
or other place of burial or deposit, be transported in or through the streets or highways of said city and county, unless the person or persons transporting such body or remains shall first obtain from the Health Officer a permit, in writing, therefor. When an applicant for a permit to disinter a body shall desire to remove said body beyond the limits of said city and county, and shall so state on making application, the permit, if the same be issued, shall include the right to disinter and remove, and said permit shall accompany the body or remains.

SEC. 5. The permits in the last section provided, may be granted in the discretion of the Board of Health under such general restrictions and conditions as the Board of Health may prescribe. The Health Officer shall prepare a book of blank permits, in proper form, and consecutively numbered, containing stubs, on which, as well as in the permit, shall be entered a record of the transaction, giving the name, age, sex, nativity, date of death, place of burial, and destination of remains to be transported or removed. And upon granting each permit for the removal of a body beyond the State limits he shall require to be paid to him the sum of ten dollars therefor, to be paid into the Treasury for the use and benefit of the General Fund of said city and county..

SEC. 6. Any person or persons who shall disinter, exhume, transport or remove, or cause to be disinterred, exhumed, transported or removed from a grave, vault, or other receptacle or burial place, the remains of a deceased person, without a permit therefor from such Health Officer, or who shall transport, or cause to be transported, on or through the streets or highways of said city and county, the body or remains of a deceased person, which has been disinterred or exhumed, without such permit, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

SEC. 7. Nothing in this Chapter contained shall be taken to apply to the removal of the remains of a deceased person from one place of interment to another place of interment within the same cemetery.

SEC. 8. No person shall receive for transportation, or shall transport upon any boat, vessel or railroad car, or public or private conveyance, the body of any person who has died within the limits of said city and county, unless said body is accompanied by a permit for such transportation from the Health Officer; and no person shall bring into, or transport through

said city and county the dead body or remains of any person, unless it be accompanied with a certificate from some proper authority (if any such there be) of the place whence it came, stating name, age, sex, and cause of death, which certificate shall be immediately filed at the Health Office; provided, that in no case shall the body of any person who died of contagious disease be brought to said city and county within one year after the day of death. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

SEC. 9. The Board of Health shall have charge of all cemeteries belonging to said city and county, and may employ a Superintendent thereof.

SEC. 10. No disinterment or exhumation shall take place in any cemetery within the city and county except at the request of the relatives of the deceased.



SECTION. 1. No officer or employee of the Board of Health shall receive any compensation or perquisite of any description, either directly or indirectly, other than the salary designated in this Charter; provided, that this clause shall not be applicable to the members of the Board or be so construed as to prevent the physicians from the practice of their profession, when it does not interfere with their official duties. All fees collected by any officer or employee of the Board of Health shall be immediately paid by such officer or employee into the Treasury as in other


SEC. 2. All moneys now in the Disinterment Fund in the Treasury shall be transferred to the General Fund.

SEC. 3. Any member of the Board of Health, Health Officer or Quarantine Officer, or Secretary of the Health Department, may administer oaths on business connected with the Health Department.


Fire Department.


SECTION 1. There shall be a Board of Fire Commissioners consisting of four citizens of good character and standing, and possessing the same qualifications as to eligibility as are provided for members of the Board of Aldermen. They shall be appointed by the Mayor, and the term of office of such Commissioners shall be four years from the date of their appointment; provided, that the Fire Commissioners now acting as such shall continue to hold their offices until the expiration of the terms for which they have been respectively elected or appointed. The persons first appointed Fire Commissioners, as provided in this Charter, shall so classify themselves by lot that one of them shall go out of office annually. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties, the Commissioners shall each take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office. If any of the persons appointed Commissioner, as herein provided, shall fail to qualify within ten days after his appointment, the office shall be vacant. No member of the Board of Fire Commissioners shall be eligible for or hold any elective office under the city and county, or State govrnment, during the term for which he was appointed. Immediately after the appointment and qualification of the Commissioners they shall organize by selecting of their number as President, and electing a Secretary. Said board shall meet at least once in each month, and all meetings shall be open to the public. The Board may also meet and adjourn from time to time, as the business of the department may require. No more than two of said Board shall be of the same political party. The person chosen Secretary of said Board shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, execute a bond, with two or more sureties, in the penal sum of twelve thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties, to be approved as provided in this Charter. Said Secretary shall give an additional bond whenever directed by the Board. Said Secretary shall attend daily, during office hours, at the office of the Board of Fire Commissioners, which may be the office of the Chief Engineer, Assistant Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineers; and shall perform the duties of Secretary to said Board and Chief Engineer, and such other duties as said Board, from time to time; may prescribe.


