And whiles the honourable captain there The levied succours that should lend him aid, Som. York set him on, York should have sent Lucy. And York as fast upon your grace ex- Swearing that you withhold his levied host, Som. York lies; he might have sent and had the horse: I owe him little duty, and less love; And take foul scorn, to fawn on him by sending. John. Ay, rather than I'll shame my mother's Tal. Upon my blessing I command thee go. John. Yes, your renowned name: Shall flight Tal. Thy father's charge shall clear thee from that stain. John. You cannot witness for me, being slain, If death be so apparent, then both fly. Tal. And leave my followers here, to fight, and die ? No more can I be sever'd from your side, Lucy. The fraud of England, not the force of For live I will not, if my father die. France, Hath now entrapp'd the noble-minded Talbot: But dies, betrayed to fortune by your strife. Som. Come, go; I will despatch the horsemen straight: Within six hours they will be at his aid. Lucy. Too late comes rescue; he is ta'en, or slain; For fly he could not, if he would have fled; And fly would Talbot never, though he might. Som. If he be dead, brave Talbot, then adieu! Lucy. His fame lives in the world, his shame in you. [Exeunt. SCENE V. The English Camp, near Bordeaux. Enter TALBOT and JOHN his Son. Tal. O young John Talbot! I did send for thee, 3 Tal. Then here I take my leave of thee, fair son, [Exeunt. SCENE VI. A Field of Battle. Alarum: Ex- Tal. Saint George and victory! fight, soldiers, John. O twice my father! twice am I thy son: It warm'd thy father's heart with proud desire Therefore, dear boy, mount on my swiftest horse; Beat down Alençon, Orleans, Burgundy, And from the pride of Gallia rescu'd thee. By sudden flight: come, dally not, begone. The ireful bastard Orleans that drew blood John. Is my name Talbot? and am I your son? From thee, my boy; and had the maidenhood And shall I fly? O, if you love my mother, Tal. Fly, to revenge my death, if I be slain. Your loss is great, so your regard should be; Tal. Shall all thy mother's hopes lie in one tomb? strong post. 2 Emulation here signifies envious rivalry, not struggle for superior excellence. Of thy first fight-I soon encountered; To hazard all our lives in one small boat. in the same manner, I should have suspected that this 3 To a field where death will be feasted with slaughter. 4 Unavoided for unavoidable. 5 For what reason this scene is written in rhyme (says Dr. Johnson) I cannot guess. If Shakspeare had not in other plays mingled his rhymes and blank verses 6 Your care of your own safety. 7 Determined here must signify prescribed, limited, appointed; and not ended, as Steevens and Malone concur in explaining it. John could not be meant to say that his time of life was actually ended. My death's revenge, thy youth, and England's fame: | Alarums. Exeunt Soldiers and Servant, leaving All these, and more, we hazard by thy stay; Then talk no more of flight, it is no boot; If son to Talbot, die at Talbot's foot. Tal. Then follow thou thy desperate sire of Crete, 4 Thou Icarus; thy life to me is sweet: If thou wilt fight, fight by thy father's side; And, commendable prov'd, let's die in pride. the two Bodies. Enter CHARLES, ALENGON, BURGUNDY, Bastard, LA PUCELLE, and Forces. Char. Had York and Somerset brought rescue in, We should have found a bloody day of this. Bast. How the young whelp of Talbot's, raging wood, Did flesh his puny sword in Frenchmen's blood! He left me proudly, as unworthy fight. Bur. Doubtless, he would have made a noble knight: See, where he lies inhersed in the arms Bas. Hew them to pieces, hack their bones asunder; [Exeunt. SCENE VII. Another Part of the same. Alarum: Excursions. Enter TALBOT wounded, supported by a Servant. Tal. Where is my other life?-mine own is gone; O, where's young Talbot?-where is valiant John? - Enter Soldiers, bearing the Body of JOHN TALBOT. Serv. O my dear lord! lo, where your son is borne! Tal. Thou antic death, which laugh'st us here to scorn," Anon, from thy insulting tyranny, o Talbots, winged through the lither sky, In thy despite shall 'scape mortality.- Poor boy! he smiles, methinks; as who should say- [Dies. 1 Prior has borrowed this thought in his Henry and Emma : Are there not poisons, racks, and flames, and swords, That Emma thus must die by Henry's words ?? 