

preparation for a great world without.— A lad who has spent two months in breaking stones learns to take his place at the "Cook's Quarto Geography," recently roadside, but a boy at Mettray is taught published in London, by a gentleman of all the duties of a citizen. He is even considerable pretensinos-gives some valtaught to assist in putting out a fire, to uable information to "Young England" in chant in the church service, to use a pencil regard to this country. It teaches that sufficiently for the purposes of trade, to in the isle of Orleans, at the mouth of the practise gymnastic exercises, to march Mississippi, is the town of New Orleans, to the sound of music, to swim, to cook, the capital of Louisiana." The young to wash, to manage cattle, to keep ac- men of Virginia are gamblers, fighters, counts, and to assist, if fit for it, in the and horse-jockeys. Their passion for management of the rest. Indeed, it strikes these diversions, not only inhumanly one that there are fe v of us who would barbarous, but beneath the dignity of a not learn something from a course at Met- man of sense, is so predominant that they tray; and that at least, the raw recruits even advertise their matches in the public of our army would be better qualified papers.” But of New Englanders, it for service by a little of the multifarious declares that; "From laziness, inatteninstruction there imparted. There are tion and want of aquaintance with manvery few people who have not some kind, many of the people have accustomcharge or other to bring against those ed themselves to peculiar phrases, and to who had the conduct of their education pronounce certain words in a drawling on the score of some serious omission.— manner." The people of Maine, "accordA laborer or an artisan would hardly find ing to appearances, are wretched in the a want in the school at Mettray."



I heard the language of the trees,


In the noons of the early summer;
As the leaves were moved like rippling seas
By the wind-a constant comer.
It came and it went at its wanton will;
And evermore loved to dally,
With branch and flower, from the cope of the
To the warm depths of the valley.
The sunlight glow'd; the waters flow'd:
The birds their music chanted,
And the words of the trees on my senses fell
By a spirit of Beauty haunted:-
Said cach to each, in mystic speech :-
"The skies our branches nourish ;-
The world is good,-the world is fair,-
Let us enjoy and flourish!"

Again I heard the steadfast trees;

The wintry winds were blowing; There seem'd a roar as of stormy seas,

And of ships to the depths down-going
And ever a moan thro' the woods was blown,

As the branches snapp'd asunder, [arms
And the long boughs swung like the frantic
Of a crowd in affright and wonder.
Heavily rattled the driving hail!
And storm and flood combining,
Laid bare the roots of mighty oaks
Under the shingle twining.
Said tree to tree, "These tempests free

Our sap and strength shall nourish;
Tho' the world be hard, tho' the world be cold
We can endure and flourish!"

extreme. Their chief provision is a dirty,
dark-colored rye meal, and if they use
any meat, it is on account of preventing
their sheep from becoming more numer-
ous than they desire, rather than for the
pleasure of a good meal. Their common
beverage is grog or a mixture of rum and
whiskey with water.
chusetts) is the only
are no slaves."

This state (Massaone in which there


THE secret spring of all his energy is in his religious enthusiasm-discovered alike in the generous spirit of his adventures in pursuit of science; in his enthusiastic fidelity to duty; and in his heroic maintenance of the point of honor in all his intercourse with men.

In his deportment there is that mixture of shyness and frankness, simplicity and fastidiousness, sandwiched rather than blended, which marks the man of genius and the monk of industry. He seems confident in himself but not of himself.

