or of the city and county. The said Commissioners may also provide a place of detention within either of said public parks in which the persons so arrested may be detained temporarily, or until said park police can deliver the person arrested to the authorities at the city prison.

SEC. 7. The Supervisors shall annually appropriate a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of preserving and improving the said public parks and grounds.

SEC. 8. Said Commissioners shall not in any year incur any greater liability or expend any money beyond the amount provided for in Section 7 of this chapter, provided that if at the close of any fiscal year there shall be any money in the Treasury to the credit of the Park Improvement Fund, the same shall be carried to the credit of said fund at the beginning of the next fiscal year and may be expended by said Park Commissioners during said year in addition to the amount appropriated for that year.

SEC. 9. The Park Commissioners may employ one general superintendent who shall perform the duties of overseer and managing gardener. The City Engineer shall be ex-officio the engineer for said public parks and grounds, and shall perform such engineering work and surveying as the Commissioners may require of him, and shall make no charge for the services performed by him.

SEC. 10. The said Commissioners shall, on or before the first day of August in each year, make a full report to the Supervisors of their proceedings, and a detailed statement of all the expenditures by them during the preceding fiscal year, and of the amount of money unexpended and to the credit of the Park Improvement Fund.

SEC. 11. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury for any salary or expenditure incurred in the management or improvement of said parks and grounds unless the same shall have been previously approved and allowed by at least two of said Commissioners which approval and allowance shall be indorsed upon the face of the claim or demand, and shall specify the purpose for which said expenditure is made; said claim or demand must then be presented to the Supervisors for allowance, and if allowed shall be audited and paid out of the Park Improvement Fund in the same manner as other demands on the Treasury.

SEC. 12. The said Commissioners shall not, nor shall either of them be at any time interested, either directly or indirectly, in any contract or work of any kind, in or about said parks and grounds, or in any claim or demand that may be approved or allowed by any of said Commissioners. A violation of the provisions of this section shall be a felony.


Public Institutions.



SECTION 1. The Supervisors are authorized and required by ordinance to provide, fit up and furnish, and provide with fuel, lights, stationery and all necessary conveniences, attendants and care, rooms convenient and accessible to the Judges and officers of the Courts, sufficient for the use and accommodation of the San Francisco Law Library established under an Act of the Legislature of this State, entitled "An Act to provide for increasing the law library of the corporation known as the San Francisco Law Library, and to secure the use of the same to the Courts held at San Francisco, the Bar, the City and County Government, and the people of the City and County of San Francisco," approved March 9th, 1870, and for the use and accommodation of those who have occasion for its use. The Supervisors are authorized and required to appropriate, allow and order paid out of the General Fund such sums as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid, and all sums lawfully appropriated and expended pursuant hereto shall be paid out of the General Fund on demands duly audited, in the mode prescribed by this Charter for auditing other demands upon the Treasury.



SECTION 1. The Supervisors may continue, and provide for, the House of Correction and the Industrial School, and by ordinance may, from time to time, prescribe rules and regulations for their management. Subject to such rules and regulations, these institutions shall be under the control and direction of four Commissioners, to be known as the Reformatory Commissioners, who must have the same qualifications as are required for the office of Mayor, and shall be selected from persons of different political parties, who are known to be interested in prison management and reform. They shall be appointed by the Mayor. Their term of office shall be four years, but of those first appointed two, to be designated by the Mayor, shall be appointed for only two years.

SEC. 2. The Commissioners shall take the constitutional oath of office, file the same with the Mayor, and within one month after their election shall organize as a Board, and may maintain an office. Three shall constitute a quorum, and the concurrent vote of three members shall be required for business transactions. From their number they shall elect a President, and they may also elect a Secretary, whose duty it shall be to keep a full and correct record of all their proceedings, and who shall also perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board or the Supervisors. The authorized expenditures of the Board shall be certified by the President and Secretary to the Supervisors, and, when allowed and audited, as in this Charter required, shall be paid by the Treasurer out of the appropriate fund.

SEC. 3. The Board shall appoint a Superintendent of the House of. Correction, who shall possess the qualifications as to eligibility as are required for Mayor. He shall give a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved as provided in this Charter, and he shall have power to appoint and remove such subordinates as said Commissioners may deem necessary, and as may be authorized by general rules and regulations of the Supervisors, and the pay of each of such subordinates shall not exceed fifty dollars per month. In all cases of removal the Superintendent shall report to the Board at its next meeting.

SEC. 4. The Superintendent shall have charge of the House of Correction; see that its affairs are conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Charter, the laws of this State, and such regulations as may be prescribed by the Board; provide that male prisoners and female prisoners be kept separately; see that strict discipline is maintained; provide employment for the inmates, and for six days in each week keep all persons employed at such labor on the public or other works as may be authorized by their sentence, or by law, or by the regulations of the Board. The Board shall have full power to do any and all things necessary for providing employment for the persons confined in the House of Correction, for the benefit of the city and county, not inconsistent with the Constitution or the laws of the State. The Superintendent shall see that the persons so laboring shall be duly and sufficiently secured at all times while at work; keep an exact account of all hired labor, the number of days' work done, and for whom, and the amount collected or due on such work; punish disobedient or disorderly prisoners who do not faithfully perform their task, by placing them in fetters and shackles, or confining them in dark or solitary cells. A record shall be kept of such punishment, showing its cause, mode and degree, and the duration of punishment thereof, a monthly report of which shall be made to the Board, with a detailed statement of the workings of the institution. The Superintendent shall give his personal attention to the duties of his office; shall reside at the House of Correction, in rooms provided therein for that purpose, and shall never absent himself therefrom for more than six hours without the consent of the Board.

SEC. 5. The Superintendent shall have charge of the inmates and property of the House of Correction, be its treasurer, keep accounts of all its receipts and of all property of the institution, and receipt for and preserve a record of all supplies furnished to said institution, with the names of the persons furnishing the same, and the date when furnished, and the amount and character thereof, and shall not contract any debt or incur any liability against said city and county. He shall, in a suitable apartment or apartments provided therefor, keep all supplies furnished to the House of Correction, and all articles manufactured therein or produce grown on the grounds thereof, which shall be under his personal custody, and no supplies, article or product shall be removed from such apartment except by said Superintendent, and he shall at the time of such ch removal or withdrawal, make a record thereof in a suitable book kept for that purpose; he shall pay over to the Treasurer of said city and county, immediately, all moneys that may come into his hands as Superintendent of said House of Correction.

SEC. 6. The Superintendent shall have the power, under the direction of the Board to sell perishable property. All property not of a perishable nature shall be sold under the

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