2 i. e. compare me, reduce me to a level by comparison. 3 See note on King Richard II. Act i. Sc. 1. 5 Triumphant death, though thy presence is made more terrible, on account of the stain of dying in captivity, yet young Talbot's valour makes me smile at thee. 6 Watching me with tenderness in my fall.' within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a king Keeps death his court: and there the antic sits Scoffing his state, and grinning at his pomp. 8 Lither is flexible, pliant, yielding. Whose life was England's glory, Gallia's wonder. Char. O, no; forbear: for that which we have fled During the life, let us not wrong it dead. Enter SIR WILLIAM LUCY, attended, a French Lucy. Herald, Char. On what submissive message art thou sent? word; We English warriors wot not what it means. Char. For prisoners ask'st thou? hell our pr son is. But tell me whom thou seek'st? Lucy. Where is the great Alcides of the field, The thrice victorious lord of Falconbridge; Puc. Here is a silly stately style indeed! Writes not so tedious a style as this.- Lucy. Is Talbot slain; the Frenchman's only scourge, Your kingdom's terror and black Nemesis? 9 Wood signified furious as well as mad: raging wood is certainly here furiously raging. 10 A giglot is a wanton wench. A minx, gigle (or giglet, flirt, callet, or gixie,' says Cotgrave. 11 We have a similar expression in the First Part of Jeronimo, 1605 : • Meet, Don Andrea! yes, in the battle's bowels.' 12 Lucy's message implied that he knew who had obtained the victory: therefore Hanmer reads :Herald, conduct me to the Dauphin's tent.' 13 Wexford, in Ireland, was anciently called Weys ford. In Crompton's Mansion of Magnanimitie, 1599, it is written as here, Washford. This long list of titles is from the epitaph formerly existant on Lord Talbot's tomb at Rouen. It is to be found in the work above cited, with one other, Lord Lovetoft of Worsop, which would not easily fall into the verse. It concludes as here, and adds, who died in the battle of Burdeaux, 1453.2 It would amaze the proudest of you all. dy bear them hence, Her hiking of the lady's virtuous gifts, And give them burial as beseems their worth. Puc. I think, this upstart is old Talbot's ghost, He speaks with such a proud commanding spirit. For God's sake, let him have 'em: to keep them here, They would but stink, and putrefy the air. Char. Go, take their bodies hence. I'll bear them hence: beauty, and the value of her dower,He doth intend she shall be England's queen. K. Hen. In argument and proof of which contract, Bear her this jewel, [To the Amb.] pledge of my affection. And so, my lord protector, see them guarded, [Exeunt KING HENRY and Train; GLOSTER, Win. Stay, my lord legate; you shall first receiv Char. So we be rid of them, do with 'em what The sum of money, which I promised thou wilt. And now to Paris, in this conquering vein; ACT V. [Exeunt. SCENE I. London. A Room in the Palace. Enter K. Hen. Have you perus'd the letters from the pope, The emperor, and the earl of Armagnac? Should be deliver'd to his holiness For clothing me in these grave ornaments Leg. I will attend upon your lordship's leisure. Glo. I have, my lord; and their intent is this, - CHARLES, BURGUNDY, ALENGON, LA PU K. Hen. Ay, marry, uncle; for I always thought, And keep not back your powers in dalliance. And fitter is my study and my books, Tends to God's glory, and my country's weal. Exe. What! is my lord of Winchester install'd, And call'd unto a cardinal's degree!s Then, I perceive, that will be verified, Henry the Fifth did sometime prophesy, If once he come to be a cardinal, He'll make his cap co-equal with the crown. speak. Char. Somewhat too sudden, sirs, the warning is; Now he is gone, my lord, you need not fear. curs'd: K. Hen. My lords ambassadors, your several suits Now help, ye charming spells, and periapts;* Have been consider'd and debated on. Your purpose is both good and reasonable: And, therefore, are we certainly resolv'd Which, by my lord of Winchester, we mean And ye choice spirits that admonish me, And give me signs of future accidents! [Thunder. Enter Fiends. Glo. And for the proffer of my lord your This speedy quick appearance argues proof master, I have inform'd his highness so at large, 1 To amaze is to dismay, to throw into consternation. • A citie amazed or astonied with feare. Urbs lymphata horroribus. Baret. 