His manner is remarkable for celerity of movement, alert attentiveness, quickness of comprehension, rapidity of utterance and sententious compactness of diction, which arise from a habitual watchfulness against the betrayal of his own enthusiHe seems to fear that he is boring


yon, and is always discovering his unwil- uttered. This instance, he says, conlingness "to sit" for your admiration. tributes to make it even probable that If you question him about the handsome all thoughts are in themselves imperishaofficial acknowledgments of his services ble; and that if the intelligent faculty by the British and American governments, should be rendered more comprehensive" or in any way endeavor to turn him upon and that this is probable, the instance his own gallant achievements, he hurries cited above from the Opium Eater shows you away from the subject to some point conclusively-"it would require only a of scientific interest which he presumes different and apportioned organizationwill more concern and engage yourself; the body celestial instead of terrestial— or he says or does something that makes to bring before every human soul the colyou think he is occupied with his own lective experience of his whole past exinferiority in some matter which your istence. And this-this, perchance is conversation presents to him. One is the dread Book of Judgment in whose obliged to struggle with him to maintain mysterious hieroglyphics every idle word the tone of respect which his character is recorded. Yea, in the very nature of and achievements deserve; and when a living spirit it may be more possible the interview is over, a feeling of disap- that heaven and earth should pass away, pointment remains for the failure in your than that a single act, a single thought, efforts to ransack the man as you wished, and to render the tribute which you owed him.-Dr. Elder.


A poor servant-girl in a German town, was attacked by a violent fever. She was unable to read or write, but during the paroxisms of her disease she became possessed-so the priest said-by a very polyglot devil. She would keep spouting forth in a loud and monotonous voice unconnected sentences of Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Sheet after sheet of these ravings was taken down; but those who attempted to find the elucidation of some deep mysteries in this Babel of unknown tongues, got their labor for their pains. At length her physician determined to trace out her antecedents. He succeeded in ascertaining that, many years before, while a mere child, she had been employed as a servant by a learned ecclesiastic whose habit it was to pass up and down a passage in his house, communicating with the kitchen, and read aloud his favorite books. These scattered and unconnected phrases, caught in the intervals of her labor, were now reproduced by her, after an interval of many years. Passage after passage of the notes taken down from her feverish lips was identified among the old priest's favorite authors; so that not the least doubt remained as to the origin of the girl's "possession."

Coleridge, in speaking of this case, adds to it one of the weightiest comments ever

should be loosened or lost from that living chain of causes, to all whose links, conscious or unconscious, the free will, our only absolute self, is co-extensive and co-present."

It is no idle question-" Do we ever forget ?"-Harper's Mag.


Golden-colored miller!

Leave the lamp, and fly away:
In that flame, so brightly gleaming,
Sure, though smiling, death is beaming-
Hasten to thy play!

Nearer?-foolish miller!

Look-thy tiny wings will burn:
Just escaped!--but soon 'twill reach thee.
Ah! can dying only teach thee

Truths thou wilt not learn?
Didst thou whisper, miller?
Something like a voice and sigh
Seemed to say-"In all thy teaching,
Is there practice, or but preaching?
Doest thou more than I?"

Wisest little miller!

I, indeed, have hung too long
Round a flame more wildly burning,
And, with heart too fond and yearning,
Heard no charmer's song!

Blinder than a miller,
Hovering with devoted gaze,
Where such visions vain I cherish;
Either they or I must perish

Like that flickering blaze.
But the moonlight, miller,
Better far befits our mirth:
That calm, streaming light is given
From the silent depths of heaven.
Fire is born on earth.

-Putnam's Monthly.


WHAT has produced the great changes, the remarkable development of power and activity exhibited in our country within the last twenty years? The answer is, the better and more efficient systems] of Education have exerted an important] agency in producing these grand results.


Of the Board of Education and the Su-
perintendent of the Public Schools of
Mulison, for the year 1855-Wm. B.
Jarris Cha., W. A. White, Clerk, D.
Y. Kilgore, Superintendent.

