
the amount found due, and approved by the Board, signed by the President, Superintendent and Secretary of said Board; but the entire monthly salary roll of the Department shall be made up by the Secretary of said Board, and after being audited by the Auditing Committee thereof shall be presented at a meeting of the said Board for its approval, and if approved by a majority of all the members thereof, upon a call of the ayes and noes which shall be recorded, shall be indorsed in the same manner as other demands. The salary roll thus audited, approved and indorsed shall be immediately transmitted to the Auditor, for comparison with the individual salary certificates issued in the manner provided; but payment shall be made only on the individual certificates issued in accordance with this section.

SEC. 4. All lawful demands authorized by this Charter for school purposes shall be audited and approved in the manner hereinbefore provided, and the Auditor and Treasurer are respectively authorized to audit and pay the same when so ordered paid and approved by the Board of Education; provided, that said Board shall not have the power to contract any debt or liability in any form whatever against the city and county in contravention of this Charter; and provided further, that the allowance or approval by the Board of Education of demands not authorized by this Charter, shall be no warrant or authority to the Auditor or Treasurer to audit or pay the same; and provided further, that no demand on said Common School Fund accruing or approved in any fiscal year, shall be paid out of, or become a charge against the Common School Fund of any subsequent fiscal year.



SECTION 1. The Board of Education may, in its discretion, appoint a Board of Examiners which shall consist of the County Superintendent of Schools and four other members, residents of the city and county, at least two of whom shall be experienced teachers, to hold office for two years. The County Superintendent shall be chairman of the Board.

SEC. 2. The Board of Examiners must meet and hold examinations for the granting of teachers' certificates semiannually at such times as they may determine. The place of meeting shall be designated by the chairman. All meetings of the Board of Examiners shall be public, and the record of their proceedings shall be kept in the office of the Board of Education.

SEC. 3. The Board of Examiners, under the direction of the Board of Education, has power

First. To adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Charter for its own government and for the examination of teachers.

Second. To examine applicants and to prescribe a standard of proficiency which will entitle the person examined to a certificate, and to grant city certificates of three grades:

1st. High School certificates, valid for six years, and authorizing the holder to teach any primary, grammar or high school in the city and county.

2d. City certificates, first grade, valid for four years, and authorizing the holder to teach any primary or grammar school in the city and county.

3d. City certificates, second grade, valid for two years, and authorizing the holder to teach any primary school in the city and county.

Third. To grant special city certificates of the first grade, valid for four years, upon such special studies as may be authorized by the Board of Education.

SEC. 4. The Board of Examiners may also, without examination, grant city certificates, and fix the grade thereof, to the holders of California life diplomas, California educational diplomas, California State Normal School diplomas and graduates of the San Francisco City Normal Class, California State University diplomas, (when recommended by the Faculty of the University) unexpired State certificates, city certificates granted in other cities of California, and the life diplomas and State Normal School diplomas of other states; and may also, without examination, renew and may also upon notice to the person charged and after investigation for immoral or unprofessional conduct, profanity, intemperance or evident unfitness for teaching, revoke any certificate previously granted in this city and county.

SEC. 5. The holders of city certificates are eligible to teach in the City and County, in schools of grades corresponding to the grades of such certificates, and when elected shall be dismissed only for violation of the rules of the Board of Education, or for incompetency, unprofessional or immoral conduct. The holders of special city certificates are eligible to teach the special studies mentioned in their certificates in all the schools for which certicates were granted.




SECTION 1. The Board of Education shall, on or before the second Monday in April, in each year, report to the Supervisors an estimate of the amount of money which shall be required during the year for the purpose of meeting the ensuing annual expenses of Public Instruction in said city and county, and specifying the amount required for supplies to be furnished pupils, including text-books; for leasing rooms, and for furnishing and fitting up buildings, for the salaries of all persons employed in the School Department, and other expenditures necessary for the economical administration of the Public School system and authorized by law; but the aggregate amount so reported shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars for each pupil in average daily attendance per year.

The average number of pupils attending the schools, during any one year, shall be ascertained by adding together the number of days' attendance of said pupils during the year, and dividing the same by the number of school days in the year ending the 31st of December immediately prior thereto.

In making the annual tax levy for city and county purposes, the Supervisors shall, as a part thereof, provide for and apportion to the Common School Fund an amount of money, which, added to the revenue derived from all other sources, shall not exceed twenty-five dollars per pupil in average daily attendance during the year, to be ascertained as above provided.

