
3d. To report all cases of disease and of deaths occurring on his vessel, and to comply with all the sanitary regulations of the bay and harbor;

-Is liable in the sum of five hundred dollars for every such neglect or refusal.

SEC. 14. Shipmasters bringing vessels into the harbor of San Francisco, and masters, owners or consignees, having vessels in the harbor which have on board any cases of Asiatic cholera, small-pox, yellow, typhus, or ship fever, must report the same, in writing, to the Quarantine Officer before landing any passengers, casting anchor, or coming to any wharf, or as soon thereafter as they, or either of them, become aware of the existence of either of the diseases on board of their vessels.

SEC. 15. No captain or other officer in command of any passenger-carrying vessel of more than one hundred and fifty tons burden, or of any vessel of more than one hundred and fifty tons burden having passengers on board, or of any vessel sailing under register, or any owner, consignee, agent, or other person having charge of such vessel or vessels, must, under a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars, land or permit to be landed, any passenger from the vessel, until he has presented his bill of health to the Quarantine Officer, and received a permit from that officer to land such passenger, except in such case as the Quarantine Officer deems it safe to give the permit before seeing the bill of health. No passenger or other person shall leave any vessel while the same is in quarantine or under the directions of the Quarantine Officer without the written permission of said Quarantine, Officer; nor shall any person without such permission board or go upon such vessel while the same is in quarantine or under the directions of the Quarantine Officer. Any violation of the provisions of this or of the two preceding sections, shall be a misdemeanor.

SEC. 16. No vessel shall be put in quarantine without a stated decision of the Quarantine Officer, and the captain or the master of the vessel shall be informed immediately after his decision, and no vessel subject to quarantine shall depart therefrom without the written permit of the Quarantine Officer, and such permit shall be delivered to the Board of Health within twenty-four hours after said permit shall be received by said master; provided, that the captain or master of the vessel quarantined shall be at liberty to appeal from the Quarantine Office to the Board of Health. SEC. 17. A vessel shall have the right, before breaking bulk, of putting to sea in preference to being quarantined; in the exercise of this right, if the vessel have not arrived at her port of destination, the bill of health shall be returned ; the Quarantine Officer, however, shall mention upon said bill the length and circumstances of the detention and the condition of the vessel upon re-putting to sea.

SEC. 18. Said Board, whenever and at such time as by them it shall be deemed necessary, may, with the approval of the Supervisors, by proclamation, require all railroad cars, or other public conveyances bound for this city, before the same shall land or stop at any depot or landing or stopping place therein, or stop or touch at any or either of the sites, places or boundaries so elected and established for quarantine purposes, and leave all such emigrants, travelers or persons, and all such sick, diseased or unclean persons, with their stores and baggage, as in the opinion of the officers stationed at such quarantine sites, places or boundaries, shall be deemed proper, on account of the existence or general report of cholera, small-pox, yellow, typhus, or ship-fever, or any contagious disease, or disease apprehended to endanger the health of the city.

SEC. 19. The said Board shall make such rules and regulations for the government of the quarantine or health of the city as from time to time they shall deem necessary; and the physicians or health officers in charge of any quarantine station or place, shall have power to make and enforce such regulations as may be necessary for the proper conducting and management thereof; and it shall be the duty of all persons in quarantine, and all agents, officers, policemen, or others employed by the city in and about said quarantine stations or places, to carry out and obey the




SECTION 1. The Board may appoint for the City and County Hospital one Superintendent, to hold office during good behavior, and define his duties. He shall possess the same qualifications as the Health Officer. He shall give his personal attention to the duties of his office, and reside at the Hospital and not engage in any other business.

SEC. 2. They may also appoint one apothecary, an Assistant Apothecary, and one clerk whose duties they shall define. Any or all of these officers may be dismissed at the pleasure of the Board. The Visiting Physicians and Surgeons for the City and County Hospital shall be appointed by the Board of Health from among such competent persons as may be nominated by the Faculties of the regular Medical Colleges that now, or may hereafter exist The said Visiting Physicians and Surgeons, who shall serve without pay, shall afford medical students every opportunity for acquiring clinical knowledge consistent with the health and comfort of the sick.

SEC. 3. The Board may also appoint for the City and County Hospital internes not to exceed eight, and define their duties; they shall serve without pay other than being provided with lodgings and board.

