examined, and a substantial statement of the evidence taken. If from the examination made by either of such committees it shall appear that a misdemeanor in office, or a defalcation, has been committed by any officer of said city and county, said committee shall immediately report to the Mayor, who shall thereupon take such action in the premises as shall protect the public interest. It shall be the duty of any police officer of said city and county to execute the process and orders of said committees, or either of them. SEC. 5. In addition to the annual report provided for in this Charter, it shall be the duty of each officer at the head of any department, and each Board to make monthly reports at the end of each month to the Auditor, showing the expenditure and financial affairs of such Department, Board or officer. Such monthly report shall likewise show a contrasting exhibit or statement of the expenditure of such Department, Board or officer for the corresponding month of the preceeding year; and besides the copy furnisned the Auditor a copy shall be kept at all times posted conspicuously in a prominent place, accessible to the public, in the chief office of the Department, Board or officer making the same. Each officer, Board, and head of department having any deputy clerk or employee shall, at all times, keep posted up in a conspicuous place in the chief office, accessable to the public, a correct list, showing the names and salary or pay of every person in said office, Board or department, or employed either regularly or temporarily therein or in any manner connected therewith. And it shall also be the duty of such officers, Boards and heads of Departments each month to make a report to the Board of Aldermen showing such names, with the pay or salary of each deputy, clerk and employee, which report shall be read in open session of the Board of Aldermen, and by the Secretary thereof transmitted to the Auditor. And no pay shall be drawn or paid out of the Treasury for any person whose name does not appear upon such list and report. SEC. 6. No grant of any franchise, right or privilege, or of the authority to exercise any franchise or privilege, that may be made by the Supervisors, shall have any validity or effect, unless the person or persons to whom the same is made, shall within twelve months thereafter commence the exercise and enjoyment of the same; and whenever any franchise or privilege shall have been in disuse, in whole or in part, for the period of one year, it shall be deemed abandoned and forfeited, to the extent of such disuse, and the said franchise or privilege, or that part thereof so in disuse, shall no longer be exercised or enjoyed; provided, that the disuse or nonuse of any portion of a franchise, unless permission before obtained of the Supervisors, shall be deemed a forfeiture of the whole. SEC. 7. Every grant of a franchise, right or privilege shall be subject to the right of the Supervisors at any time thereafter to repeal, change or modify the said grant, and every ordinance making such grant, shall contain the reservation of the right of the Supervisors to repeal, amend or modify the said ordinance. SEC. 8. No ordinance creating or providing for any office, clerkship or employment under said city and county, or any Department, Board or officer thereof, other than those specifically named and provided for in this Charter, shall be in force for more than one year from its passage, but shall expire by limitation at that time, but nothing herein contained shall prevent the re-enactment thereof in the same manner and for the same period that the original ordinance was passed. Until so re-enacted no salary or compensation shall be drawn, nor shall any salary or compensation be allowed for any interval of time after such termination and before its re-enactment. CHAPTER V. OF CONTRACTS. SECTION 1. All contracts exceeding in amount the sum of one hundred dollars, for goods, merchandise, stores, supplies, subsistence, printing, building, or other work or thing for said city and county, as well as for all subsistence, supplies, drugs, and all other necessary articles and things for hospitals, prisons, public institutions, and other departments of said city and county not otherwise specifically provided for in this Charter, must be made by the Supervisors with the lowest bidder offering adequate security, after due public notice published for not less than five days in the official newspaper, and no purchase thereof or liability therefor shall be made or created except by contract. All proposals shall be accompanied with a certificate of deposit or certified check, payable at sight on a solvent bank or banking house in said city and county, of one thousand dollars, where the amount of the bid shall exceed five thousand dollars, and where it shall be less than five thousand dollars, of ten per cent. on the amount of the bid, payable to the order of the Clerk of the Supervisors. If the bidder to whom the contract is awarded, shall for five days after such award, fail or neglect to enter into the contract and file the required bond, it shall be the duty of the Clerk to draw the money due on said certificate of deposit or check, and pay the same into the Treasury. All bids or proposals shall be opened by the Board of Supervisors, and all contracts shall be awarded by the Supervisors by ordinance. In all advertisements for proposals, quantity and quality of articles shall be fully stated, and any bidder may bid for any article named. The award as to each article shall, in all cases, be made to the lowest bidder for such article, and where a bid embraces more than one article, the Board shall have the right to accept or reject such bid or any one or more articles embraced in said bid. The Supervisors shall require bonds, with sufficient sureties, for the faithful performance of every contract. The Clerk of the Supervisors shall furnish suitable printed blanks for all such proposals, contracts and bonds. All bids shall be sealed and delivered by the bidder to the Clerk of the Supervisors, and opened by the Board of Aldermen at an hour and place to be stated in the advertisement for proposals, in the presence of all bidders who may attend, and the bidders may inspect the bids. All bids with alterations or erasures shall be rejected. Any person who shall willfully, and for the purpose of using or imparting knowledge of bids to others, open, examine, or inspect any sealed proposal after the same has been delivered to the Clerk of the Supervisors, before the same has been opened for award as above provided, shall be guilty of a felony. SEC. 2. All contracts for subsistence of prisoners, must be given out annually by the Supervisors, at a fixed price per day for each prisoner and person