
whom he made such payment. He shall accompany his monthly statement with his affidavit that he has not in any instance charged or received any other or greater sum as compensation for any advestisement or publication made or to be made by him than the sum actually paid by him for the


SEC. 3. He shall see that all of his Deputies, when not in attendance upon Courts in session or otherwise actively engaged in their official duties, shall report and remain at the Sheriff's office during all the time said office is required by law to be kept open.



SECTION 1. There shall be elected by the qualified electors of said city and county at the general election after the taking effect of this Charter, and at the general election every two years thereafter, a Coroner for said city and county. He shall observe and conform to and be governed by the law regulating the office of Coroner in this State. Before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall take the constitutional oath of office and give an official bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars.

SEC. 2. The Coroner may appoint two clerks, who shall be sworn to act as First and Second Deputy Coroners in all matters, except those duties on inquests which are or may be forbidden by law, to be delegated. They shall take an oath of office. The Coroner may appoint a Messenger, whose duty it shall be to have charge of the dead wagon, keep in order the morgue, and perform such other duties as are required by the Coroner or his deputies in connection with the duties of his office.

SEC. 3. The Supervisors ma may provide a suitable office, and jury room, and dead house or morgue, with the furniture lights stationery and fuel necessary to enable the Coroner to efficiently discharge the duties of his office, and make the necessary appropriation therefor.

SEC. 4. The Coroner shall receive no fees for any services rendered by him.


Police Department.



SECTION 1. There shall be four Police and Election Commissioners of said city and county, to be appointed by the Mayor.

In making such appointments the Mayor shall not appoint more than two from the same political party. The Mayor shall also have power to fill all vacancies, but in filling any vacancy that may occur the Mayor shall not make any appointment the result of which would make more than two of said Commissioners from the same political party. All vacancies filled shall be for the unexpired term only, and said Board shall always be so composed that there shall never be at any one time more than two Commissioners from the same political party.

Every such Commissioner shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Con stitution of the State of California, that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Police and Election Commissioner according to the best of my ability."

The term of office of said Commissioners shall be four years; provided, however, that the first Commissioners appointed under this Article shall, immediately after their appointment, so classify themselves by lot, that two of them of different political faith, shall go out of office in two years after their appointment.

SEC. 2. No person shall be appointed Police and Election Commissioner who shall not have been a citizen of the United States, and a resident and qualified elector of said city and county, for at least five years preceding his appointment.

SEC. 3. Every Police and Election Commissioner shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, and thereafter continuously, reside in said City and County; and any Commissioner who shall, after his appointment, absent himself from said city and county for the continuous period of sixty days, shall by force thereof cease to be a Police and Election Commissioner, and his office shall become vacant.

SEC. 4. No Police and Election Commissioner shall be eligible to any other office during his incumbency of the office of Police and Election Commissioner, nor for one year thereafter. No Commissioner shall, during his term of office, be a member of, or take part in, any convention, the purpose of which is to nominate candidates for office nor act as judge, inspector, clerk, or officer of any election or primary election, or take part in any election except to deposit his vote and except when acting as Election Commissioners, when they shall only perform such official duties as may be required of them by law and by this charter; nor shall any member of said Board, directly or indirectly, influence or attempt to influence or control the action of any member of the Police or Election Department of said city and county, or any employee of said department in any primary, special or general election; nor shall any member of said Board collect, or suffer to be collected from any member of the Police or Election Department of said city and county, any assessment or contribution for political purposes. A violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be cause for the immediate removal from office of the person guilty of such violation.

SEC. 5. The Police and Election Commissioners shall meet in said city and county within ten days after their appointment, and shall organize as a Board of Police Commissioners and elect one of their number President of said Board. The sessions of said Board of Police Commissioners shall be held in said city and county, and shall be public. Said Board shall hold sessions at least once a week, in the office of the Chief of Police, or in such other convenient place as the Supervisors shall designate, or in case of emergency at such place as said Board shall select, and the Clerk of the Chief of Police shall act as Clerk of said Board. Every member of said Board, the Chief of Police, and the Clerk of said Board, shall have power to administer oaths in all matters pertinent to the business of their respective offices, and in all investigations pending before said Board, or any member thereof: The Board shall keep an official record of its proceedings.



