at any time be in the possession or under the control of the police or other departments of said city and county. 42. To regulate or suppress all public assemblages in, or processions through, the public streets, squares, and other places, which interfere with the public travel, convenience or safety. 43. To secure the health, comfort and security of the inhabitants, and the safety and security of property and life in said city and county. 44. To make and enforce, within the limits of said city and county, all such local, police, sanitary, and other regulations as are not in conflict with general laws or this Charter. 45. To allow and order paid out of the Street Department Fund such sums as may be necessary for improvement of streets, the expense of which is not chargeable upon private property or payable by any other authority than the city and county, and for the abatement of nuisances caused by or under authority of the city and county. 46. To allow and order paid out of the General Fund a sum not to exceed three thousand dollars annually, for the celebration of the anniversary of our National Independence. 47. To allow and order paid out of the General Fund for election expenses of said city and county, for each election, such sums as in the judgment of the Supervisors upon the report and recommendation of the Election Commissioners, may be required by the Board of Election Commissioners. 48. To provide ways and means for the prosecution or defense of the claims of said city and county to any land or other property, or right belonging to or claimed by said city and county. 49. To allow and order paid out of the Surplus Fund any final judgment against said city and county, but no judgment shall be deemed final till passed upon by the Supreme Court or other Court of last resort. 50. To allow and order paid out of the General Fund such sums as may be necessary for burying the indigent dead. 51. To allow and order paid out of the General Fund such sums, not to exceed five thousand dollars in any one fiscal year, as may be deemed necessary for the employment of special counsel. 52. To provide for the levying, collection and apportionment of the revenue authorized to be collected for the erection and completion of the New City Hall, or any other public building in said city and county. 53. To levy and collect taxes and assessments for any purpose authorized by law or by any of the provisions of this Charter, subject to the limitations thereon, in this Charter contained, upon all property in said city and county subject to taxation, and to provide and fix the time and manner of collection and payment thereof; provided, that from and after the taking effect of this Charter and until otherwise provided by ordinance, all taxes upon real estate and personal property in said city and county for city and county purposes, shall be payable at the time and in the manner provided by law for the collection and payment of taxes for State purposes. 54. To apportion the money derived from the revenue of said city and county to a General Fund, and such other Specific Funds as have been and may hereafter be established by law and this Charter. 55. To provide for, maintain and regulate a public pound, fix the limits within which animals shall not run at large and prescribe the duties of a Poundkeeper; to make all needful rules and regulations necessary for the proper management and control of said pound; to prescribe fines to be paid by the owners of impounded animals; to authorize said Poundkeeper to appoint one or more assistants, whose compensation shall be paid in the same manner and from the same source as the salary of said Poundkeeper. The salary of said Poundkeeper shall not exceed seventy-five dollars per month, nor the compensation of his assistants forty dollars per month each, and shall be paid out of the fines imposed and collected of the owners of impounded animals, and from no other source. The expense of said public pound, to be paid out of the City and County Treasury, shall not exceed the sum of six hundred dollars a year. 56. To establish, from time to time, a convenient number of police stations; to designate the prisons to be used for the reception and detention of all persons arrested or convicted and sentenced for public offenses, in cases not otherwise provided for. 57. To determine the fines, forfeitures and penalties for the breach of any ordinance of the city and county, and also for a violation of any provision of this Charter, where no penalties are fixed thereto or provided by law; but no penalty to be imposed shall exceed the amount of five hundred dollars or six months' imprisonment, or both. 58. To build, purchase, rent, maintain, or otherwise provide suitable buildings for rooms or accommodations for all Courts, Departments, Boards and officers of said city and county, together with all necessary attendance, furniture, fuel, light and stationery, sufficient for the convenient transaction of business. 59. To provide a common seal for said city and county, and from time to time to alter and change the same, and also to provide seals for the several Departments, Boards and officers of said city and county, and for the Police Court, and for altering and changing the same. 60. To open, close, straighten, or widen any street, road, or highway, or to open and lay out any new street, or highway, through public or private property in said city and county, upon making compensation to all persons whose property may be taken therefor or injuriously affected thereby, upon the conditions and in the manner by law and in this Charter provided, and in like manner to change the grade of any street, road, or highway already laid out or established in said city and county; provided, that no change of grade shall be made where improvements have already been erected upon the line of the grade of the street whereof the grade is proposed to be changed, without providing and making compensation, in such manner as may be provided by law and ordinance of said city and county, to persons whose property may be injuriously affected by such proposed change of grade; but in such case no compensation shall ever be made or allowed for any damages to gas or water pipes, railway tracks, telegraph posts or wires, or other property or thing laid above, along, in, or under any street, highway, park, place or other public property. 