
Which like the neon-day sunbeam breaking thro'
The fragmentary clouds, now dances here,
And for a moment brightly glitters there.
Oh! happy boy. To him existence is
Devoid of all that can torment the mind.
His soul flows sweetly in the channel of
Delicious dreams, and with the beautiful
Alone communes. The minstrels of the wood
That woo him morn and eve with sylvan songs,
He deems the Peris of his Paradise.
How blest were we if riper years did not

set, that all study is a life work. In public schools, only primary principles can be learned, a foundation laid, thought in its early existence, developed, molded and directed. I know of no time in life, when either of the branches specified, can be entirely discontinued without serious detriment to the man. When each must be

Tear down the castles that we build in youth.commenced, is a question to which no



to all.


definite answer can be given. It must be decided by the intelligent Teacher in accordance with the circumstances by which he is surrounded. As, however, all these branches cannot be pursued at one time in our Public Schools, I would mention as those which may be intermitted with least loss, Physiology and Geography.

10 review briefly: The course of stu- After the first two or three years, Pendy I would prefer, is-1. Vocal Cul-manship may be made a semi-weekly, and ture, Reading, Speaking and Singing.-anon a weekly exercise. Vocal culture, No school can dispense with the refining Mathematics and History, should have no and subduing influence of music, and intermission. After all, Text Books conprosper. I have said, under the head of tain but little, which alone would answer Reading, all that need be said upon this the great end to be accomplished by their branch. They are but different modes of use. The example and practice of the using the same instrument-the human living Teacher can alone make the Text voice—and the same general rules apply Book effectual. How slim wonld be our dependence for men, genuine men and 2. Penmanship and drawing-connect-in schools where the pupil is chained to women, if we were to look for them only ing therewith, at an early date, composi- the Text Book, and the Teacher is but the tion writing, thus affording a good oppor- Author's mouthpiece. We are to find tunity for instruction in the elementary principles of English Grammar-making| of writing an intellectual exercise, thereby exercising a reflex influence upon Chirography, as every one would have a natural desire to see his brain children neatly dressed.

Mathematics-trusting more to the head than the fingers.

4. Physiology and Hygiene. 5. Geography and History.

our embryo men and women in schools where the Teacher is not afraid to breast the popular current of demand for "ologies," "thorough knowledge in twelve lessons," and all such humbuggery, and

makes use of the Text Book as a Mason uses a scaffold, by means of which, he molds into proper shape the brick and mortar of thought, which will stand as firmly without the scaffold as with.

Of the time to be devoted to each, I It is impossible to overestimate the imhave already spoken, and I need but to portance of correct habits on the part of recur to the statements made at the out- the Teacher, as those he comes in contact

with, take a lasting impress from him.- of any other than Nature's grading for a Aside from the instruction of his lips, the rail track. A single farm of ten thousand daily lessons they are learning from his acres, afforded no little surprise to some conduct do much to form the character. 7 to 9 easterners, who could not plough a Habits of neatness, order, punctuality, field without turning their teams every kindness, respect, mildness, and love to five or ten minutes. This farm belongs his fellows and his God, should be incul- to some member of the Strawn family, the cated, as essential to the formation of a head of which, Mr. Jacob Strawn, “the sound and stable character. Illinois drover," has probably done more A celebrated musician while studying business than any other man in Illinois of in Germany, was kept by his preceptor his age. for seven years practicing upon the scales without so much as playing a tune. At the end of that time, no tune was too difficult for him to perform at first sight. Let us learn the lesson it teaches. While then we may differ upon the authors we would follow, or the order in which we would pursue them, we cannot deny that Thought is the only true basis of a sound education, and that no course of study ig noring this is a fit course to be pursued in our Public Schools.

Lay the foundation deep and broad, In love of man and fear of God. Platteville, Wis.

J. L. P.

[For the Journal of Education.

Jacksonville presents outwardly a very benevolent aspect, having upon its South the State Lunatic Asylum; upon its West the Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, and upon its East the Blind Asylum.

Her churches, colleges and school edifices bespeak intelligence and morality, while neat streets, tasteful residences and pleasant grounds, indicate the refinement

of her citizens. I love to look back upon the moments spent in the society of such of her citizens as I became acquainted with. No hour of my life has ever been passed more pleasantly than one in conversation with the venerable FATHER ADAMS. He is now in his 84th year; 50 years of his long and useful life have been spent in teaching. For 23 years he was Principal of Phillips' Academy, Andover, Mass. More young men have been fitted LEAVING Platteville April 24th, by easy for college under his tuition than under stages and with good nights' rest, I reach that of any other man living. At the age ed Jacksonville, the "Athens of Illinois," of 70 he commenced the work of S. S. about noon of the 26th. While at Spring- Missionary, and has since that time gathfield I had the opportunity of visiting the ered more than 16,000 children into S. State Cabinet, collected by Dr. Norwood, Schools. His master will soon call him to State Geologist. Dr. N., as also his as- his examination and to his reward. Felsistants, were absent, and I missed very low Teacher, could you have witnessed much a guide, though I observed some the enthusiasm of this venerable man, as very fine specimens of Fossil Remains. he spoke of the labors and the earthly reIt is well worth a visit and more time than

I could give it.

