
exist, may revoke said order, and it shall thenceforward become inoperative.

SEC. 10. Every physician in the city and county shall report to the Health Office, in writing, every patient he shall have laboring under typhus, yellow, ship relapsing or typhoid fever, Asiatic cholera, small-pox, diphtheria or scarlatina, and report to the Health Office every death from such disease, immediately after it shall have occurred.

SEC. 11. Every householder in said city and county shall forthwith report, in writing, to the Health Office, the name of every inmate at his or her house whom he or she shall have reason to believe sick of cholera, small-pox, typhus, yellow, ship fever, diphtheria or scarlatina, and any deaths occurring at his or her house from such diseases.

SEC. 12. The Health Officer shall report to the Superintendent of the Public Schools the name and residence of every person sick of Asiatic cholera, small-pox, scarlatina, diphtheria, measles, yellow, ship, typhus or typhoid fever, or any other contagious disease, he may deem dangerous to public health.

SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the Public Schools, when so notified, of the residence of any person sick of any of the diseases enumerated in the foregoing section, to refuse admittance to the Public Schools to any member of a family, one or more of whose inmates are sick of any of the aforesaid diseases; provided, that the party excluded shall be re-admitted upon presenting a certificate from the Health Officer, that there is no longer any danger from contagion.

SEC. 14. No person shall drive or use any vehicle, or suffer or permit any vehicle under his or her charge or control, to be driven or used for the conveyance, transportation or removal of any person infected with the small-pox, or the body of any person who has died of the small-pox, without the written consent of the Health Officer.

SEC. 15. No person shall use or drive, or suffer or permit any vehicle authorized by the written consent of the Health Officer to convey, transport or remove persons infected with the small-pox, or the bodies of persons who may die of the smallpox, to be used or driven for the conveyance, transportation or removal of persons uninfected with small-pox, without the written consent of the Health Officer.

SEC. 16. Whenever a case of small-pox, diphtheria, scarlatina, Asiatic cholera or yellow fever is reported to the Health Officer, he shall immediately visit the premises where the person is, and the said Health Officer upon personal inspection, shall, in cases of small-pox, Asiatic cholera or yellow fever, immediately cause to be erected a yellow or Quarantine Flag, in a conspicuous place on said premises, or post upon the doorway of houses infected with such diseases a placard setting forth the fact, the same to remain during the continuance of the disease on said premises.

SEC. 17. No person shall remove a small-pox patient from any house or place within the limits of the city and county to any other house or place without the permission of the Health Officer.

SEC. 18. The Health Officer, with the approval of the Board of Health, may cause to be removed to a small-pox hospital any and all persons within the limits of the city and county affected with small-pox.

SEC. 19. Whenever a case of small-pox shall exist in any house where the person so affected shall not be moved to the Hospital, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to immediately cause to be erected a yellow or quarantine flag in a conspicuous place on said premises, and to place a competent person in charge of said premises, whose duty it shall be to see that quarantine is strictly enforced so long as the Health Officer deems it necessary for public safety.

SEC. 20. The Police Commissioners may, upon application of the Board detail not exceeding ten of the regular police force to act as Health and Market Inspectors. The Board may appoint and remove at pleasure one messenger, and prescribe his duties.

SEC. 21. The Board may appoint a City Physician and an Assistant City Physician who shall respectively hold office during good behavior. They shall be graduates of some regular medical college. The City Physician shall visit the County Jail daily, and attend to the indigent sick in the public institutions. He shall, during certain hours of each day at his office, give personal attention and services to the work of gratuitous vaccination, selecting and preserving the vaccine virus, and perform such other duties as the Board may direct.

SEC. 22. The Assistant City Physician shall gratuitously perform all autopsies for the Coroner, examine gratuitously all ap

plicants for the police force, and all policemen who from injury or disease shall apply for benefits from the "Police Life and Health Insurance Fund," and perform such other duties as the Board may prescribe.



SECTION 1. Quarantine for the protection of the public health is hereby authorized, required and established, for the Port of San Francisco for all vessels, their crews, passengers, equipage, cargoes and other property on board the same, arriving thereat from other ports.

SEC. 2. The Board of Health, may appoint and remove at pleasure a Quarantine Officer. He must be a graduate of some medical college in good standing, and must have practiced medicine for three years, must be an elector, and must reside within the City and County. They may also appoint one Master, one Engineer, and two Boatmen. The Quarantine Officer must execute an official bond, in the sum of $5,000.

