
4902. (C. W. Merrifield, F.R.S.)-Can a sphere be touched by more
than twelve other equal spheres ?

5067. (S. Tebay, B.A.)—Let x1 + x2 + ...... + Xn =

[ocr errors]

1, where

X1> Xg> ... > Xn; find the mean value of r2.
5090. (C. Leudesdorf, M.A.)-Evaluate (1) the equation
(ax2+by2+c+2fy + 2gx + 2hxy) (ax'2 + by2 + c + 2ƒy' + 2gx' + 2hx'y')
[(ax +hy+g) x + (hx' + by′ +ƒ) y + (gx' +ƒy' + c)]2,


when l'+my' = 0, and r' and y' become infinite; and (2) give
the geometrical interpretation.......

5101. (A. Martin, M.A.)—An auger-hole is made through the centre
of a sphere; show that the average of the volume removed is,
in parts of the volume of the sphere, 1-.

5111. (Professor Wolstenholme, M.A.)-

[blocks in formation]
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5173. (H. T. Gerrans, B.A.)—Find the sums of the infinite series

x6 x12 x18 x24
+ + +

[ocr errors]

2 5 8 11 14



[blocks in formation]

x3 2.5
3 3.5 5.7 7.9


5192. (H. T. Gerrans, B.A.)-AB is a fixed diameter of a circle, OA
a chord, ON an ordinate of the diameter, AP a line drawn so
that OAP = ZOAN, and AP=AN; find the locus of P.... 30
5212. (Professor Wolstenholmie, M.A.)-A circle is drawn touching
both branches of a fixed hyperbola in P, P', and meeting the
asymptotes in L, L', M, M': prove that (1) LL' = MM' = major

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5299. (L. H. Rosenthal.)-Solve the simultaneous equations,
x3 — ax2 + (b −2y) x + ay
-c= 0.

[blocks in formation]


.(2). 70

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

events will simultaneously happen-namely, that x will be the
greatest (algebraically) of the three coefficients, and that the
roots of the equation will be real-is


[blocks in formation]

where B is the symbol of the first Eulerian integral.
5367. (Elizabeth Blackwood.)-If X, Y, Z be random points taken
respectively in a sphere, in a great circle of the sphere, in a
radius of the sphere; show that the respective chances of X,
Y, Z being farthest from the centre are as 3, 2, 1.

5380. (W. Gallatly, B.A.)—If a circle A touches internally another
circle B at P, and a tangent to A at the point Q intersect B in
R1, R2, prove that R1PQ = ≤ R2PQ.

5395. (C. Smith, M.A.)—If P, Q are points on two confocal conics,
such that the tangents at these points are at right angles, show
that the line PQ envelops a third confocal.

5428. (Professor Elliott, M.A.)-Prove (1) that the highest point on

the wheel of a carriage rolling on a horizontal plane moves

twice as fast as each of two points in the rim whose distance

from the ground is half the radius of the wheel; and (2) find

the rate at which the carriage is travelling when the dirt

thrown from the rim of the wheel to the greatest height attains

a given level, explaining the two roots of the resulting


5436. (Dr. Booth, F.R.S.)—Express Σ (sec A) and (cosec A) in

terms of the radii of circles connected with the given triangle


5437. (Christine Ladd.)—If I1, I2, I be the points of contact of the

inscribed circle with the sides of a triangle ABC; 01, 02, 03

the centres of the escribed circles; ri, r, the radii of the circles

inscribed in the triangles I,I,I3, О1203; and a, B, y the dis-

tances 0203, 0301, 0102; prove that

[blocks in formation]


5438. (The Editor.)—If A, B, C, D are four points taken at random
on the perimeter of a regular n-gon, find the respective proba-
bilities that AB, CD will intersect (1) inside, (2) on, (3) outside
the perimeter.

5441. (D. Edwardes.)-Prove that

sin 2a sin (6-7)cos (-a) + sin 28 sin(-a) cos (0-8)

+ sin 2 sin (a-B) cos (0-y)


sin 2a sin (8—y) sin (0 − a) + sin 28 sin (y — a) sin (0—8)
+ sin 2y sin (1—B) sin (0—7).

[blocks in formation]

tan (a+B+y-0).