SEC. 2. No school shall receive any portion of the school moneys in which the religious doctrines or tenets of any particular Christian or other religious sect are taught or inculcated, or in which any book or books containing compositions favorable or prejudicial to the doctrine or tenets of any particular Christian or other religious sect is used; nor shall any such book or teachings be permitted in the public schools.

SEC. 3. No member of the Board of Education shall ever become the disbursing agent of said Board, or handle or pay out any of its money under or upon any pretense whatever. Any violation of these provisions shall be a misdemeanor, and shall subject the offender, besides the punishment therefor, to removal from office.

Any member or officer of the Board of Education who shall, while in office, accept any donation or gratuity in money or of any valuable thing, either directly or indirectly,

from any teacher or candidate, or applicant for position as teacher, , upon any pretence whatever, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

Any member or officer of the Board of Education, or the School Superintendent, who shall accept any money or valuable thing, or the promise thereof, with an agreement or understanding expressed or implied that any person shall in consideration thereof get the vote or influence of such member or officer for a situation as teacher, or employee of any kind, in the School Department shall be guilty of a felony.



SECTION 1. Whenever a district in the city and county is unprovided with sufficient school accommodations, and whenever suitable classrooms cannot be leased or rented at a reasonable price, and whenever the number of pupils attending a school or schools sufficiently near to be consolidated in such district, shall exceed two hundred, the Board of Education may by resolution request the Board of Public Works to erect a suitable school house for said district; provided, that the plans and specifications for any new school house or building to be erected, shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Education before any contract shall be made for its construction. No real estate shall be purchased for or on account of the School Department, without first obtaining the approval of the Supervisors expressed by ordinance.



SECTION 1. The Free Public Library and Reading Rooms heretofore established by municipal taxation, and now existing in this city and county, shall be continued under its present management and Board of Trustees and their suc


SEC. 2. The Supervisors are hereby empowered in making the annual tax levy, and as a part thereof to apportion a sum not to exceed one mill on the dollar, for the purpose of maintaining the Free Public Library and Reading Rooms, and for purchasing such books, journals and other periodicals, and for purchasing or leasing real and personal property, and erecting such buildings as may be necessary therefor.

SEC. 3. All revenue derived from said tax, together with all money or property derived by gift, devise, bequest or otherwise, for the purposes of said Library, shall belong to and be known and designated as a Library Fund, and shall be paid into the City and County Treasury, and there kept separate and apart from other funds, and be drawn therefrom as hereinafter provided, but shall only be used and applied to the purposes herein authorized; provided, that when such disposition would be inconsistent with the conditions or terms of such gift, devise or bequest, the Trustees shall make such provisions for the safety and preservation of the same as shall be proper to insure the application thereof to the use of the Free Public Library, in accordance with the terms and conditions of such gift, devise or bequest.

SEC. 4. The title to all property, real and personal, acquired, or which may be acquired by purchase, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise, for the purpose of said Free Public Library, when not inconsistent with the terms of its acquisition, shall vest, and be, and remain in said city and county, and may be protected, defended and sued for by action at law or otherwise in the name of said city and county.

SEC. 5. The position of Trustee shall be one of honorary trust, without salary or compensation, and shall continue during good behavior; but for good cause a Trustee may be removed from office, as provided by law or in this Charter.

SEC. 6. The Trustees shall take charge of the Free Public Library and Reading Rooms, and of all real and personal property thereunto belonging, or that may be acquired by loan, purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise, when not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the gift, devise, or bequest; they shall meet for business purposes on the first Tuesday of each month, and at such other times as they may appoint, in a place to be provided for the purpose, and a majority of their number shall constitute a quorum for business. They may appoint one of their number to act as President of their Board, and may elect a Librarian. They may also elect a Secretary, who shall keep a full statement and account of all property, money, receipts and expenditures, and a record and full minutes in writing of all their proceedings. The Secretary may certify to such proceeding, or any part or portion thereof, under his hand, verified by the official seal provided and adopted by the Trustees for that purpose.

SEC. 7. Such Trustees, by a majority vote of all their members, to be recorded in the minutes with the ayes and noes at length, shall have the power:

-To make and enforce all rules, regulations and bycessary for the administration, government and pro

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