SEC. 4. The Superintendent of the City and County Hospital may appoint, subject to the approval of the Board, the following employees, and dismiss them at his pleasure:

One steward, one engineer, one matron, two dressers, fourteen nurses, one night watchman, one baker, one first cook, one second cook, two third cooks, one head laundryman, three assistant laundrymen, three waiters, one ambulance driver, one mattress maker, one carpenter, one gardener and one gatekeeper.

SEC. 5. The Board may appoint one Superintendent for the the Alms House, who shall hold office during good behavior. He shall execute a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, to be approved in accordance with this Charter, and shall give his personal attention to the duties of his office, and shall reside at the Alms House.

SEC. 6. He shall have charge and management of the inmates, property and grounds belonging to the Alms House. All produce grown and all live stock raised upon the grounds thereof, shall be the property of the city and county and no article or product shall be removed except by said Superintendent. He shall, at the time of the removal of the same, keep a record thereof, in a suitable book kept for that purpose. All produce grown, and all live stock raised, and not needed for the use of the inmates of the Alms House, shall be sold or disposed of by the Superintendent in such a manner as directed by the Board of Health. The Superintendent shall execute such bill and bills of sale as may be proper upon any such sales, and shall collect the purchase price therefor, and shall pay over to the Treasurer of said city and county immediately, all moneys that he may collect as Superintendent of said Alms House.

SEC. 7. The Board may also appoint one Resident Almshouse Physician, who shall be a graduate of some medical college in good standing, and define his duties.

SEC. 8. The Superintendent may appoint, subject to the approval of the Board:

One matron, one clerk, four nurses, one steward, one 1st cook, one 2d cook, two 3d cooks, one ambulauce driver, two watchmen, one farmer, one teamster, one engineer, one tailor, one shoemaker, one baker, one laundryman and one carpenter.

SEC. 9. The Board may appoint one Resident Physician for the Smallpox Hospital, who must possess the same qualifications as the Health Officer, and define his duties. They shall prescribe rules and regulations for the government of the Hospital.

SEC. 10. The Board of Health may appoint from among such competent persons as may be nominated by the Faculties of the regular Medical Colleges that now or may hereafter exist, two surgeons for the City Receiving Hospital. They shall at all times afford medical students of the city and county every facility of acquiring clinical knowledge consistent with the health and comfort of the sick and injured in said Hospital. The Board may appoint to the Receiving Hospital annually two internes, who shall be under the charge of the Surgeon, and who shall serve on the same conditions as the internes of the City and County Hospital.

SEC. 11. The Receiving Hospital shall be for the reception and temporary treatment only of the sick and injured.

SEC. 12. After receiving temporary treatment the indigent must be sent to the City and County Hospital. All other persons must be removed, at their own expense, to their place of residence, or to such place as they or their friends shall designate, except in such cases as the Surgeon may deem that removal would endanger the person's life. Provided, that persons not indigent so treated shall be charged the usual hospital charges for the treatment of the sick, and all such charges shall be paid into the City Treasury.



SECTION 1. The Board shall cause to be kept a record of. all births, deaths and interments occuring in said city and county. Such records must be kept in the Health Office, and shall be open for the inspection of any person during office hours.

SEC. 2. No person shall deposit in any cemetery, or inter in the City and County of San Francisco, any human body without first having obtained and filed at the Health Office a certificate signed by a physician or midwife or a coroner, setting forth as near as possible the name, age, sex, color, place of birth, occupation, date, locality, and cause of death of deceased, and obtain from the Health Officer a burial permit; nor shall any human body be removed or disinterred without the permit of the Board of Health or Health Officer, or by order of the Coroner. Physicians, when deaths occur in their practice, must give the certificate herein mentioned, unless the physician believes such death to be a proper case for the investigation of the Coroner. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to see that the dead body of a human being is not allowed to remain in any public receiving vault for a longer period than five days. At the expiration of that time he shall require the body to be buried or be placed in a vault or niche constructed of brick, stone or iron, and hermetically sealed. It shall also be his duty to require all persons having in charge the digging of graves and burial of the dead, to see that the body of no human being, who had reached ten years of age, shall be interred in a grave less than six feet deep, or if under the age of ten years, the grave to be not less than five feet deep.

SEC. 3. Superintendents of cemeteries within the boundaries of the city and county must return to the Health Office, on each Monday, the names of all persons interred or deposited within their respective cemeteries for the preceding week.

SEC. 4. It shall be unlawful to disinter or exhume from a grave, vault, or other burial place within the limits of said city and county, the body or remains of any deceased person, unless a permit for so doing shall have been first obtained from the Board or the Health Officer; nor shall any body or remains disinterred, exhumed, or taken from any grave, vault,

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