
cording to the dictates of an enlightened proval of the community in which he is judgment, giving to the advice of the laboring. The next term will commence Superintendent only that weight and au- on the 2nd of September.

thority, to which, under the law, it is justly entitled.



Supt. Pub. Inst.

The Baltimore Patriot has the following with reference to the state of educa


"Too long has Maryland been remiss

The second Anniversary of Albion in providing for the intellectual wants of Academy was held on the 18th ult., and the poorer classes of her population; and we learn that the occasion was interest- to prove this beyond controversy, we ing and profitable. propose to recapitulate a few startling

There are within the limits of the State

The exercises consisted of Essays, Dec-facts. lamations, Singing and Addresses.Among the resolutions adopted were the according to the last census, seventeen following: thousand native white adults, and three

Resolved, That we have listened with thousand four hundred and fifty-one forgreat pleasure to the productions of the eigners-making in the aggregate, twenstudents, and regarded them as indicating ty thousand eight hundred and fifteen much care and ability in their prepara- persons-who can neither read nor write. tion, as containing sound and vigorous thoughts, as deserving our commenda- Scattered over eight counties of the State tion for their high toned, moral and reli--with an aggregate white population of gious sentiments, and as reflecting credit about eighty thousand-there are but upon those presenting them for their fourteen public schools, averaging about graceful and animated delivery.

Resolved, That the exercises of the thirty-four pupils to each school. There day manifested the unwearied exertions are, of course, some private schools in and judicious management of the Princi- these counties, but the entire number of pal and his associate teachers, in con- children attending school, all does not ducting the Institution the past year. Resolved, That we render our thanks average more than one child to each famto the choir of the Academy for the in- ily of seven persons. teresting music which they have discoursed so admirably upon the present occasion.

The head of every third family thro'out the State can neither read nor write. More than ten thousand men exercise the Resolved, That our thanks are due to the citizens of Albion and the students of right of suffrage in Maryland who are utthe Academy, for their hospitality in terly unable to read the names of the providing liberally for this large Assem- candidates for whom they vote. bly so excellent a dinner.

Resolved, That we recommend confidently to the community at large the In


stitution whose anniversary we have this once remarked that New England had day attended, as worthy of their patron- four institutions, any one of which would age and support. have led to national independence.-

The Principal, Thos. R. Williams, is These were the popular form of her doing a good work in Albion, and is de-churches, the town meeting, the volunserving of what he is receiving,—the ap-teer militia, and the free school.

Editor's Department.

Now we would apply this. Ought not a portion of each recitation to consist of the study of objects? Ought not every teacher of

EDUCATE THE PERCEPTIVE FACUL-mail children prepare himself for this reci

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tation? Ought he not to have at hand specimens of various natural objects? We would say, read the lesson previously, and if allusions are 100 much time is devoted to words- too made to material things, if possible, have them little to things. Every primary school at hand. Let the children see the violet, that should be supplied with objects, as well as with is used as the emblem of modesty; let them books. In most schools the mind of the child handle it; tell them where it grows; show is most carefully guarded against all ideas of them its glossy petals; speak of Him, who the external world. Not one primary school painted them; teach them to reach in thought in ten contains auything calculated to develop to Him who made all that is beautiful; tell the perceptive faculties. them that the earth is beautiful, with its rain

We seem to be ignorant of the fact that it is bows and golden hued clouds, but that to love by exercising the senses that the gerins of in-cach other, to love parents and the Good Being tellect are aroused. The child has inind-that that made the violets and all beside, is more mind becomes active as it cognizes qualities of beautiful than aught beside. The transition matter. We do not say that matter causes from things to ideas is an easy one! Our ideal mental activity, but that the senses form the of a teacher would be, a person who could, enermedium through which mind is aroused. and getically, perseveringly, systematically and that the senses can only be exercised by con-lovingly pursue the course hinted at, day by tact with material things. day. To do this, a teacher must find "SerNature has implanted an irrepressible de-mons in stones, books in the running brooks, sire in the child to know. Hand him a sea- and good in every thing." But unless he does shell; see him handle it; his tiny finger must this, we must question his fitness as an instrucexplore every nook; see him look at it; he tor of children. The reason that many considthrows it from him to get a better view of it; er the position of a teacher in a primary school his hand and eye are both fully employed; this inferior, is, they have no truc idea of it. Their will not suffice; he must test its qualities by ideal of a teacher of children is a sad object to another sense; see the vain effort to introduce contemplate. But we would question the fitit into his mouth. He finds full employment ness of a person to teach any school, who finds for three senses, perchance a fourth-the sense no pleasure in teaching a primary school. Why of smell-is appealed to in vain; he puts it to should a person, surrounded by minds upon his ear; now see the delight flood his face, as which every act makes an impression, talk he enjoys the exercises of three senses at the about not finding room for the exercise of mind, same time. Will he exchange this for the de- or the use of knowledge? We apprehend, that finition of a letter? Does he care what an exwere the true cause of the lack of interest clamation point is now? Not he. He will known, it would be found to be, not the posquestion his plaything until he is lulled to session of knowledge, but the want of it.

sleep by the lullaby of its murmuring. See as his eyelids close, how his little hands cling to his teacher, and watch the smile that plays up and down his face, as he dreams of a sweet song. that a fairy sung for him. Has he not been at school?

