
Sarah Martyn, the seamstress, is like an effect upon others. We may wound angel in many a prison, and Robert Raikes, hearts which we do not poison.

the shoemaker, teaches in ten thousand Love leads, also, to self-sacrifice, and schools at once. So evil lives and multimay induce us to refrain from that which plies itself all over the earth. A single may injure, or pain another, even when evil example may live forever, like a we cannot see that the act from which our devil, and spread its dusky wings over influence radiates, is in itself considered myriads of hearts, No one knows how wrong. Love is not satisfied to enjoy at much harm he may do by a wrong act, the expense of others. Let it be granted perpetrated while others look on. He is that a certain act may be safely performed waving a torch over materials as dry as were there no one but God to observe it; tinder. One spark drifted on the wind, so long as its performance in the presence unknown to him, may make a fiercer of others may either lead them into sin, blaze than that from which the spark was or grieve them by the appearance of sin torn away. He may think himself guilt- which it presents to them; he who loves less while a whole community sits in his neighbor will hesitate to perform it.—


We are led still further in this direction, by the third general principle suggested the principle of e. This is to enter into all our relations with others, and to shape our conduct in every respect in which that conduct can affect them.

He will hesitate even though he might in other circumstances derive positive gratification from it. We are never to give up a principle. Love oes not require that, even though our adherence to the principle should wound the conscience of those who differ from us in respect to the principle involved. Popular opinion may be wrong, and so the public conscience may speak on the wrong side. Popular opinion may require that witches be burn

Love leads to exertion in behalf of its object, prompts to the employment of every energy, overlooks no available resource. He must have an imperfect affection for his fellows, who is careless of his influ-ed, but we are not therefore out of re

spect to the feelings of others, to cut the faggots for the execution. Love would then require that we should endeavor to rescue the unfortunate victim, and though it should pain the cons ier ces of some good men, to endeavor to change the current of popular sentiment. But if a thing is wrong, neither in itself or on account of circumstances, and yet others suppose it to be wrong, we are bound by Love to

ence over them, when one good example may be worth more than the Ko-hi-noor, one bad one may be worse than the blow of a Saracenic cimeter. Thus we arrive at the same conclusion, when we start from the principle of love, that we do when starting from the principle of duty. We are carried to that conclusion with ew force; for Love makes us careful of the feelings of others, as well as of their failings. It makes us anxious to avoid have respect to their opinion in our congreiving those on whom it rests. But duct. Even the prejudices and whims of we may easily grieve by our example some whom we do not influence for evil. They may be grieved by it, on account of the perceived inconsistency in us, and at liberty to despise. also on account of its apprehended bad

others, when conscientiously entertained, are not to be treated with contempt. We may try to reason away what we are not

When that which we might safely prac

tice is positively injurious to others, when trop the glass as if an asp had stung him. what is innocent in us, becomes sinful in Could he decypher among the hieroglyphthem, and they are encouraged in it by ics of his cards the certain prophecy that example, something more than the prin- he would become a black-leg, he would no ciple of Love requires that we refrain.- more touch the leaves than if they were We are doing harm. Lead a fellow trav-plates of burning brass. Let the parent eler, blindfold, to the edge of a fissure in understand that his children are daily an Alpine glacier, and let him step into it, drawing his life into their own, by the is he not lost as truly as if while stand-magnetic power of influence, and that he ing with him on its brink, you had throwi is silently shaping their future. Let the him in? And are you guiltless? Walk teacher understand that he is imparting along the slippery edge while others, he most momentous lessons, both in without your Alpine staff and your steady norals and in knowledge, by his “ scious tuitions." Let the student renerves, are looking on, and while you believe that they may follow in your member that the sharp angles of his charsteps; when news is brought that a ven-acter are marking the characters of his turesome youth, inspired by your examschool-mates, while his own soul receives ple, and attempting to go where you had its influences from theirs. It were not safely trod, has fallen from the dizzy easy to exhaust the subject of organic verge, do you exonerate yourself? Does life-the life of the family—the life of the not his blood ring like thunder through school-the life of the community. We the ice-caves, calling to you from the have but planted a finger post at the entrance of the branching paths of thought. ground? Racine, Wis.



