7. To regulate and prevent the throwing or depositing of ashes, offal, dirt, rubbish or garbage in the streets. 8. To regulate the cleaning of the streets, avenues, sidewalks and gutters. 9. To regulate the use of the streets and sidewalks for signs, sign posts, awnings, awning posts, horse troughs, urinals, telegraph posts and other purposes. 10. To provide for and regulate street pavements, crosswalks, curbstones, gutter-stones, sidewalks, and the grade of streets; and to provide for regulating grading, guttering, sewering and lighting streets, roads, places and avenues. 11. To regulate public cries, advertising and other noises, steam whistles, and the ringing of bells in the streets; and to control and limit traffic on the streets, avenues and public places. 12. In relation to street beggars, vagrants and mendicants. cannons 13. In relation to the sale and use of guns, pistols and firearms, and to regulate the sale and use of fire-works and holiday explosives of every nature and description, as well as toy pistols and guns, miniature and all kinds of explosive and detonating toys; provided, that it shall not be lawful in said city and county for any merchant, trader or other person to sell or give away to any minor child, or children, any toy cannon, gun, pistol, or other toy weapon or plaything constructed of iron, steel, or other metal, in or by which gunpowder, fulminate, or other explosive or detonating substance is or can be used, and the use of toy pistols, cannons, or other tey weapon or plaything so constructed, as well as the use of fire-crackers, roman candles and other holiday explosives, by firing the same off in the public streets or highways, except at a public procession or exhibition authorized by the city authorities and controlled by the police, is forbidden and prohibited. Any person violating any of the provisions of this subdivision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Any police officor or member of the police force who shall be guilty of neglect to enforce this provision, or who shall neglect or refuse to arrest persons violating any part of the same, shall be liable to expulsion from the force on proof of the fact to the Police Commissioners. No ordinance passed under this subdivision shall ever be suspended or modified temporarily, but the Supervisors may enact cumulative and additional pro'visions for the more strict enforcement of the objects herein provided for. 14. In relation to intoxication, fighting and quarreling in the streets. 15. In relation to places of public amusement. 16. In relation to exhibiting banners and placards or flags in or across the streets, or from houses or other buildings. 17. In relation to the exhibition of advertisements or handbills along the streets, avenues or public places. 18. In relation to the construction, repairing and use of vaults, cisterns, areas, hydrants, pumps, sewers and privies. 19. In relation to partition fences and walls. 20. In relation to the construction, repair, care and use of markets and market places. 21. In relation to licensing and regulating hackney carriages and other public passenger vehicles, and to fix the rates to be charged for the transportation of persons, baggage, goods, merchandise, and property, or either, thereon; and to license and regulate all vehicles used for the conveyance of merchandise, earth, and ballast, or either; and also, to license and regulate persons employed in conveying baggage, property, and merchandise, or either, to or from any place within the limits of said city and county; to provide for the summary removal and disposition of any or all vehicles found in the streets, highways, and public squares, during certain hours of the day or night, to be designated by the Supervisors, and in addition to all other remedies, to provide by regulation for the sale or other disposition of such vehicles, to protect the public from injury by runaways, by punishing persons who negligently leave horses or carriages in the street; to prescribe the width of the tires of all drays, trucks, carts, and other vehicles, and the weight to be carried thereby, for the preservation of the streets and highways. 22. To fix and establish the amount of every license paid into the City and County Treasury for city and county purposes. 23. In relation to the mode and manner of suing for, and collecting liabilities, and keeping accounts of the city and county. 24. In relation to the erection and repairing of public fountains for the use of men and animals at convenient points along the streets and avenues, and in public places. 25. To provide for the security, custody and administration of all property of said city and county, and to purchase property, situated as well without as within the boundaries of said city and county, which may be required for municipal purposes, but, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, without any power to sell or encumber the same, or lease any part thereof for more than two years, except, however, that such personal property belonging to the Fire, Street and other Departments, as they may deem unsuited for the uses and purposes for which the same were designed, or so much worn and dilapidated as not to be worth repairing, may be sold; but all such sales must be made at public auction, after due notice by advertisement in the official newspaper. 26. To provide for lighting the streets, squares, parks, public places and all public buildings not in charge of some other Board or Department. But no contract for the same or any part of the same shall be made for more than one year, nor shall any contract to pay for gas or any other illuminating material more than is legally charged to ordinary consumers be valid. All demands for payment for lighting public buildings shall be presented monthly to the Board or Department using or having charge thereof, and shall specify the amount of gas or other illuminating material consumed in each building during the month. 27. To provide water for municipal purposes. Where water is supplied to said City and County, or to any of its departments, by any person or corporation other than the city and county, it shall not be paid for at more than the rates for the year established by the Supervisors, for ordinary consumers, nor in any different manner from other supplies. 28. To provide for inclosing, improving and regulating all public grounds of said City and County; and it shall not be lawful for the Board to lease any square or park or allow the same to be closed to the public, or for admission fees to be collected for entrance thereto. 