direction of the Commissioners, at public auction, in such place and upon such notice as they may prescribe. The Superintendent shall execute such bill or bills of sale as may be proper upon any such sales, and shall collect the purchase price, and pay the same over, immediately, to the Treasurer of the city and county. SEC 7. The Board shall make quarterly, to the Supervisors, a statement and estimate of all supplies necessary for said House of Correction for the quarter next ensuing, and the Supervisors may furnish all supplies necessary for said House of Correction, and all suitable material and implements sufficient to keep at work all persons committed thereto. The Superintendent shall supervise all contracts awarded, and all work done for the House of Correction; and shall see that all contracts are faithfully performed. SEC. 8. The Board shall report annually, in the month of July, to the Supervisors, under the oath of the President and Superintendent, the condition and management of the House of Correction and of all matters and things pertaining thereto. The Superintendent, under the direction of the Commissioners, shall be the custodian of all the books, papers and records of the House of Correction, and shall at all times keep the same open to public inspection. SEC. 9. The Superintendent shall keep a record, in which shall be noted the conduct of all prisoners who shall have behaved obediently, orderly and faithfully in the discharge of their duties; and for each month in which any prisoner appears by such record to have been obedient, orderly and faithful, three days shall, with the consent of the Board, be deducted from his sentence; and for each month that it shall appear from such records that his conduct has been positively good, and that he has rendered a prompt and cheerful obedience to the rules of the House of Correction, five days shall be deducted. SEC. 10. All persons appearing for sentence in the Police Court or in the Superior Court for the city and county, who might be sentenced to imprisonment in the County Jail, or in the State Prison, may, instead thereof, be sentenced to imprisonment in the House of Correction; provided, that no person shall be sentenced to imprisonment in the House of Correction for a shorter or for a longer term than that for which he might be sentenced to the County Jail or to the State Prison, and in no case whatever for a shorter term than three months nor for a longer term than three years. No person who might be sentenced to imprisonment in the State Prison shall be sentenced to imprisonment in the House of Correction, if he is more than twenty-five years of age, or if he has been once before convicted of a felony or twice before convicted of petty larceny, nor unless, in the opinion of the Court, imprisonment in the House of Correction will be more for his benefit than imprisonment in the State Prison, and equally for the interest of the public. The fact of a previous conviction may be found by the Court upon evidence introduced at or before the time of sentence. SEC. 11. The Industrial School shall be kept for the detention, management, reformation, education and maintenance of such children under the age of eighteen years as shall be committed or surrendered thereto by the Courts of the city and county as vagrants, living an idle or dissolute life, or who shall be convicted by the Police or Superior Court of any crime or misdemeanor, or who, being tried for any crime or misdemeanor in such Courts, shall be found to be under fourteen years of age, and to have done an act which if done by a person of full age would be a crime or misdemeanor. The Police Court and the Superior Court shall have power to adjudge that such persons so convicted shall be so imprisoned or detained at the Industrial School, and the persons convicted shall remain at said school until he or she shall attain majority, unless a shorter term shall be fixed by the Court in the commitment. The Board of Reformatory Commissioners shall prescribe rules and regulalations for the Industrial School; designate the employments in which the inmates shall be engaged; provide the means and the methods for instruction in the ordinary branches of a common school education; provide, at their discretion, for binding out the inmates as apprentices to learn proper trades and employments during their minority; provide at the Industrial School suitable means for instructing the inmates in some useful occupation; regulate the commitment, detention and discharge of the inmates; provide, if necessary, for the safe keeping and custody of females committed in a separate building from the males, either in a building belonging to the city, or in a snitable institution, as at present, and generally do, perform, and execute any and all acts and proceedings as shall tend to reform the persons committed to the Industrial School, and as will, upon their discharge, make them good and useful citizens. SEC. 12. There shall be a Superintendent of the Industrial School appointed by the Board. He shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of five thousand dollars, to be approved as provided in this Charter. He shall, under direction of the Board, appoint and remove subordinates, and grade the pay of the same, but the pay of no subordinate shall exceed fifty dollars per month. All cases of removal shall be reported to the Board at its next meeting. The Superintendent shall, with regard to the Industrial School, be entrusted and charged with the same duties and exercise the same powers as far as applicable as are prescribed in this Chapter for the Superinendent of the House of Correction with regard to that institution; provided, that the Superintendent may appoint a head teacher at a salary not to exceed one hundred dollars per month. SEC. 13. The Supervisors, upon requisition of the Board, duly attested by the signatures of the President and Secretary, may provide all supplies necessary for the support, maintenance and management of the Industrial School and its inmates, and all suitable and necessary materials and implements to keep at work or to