61. To permit and allow tunnels to be constructed and maintained in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Supervisors may prescribe, under the surface of any street, road, highway, public park, square, or place, in said city and county, through lands belonging to said city and county, for the passage of pedestrians or railroad cars propelled by steam or other motive power, and other carriages and vehicles for the conveyance of merchandise and passengers; provided, that no such permission or allowance shall be granted without the written consent of persons owning two-thirds of the property fronting upon and along the line of the street in front whereof such tunnel is to be run; and, provided, further, that compensation shall be made in such manner as may be provided by law and ordinance of said city and county, to all persons who may be injuriously affected by any such tunnel. 62. To regulate all street rail roads, tracks and cars, and when and where necessary to compel two or more owners of such roads using the same street for any distance to use the same tracks and to equitably divide the expense thereof between the owners. To fix and establish and to reduce the fares and charges for transporting passengers and goods thereon, and rates of speed, and to pass ordinances to protect the public from danger or inconvenience in operating such roads. Το compel the owner of street railroads to pave and keep in repair the street between their rails and also between their tracks, and for at least two feet on the outside of the same, including all switches, turn-outs and side tracks. 63. To grant authority, for a term not exceeding thirty years, to construct street railways and lay down street railroad tracks upon any of the streets of said city and county upon which cars may be propelled by horses, mules, steam, or other motive power, or by wire ropes running under the streets and run by stationery engines, upon such terms and under such restrictions, limitations and conditions as may be required by the laws of this State, and provided by ordinance of said city and county. 64. To provide in the annual tax levy for a special fund to be used in the construction of one or more main central sewers, for the more thorough drainage of the city, such construction to be authorized by the Supervisors, as provided in this charter for other buildings and works, and to provide for the acquisition or condemnation of land that may be required for sewers, or for the purposes of drainage, or other public use. 65. To restrain and prevent any riot, mob, noise, disturbance or disorderly assembly or amusement dangerous to persons or property in any street, house or place in the city and county. 66. To control, limit and reduce the expenditures of money in every department of said city and county, and for every possible purpose, and to reduce the same in order to avoid extravagance and secure economy, and prevent loss to persons dealing with said city and county, and to keep the expenditures of each fiscal year within the income and revenue provided for such year and to prevent deficiencies in any Specific Fund in the Treasury; but never to increase any expenditure beyond the limits fixed in this Charter. 67. To make all rules and regulations necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers and all other powers vested by this charter or by law in said city and county, or in any department or office thereof. No money shall ever be appropriated or drawn from the City and County Treasury for the use or benefit of any corporation, association, asylum, hospital or other institution not under the exclusive management and control of said city and county as a city and county institution, nor shall any grant or donation of property ever be made thereto by the city and county. No contract on the part of said city and county shall ever be for more than one year. SEC. 2. Every violation of any ordinance or any of the provisions of this Charter, unless otherwise declared in this Charter, shall be a misdemeanor. SEC. 3. The Supervisors in joint convention assembled shall constitute the Board of Equalization of said city and county; they shall meet at the time, and have the powers and perform the duties concerning the equalization of taxes which are now or may be prescribed by the general revenue laws of the State. The President of the Board of Aldermen shall be the presiding officer of the Board of Equalization, and the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen shall be ex-officio clerk thereof. SEC. 4. The Board of Aldermen and the Board of Assistant Aldermen shall each have power to appoint from their members a committee consisting of three, to be denominated "Examining Committee," and to fill all vacancies which may happen in said committee. Each of said committees shall have power to investigate the transactions and accounts of all officers having the collection, custody or disbursement of public money, or having the power to approve, allow or audit demands on the Treasury; shall have free access to any records, books and papers in all public offices; to administer oaths and affirmations; to examine witnesses, and compel their attendance before them by subpœna and attachment for contempt, in case of their refusal to appear and testify when lawfully required; to punish for contempt any officer, ex-officer, or other person, who shall refuse or neglect, when required in writing by said committee, to exhibit any official record, book, document or paper in his custody, or to explain the same, or any official transaction of his own, or of any other officer, so far as he may be able. Said committees, or either of them, may visit any of the public offices when and as often as they think proper, and make their examinations and investigations therein, without hindrance. It shall also be the duty of said Examining Committees as often as once in every six months, to examine the official bonds of all city and county officers, and to inquire into and investigate the sufficiency and solvency of the sureties thereon, and report the facts to the Mayor. Such report shall specify each bond with the sureties and amounts for which each is bound, and shall state whether or not they are deemed sufficient or solvent. Upon such report the Mayor shall act so as to protect the city, and new bonds shall be required when necessary, and he shall have the power to suspend the officer till a sufficient bond is filed and approved. In the exercise of its functions, a concurrence of two members of either committee shall be deemed sufficient. Each of said committees shall keep a record of their proceedings, with the names of the witnesses |