SECTION 1. The police force of said city and county shall be appointed by said Board of Police Commissioners; and said Board shall have power:

First-To appoint, suspend or remove any person from the police force; provided, however, that the Chief of Police shall only be removable in the manner in this Charter provided for removal of other officers.

Second-To prescribe all needful rules and regulations for the government and discipline of said police force, and from time to time to alter or repeal the same, and prescribe penalties for the violation of any of them.

Third-To hear and summarily determine all complaints of misconduct, inefficiency, or other charge against any member of the police force, and to take such action thereon as shall be most conducive to the maintenance of the discipline and efficiency of the same.

Fourth-To grant permits to all persons desiring to engage in the retail liquor business and to revoke any such permit, whenever it shall be made to appear to said Board that the retail liquor business of the person to whom such permit was given, is conducted in a disorderly or improper manner; provided, however, that whenever said Board refuse to grant such permit, or propose to revoke such permit, the person who is refused such permit, or whose permit is proposed to be revoked, shall be entitled to be heard before said Board in person or through counsel, and to have, free of charge, all reasonable facilities for the full, fair and impartial hearing on the merits of his application, or opposition; and provided further, that it shall not be lawful for any person to carry on the retail liquor business in said city and county, without the permit hereby authorized. In such permit shall be distinctly stated the name of the person to whom the same is given, and a description of the premises on which such retail liquor business is proposed to be carried on. All complaints to revoke licenses granted by said Board must be in writing, signed by the person making such complaint, and filed with the Clerk of said Board and a copy thereof, certified by the Clerk, must be served on the party complained against at least ten days before the time mentioned in his license as the time for the expiration thereof, and the person holding such license shall have a full, fair and impartial hearing on the merits of such complaint to revoke such license, and before the expiration of his license.

Fifth-Upon the petition of any person, firm or corporation, to appoint a special officer to do special service to be paid for by such person, firm or corporation, specifying the boundary or locality at or within which he is to act as such special officer, which boundary or locality together with the names of the persons, firms and corporations petitioning for sueh appointment, shall be described in his warrant of appointment; provided, that no special officer shall be appointed to act in any part of said city and county, commonly known as the Chinese Quarter; and the said Commissioners shall from time to time designate the boundaries of the Chinese Quarter; provided further, that all special officers

shall report daily to the Chief of Police, and be subject to his orders in case of emergency, and in no event shall such officers be paid by the city and county, or any other persons than those who shall have signed said petition, and no such special officer shall become, or obtain, bail for any person charged with any offense whatever or solicit counsel or attorneys for prisoners, and any such special officer who shall ask for, solicit, demand, collect or receive or cause or permit others to do so for his benefit, any money or other thing, for guarding or protecting or on pretense of so doing, the person or property of any person other than those petitioning for his appointment as such special officer or shall violate any of the foregoing provisions shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and dismissed from the service.

Sixth-To prescribe the badge of office and uniform to be worn by all members of the police force, and the badge of office to be worn by all special officers.

Seventh-To allow and order paid out of the Police Fund, as contingent expenses of the Police Department, upon any and all orders signed by the Chief of Police, such amount as shall be allowed by the Supervisors for that purpose; provided, that the aggregate of such orders shall not exceed the sum of seven thousand two hundred dollars a year.

Eighth To require the City Physician, or the Assistant City Physician, without charge to applicants to examine all applicants for appointment on said police force, and to report to the Board thereon..

Ninth-To appoint substitutes, not to exceed numerically five per cent of the police force, to serve under such regulations, and subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by the Board, and without pay from said city and county.

Tenth-To issue subpœnas, tested in the name of its President to compel the attendance of witnesses and production of papers upon any proceeding legally authorized by the rules and regulations of the Board, any of the provisions of this Charter, or any law of this State, and to enforce obedience thereto, and punish disobedience thereof, in the same manner and to the like extent as the Justices Court of said city and county.

Eleventh-To exercise the same powers as the Justices Court in preserving decorum in all open sessions of the Board, and to punish any contempt committed thereat.

Twelfth-To determine within what districts the police force shall be distributed and employed; to designate the prisons to be used for the reception of all persons arrested, convicted, or sentenced for public offenses, in cases not provided for by this Charter, by law or by ordinance; to estab

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