Z. M. H.

NEVER leave a promise unfulfilled in

well as theoretically, will despise. Let everything in the school-room be truthful, or in other words, orderly. Order is truth; disorder is a lie. Teach the truth. Let your definitions be exact, complete;

The truth is, more harm is done indirectly, by the power of evil example, in corrupting the morals of most communities, than by deliberate solicitation; and this ought to be understood, not only by letter or in spirit. Be punctual. Tardithose who wish to make their lives radi-ness is generally a species of petit larceny, ant with good influences, but by those that a man that is truthful, practically as who are willing to meet the consequences of selfish gratification, yet do not think how many others crowd their train to ruin. We have but begun to settle the question whether we shall sip the cup, or indulge in "euchre," when we have deci- let your arguments be conclusive, your ded that we can do the one without in-demonstrations perfect. toxication, and the other without gam-statement; never state as a fact what you Teachers must bling. The bare fact that we can do both do not know to be so. "safely," makes our example most per-share with parents the responsibility of nicious to the lookers-on, for it induces training the youth of this generation to them to think that they can indulge as safe- habits of truth telling, truth acting and ly as we. Could the young man read that truth living. prophetic word-Drunkard-in the bead

Be precise in

We often censure pupils for doing what ed wine as he lifts it to the light, he would we have unconsciously taught them to do;

Indeed much that we do, to form the char- sled the aged and infirm, and laughs acter of others, is unconsciously done.-at the "slow coach" he has left sprawl

ing in his wake. His snow-balls, with a influence, like other great forces, acts not stone in the middle-if stones happen to less silently than omnipotently, in effect- be convenient-fly with refreshing iming its results. The teacher must appear partiality at all passers, and his hilarious to his pupils a living truth. There must enjoyment has reached its acme when he be consistency in his life; his example flowing from the countenance of some sees the claret, as he facetiously terms it, must speak while his tongue is silent and unlucky victim of his sport. He yells in it must illustrate what his mouth has ut- the street worse than a Yahor,-to his tered. There must be uniformity in his own infinite delight, and to the utter dislife; not sameness, but symmetry. Some- gust of every lover of quiet; he does the same in the lecture and concert-room, times shadows may flit across the land-with the additional embellishments of scape, but let the pupil feel that the sun fierce stamps, shrill whistlings and unis always shining behind the cloud.

earthly groans. In short, wherever he is, he is an unendurable nuisance.

We must make the young feel the Why, instead of young gentlemen, are meanness of lying. They may know that such animals turned loose from our it is wicked, but they ought to feel that schools, both public and private, to play it is mean. They should be taught to their parts on the stage of life? It is no lose a right hand sooner than violate their doubt attributable to many causes, such as bad home influences, instruction by inword. In some of our schools the boy competent and careless teachers, and alwho tells the truth always, is abused, while most total neglect of moral training in the habitual liar is a hero among his our schools; but the most important and school-mates, Fashionable society, as it deep-seated of all, is, undoubtedly what is called, is an enormous lie; and it is the but which, being a plain, blunt man, I the Bostonians politely term absenteeism, duty of every teacher to make this mat-shall call by its right name, vagrancy.ter a subject of study, and perseveringly This is the poisoned fountain that sends and wisely to train the youth of our land its streams of death through all the chanto truth-truth in science, society and has its army of young vagrants who nels of society. Every city and village morality. Teach them the love of truth. prowl through its streets, and whose miTeach them that is the nucleus around asmatic breathings so pollute the moral which all the gems that beautify aud adorn atmosphere, that no pure soul can inhale the character, crystalize and flash during the dark hours of temptation; that it is the central idea around which the other virtues circle and shine amid the storms of passion.