29. To prohibit the erection of wooden buildings or structures within fixed limits, and to restrict and limit the height of such buildings or structures; to regulate the sale, storage and use of gun-powder, Giant powder, dynamite, nytro-glycerine and other explosive or combustible materials and substances, and the places of their manufacture, as well as the manufacture of acids, and to make all needful regulations in reference to the manufacture, storage and transportation of all such materials and substances, and the maintenance of acid works, slaughter-houses, brick-kilns, tanneries, and all other manufactories and works of every description that may endanger the public safety, health or comfort; to regulate and to exclude from certain limits all hospitals, institutions and places for the treatment of disease, or care of sick or insane persons; and to regulate all noxious trades, and restrict the prosecution thereof to such fixed limits as may from time to time seem proper, or exclude them from the said city and county; and to make all necessary regulations for protection against fire, as well as such rules and regulations concerning the erection and use of buildings as may be necessary for the safety of the inhabitants of said city and county. 30. To permit the laying down of railroad tracks and running cars thereon, along any street or portion of a street, for the sole purpose of excavating and filling in a street or portion of a street, or adjoining lots, and for such limited time as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid, and no longer. 31. To regulate and provide for the employment, on the public works of said city and county, of prisoners sentenced to labor thereon, and to make regulations requiring prisoners not sentenced to imprisonment in the State prison to be sentenced to such labor, either in the chain gangs or otherwise as the Supervisors may deem expedient; also to maintain and regulate, and at discretion change, dispense with and re-establish City and County jails, prisons, and Houses of Correction, and other places of punishment, confinement and reformation; and to establish, in connection therewith, manufacturing or laboring establishments. 32. To provide places for the detention of witnesses, separate and apart from any place where criminals or persons accused of public offenses are imprisoned. 33. To fix and determine in the month of February of each year, to take effect on the first day of July thereafter, the rates or compensation to be collected by any person, company or corporation in this city and county for the use of water, and gas light or other illuminating power, supplied to the city and county, or the inhabitants thereof, and to prescribe the quality of gas or other illuminating power, and to prescribe penalties for the violation of all ordinances passed in reference to the matters contained in this subdivision. The rate or compensation paid for water furnished to said city and county, for the extinguishment of fires, shall be based upon water actually used in such extinguishment. No rate for hydrants or fire plugs shall be allowed unless the same are actually used in the extinguishment of fires, and then only the quantity of water actually so used shall be paid for at meter rates as nearly as the same can be ascertained; nor shall any higher price or compensation ever be paid by said city and county for water for any purpose than the metre rate for the year for the amount actually used. Water furnished for irrigation shall be at the same rate and man ner. 34. To regulate the quality, capacity and location of water and gas pipes, mains and fire-plugs, and to provide for and regulate the construction and repair of hydrants, fire-plugs, cisterns and pumps, and such other appliances as may be fit to utilize the distribution of water in the streets, public places and public buildings. 35. To regulate, license and control the business of pawnbrokers and intelligence offices, and prescribe the mode of conducting the same. 36. To license and regulate, for the purpose of city and county revenue, all such callings, trades and employments as the public good may require to be licensed and regulated, and as are not prohibited by law. 37. To make all needful rules and regulations to govern the official conduct and duties of all officers of the city and county, and to fix and regulate the charges and fees of all such officers where their fees are not otherwise fixed, and to compel the payment of all such fees and charges into the Treasury, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter. 38. To provide rules and regulations for the administration, care, maintenance and conduct of all Departments and offices in said city and county, not otherwise provided for in this Charter, so as to secure the more perfect safety of the public funds, and greater efficiency in all departments of service, and to enforce the observance of such rules and regulations. To provide for greater efficiency in the collection of all taxes, licenses and municipal revenues of every kind; provided, that the City Attorney shall attend to all such litigation; and provided, that such collections shall not be made upon shares or commissions by any one, and all contracts for collecting any part of the revenue upon commission or shares shall be void. 39. To authorize and direct the summary abatement of nuisances, and declaring and defining by general rules what shall constitute a nuisance; to provide for the prevention and summary removal of all nuisances and obstructions in the streets, alleys, highways and public places and grounds of said city and county; to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or expedient for the preservation of the public health and the prevention of contagious diseases: to prevent or regulate the running at large of dogs or other animals, and to authorize the destruction or impounding of the same when at large, contrary to ordinance. 40. To prohibit, suppress, regulate or exclude from certain limits all houses of ill fame, prostitution and gaming; to prohibit, suppress or exclude from certain limits all occupations, houses, places, pastimes and amusements, exhibitions and practices which are against good morals and contrary to public order and decency, or dangerous to the public safety. 41. To provide for the safe keeping and disposition of lost, stolen or unclaimed property of every kind which may |