Hand him a flower, a pebble, anything; he will, with childish delight, separate it into parts, arrange them, re-arrange them, and toil for hours.

We would infer, from the foregoing remarks, that the teacher of a primary school needs

1st-A mind well disciplined, and stored with useful knowledge.

2nd-A love for the study of material objects, and a correct understanding of the relation between the senses and the intellect.

3d-A patient, hopeful nature, that is willing to labor for the good of the young, for no

other reward than that necessarily connected which no beautiful plants can grow. We shall with well-doing. find much promotive of this feeling in our pu4th-A love of truth, deep and abiding.-pils, but we may counteract it by seeking for Such a love for it as will burn out vanity, pride and envy, and kindle into enthusiasm.

5th-A love for, and an appreciation of. beautiful things-we mean a taste, refined and cultivated.

6th-A deep sense of responsibility to God, Christ was and of dependence on Him. model teacher.



other than vicious characteristics. The human heart is a harp-its strings are tuneless, but the hidden soul of harmony will return, as the master hand touches it, or the breeze of kindness sweeps over it.

We are often impatient. If we fail to notice the effects we anticipated, we blame our pupils, whereas the fault is probably in ourselves. It may be admitted as a general truth, that there is something good in every child. In a ma jority the good preponderates. We then have much to encourage us. To make a child bet


find nothing around which affection can twine, we have no mission to teach him.

A teacher's opinions will modify the success ter, we must love him. If we cannot do this of his efforts. No one can accomplish that we cannot become his teacher. If we which he deems impossible. Any one can perform what he believes possible. A strong faith in the perfectibility of human nature, should characterize every teacher. By this, I mean nothing more than the belief that the human soul is limitless in its capacity for development, with truth as a means, and that, wherever there is a human mind, there, may the seed of truth be sown, with the assurance that it will grow.

We would suggest that there is not enough of positive moral instruction in our schools.— When we say thou shalt not steal, we do not say thou shalt love thy neighbor. The atheistic dogma, that school is merely for intellectual culture, ought to be scouted by every teacher.

A portion of every day ought to be set apart for moral instruction in our primary schools ;-and the teacher will find his richest rewards in the results of an earnest, trusting effort to make

We often expect too little. We have little faith. Our calling has a tendency to lead the mind to dwell more upon the faults than his pupils better. the virtues of human nature. We have parental indifference to contend with. Truths that glow with importance to us, scarcely attract a moment's attention from those whom commence by making them strong, morally. they most nearly concern. Our most disinterested efforts are often misrepresented.Those whom we sought to benefit, are found to be most bitter in their enmity. A thousand things annoy us day by day. A pleasant school is often the exception instead of the rule. We are so much engaged in details that we often fail to see things as parts of a whole. We see the clouds and forget the sunshine beyond. But much may be done to counteract this tendency.

A quickened conscience

seems to affect every part of the mind. Would we make our pupils strong, intellectually, we shall find it for their interest, and our own, to

JA CONVENTION of Superintendents of Lunatic Asylums was held, during last month, at Cincinnati. A more important subject could not engage the attention of educators, than the proper treatment of the insane. Much has been done within the last half century toward restoring this class to society and happiness. but much yet remains to be done.

HIGHLY PROPER.-The School Board of We should accustom ourselves to seek for those buds of excellence, which we may warm Watertown, lately allowed the Teachers, eminto life by care. There are germs in the hu- ployed by them, to attend the Educational man heart that need only the rain and sun- Convention held in the county of Jefferson, and shine to blossom as the rose. Shun a distrust- defrayed their expenses. This is right as well ful spirit. Distrust is the night-shade under as liceral and is worthy of imitation.


THE following Circular from Hon. A. C. Bar

-The Fourth Annual Meeting of the W. S. T. ry, was received too late for insertion in its apA., will be held at Beloit on Wednesday, 20th propriate place, consequently we have placed of August next. The friends of education it in the Editorial department:


Madison, July 1, 1846.


throughout the State are urged to attend.Business of the utmost importance to our educational interests will naturally come before the Association for consideration. Teachers should exert themselves to awaken an interest in the different parts of the State, which shall be exhibited by a large attendance. It is to the Teachers of the State that we must look for the elevation of our schools, and the education of the youth of the State. Nothing thorough dition of schools and the progress of education and far-reaching can be done without that systematic effort contemplated by the Association. We hope to see every county in the State represented.