SEC. 2. The said Board shall keep a full and correct record of its proceedings, and shall annually, on or

before the first day of August, make to the Supervisors a full and complete report in writing of the condition of the Fire Department under its care, on the thirtieth day of June of said year, with a detailed statement of the expenditures of the Department for the preceding fiscal year, and showing the expenditures on account of each company separately stated. The said Board shall prepare and submit to the Auditor, on or before the first day in May, in each year, an estimate of the amount required to maintain the said Fire Department during the ensuing fiscal year, which estimate shall be in detail, and shall be reported by the Auditor to the Supervisors with his annual estimates. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall, on the first day of May in each year, make out and file with the Clerk of the Supervisors a list or statement of all the articles, apparatus, materials and supplies of every kind and description whatever, that will be required by the Fire Department during the next ensuing fiscal year. This list or statement shall be certified to by the President and Secretary, and shall include everything required for the Fire Department. No article whatever shall be delivered to the Department for use, or otherwise, except upon the requisition of the Board of Fire Commissioners; and and the Clerk of the Corporation Yard shall not deliver any stores or supplies pertaining to said Fire Department, to any officer, member or employee, except upon an order signed by the Secretary of said Board; provided, that pending a conflagration, such material or apparatus as may be required for the purpose of extinguishing such conflagration, may be withdrawn from the Corporation Yard, on an order by the Chief Engineer.

SEC. 3. The said Board shall possess full power and authority over the organization, government, and discipline of said Fire Department, and shall have authority to prescribe the duties of the officers, members and employees, subject to the laws and ordinances governing the department. Said Board shall have the custody and control of the houses, engines, hose-carts, trucks, ladders, horses, telegraph lines, corporation yards, stables, and all other property and equipments belonging to the Fire Department. The Chief Engineer, the Assistant Chief Engineer, the Assistant Engineers, the Superintendent and and Assistant Superintendent of Steam Fire Engines, the Secretary, and all other members and employees of the Fire Department, shall be appointed by the said Board, and retain their positions during good behavior. No officer, member, or employee of said Fire Department shall be appointed or removed for political reasons. It shall be the duty of the said Board to supervise, direct and control the officers, members and employees of the said Fire Department, and see that they faithfully discharge their duties, and that the laws, ordinances and regulations relating to said department are carried into operation and effect, and to make all rules and regulations necessary to secure discipline and efficiency in the department; and, to enable it to enforce such rules and regulations, it shall have power to impose reasonable fines and forfeitures for a violation thereof, and for neglect of duty, or misconduct, and to enforce the collection thereof. All fines and forfeitures collected under the provisions of this section shall be paid to the City and County Treasurer, who shall keep the same in a fund to be known as the "Fund for the Relief of Disabled Firemen;" which said fund shall be under the control of the Board, which is authorized to disburse the same in the cases hereinafter set forth; all drafts upon said funds to be signed by the President and Secretary of said Board and audited by the Auditor as in other cases.

SEC. 4. Every claim against the Fire Department shall be approved by the said Board, and no claim of any character whatever which rightfully should be charged to the Fire Department Fund, shall be allowed or ordered paid by the Supervisors, or allowed by the Auditor, or paid by the Treasurer, until the same has been approved by the said Board, in open session, on a call of the ayes and noes, which approval shall be entered in the minutes of said Board. A certificate that the claim has been so approved shall be indorsed on the claim, and signed by the President and Secretary of the Board, before the same can be allowed or ordered paid by the Supervisors, or audited by the Auditor, or paid by the Treasurer. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall not approve any claim not authorized by the provisions of this Charter, nor shall said Board approve, in any one fiscal year, any claim whatever, beyond the amount appropriated and collected for the Fire Department Fund.

SEC. 5. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall determine and report to the Supervisors as to the necessity and propriety of constructing cisterns and erecting hydrants in particular localities; also, as to the necessity for new and additional apparatus and fire boats, and for material, supplies, engines, horses, hose, hook and ladders, and also as to the alterations and repairs required, and also as to material required for the efficient working of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, and likewise as to the number of companies, officers, members, and employees of the Fire Department and Police Telegraph; but the action of the Board of Fire Commissioners with respect to the necessity of these matters shall only be ad

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