connected with the prison; and the advertisement for proposals published as in the last section provided, shall specify each article that will be required, the quality thereof, the quantity for each person, and the existing and probable number of persons to be supplied. All articles of food supplied for the prisons, hospitals or other public institutions, must be sound and wholesome, and subject to inspection and rejection by the Health Officer, and by the principal executive officer of the prison, institution or department for which the same are supplied; all of which must be expressed in the contract therefor. SEC. 3. All city and county official advertising, including that of the Sheriff's office, excepting the delinquent tax list, shall be in like manner let by the Supervisors to the lowest responsible bidder publishing a daily newspaper of general circulation in said city and county, that has been in existence at the time of the letting of said contract at least two years; provided, that the award shall be made to the bidder making the lowest aggregate bid. SEC. 4. The Clerk of the Supervisors shall be ex officio City and County Stationer, and shall annually, under the directions of said Supervisors, advertise for proposals for supplying the various departments, officers and offices of the city and county, stationery, and supplies in the nature of stationery, including the manufacture of assessment rolls, minute books, blank books and the printing of blanks. The contracts for stationery shall be separate from that for printing. The estimates for said supplies for printing and stationery shall be based upon the average consumption of all the books, printing and stationery paid for from the city and county Treasury during the three years next preceding, but the proposals shall contain a provision requiring a greater or less quantity to be delivered as theSupervisors may designate, to be supplied at such times and in such quantities as may be necessary for the service of the city and county. The Supervisors shall advertize for bids for paper, which shall state the weight, quality and size of the various kinds required. The proposals for printing shall enumerate the various letter heads, tax bills, tax receipts, Court notices, and all blanks and papers and documents now used or hereafter ordered or required in any and all departments of the city and county government, including the forms, papers and blanks now used or hereafter used by the Superior and all the Courts of the city and county. The forms for all printing shall be consecutively numbered, and each form and blank shall be known as No. -, specifying the number. Said advertisements shall be published for at least ten days in the official newspaper, and shall specify each article, and the estimated amount thereof, that may be required during the period of the contract, and shall require bidders to state the price at which each article will be furnished, printed or manufactured, as the same may be required from time to time during said period, and the amount of the bond that will be required as security for the performance of the said contract; and such contract shall be awarded and entered into, in the manner provided in this Chapter for other contracts. The Clerk of the Supervisors shall have a room or rooms in the City Hall for the proper storage and custody of such goods as belong to the city and county, and the same shall be delivered to him when purchased, and he shall be charged with the safe keeping and custody, and systematic issuance and distribution to the various departments as required. He shall keep exact accounts in detail, charging himself with all goods received, and crediting himself with the goods delivered upon order or requisition, as hereinafter provided. Whenever any supplies of books, blank books, blanks, or any kind of stationery or supplies in the nature of stationery are required for any department of the city government, it shall be the duty of the said City and County Stationer to issue the same after the requisition for such articles has been made by the head of a department or chief deputy, countersigned by the officer authorized by the Supervisors to superintend the issue of such supplies; but no such requisition shall receive the signature of such officer unless the head of the department, or his deputy, has certified under oath that the supplies named in the requisition are requisite for the use of his office. All requisitions for printing, shall be made in a similar manner, and when the foregoing provisions have been complied with the City and County Stationer shall issue to the contractor for printing the paper necessary for the execution of the work according to the numbered form and the quantity applied for. Such printing, when completed, shall be delivered to the City and County Stationer, who shall receipt therefor, and he shall deliver the same to the department for which said printing was executed, taking a receipt therefor from the head of the department or his chief deputy. The City and County Stationer shall report monthly in writing to the Supervisors, in detail, all paper, blanks, books, stationery and printing ordered by and delivered to any department of the city government. The City and County Stationer shall have no compensation for his services except his salary as Clerk of the Supervisors.. SEC. 5. No Department, Officer, or employee of said city and county, except of the School Department, shall make any purchase of any material, or create any liability or obligation against the city and county, until the same has been authorized by the Supervisors by ordinance. SEC. 6. Any member, officer, or employee of said city and county, or of any Department thereof, who shall willfully aid or assist a bidder in securing the award of a contract to furnish labor, material, or supplies, at a higher price or rate than any other bidder proposed, when sealed proposals have been advertised for, or who shall, in any way, favor one bidder for a contract over another by giving or withholding information contrary to his duties, or shall willfully mislead any bidder in regard to the character of the material or supplies called for, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and any one who shall willfully accept material or supplies of a quality inferior to that called for by the contract, or who shall willfully and knowingly certify to a greater amount of labor performed, or who shall willfully or carelessly certify to the receipt of a greater amount or different kind of material or supplies than has been actually received, shall be guilty of a felony and shall be removed from office. SEC. 7. Where any particular piece of work is necessary, or any supplies needful for any particular purpose, it shall |