[blocks in formation]



5456. (Professor Minchin, M.A.)-If a body P moves in a plane orbit, so that the direction of its resultant acceleration is always a tangent to a given curve, prove that, if Q is the point of contact of this tangent, p the perpendicular from Q on the tangent at P, w the angle subtended at P by the radius of curvature at Q, the angle which PQ makes with a fixed line, and h a constant,

[blocks in formation]


5458. (Professor Wolstenholme, M.A.)-Find the locus of the inter-
section of perpendicular tangents to a cardioid, and trace the
resulting curve.
5462. (Professor England, M.A.)-A variable circle passes through
two given points, and through one of these pass two given
lines; find the envelope of the chord that joins the other points
where the circle intersects these lines.

5466. (The Editor.)-If two random points be taken one in each of
(1) the arcs, (2) the areas, of two semicircles that together make
up a complete circle; find, in each case, (a) the average dis-
tance between the points, and (8) the probability that this
distance is less than the radius.


5467. (Christine Ladd.) — If three conics touch each other and have a common focus, prove that the common tangent of any two will cut the directrix of the third in three points which lie on one straight line.

5470. (C. W. Merrifield, F.R.S.)-Prove that broken stone, for roads, cannot weigh less per yard than half the weight of a solid yard of the same material, assuming that none of the broken faces are concave, and that it is shaken down so that there shall be no built-up hollows.....

5472. (Cecil Sharpe.)-Show how to draw a straight line terminated by the circumferences of two of three given circles, and bisected by the third circumference.

5474. (Rev. A. F. Torry, M.A.)-Find what normal divides an ellipse most unequally.

construction for distance TN from ST AX: TN, directrix. About draw tangents to


5475. (C. Taylor, M.A.)-Prove the following
tangents to a conic:-Take a point T at a
the directrix, and divide ST in t so that St
where A is the vertex, and X the foot of the
S draw a circle with radius SA, and from t
the circle cutting the tangent at A in V, V'. Then TV, TV'
will touch the conic.

5478. (C. B. S. Cavallin.)-Three straight lines are drawn at random
across a triangle; show that the probability that cach line cuts
unequal pairs of sides is 16 (a+b+c)-442, where ▲ is the area
of the triangle and a, b, c its sides.

5479. (A. W. Panton, M.A.)-If circles be drawn on a pair of opposite sides of a square; prove that (1) the polars of any point on either diagonal with respect to the two circles meet on the other diagonal, and (2) the four tangents from the point form an harmonic pencil.

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Page 5480. (Nilkantha Sarkar, B.A.)-C is the centre of an ellipse, CB its semi-minor axis; also a circle is drawn concentric with the ellipse, and touching its two directrices, and meeting CB produced in A; determine (1) the eccentricity of the ellipse in order that CA may be bisected in B, and (2) whether the ellipse 2x2+3y2= c2 answers the condition.

5484. (A. Martin, M.A.)-Find three positive integral numbers the
product of any two of which, diminished by the sum of the same
two, shall be a square.

5487. (Byomakesa Chakravarti.)-If SMPR be a semicircle on SR, and
the chords SP, RM cut each other in N; prove that
SR2 SN. SP + RN. RM.

5492. (M. HERMITE.)-Soit

F(x) =

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+ 1 (n + 1) (n + 2) ' (n + 1) (n + 2) (n + 3)

on demande de démontrer qu'on a

F(x) F(x) 1








[ocr errors]

n (n + 1)2 (n + 2) ' n (n + 1) (n + 2)2 (n + 3) (n + 4)

5496. (Professor Crofton, F.R.S.)-Prove that the mean value of the reciprocal of the distance of any two points within a circle of radius is



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5497. (Professor Wolstenholme.)-A heavy uniform chain rests on a smooth arc of a curve in the form of the evolute of a catenary, a length of chain equal to the diameter of curvature at the vertex of the catenary hanging vertically below the cusp; prove (1) that the resolved vertical pressure on the curve per unit is equal to the weight of a unit-length of the chain; (2) that the resolved vertical tension is constant [the chain being, of course, fixed at its highest point]; and (3) that the former property is true for a uniform chain held tightly in contact with the curve whose intrinsic equation is s = a sin (1 + cos2 p) −3, where Φ is measured upwards from the horizontal tangent, and the directrix (or straight line from which the tension is measured) is at a depth a/2 below the vertex.......

5498. (Professor Minchin, M.A.) If E is the complete elliptic function of the second kind, with modulus k, and if k' is the complementary modulus, prove that, if n assume all values from

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5499. (Professor Townsend, F.R.S.)-A solid circular cylinder of uniform density and infinite length, being supposed to attract, according to the law of the inverse sixth power of the distance, a material particle projected, with the velocity from infinity under its action, from any point external to its mass, in any direction perpendicular to its axis; show that the particle will describe freely, under its action, a circular arc orthogonal to the surface of the cylinder.





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