FROM this report we learn that there The mind of the masses has been stim-are 1602 persons in Madison entitled to ulated by the animating power of educa- instruction in the Public Schools; that cation, and the benefits are hourly being the whole number who have attended unfolded before us. Good schools not school during the past year is 750; the only increase the value of property, but

the value of human life. And although average daily attendance is not stated.— their agency in enhancing the value of There are four teachers employed. The property and in developing the physical Superintendent remarks :

resources of the country may not be so "There has been great irregularity in visible to some persons as that of build-the attendance of pupils, which is an evil ing railroads, plank roads, improving of too great magnitude to be overlooked. harbors, or entering lands, yet it is even If parents were fully aware of the effects greater and more certain. Their influ- of keeping their children out of school one ence is like that of the dew, and the show-hour each day, or one or two days each ers and the sunshine, quiet and almost week, they would, I am sure, abandon imperceptible; but let them cease to the practice. diffuse their benefits and their blessings,sults in the loss of a scholar's standing in Habitual irregularity reand devouring famine would not more his classes, in consequence of which his surely come in the one case, than a deadly ambition flags, and his proficiency in blight upon our prosperity and happiness study is greatly diminished.

task to furnish their children with written able to eradicate the evil effects of tardiexcuses to the teachers, but will they be ness upon the character."

in the other. To abandon then, the "The habitual tardiness of many of idea of free public schools, is to turn back the pupils has been a source of much rehalf a century to that crude system of education which every step of modern gret, and a great obstacle in the way of progress, and every result of modern Progress. Parents may find it an easy improvement unite in condemning as unsuited to the times in which we live. We might almost as well recall from the past, its obsolete system of finance, its iron forms of government, its slow modes The Superintendent calls the present of commerce, and its bloody superstitions. School-house accommodations "shameThe idea of universal education is the ful"-states that large sums have been grand central idea of the age. Upon this subscribed to build a theatre, and sugbroad and comprehensive basis, all the gests the propriety of erecting suitable experience of the past, all the crowding phenomena of the present, and all our school-houses. He farther remarks— hopes and aspirations for the future, must "When we have embraced the truly rest. Education prevents and diminishes democratic idea that the property of the crime; gives security to property, lessens State should be taxed to educate the the expenses of the poor-rates, prisons, minds by which it is to be controlled, we penitentiaries, and police establishments; do well; but this faith will avail but litit dispels the gloomy superstitions of ig- tle, except it be accompanied by corresnorance; it evokes the innate energies of ponding works. It is a duty to make genius; it quickens and refines human en- Public Schools superior to any private injoyments, and it finds out the mighty stitutions, where the rich and the poor physical energies of nature, and applies may possess equal educational privileges. them to the service and comfort of man. I know there are a few who fear some -Dubuque Herald. physical or moral contagion, where the

sons and daughters of poverty are permitted to associate with children of the wealthy and refined. They send their


[For the Journal of Education.

children to select schools, to the detri- COURSE OF INSTRUCTION FOR OUR



FIRST in the course of instruction must

come Reading. It lies at the foundation of all education. It is the mouth of the

ment of the Public Schools, in which they take no interest, and for the elevation of which they make no efforts. This would be unwise, even if all they feared was reality. In this country the top of the wheel of fortune is very likely to descend, while that part which has borne the weight will just as surely rise. An aristocracy of wealth is the least reliable, and mind, through which must be received nearly all its nourishment. By it we are to become acquainted with the thoughts of others, and thereby develope our own; through it we are brought into direct con

to instil its notions into the mind of a child, is unpardonable.

The different classes will come in contact, in active life, after they leave the the school-room, and how much better to have the influence of refinement and vir- tact with the minds of those who are our tue, exerted upon the uncouth and vicious superiors, and receive therefrom a mold at an age the evil habits are so easily corand direction absolutely essential. The rected. At this period of forming character, evils may be prevented, by proper design of education is twofold, having reattention and discipline, which, left to ference to the happiness of the individual themselves, would become part and par-possessing it, and to the good of others cel of the man, binding the noblest nature with whom he associates. Mind may be in chains of adamant.