In passing from Springfield to Jacksonville, one almost wonders at the necessity

wards of affection of hundreds of those who had been under his care, you would have returned to your work, as I did, strengthened and with new devotion to the

to the great work of Teaching. Fifty President, a faithful and active man, unyears of toil, but a life of happiness and der whose management the Institution an eternity of bliss. How sweet to such seems very prosperous.

a one, the memory of the past, for

"Who would drop one pleasant link
From memory's golden chain,
Or lose a sorrow, losing too

The love that soothed the pain."
May it be said of each one of us, as it
may with truth be said of him--

The work of instruction is performed by some 13 assistants, principally. The number of pupils in attendance is about 250 this year. The Institution reflects great credit upon the denomination which has adopted it.

The Female Academy, under the control of the Presbyterian Church, is doing a good work. They need greater accommodations, which will probably be fur

"Age sits with decent grace upon his brow, And worthily becomes his silver locks, He wears the marks of many years well spent, Of virtue, truth well tried, and wise ex-nished during the present summer.— perience." With the Principal I had no opportunity The Faculty of the Illinois College, of becoming acquainted, but formed a some of whom have toiled for more than favorable opinion of his ability from the a quarter of a century, are beginning to corps of assistants he has about him. realize some of their hopes. A fine buildBut no where did I find better disciing is in process of erection for Chapel, nlined classes than in the High School Library and Recitation purposes. The Department of the Public School, under fire which deprived them of their princi- the charge of Mr. Bateman. Had time pal college building some years since com- permitted, I could have spent a full day pelled them to adopt a different plan from with him with great profit to myself.that pursued by most Colleges, and which There is no noise, no ostentation, but they now do not design to change. The steady, quiet, and thorough work. students find their rooms among the citi- building, in its exterior, is promising; His zens with whom they board. They spend but is not as well finished and arranged three consecutive hours, from nine to internally as it it should be. Mr. Batetwelve, in Recitations. Their course of man told me, that for 12 years teaching iustruction is thorough, and is imparted he had never been a minute behind time by good disciplinarians. at any of his appointments. In this is one secret of his success.

Their catalogue for the present year shows quite a gratifying attendance of students.

An hour or two was passed very pleasantly with the President of the Female College, under the patronage of the M. E. Church, Their arrangements for board and rooms for students are of the first order. The young ladies of the school are connected with rival literary societies, each of which has a fine room

splendidly furnished, for Libraries and

I met at Mr. B.'s school, Mr. C. E. Hoand Editor of the Illinois Teacher, and vey, Prest. of Illinois Teachers' Institute, formed with him a brief but pleasant acquaintance.

Of further items of my visit, next month.

[blocks in formation]

Education is the well-spring from

Meetings. I found Mr. Andrews, the which arises all, for either good or evil.





The Convention was called to order by

In accordance with the call of the State the President. Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Convention met at the Chapel of the Central School Building, on Tuesday, May 6th, at 10 o'clock, A. M.

Rev. Hiram Foote was elected President.

Rev. G. W. Lawrence, Vice President.
O. N. Gorton, Secretary.

H. W. Collins, Janesville, II. W. Van Gelder, La Prairie, E. H. B. Harvey, Fulton, Miss F. Foote, Janesville, and Miss M. W. Pierce, Janesville, were appointed a Business Committee.


A committee of three-Messrs. 0. N. Gorton, A. C. Spicer, and H. W. Collins -were appointed to consider the propriety of holding an adjourned session of this Convention.

A paper was then read by G. S. Dodge Esq., on Physical Education.

Reports from towns being in order, the following, viz: Harmony, Milton, Johnstown, La Prairie and Janesville City were found to be represented.

The Committee on Text Books reported the following resolution:

The names of thirty-three Teachers, Resolved, That, as a Convention, we Town Superintendents and friends of Ed- commend the action of the State Superucation were enrolled, after which an in- intendent in taking the initiatory step teresting paper on Physical Education towards securing a uniformity of text was presented by Hon. A. Constantine books in this State. Barry.

Adjourned, to meet at 2. P. M.


Hon. A. C. Barry in the Chair.

The Business Committee reported a

programme for the evening.

After a prolonged and animated discussion, the resolution was laid on the table. Adjourned to 2 P. M.


