CONTENTS. Page. SEC. 1.-Application of act defined "Railroad" and "transportation" de- Reasonable charges prescribed Free transportation of passengers prohib- Carrier not to transport commodity of its Switch connections to be furnished Cars to be furnished Commission may order switch connec- SEC. 2.-Unjust discrimination unlawful.. SEC. 3.-Undue preference unlawful Carriers to interchange traffic Several tariffs applying in lieu of joint tariff to be filed and kept open........ Tariff to show details of charges Tariff to be printed and posted......... Tariff on transportation through United States, foreign country and into United States, to be printed and posted ....... shipper for damages and counsel fee... SEC. 9.-Election of either complaint to Commis- sion or suit for damages.... SEC. 17.-Procedure to conduce to justice......... Majority to constitute quorum. SEC. 18. Salary of Commissioners, secretary, and Offices and supplies of Commission SEC. 19. Principal office and general sessions in Washington, special sessions may be held elsewhere in United States One or more Commissioners may investi- gate anywhere in United States..... 36 SEC. 23.-Mandamus compelling movement of freight and furnishing of facilities..... 37 SEC. 24 (added June 29, 1906).-Commission en- V Page. SEC. 1.-Jurisdiction of crimes. Page Act of agent deemed act of carrier 47 Rates filed or participated in deemed legal 47 SEC. 3.-Commission or Attorney-General may seek to enjoin discriminations and departures from rates... 49 rate... 47 Forfeiture of three times illegal considera- Such action not to interfere with suit for 50 48 SEC. 2.-Parties joined and subject to orders or de Compulsory process to enforce act-immu- 50 Suits expedited 50 crees 48 Conflicting laws repealed 50 IMMUNITY LAW OF FEBRUARY 11, 1893... LAW DEFINING IMMUNITY, JUNE 30, 1906... LAW EXPEDITING SUITS, FEBRUARY 11, 1903... LAW REQUIRING REPORTS OF ACCIDENTS, MARCH 3, 1901.. 51 51 52 52 |