To TOWN SUPERINTENDENTS:-Will you have the kindness to communicate to this Office between this date and the first day of November next, a detailed statement of the con

within your several jurisdictions. State what degree of interest is felt and manifested on the part of parents and others. What is the stan dard of qualification of Teachers? What are Arrangements will be made with the Rail- the branches taught in the several schools?— road Companies of the State, to carry those What obstacles and embarrassments, if any, in wishing to attend the Convention for half-fare. the way of educational prosperity? What is We are requested to state that the citizens of needed to render the schools more efficient and Beloit will extend their usual hospitality to all teachers who may be in attendance.

useful? What changes, if any, in your opin

ion of our School Laws, or modifications of our The session will commence at 10 o'clock A. School System, are required to meet the eduM., on the 20th of August. J. L. Pickard, cational wants of your town? Whether you Pres. of the Association, will deliver the open-have a uniformity of Text Books in the schools ing address. D. Y. Kilgore, of Madison, will under your supervision, and, if so, what Text read a paper on "The Nature of a Good Edu- Books are used. Any additional facts, sugcation." W. Van Ness, of Fond du Lac, will gestions, recommendations, &c., will be gladly read a paper on the "Disconnection of Super-received.

intendency and Politics." N. G. Harvey will I trust you will not fail to communicate to read an essay on "The present state of Educa- this Department as above desired. The infortion in Wisconsin." mation sought cannot be obtained from the Annual Reports; and without it we are unable to determine with any degree of accuracy what is the condition of our schools, and what the measure of educational prosperity in our State. Yours Truly,

Dr. Adams, of Illinois College, will deliver an address in the evening. A. C. Spicer will read a paper. Other persons will address the Association, due notice of which will be given. Besides Addresses, there will be discussions and reports of importance. Among subjects that will come up for consideration may be mentioned Normal Schools and Reform Schools.

Sup. Pub. Inst.

DR. JOHNSON applied himself to the Dutch language but a few years before his death.Most of our merchants and lawyers of twenty

SPECIAL NOTICE.-The Executive Committee of the Wisconsin Teachers' Association are requested to meet at the Bushnell House, Beloit, on Tuesday, August 19th, at 7 P. M. Oth-five, thirty and forty years of age, are obliged er active friends of education are invited to to apply to a teacher to translate a business letbe present. The following are the names of ter written in French language, which might the Executive Committee: A. J. Craig, A. C be learnt in the tenth part of the time required Spicer, E. B. Goodrich, M. P. Kinney, J. L. to study the Dutch; and all because they are too Pickard, D. Y. Kilgore, Jno. G. McMynn. old to learn


Let teachers direct attention to this matter at once, as the most effectual means by which they can secure the necessary conditions of intellectual and moral progress. And if little

else is done during the next six months, than to secure attention of parents and pupils to it, the next generation will have cause of gratitude.


It is asserted, by travelers, that there is no other country, claiming to be civilized, whose public edifices, monuments, &c., are so generally marred, and so disgustingly defaced, as our own. Crime may prevail more extensively in other lands, beggary may exhibit itself in more disgusting forms, but we stand alone in the downright, unmitigated meanness of marking and polluting our public places. The "lazaroni" of Southern Europe, amid all their degredation, still cherish that within them, which responds to the beautiful around them. The of September. The building is 31 x 42 feet, privilege of bedaubing fences, whittling posts, drawing obscene pictures on the walls of our public halls, and writing obscene expressions wherever the eye will probably rest upon them, will soon be claimed as one of our "institutions."

A FINE Union School building will be completed at Reedsburgh, Sauk Co., about the 1st

and will be well-finished. We learn that a first rate teacher is wanted to take charge of the school.

THE Kenosha Public Schools closed a pros

DURING the past year, three new schoolhouses have been erected in Racine. The buildings are 40x50 feet, two stories high, and We hold teachers responsible, to some extent, well finished, They cost, including lots, about for this disgraceful practice. We do not in- $5000 each. They are designed to accommotend to excuse parents, but the indifference of date the Primary and Intermediate Departparents may be attributed to the negligence of ments of the city schools. The High School the teachers of the last generation. In many building was erected three years since, and is of our school-rooms may be found these foul valued at about $15,000. The value of school signs, which tell so plainly the nature of the property owned by the city, at present, is at mind that guided the hand in making them.-least $35,000. Teachers should inculcate the most sacred regard for purity both in and out of the schoolroom. The teacher who declares his inability perous term on the 3d inst. We understand to cure the evil referred to, only shows his own that the present teachers, will, with few excepwant of fitness for his responsible position. In tions, remain during the next year. order to remove this evil, tact is necessary.Rules are ridiculous, and coercion impotent. A public sentiment must be developed that will burn this habit out. This cannot be immediately obtained. It cannot be formed by formal and learned lectures. It may be ne- THE people of Columbus are making efforts cessary to speak privately, to those least in- to erect a Female Seminary. Ten acres of clined to violate the claims of purity and taste, ground have been donated, and about $2000 until a nucleus is formed in the mind of the have been subscribed. school, about which may gather the good thoughts the teacher may suggest in a public manner. Certainly there must be some way of reaching the evil. A school in which the claims of purity are disregarded is a curse to any community. The disgusting habits of the

WM. H. WELLS, for sometime past Principal of one of the Massachusetts Normal Schools, has been appointed City Superintendent of Schools in Chicago.

DURING the past year the number of children attending the Public Schools of North Carolina was three thousand more than during the preceding year.

THE Superintendent and Teachers of the pupils in many of our schools absolutely pre-Madison Public Schools, recently visited the These visits of Teachers clude all progress in anything that a good Racine Schools. school ought to promote.

ought to be more frequent than they are.

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