
mature growth to strong reason; and last an idiomatical construction necessary to aand highest, let them be reduced to the void circumlocution, the sentence imputes subjection of moral law, by instruction the act to the thing beheld, the qualifyin the school-house, and from the pulpit, ing word must express the quality of the and by the fireside, when they come in thing spoken of adjectively, instead of

[blocks in formation]

qualifying the act of the nominative un-
derstood, adverbially. What an adjec-
tive is to a noun, an adverb is to a verb;
an adjective expresses the quality of a
thing, and an adverb the manner of an
action. Consider what it is you wish to
express, the quality of a thing, or the
manner of an action,-and use an ad-
jective or an adverb accordingly. But
beware that you discriminate justly; for
though you cannot say,
The queen

[ocr errors]

It is amusing to observe the broad line of demarcation between vulgar bad grammar, and genteel bad grammar, which characterizes the violation of almost eve- looked majestically in her robes," bery rule of syntax. The vulgar speaker cause here the act of looking is performuses adjectives instead of adverbs, and ed by the spectator, who looks at her, says, "This letter is written shocking;" you can and must say, "The queen lookthe genteel speaker uses adverbs instead ed graciously on the petitioner," "The of adjectives, and says, "This writing queen looked mercifully on his prayer," looks shockingly." The perpetrators of because here the act of looking is perthe latter offence may fancy they can formed by the queen. You cannot say, shield themselves behind the grammati-These flowers smell sweetly," because cal law which compels the employ- it is you that smell, and not the flowers; ment of an adverb, not an adjective, to but you can say, "These flowers perfume qualify a verb, and behind the first rule the air deliciously," because it is they of syntax, which says that, "a verb must which impart the fragrance, not you.agree with its nominative." But which You cannot say, "This dress looks badis the nominative in the expression allu- ly," because it is you that look, not the ded to? Which performs the act of look-dress; but you can say, "This dress fits ing—the writing or the speaker? To say badly," because it is the dress that perthat a thing looks when we look at it, is forms the act of fitting either well or ill. an idiom peculiar to our language, and, There is another class of errors arising some idioms are not reducible to rules; from the use of the adverbial form of they are conventional terms, which pass certain words, instead of the adjective current, like bank notes, for the coin they form; or, he spoke loudly, more loudly, represent, but must not be submitted to or most loudly, for loud, louder, or loudthe test of grammatical alchemy. It is est. The boy reads slowly, more slowly, improper, therefore, to say, "The queen or most slowly, for slow, slower, or slowlooks beautifully;" "The flowers smell est. Not a few teachers fall into this ersweetly;" "This writing looks shockingly;" because it is the speaker that performs the act of looking, smelling, &c., not the noun looked at; and though, by

ror, perhaps because they are more familiar with the general rule that most adverbs end in ly, than with the practice of good speakers and writers. There are


some peculiar idioms which it would be better to avoid altogether, if possible; but if you feel compelled to use them, take them as they are,-you cannot prune and refine them by the rules of syntax, and to attempt to do so shows ignorance as well as affectation.

LORA. But can you say your prayers at night, and ask God to bless you in the course you are pursuing?

MYRA. I don't say any prayers now. LORA. That may be the reason why you love to do wrong. We learned in Watts that prayer would make us love our studies, and pursue them more pa

From the American Messenger. tiently, and that we should be more likely to enjoy the blessing of God on our labors.


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LORA. Why, Myra, I am surprised to hear you speak so unkindly of your teacher. I think he is a good man, and an excellent teacher too. I like him; and I try every way to show him that I love! to please him. You don't consider that. he reproves the girls for their good. He has a laborious time of it; not only does he try to improve our minds, but our morals and manners too.

MYRA. But he need not have so many rules to make us good. I can do well enough without any rules. They don't make me any better. I break them every day; but I take care that he don't see

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MYRA. Well, I am tired of study. I hate the sight of the academy. I didn't look at my lessons last night. I shall be glad when I have finished my education. I can then go to balls and parties, and enjoy myself. I don't wonder you love Mr. J ; he is always praising you, and speaks kindly to you.

LORA. And he would do the same to

you, if your conduct was such as to de

serve it. But we will talk no more about this matter now. As for me, I never expect to finish my education. I see something new to admire every day. The more I study, the more I feel my ignorance. And when I can no longer attend school, I shall admire to study the great book of nature-to cull the flowers-to examine the various classes of insect creation-to view the mountain, the river, the water-fall, as well as the bright shining orbs of night, and reflect that "my Father made them all."

LORA. You are mistaken, Myra. The rules are very simple, and easily observ- SIR THOMAS BODLEY wrote to Lord Baed; and if they do not make you any bet- con: "Strain your wits and industry ter, it is your own fault. Now tell me, soundly to instruct yourself in all things Myra, candidly, do you feel happy at night between heaven and earth, which may after you have done wrong all day at tend to virtue, and wisdom, and honor; school? And do you think anybody will and let all these riches be treasured up, think the better of you for it?