give scholastic instruction to the inmates. SEC. 14. The Board shall have power, subject to their discretion, to provide for the care and custody of wayward minor children entrusted to them by the parents or guardians of such minors; but no such minor shall be received at the Industrial School, unless upon the written recommendation of the Mayor. SEC. 15. The salaries of the officers of the House of Correction and of the Industrial School shall be certified by the Superintendent of each institution and countersigned by the President and Secretary of the Board, and, when allowed and audited, as in this Charter required, shall be paid by the Treasurer out of the respective appropriate fund. 0 ARTICLE IX. Health Department. CHAPTER I. BOARD OF HEALTH. SECTION 1. There is hereby established in and for the City and County a department, to be known as the Board of Health, to consist of six members, namely: the Mayor, ex-officio and President of the Board, the City Attorney, and four citizens to be appointed by the Mayor, possessing the same qualifications as to eligibility as are required for the office of Mayor, of whom three, and no more than three, shall be physicians and in good standing, and graduates of some regular medical college, but no salary shall attach to the office of member of the Board of Health. SEC. 2. The appointed members of the Board shall hold office for four years and until their succeessors are appointed and have qualified. All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only. Members of the Board shall qualify by taking the constitutional oath of office. Any appointed member failing to qualify within ten days after his appointment shall be deemed to have declined the office and a new appointment shall be made. Four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. SEC. 3. The Board of Health shall be provided by the Supervisors with a suitable office, which shall be known as the Health Office, in which they shall hold their official meetings at least once a month, and as often as may be necessary, or when called together by the President or any three members of the Board. The meetings of the Board shall be public, and their records shall be open to any person. SEC. 4. The Board of Health, subject to general ordinance of the Supervisors, shall have general supervision of all matters appertaining to the sanitary condition of the city and county, including the City and County Hospital, the County Jail, Almshouse, Industrial School, and all public health institutions. SEC. 5. The Board shall, on or before the first day of May, make an annual report of the affairs of the Health Department to the Supervisors, and shall include therein the annual reports of the Health Officer and the Quarantine Officer, and of all other matters under their charge; and shall at the same time furnish to the Supervisors a detailed statement of the amount of money that will be required for the Health Department during the ensuing fiscal year, and the Supervisors may provide for the raising of such amount, or so much thereof as in their judgment may be necessary, and the money so raised shall constitute the Health Department Fund. All expenditures of the Board shall be subject to allowance by the Supervisors and by the Auditor in the same manner as the expenditures of all other branches of the Municipal Government. SEC. 6. The Board may appoint and remove at pleasure a Secretary, who shall be an elector of the City and County. The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Board, act as Secretary to the Health Officer, keep the records and documents of the Health Office, and perform such other du ties as may be prescribed by said Board, or the Health Officer. The Secretary must execute an official bond in the sum of $5,000, for the faithful performance of his duties, to be approved as provided in this Charter. SEC. 7. The Board may appoint and remove at pleasure a Health Officer. He shall be a graduate of a regular medical college, at least thirty years of age, and a citizen and resident for three years in the City and County. He must reside within the city limits, and must execute an official bond for the faithful performance of his duties, in the sum of $5,000, to be approved in accordance with this Charter. SEC. 8. The Health Officer shall be the executive officer of the Board, and he shall see that the ordinances of the city and county in relation to the public health, and the rules and regulations of the Board of Health are enforced. He must make to the Board an annual report of the affairs of his office, including mortuary and other statistics, with such general observations as in his judgment might benefit the sanitary condition of the city. He shall in person visit once in each quarter all the public institutions in the City and County under the charge of the Health Department, and once in each year he shall visit every public school in said city and county. During such visits he shall examine the buildings in regard to the manner in which they are lighted, ventilated, heated, and particularly in regard to their sanitary condition. At the meeting of the Board in the months of January, April, July and October he shall report to the Board the result of his examinations. SEC. 9. Whenever it shall be certified to the Board of Health by the Health Officer that any building or part thereof is unfit for human habitation, by reason of its being so infected with disease, or from other causes, as to be likely to cause sickness among the occupants, said Board may issue an order, and cause the same to be affixed conspicuously on the building, or part thereof, and to be personally served upon the owner, agent or lessee, if the same can be found in this State, requiring all persons therein to vacate such building for the reasons to be stated therein as aforesaid. Such building, or part thereof, shall, within ten days thereafter, be vacated, or within such shorter time, not less than twenty-four hours, as in said notice may be specified; but said Board, if it shall become satisfied that the danger from said house, or part thereof, has ceased to |