2 A word is wanting to complete the metre, which Hanmer thus supplied : But from their ashes, Dauphin, shall be rear'd." 8 Immanity (immanitas, Lat.) outrageousness, cruelty, excess. Brount. A belluine kind of immunity never raged so amongst men.' Howell's Letters, iii. 15. 4 The king was, however, twenty-four years old. 5 The poet has here forgot himself. In the first act Gloster says: I'll canvas thee in thy broad cardinal's hat." Of your accustom'd diligence to me. advancement. It appears that he would imply that 6 Periapts were certain written charms worn about the person as preservatives from disease and danger. Of these the first chapter of St. John's Gospel was deemed the most efficacious. See Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft, 1584, p. 213, &c. 7 The monarch of the north was Zimimar, one of the four principal devils invoked by witches. The north was supposed to be the particular habitation of bad And it is strange that Exeter should not know of his spirits. Milton assembles the rebel angels in the north. Out of the powerful regions' under earth, O, hold me not with silence over-long! I'll lop a member off, and give it you, So you do condescend to help me now. Fain would I woo her, yet I dare not speak: [They hang their heads. What ransom must I pay before I pass ? No hope to have redress?-My body shall Pay recompense, if you will grant my suit. For, I perceive, I am thy prisoner. Suff. How canst thou tell she will deny thy suit, [Aside. Mar. Why speak'st thou not? what ransom must [They shake their heads. Before thou make a trial of her love? Cannot my body, nor blood-sacrifice, Entreat you to your wonted furtherance ? Then take my soul; my body, soul, and all, Before that England give the French the foil. [They depart. See! they forsake me. Now the time is come, York. Damsel of France, I think I have you fast; Puc. Chang'd to a worser shape thou canst not be. York. O, Charles the Dauphin is a proper man; No shape but his can please your dainty eye. Puc. A plaguing mischief light on Charles, and thee! And may ye both be suddenly surpris'd York. Fell, banning hag! enchantress, hold thy stake. Alarums. Enter SUFFOLE, leading in LADY Suff. Be what thou wilt, thou art my prisoner. [Gazes on her. O fairest beauty, do not fear, nor fly; I kiss these fingers [Kisses her hand.] for eternal peace: Who art thou? say, that I may honour thee. Mar. Margaret my name; and daughter to a king, The king of Naples, whosoe'er thou art. Suff. An earl I am, and Suffolk am I call'd. Be not offended, nature's miracle, So doth the swan her downy cygnets save, Go, and be free again as Suffolk's friend. [She turns away as going. O, stay! I have no power to let her pass; So seems this gorgeous beauty to mine eyes. 1 Warburton thought that we should read legions here, the same mistake having occurred before in this play. 2 Where for whereas, a common substitution in old writers; whereas is also sometimes used for where. 3 To vail is to lower. See note on Merchant of Venice, Act i. Sc. 1. 4 To ban is to cur curse. 5 This comparison, made between things sufficiently unlike (Johnson observes,) is intended to express the softness and delicacy of Lady Margaret's beauty, which delighted, but did not dazzle: which was bright, but gave no pain by its lustre. I pay? Suff. She's beautiful; and therefore to be woo'd: She is a woman; therefore to be won. [Aside. Mar. Wilt thou accept of ransom, yea, or no? Suff. Fond man! remember, that thou hast a wife: Then how can Margaret be thy paramour? [Aside. Mar. I were best leave him, for he will not hear. Suff. There all is marr'd; there lies a cooiing care. Mar. He talks at random; sure, the man is mad. Suff. Yet so my fancy1o may be satisfied, [Aside. Mar. Hear ye, captain? Are you not at leisure ? Suff. It shall be so, disdain they ne'er so much: Henry is youthful, and will quickly yield.Madam, I have a secret to reveal. Mar. What though I be enthrall'd? he seems knight, And will not any way dishonour me. [Aside. Suff. Lady, vouchsafe to listen what I say. Mar. Perhaps, I shall be rescu'd by the French: And then I need not crave