J. G. MC M.

There is no escape for any; the foul vait, without taking in the terrible infection. pors penetrate to the most sacred recesses of our homes. Are the purest and brightest hopes of parents who have an earnest and constant care for the well-being of their children, to be forever blasted by the insidious and diabolical teachings of the street? Is nothing to be done-can nothing be done to snatch Look at the Young America of our these vagrants themselves, from the doschools, who play, such fantastic tricks as minion of the Evil One? The people of would make angels weep. He has no our cities and town are earnestly repeatreverence for age-no respect for station. ing the question. They are beginning to He insults a lady with the easy noncha- move in the matter. Already has the lance of the experienced profligate. To School Board of Cincinnati adopted the his parents he feels he owes no obedience, form of a vagrancy and truancy law, to and takes most effectual means to show be submitted to the Legislature.-Ohio it. On the street he rides down with his Normal School Advocate.

[blocks in formation]

Increase in the State for the year

The whole number of children who
have attended school during the
year ending Sept. 1, 1855, is
the ages of four and twenty.
The number reported last year
over four, and under twenty,
as attending school, was
Increase of attendance for the

It is made by law the duty of the Superin-Of these 119,687 were between tendent of Public Instruction to "prepare in each year a report, to be submitted to the legislature, bearing date on the last day of December in each year, containing

"1. An abstract of all the common school reports received by him from the several clerks of the county boards of supervisors.

"2. A statement of the condition of the common schools in this State.


There was received from various
sources for the year 1855, for
school purposes, the sum of

"3. Estimates and accounts of expenditures Of this amount there was expended of the school moneys.

for same purposes, the sum of

"4. Plans for the improvement and manage-As follows:--ment of the common school fund, and for the For Teachers' wages, better organization of the common schools.And

"5. All such matters relating to his office and the common schools of the State, as he shall deem expedient to communicate."

The required abstract of county returns will be found at the close of this report.



"other purposes,

Amount unexpended,

Excess of money received and ex-
pended for school purposes over
amount of year 1854,
Excess for teachers' wages,






$264,764 03

250,075 70

$216,542 72

4,741 21

28,791 77

14,688 33

22,647 49 53,057 08

These figures indicate a healthy educational of former years. Still, with our great and genprogress in our State, as compared with those eral prosperity, they are scarcely what we had a right reasonably to expect. We are not, however, to estimate the degree of interest, and the measure of improvement in all localities by there has been little or no improvement on the the figures here given. While in many places has been materially changed for the better, far previous year, in others the condition of things larger amounts have been raised for school purposes, and the wages of teachers have beon greatly increased.

The School Fund-Its Unproductive and Productive Capital-Amount of Income-Appor

The number of counties in this state is fifty. From the abstract of the county reports, we learn that in the forty five organized counties, there were on the first day of September last, four hundred and sixty-eight towns and cities, containing three thousand five hundred and eighty-four districts and joint districts. of this number of whole and joint districts, 3321 have reported to the town superintendents as required by law. The number of districts reported last year is 2226, showing an increase of 1358 whole and joint districts. The increase is in part the result of divisions of old districts, but is mainly attributable to the increase of population in our state and the settlement of new teritory. Still, it is a matter of regret, that the carving up of large districts into small ones is quite common, introducing dissension, poor schools, and many and great hindrances in the way of all educational progress and prosperity. To the fancied benefit of being near a school house, very important considerations are often sacrificed. The fact is overlooked that children require, for the development of a Washington (Block) healthy organization, the daily excercise equiv- Dodge, alent to one or two miles travel. In pleasant Fond du Lac, weather a walk of two or even three miles is no Marquette, hardship to them. It has been observed, and Portage, the testimony of teachers confirms the observ- Polk, ation, that as a general rule, those children Pierce, who lives farthest from the school house, are Door, the most punctual in their daily attendance, Kewaunee, and make the greatest progress in their studies." The whole number of children in

the State on the first day of September, 1855, between the ages of four and twenty was The whole number set down in the Report for the year 1854,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Over amount apportioned on the 10th of March last,

