visory to the Supervisors, and no increase in the apparatus, material, houses, companies, officers, members, or employees, or other matters shall be made, until the same shall have been authorized by the Supervisors expressed by ordinance. All contracts and work for the Fire Department shall be ordered or let by the Supervisors, and said Board of Fire Commissioners shall supervise all contracts awarded and work done for the said Fire Department and Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, except work done under direction of the Board of Public Works, and shall see that all contrac.s are awarded and work done are faithfully performed. SEC. 6. The Supervisors may, as hereinafter provided, increase or diminish the number of companies, officers, members and employees of the Fire Department. On the recommendation of the Board of Fire Commissioners for the necessity of the work, supplies or materials referred to in Section 5, of this Chapter, the Supervisors shall have power to award contracts therefor. The Supervisors may provide and furnish for the use of the Board of Fire Commissioners, a suitable room or rooms, in one of the public buildings, to serve as an office for their meetings and the transaction of business of the Department. The Secretary and Janitor shall be in attendance at such office daily during office hours. The Chief and his Assistants shall also make it their office daily during office hours, when not otherwise engaged in official duties. The Supervisors may also furnish the Chief Engineer and the Assistant Chief Engineer and the Assistant Engineers each with a horse and buggy, and provide for the keeping of the same. And the Supervisors are also authorized and empowered to establish and maintain at the corporation yard a workshop for making repairs and improvements upon apparatus for the Fire Department-such repairs and improvements to be under the supervision of the Board of Fire Commissioners. And the Supervisors may allow and order paid out of the amount herein allowed to be expended for repairs and other expenses of said Fire Department, tho necessary expenses of said workshop. The Supervisors, in addition to the sums herein referred to, are authorized and empowered to appropriate and cause to be paid such sums as may be necessary to pay the salaries of the Superintendent, Operators, and Repairers of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, and for the maintenance, repair and extension of the same, and to defray the cost of instruments and machinery therefor; and for such horses and vehicles as may be necessary for the use of said branch of the Department, for the repair and extension of the Fire Alarm, and Police Telegraph system, and for the cost of new instruments and machinery connected therewith. SEC. 7. The number of the officers of the Fire Department (including the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph), shall remain as fixed at the adoption of this Charter, until otherwise, by ordinance, directed by the Supervisors. ex SEC. 8. Until otherwise provided by the Supervisors there shall be attached to the Fire Department thirteen steam fire engines, nine hose, and four hook and ladder companies. As auxiliary to the department, fire tinguishers may be purchased and employed, if in the judgment of the Board of Fire Commissioners it shall be deemed advisable. The companies of said department may be organized as follows: Each steam fire engine company may consist of one Foreman, one Engineer, one Driver, one Fireman, and eight Hosemen; one of whom shall act as Assistant Foreman, and one as Clerk. Each hook and ladder company may consist of one Foreman, one Driver, one Tillerman, and twelve Hook-and-Ladder-men; one of whom may act as Assistant Foreman, and one as Clerk. Each hose company shall consist of one Foreman, one Driver, one Steward, and six Hosemen; one of whom shall act as Assistant Foreman, and one as Clerk. The fire boat may have one Foreman, one Steward, two Captains, two Engineers, four Stokers and seven Hosemen; and may constitute one of the nine hose companies herein provided. SEC. 9. The Board may divide the said city and county into four districts; and assign one of the Assistant Engineers to each district. Each Assistant Engineer shall reside in the district to which he has been assigned, and be immediately responsible for the condition of the apparatus and the discipline of the men in said district. SEC. 10. The Chief Engineer shall be the executive officer of said Fire Department, and it shall be his duty, and that of the Assistant Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineers, to see that the laws, orders, rules, regulations and ordinances concerning the same are carried into effect, and also to attend to such duties as Fire Wardens as may be prescribed by the Board of Fire Commissioners, and to see that all laws, orders and regulations established in said city and county to secure protection against fire are enforced. The Chief Engineer shall enforce the rules and regulations made from time to time to secure discipline in said Fire Department. He shall have power to suspend any subordinate officer, member or employee for a violation of the same; and shall forthwith report in writing, what he has done, with his reasons therefor, to the Board of Fire Commissioners for its action. He shall diligently observe the condition of the apparatus and workings of said Department, and shall report in writing, at least once in each week, to said Board of Fire Commissioners, upon the same, and make such recommendations and suggestions respecting it, and for securing its greater efficiency, as he may deem proper; and in the absence or inability of the Chief Engineer to act, the Assistant Chief Engineer shall assume and perform all the duties of Chief Engineer. The Chief Engineer shall have authority to appoint one member of each company to act as assistant foreman, and also one member to act as clerk. SEC. 11. The Chief Engineer, or in his absence the Assistant Chief Engineer, or in the absence of both of these officers, either Assistant Engineer of the Fire Department, may, with the concurrence of the Mayor, cause to be cut down and removed any building, for the purpose of checking the progress of any fire. SEC. 12. The Storekeeper of the Fire Department Corporation Yard shall, before entering upon his duties, give a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, with two good and sufficient sureties, to be approved as provided in this Charter, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties, which