his courtesy. [Aside. Suff. Sweet madam, give me hearing in a causeMar. Tush: women have been captivate ere now. Suff. Lady, wherefore talk you so? [Aside. Mar. I cry you mercy, 'tis but quid for quo. Your bondage happy, to be made a queen? Mar. To be a queen in bondage, is more vile, Than is a slave in base servility; And so shall you, If happy England's royal king be free. Mar. Why, what concerns his freedom unto me? Suff. I'll undertake to make thee Henry's queen; To put a golden sceptre in thy hand, And set a precious crown upon thy head, If thou wilt condescend to be my- Suff. His love. What? Mar. I am unworthy to be Henry's wife. Suff. No, gentle madam; I unworthy am To woo so fair a dame to be his wife, And have no portion in the choice myself. How say you, madam; are you so content? Mar. An if my father please, I am content. 6 Do not represent thyself so weak.' To disable was to dispraise, or impeach. 7 The meaning of rough here is not very evident. Sir Thomas Hanmer reads crouch. 8 A cooling card was most probably a card so decisive as to cool the courage of the adversary. Meta. phorically, something to damp or overwhelm the hopes of an expectant. 9 i. e. an awkward business, an undertaking not likely to succeed. It is sport to see a bold fellow out of countenance, for that puts his face into a most shrunken and wooden posture." 10 i. e, love, Suff. Then call our captains, and our colours, Thou may'st not wander in that labyrinth; forth: And, madam, at your father's castle walls We'll crave a parley to confer with him. [Troops come forward. A Parley sounded. Enter REIGNIER, on the Walls. Reig. To me. Suffolk, what remedy? I am a soldier, and unapt to weep, Suff. Yes, there is remedy enough, my lord: Consent (and for thy honour, give consent,) Fair Margaret knows, That Suffolk doth not flatter, face,1 or feign. Suff. And here I will expect thy coming. Trumpets sounded. Enter REIGNIER, below. Reig. Welcome, brave earl, into our territories: Command in Anjou what your honour pleases. Suff. Thanks, Reignier, happy for so sweet a child. Fit to be made companion with a king: Reig. Since thou dost deign to woo her little worth, To be the princely bride of such a lord; Enjoy mine own, the county Maine, and Anjou, Suff. That is her ransom, I deliver her; Suff. Reignier of France, I give thee kingly thanks, There Minotaurs, and ugly treasons, lurk. [Exit. man, Of purpose to obscure my noble birth. Shep. "Tis true, I gave a noble to the priest, The morn that I was wedded to her mother. Kneel down and take my blessing, good my girl. Wilt thou not stoop? Now cursed be the time Of thy nativity! I would the milk Thy mother gave thee, when thou suck'dst her breast, Had been a little ratsbane for thy sake! Or else, when thou didst keep my lambs a-field, [Aside. I wish some ravenous wolf had eaten thee! Reig. I do embrace thee, as I would embrace The Christian prince, King Henry, were he here. Mar. Farewell, my lord? Good wishes, praise, and prayers, Shall Suffolk ever have of Margaret. [Going. Suff. Farewell, sweet madam! But hark you, Margaret; No princely commendation to my king? Mv Such commendations as become a maid, A virgu. and his servant, say to him. Suff. W sweetly plac'd and modestly directed. But madam, 1 sust trouble you againNo loving token to his majesty? Mar. Yes, my good lord; a pure unspotted heart, Never yet taint with love, I send the king. Suff. And this withal. [Kisses her. Mar. That for thyself: -I will not so presume, To send such peevish2 tokens to a king. (Exeunt REIGNIER and MARGARET. Suff. O, wert thou for myself!-But, Suffolk, stay; 1 To face is to carry a false appearance, to play the hypocrite. Hence the name of one of Ben Jonson's characters in The Alchymist. 2 i. e. silly, foolish. 3 Mad has been shown by Steevens to have been occasionally used for wild, in which sense we must take it here; if we do not, with others, suspect it an error of the press for And or Her. D Not one begotten of a shepherd swain To compass wonders, but by help of devils. 4 Timeless is untimely. 5 Miser has no relation to avarice in this passage, but simply means a miserable creature. 6 This vulgar corruption of obstinate has oddly lasted till now, says Johnson. 7 No, ye misconceivers, ye who mistake me and my qualities. |