47,303 25 291,309 84 1,567,932 98 38,026 48

$1,897,269 30

1,441 80 there ever was before. And this generally pre456 27 vailing Thought is more intelligent, more earnest, better directed, and of a purer and loftier character than that which has preceded it. Instead of being shut away from the means and even the right of thought, or of having no time for thought of anything beyond the narrow circle of their own physical wants, the condition of the laboring masses has been improved, magnificent stores of knowledge have been opened, and a general diffusion of intelligence has prepared the way for Thought. And as knowledge increases Thought expands, is el1,859,242 82 evated, and becomes more free. Then there begin the pulsations of a new and higher lifethe capacities of the soul are enlarged-a clearer and stronger perception of right and duty is imparted-and man begins to lift himself erect in the dignity of his august nature. Hence, those denominated the Common People-the toiling, degraded, and suffering millions-through the power of thought are opening their eyes to see that this is God's earth; and some way or other, all His children, even the poorest and weakest have a right to so much of the soil, and water, and air as shall sustain life under circumstances favorable to unfold and develope the faculties and attributes of the whole man-physical, social, intellectual and religious.

1,670.258 77
227,010 53

130,076 99

17,479 00 147,555 99

5,571 70

21,649 97 Thought is clearly an element of progress; The productive capital of the School Fund is annually increased by sales of School Lands, and if their be that which yields under its and from other sources, and consequently the power, it is because it is wanting in adaptation, revenue for the support of the public schools of or is false, and wholly unfit for the place it octhe State. When the remaining lands shall have been sold, and the proceeds added to the productive capital of the Fund, the income annually derived from the whole will aid largely, indeed, in the education of the sons and daughters of the State, and in deepening and strength-from many and great evils, and making the ening the foundations of all true prosperity.


cupies. Truth cannot suffer from thought-no good thing can be permanently injured by it; and true, and binds up the good of to day it conserves that which is excellent, and right, with that which may be developed to-morrow. Thus it, is naturally aiding in our redemption

law of universal brotherhood of practical force and effect in all lands when its freedom is tolerated. Before its power Thrones shall crumThe age in which we live is full of promise. ble and Despotisms shall pass away-cruelty Old things are passing away, and all things and injustice shall fiee from among men-human are being made new. Not that we yet can equality shall be established-oppression shall clearly discover the near approach of either a cease-religion be shorn of pride and self rightpolitical, social, or religious millenium, but that eousness-and there be new heavens and a new we can catch glimpses of the early dawning of earth. a far brighter and happier day. Ignorance, want suffering, selfishness and dissension are not the hard necessities of our being, and cannot always continue. They shall not always darken our life-they shall not always hedge in the path of progress. The light that breaks from a single point in the intellectual and moral heavens, shall spread wider and yet wider, deepening and gathering intensity in its onward flow, until the whole earth shall be flooded as with a sea of glory. The restlessness, activity, intense effort, and the stirring and deeply excitingevents of our time, are true indications of the approaching period when principle shall provail more than system, and there shall be less of wrong and suffering and tears.

There is more Thought in the world than

Nowhere, perhaps, is there so much free thought as in our own land. In no other part of the world is broader scope allowed it, or greater stimulus supplied it. And here, as in no other country it works out its legitimate tendencies, and achieves its noblest triumphs;and is at once an element and an evidence of our national greatness and prosperity. True there might be more mental independence-more upright, unbending "backbone"-more manliness self-reliance and self-respect, than there is.— Bigotry and intolerance are here as elsewhere. Fashion, custom, caste and false distinction circumscribe, fetter and enthrall in this Republican land as in the Old World. But it need not be so, for these are backed by no political power, and derive their authority only from

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