bond shall be filed with the City and County Auditor. Said Board may require additional bonds, whenever it shall be deemed necessary. Said Storekeeper shall receipt in duplicate for all articles placed in his charge, and immediately enter the same in a book to be kept in his office for the purpose. One of said receipts shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Fire Commissioners. Said Storekeeper shall take duplicate receipts for all articles delivered by him for use in the Department, and file one of said receipts with the Secretary of said Board. On the first day of each and every month, said Storekeeper shall file in the office of the Board a statement of the articles received during the preceding month; a list of the articles delivered for use in the Department during the same time, with the names of the officer and company to whom delivered; a full and complete inventory of the articles in his custody, and also a list of articles that will be required to enable him to supply the Department during the ensuing month. SEC. 13. There may be maintained by the Supervisors in said city and county, a Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, which shall be in charge of the Board of Fire Commissioners, who shall appoint, regulate and control the employees thereof in like manner with other employees of the Fire Department. SEC. 14. No person shall hold more than one position under said Board of Fire Commissioners, or under said city and county, or under the State or Federal government or draw more than one salary for services performed. In all investigations the President of the Board shall have power to issue subpœnas, and the Board shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses before it by attachment or otherwise. All subpœnas issued by the President shall be served by any policeman, or any peace officer of said city and county. Any person who refuses to attend to testify, in obedience to such subpœnas, shall le deemed guilty of contempt, and punished by the Board, as in cases of contempt in Justices' Courts in civil cases. Any member of the Board may administer oaths and affirmations. SEC. 15. The Chief Engineer, Assistant Chief Engineer, the Assistant Engineers, the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Steam Fire Engines, while on duty, shall be deemed public peace officers, and shall be vested with all the powers of arrest and detention, and other constabulary authority vested in police officers. SEC. 16. The Fire Commissioners shall not, nor shall either of them, or any officer, member, or employee of the Fire Department be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract for work, labor, or materials of any kind or description what soever, done or to be done, furnished or to be furnished, to the said Fire Department, and every such contract shall be void; nor shall any of them receive any gratuity or advantage from any contractor, laborer, or person performing labor for, or furnishing materials to, said Department. A violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misde meanor. SEC. 17. No member of said Board shall during his term of office, be a member of any convention held for political purposes, nor shall the officers, members, or employees of said Fire Department take any part whatever in any convention held for the purposes of a political party, or be a momber of any political club; nor shall any member of the said Board, directly or indirectly, control or attempt to control or influence the action of any officer, member, or employee of said Fire Department, at any primary or other political election. No officer, member, or employee of the Fire Department shall levy, collect, or pay. any amount of money as an assessment or contribution for political purposes. A violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor. Any member of said Board violating the provisions of this section, shall by that fact forfeit his position, and the Mayor may at once proceed to fill the vacancy as in other cases. On the filing with said Board of the certificate of the record of conviction of any officer or employee of said Department under the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of said Board to at once dismiss said person from the Department. SEC. 18. Whenever an officer, member or employee of the Fire Department shall become disabled by reason of injuries received at any fire, so as to be unable to perform his duties, the Supervisors, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Fire Commissioners, are hereby authorized to allow said disabled man a sum not exceeding fifty dollars per month, for not to exceed three months, payable out of the Fire Department Fund; provided, that if said officer, member or employee be permanently disabled, the Supervisors, upon the recommendation of the Commissioners, may continue such payment for not exceeding two years, to be paid out of the Fire Department Fund, in the same manner as salaries or wages to officers, members and employees of the Department. SEC. 19. The Supervisors may by an ordinance passed by ten members of each Board, and approved by the Mayor, provide for having the officers and men of one or more of the engine, hose or hook and ladder companies, give their undivided time to the service; in which case, by such ordinance, the salaries of such officers and men may be advanced to such sum as the Supervisors may deem proper. or CHAPTER II. OF THE REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. SECTION 1. Any officer or employee of the Fire Department, other than the members of the Board, guilty of any legal offense, neglect of duty, violation of rules, or neglect disobedience of orders, or incapacity, or absence without leave, or conduct injurious to the public peace or welfare, or immoral conduct, or other breach of discipline, shall be liable to be punished by reprimand, withholding pay for a specified time, or dismissal from the Department; but no more than thirty days' pay shall be forfeited or withheld for any one offense. SEC. 2. Such officers or employees shall be subject to removal or punishment only upon trial before the Commissioners. Charges of official negligence, inefficiency, misconduct, oppression, or any cause, when presented by any officer of the Fire Department, or in a verified complaint by a citizen of said city and county, setting forth the specific acts complained of, shall be received and attentively considered and determined by the Board, giving to the accused such reasonable notice as it may prescribe, and an impartial hear |