SEC. 3. All vessels arriving off the Port of San Francisco from ports which have been legally declared infected ports, and all vessels arriving from ports where there is prevailing at the time of their departure any contagious, infectious, or pestilential disease, or on board of which during the voyage any case of such disease shall have occurred, or vessels with decaying cargoes, or which have unusually foul or offensive holds, are subject to quarantine, and must be, by the master, owner, pilot, or consignee, reported to the Quarantine Officer without delay. No such vessel must cross a right line drawn from Meiggs' Wharf to Alcatraz Island until the Quarantine Officer has boarded her and given the order required by law.

SEC. 4. The Quarantine Officer must board every vessel subject to quarantine or visitation by him, immediately on her arrival, or as soon as possible for him to do so, between the hours of sunrise and sunset, make such examination and inspection of vessel, books, papers, or cargo, or of persons on board, under oath, as he may judge expedient, and determine whether the vessel should be ordered to quarantine; and, if so, the period of quarantine, subject in each case, to the final determination of the Board of Health.

SEC. 5. He must keep in his office a book in which he must make an entry of all fees collected by him. He must

pay all fees collected to the City and County Treasurer daily.

SEC. 6. The Quarantine Officer, must enforce and perform without charge vaccination upon passengers and crew in infected ships, or ships coming from infected ports.

SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Quarantine Officer, when directed by the Board of Health, to immediately, upon the arrival of any ship or vessel, having on board any person or persons sick of Asiatic cholera, small-pox, yellow, typhus, or ship fever, to remove the same to such places as are now provided, or may hereafter be provided, for the treatment of contagious diseases, or to remove or cause to be removed, any sick person or persons, if any on board, to suitable hospitals, in order to cleanse and purify any vessel liable to be detained in quarantine.

SEC. 8. All the expense and charge of boarding, lodging, nursing, medicine, maintenance, and other necessaries, which shall have been provided for the diseased persons landed and sent to the hospital for the treatment of infectious diseases, as aforesaid, and also burying them in case of their death, shall be paid and discharged by the master or captain, owner or consignee of the ships or vessels respectively in which such diseased persons were respectively imported. Provided always, nevertheless, That when the diseased persons are passengers and not servants, the said expense and charges shall be repaid by them, their executors or administrators, to the captain or master, owner or consignee, who shall pay and satisfy, or shall be bound to pay and satisfy, the same, as aforesaid.

SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the Quarantine Officer immediately after the arrival and examination of any ship or vessel liable to be detained at the Quarantine grounds for purification, to direct and cause such ship or vessel to be properly moored near the quarantine ground at such distance from any vessel or vessels under quarantine as may prevent the communication of any infectious disease to or from the same, and the cargo, bedding and clothing, or any part thereof, contained in such ship or vessel, to be landed, cleansed and purified, under the directions of the Quarantine Officer.

SEC. 10. And it shall be the particular duty of the said Quarantine Officer to prevent any personal intercourse between the persons on board different vessels under quarantine, and for that purpose to take possession of and secure the boats of such vessels, if necessary, from sunset to sunrise of the succeeding day, until their respective terms of quarantine shall be completed, and to preserve and enforce order and obedience to this Article; and if any diseased or other person, arriving in or belonging to any other ship detained at the quarantine grounds, as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the Quarantine Officer, agreeably to this Act, and the order and regulations of the Board of Health, the person so refusing or neglecting, shall, for each and every offense, on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered from the captain, master, owner or consignees of such ship or vessel.

SEC. 11. When any vessel shall come to the wharf at San Francisco, although the said vessel may have obtained a certificate of health from the Quarantine Officer, if the said vessel shall appear to the Board of Health to be infected with any contagious disorder dangerous to the community, the said Board are hereby authorized to order the said vessel to the quarantine grounds, there to undergo the necessary purification before being permitted to return to the wharf, aforesaid.

SEC. 12. Every pilot who conducts into the port of San Francisco any vessel subject to quarantine, or examination by the Quarantine Officer, must

1st. Bring the vessel no nearer the city than is allowed by law;

2d. Prevent any person from leaving and any communication being made with the vessel under his charge until the Quarantine Officer has boarded her, and given the necessary orders and directions;

3d. Be vigilant in preventing any violation of the quarantine laws, and report without delay all such violations that come to his knowledge to the Quarantine Officer;

4th. Present the master of the vessel with a printed copy of the quarantine laws, unless he has one;

5th. If the vessel is subject to quarantine, by reason of infection, place at the mast-head a yellow flag.

SEC. 13. Every master of a vessel subject to quarantine or visitation by the Quarantine Officer, arriving in the port of San Francisco, who refuses or neglects, either

1st. To proceed with and anchor his vessel at the place assigned for quarantine, when legally directed so to do; or,

2d. To submit his vessel, cargo and passengers to the Quarantine Officer, and furnish all necessary information, to enable that officer to determine what quarantine or other regulations they ought respectively to be subject; or,

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