The Committee on Teacher's Association, &c., reported the following recom

The following resolution was then of-mendation: The immediate organization fered for the consideration of the Con- of a County Teachers' Association, qux

vention :

Resolved, That, as a Convention, we Also, that a County Teachers' Institute iliary to the State Teachers' Association. fully endorse the list of Text Books re- be held, under the auspices of the Councommended by the State Superintendent for the use of schools, and would most intendent of Public Instruction, at the ty Teachers' Association, and the Supercheerfully recommend its adoption by city of Janesville, commencing the last Town Superintendents, District Boards Monday of October next, and continuing and Teachers in this County.

After a spirited discussion the resolution was referred to a special committee, consisting of O. N. Gorton, H. W. Collins and D. R. Spooner,

Rev. G. W. Lawrence presented a paper on Moral Education in our Schools. Adjourned, to meet at 8 P. M.


G. W. Lawrence in the Chair.
An address was made by Hon. Jas.

Sutherland. Subject, "Wisconsin."

H. W. Collins made remarks on School

in session one week.

Report adopted.

Miss E B. Lowber read a paper on the best mode of governing and employing

small scholars in school.

Messrs. Spicer, Collins, Williams, and Misses Stone and Stevens made remarks upon the same subject.

Mr. H. W. Collins presented an address on School Government.

Mr. D. R. Spooner presented the following resolution:

Resolved, That the State SuperintendHouses, their Location, Surroundings, and ent be requested to call the attention of Internal Arrangement, in which he the Legislature to the small remuneration showed the evil effects resulting from paid to Town Superintendents.

bad ventilation and uncomfortable seats. Adjourned, to meet at 9 A. M., May 7.

Adjourned to 8 P. M.



Hon A. C. Barry delivered an address on The Education of the Masses."

[ocr errors]


H. FOOTE, Pres.

O. N. GORTON, See'y.

have power to call special meetings of the Association, to fill all vacancies occurring in the offices, and shall make to the Association an annual report of their proceedings.

Art. 6. The annual meeting shall be held at such time and place as the ExecuROCK COUNTY TEACHERS ASSOCIA- tive Committee shall designate; and any five members who shall meet at a regalar or special meeting shall constitute a


In accordance with the above recom-quorum for the transaction of business. mendation several Teachers and others Art. 7. This constitution may be ainterested in the cause of Education met mended at any annual meeting of the Asin the chapel at the Central School build-sociation by a vote of two-thirds of the ing on Wednesday, at 8 o'clock P. M., for members present. the purpose of effecting an organization.

The following officers were elected to Hon. A. C. Barry was called to the hold their offices until the annual meetchair and O. N. Gorton appointed Secre-ing to be held on the last Monday in October, in this city:


Ön motion of A. C. Spicer the Association was organized by adopting the following:


President-Prof. A. C. Spencer, Milton.
Vice President-A. W. Collins, Janes-


Treasurer-W. C. Dustin, Beloít.
Board of Directors-Messrs. D. R.

Art. 1. This association shall be called THE ROCK CO. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, Spooner, Johnstown, G. W. Lawrence, and shall have for its object the mutual Janesville, Miss E. B. Lowber, Janesville. improvement of its members and the adA. C. BARRY, Ch'n. vancement of public education throughout the State.

0. N. GORTON, Sec'y.
Janesville, May 8, 1856.

Art. 2. The Association shall consist of persons engaged in teaching in the The above, from the Janesville Daily county, and of persons engaged in the Free Press, is indicative of educational cause of Education; each male member paying one dollar annually. Honorary progress in Rock County. This Convenmembers may be elected at any annual tion was the first of a series appointed by meeting, who may, by the payment of the Supt. of Public Instruction. The the annual fee, become acting members. weather was unfavorable, consequently Art. 3. The officers of this Association only the towns nearest Janesville were shall be a President, a Vice President, a

Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Board of represented, and the Convention was not three Directors, who with the President as large as we had hoped it would be; and Secretary, shall constitute an Execu- yet, it was, in some respects, very intertive Committee, any three of whom may constitute a quorum, to be elected by bal-esting. The papers presented the first lot at each annual meeting. day are highly commended, and so are

Art. 4. The duties of the President, the addresses. The Resolution to enVice President, Secretary and Treasurer dorse the "Text Books" recommended by shall be such as pertain to the same offi- the State Superintendent, and to recom

ces in similar Associations.

Art. 5. The Executive Committee mend their adoption and introduction inshall arrange business for the annual to the schools of the County, as is indicameetings, procure lecturers for the same ted by the Secretary's record, gave rise to and through the Secretary of the Association, who shall be ex-officio their secrea spirited discussion. It was found that tary, conduct such correspondence as may a difference of opinion exists, not only in be deemed advisable. They also shall respect to the quality and merit of the

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