Place the neglected child of want or ig- strengthened by imparting as well as by norance where promotion depends upon receiving. Hence, Reading is important in merit alone, and how much more likely a double sense. It improves by acquaintis he to reform, if vicious, and strive to

be something-something noble-SOMEing with the ideas of others and strengthTHING GOOD. An honorable ambition may ens by imparting ideas to others. By be thus awakened, which may result in Reading I mean not that practice of incalculable good to mankind, in the case mouthing words as curs do mouthe a of a single child. Let not then the rich and influential keep their children from bone," nor that equally detestable habit the Public Schools to avoid such associa- of sailing over words without giving the tions, through fear of contamination, when least idea of what lies beneath the surface, it is certain they will come in contact with

these uncorrected vices, increased a thou- nor that limping through an article, breaksand fold by habit, and riveted into the ing by an irregular tread and heavy character by age. Better, far better strive crutches every semblance of an idea. I to make these schools what they should mean by Reading, that use of the vocal be-fountains of intelligence and virtuesending refinement into every home and organs which will communicate to any joy into all hearts." sensible person the exact idea of the auWe think there is at present a feeling thor read, or what, at least, the intelliin Madison, that will not allow the pres-gent reader conceives to be the idea. I ent state of things much longer to con- would include all use of the vocal organs tinue. We look confidently to see erected, under this general head, for sake of brevthe present year, several suitable school ity. Such reading is important to the edifices, and we hope such a system of in- reader himself, as by it only can he be struction will be inaugurated as will be himself benefitted.

alike creditable to the State and its Capital.] As regards the length of time to be de

low every Reading lesson will, under such Teachers, as are worthy the name, impart a knowledge of the fundamental principles of natural science, which is all that can be looked for in the few years usually

voted to this branch of study, I would by being intelligible, and at the same time say, no one need expect to make himself afford instruction upon matters of practimaster of it during the time usually allot- cal importance. Thus may we connect ted to school studies. Like most other with the exercise of Reading, the study branches I shall speak of, it begins but of Natural History. Thus may be learncannot end with the common school, nor ed much of the animal, vegetable and with the Academy or College. Its study mineral kingdoms, without devoting time can only end with the loss of the voice especially to those pursuits. At least, and the eye. The Common School is but the critical examination that should folan elemental school. It can only give direction to the first buddings of the tree. Its power in reading must be shown in teaching, to avoid bad habits, in devoting much time to the elemental sounds of the language, in training the voice to the ut- devoted to attendance upon Common terance of sounds with distinctness, that Schools. there be no chance for misuderstanding Our Reading Books are generally above through any uncertain sound, combining the comprehension of the pupils into the mechanical part with the intellectual whose hands they are placed. We need by selections adapted to the mental capaci- simple variety; variety to meet various ty of the pupil. Of the importance of read-degrees of intellectual strength, enough ing, no one need be convinced, who has of biography to make virtue attractive sat for a half hour trying to swallow the and to render vice loathsome. Enough of murdered ideas of some interesting news- narration to store the mind with facts as paper article, as the words clothing them they can be digested-enough of poetry have been forcibly shaken out of the to cultivate the fancy and refine the taste mouth of some smart stu lent, who spent-enough of argumentation to strengthen in Philosophy or Chemistry the time due the reason and to feed the judgment. We to vocal culture, stolen from the Spelling esteem Reading as of the highest importBook and the First Reader. Could it be properly appreciated Reading, as an exercise properly con- in its influence upon the mind and the ducted, is eminently promotive of thought, morals, it would attract more attention on

the basis of all education. Whether it be the silent mode of acquiring information through the channel of the eye, or the audible imparting of information to others, it requires and should have the mind for the time being, else it is a mere soulless muttering, productive of good to


[blocks in formation]

no one. That the mind may have its a uniformity of Text-Books in the schools powers brought into active exercise, it is in this State? important that the subject selected for

The selection of Text-Books is left to reading lessons be easily comprehended the various District Boards throughout by the student. Simple narratives per- the State. Each Board is to decide for taining to objects of sense would serve a its respective District, and it cannot be double purpose. They employ the mind expected that three and a half thousand

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