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not only in your memory, where time may ripen your stock, but rather in good books of account, which will keep them safe for your use hereafter."


I once had a neighbor—a clever man— who came to me one day, and said, "Esquire White, I want you to come and get your geese away."

"Why," says I, "what are my geese doing?"

"They pick my pigs' ears when they are eating, and drive them away; and I will not have it."

"What can I do?" said I.
"You must yoke them."

"That I have not time to do now," said I, "I do not see but they must run.' "If you do not take care of them, I shall," said the shoemaker, in anger.'What do you say, Esquire White?" "I cannot take care of them now, but I will pay for all damages."

"Well," said he, "you will find that a hard thing, I guess."

So off he went, and I heard a terrible squalling among the geese. The next news was, that three of them were missing. My children went and found them. terribly mangled and dead, and thrown into the bushes. "Now," said I, "all keep still, and let me punish him." In a few days the shoemaker's hogs broke into my corn. I saw them, but let them remain a long time. At last I drove them all out, and picked up the corn which they had torn down, and fed them with it in the road; by this time the shoemaker came up in great haste after them. "Have you seen any thing of my hogs?" inquired he.

'Yes, sir, you will find them yonder, eating some corn which they tore down in my field."

"In your field?"

"Yes, sir," said I, "hogs love corn, you know; they were made to eat it." "How much mischief have they done?"

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tures, which, being quite finished, are ceed in introducing those recommended now put in a frame-a gilded one, if pos- by the State Superintendent.

sible, and hung up in permanence of beauty!—permanence, that is to say, till old Time, with his rude and dingy fingers, soils the charming colors.-Foster.

IXONIA, WIS., October 28, 1856. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION:-In accordance with a request published in the Journal some time since, I send you statement of the condition of schools in this town.


Most of our people acknowledge the importance of education, and seem inclined to make the effort when they know what to do.

I feel that much good may be done by the circulation of the Journal, and if the information which it contains will not elevate our primary schools, I do not know what will.

M. THAYER, Sup't of Schools.

1st. I have no hesitation in saying that FROM RICHARD HOOKER.-"If nature district boards, teachers and parents are deeply interested in the welfare of our should intermit her course, and leave alpublic schools. At the same time parents together, though it were but for a while, do not seem to know what they ought to the observation of her own laws; if those do. They think that if their children principles and mother elements of the attend school a few hours during the world, whereof all things in this lower week, the great work of educating them world are made, should lose the qualities will go on, without further trouble.- which now they have; if the frame of They forget that regularity of attendance the heavenly arch erected over our heads is absolutely essential to progress, and should loosen and dissolve itself; if celesthat to secure this, the teacher must have tial spheres should forget their wonted the hearty co-operation of parents. motions, and by irregular volubility turn 2d. The teachers are tolerably well themselves any way as it might happen; qualified, and I think they are making if the prince of the lights of heaven, improvement. Their efforts are some- which now as a giant doth run his unwhat paralyzed by a want of co-opera- wearied course, should, as it were, thro' tion on the part of school officers and a languishing faintness, begin to stand parents. The branches taught in our and rest himself; if the moon should schools are the common English branches wander from her beaten way, the times and —those that fit our children to discharge the seasons of the year blend themselves their duties as citizens-but there is so by disordered and confused mixtures, much apathy that a large class are re- the winds breathe out their last gasp, the ceiving very little education. It seems clouds yield no rain, the earth be defeatto me that we need County Superinten-ed of heavenly influences, the fruits of dents to arouse the people to the impor- the earth pine away as children withered tance of better sustaining their schools. at the breasts of their mother, no longer I would also suggest that the time allow-able to yield them relief; what would ed by our library regulations for retain- become of man himself whom all these ing books should be extended. As yet things now do serve? See we not that we have not secured uuiformity of text the obedience of creatures unto the law books in our town; this we deem of the of nature, is the strength of the whole utmost importance, and we hope to suc-world?


Delivered before the Wisconsin Teachers' Association at its late meeting, by J. L. Pickard, Pres't.

FELLOW TEACHERS:-Another year has Into its brief space have been passed.

Of law there can be no less acknowledged, than that her seat is the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world; all things in heaven and earth do her homage, the very least as feeling her care, and the greatest as not exempt from her power; both angels and men, and creatures of what condition soever, each crowded joys and sorrows, conflict and triumph, or struggle and defeat. We have felt within us as well as heart-sinkings. Sunshine and storm have had each its appropriate place.

in different sort and manner, yet all with consent, admiring her as the mother of their peace and joy."

had another year's experience-teachers' experience. What is to be its result? Shall past success make us careless, or past defeat destroy ambition? Shall not rather the spirit of the true teacher man

FROM CARLYLE.—“All speech and ru- Prosperity has lightened, and adversity mor is short-lived, foolish, untrue. Gen-clouded our pathway. In short, we have uine work alone is eternal, as the Almighty Founder and World Builder himself There is a perennial nobleness, and even sacredness in work. Were he never so benighted, forgetful of his high calling, there is always hope in a man that actually and earnestly works; in idleness alone is there perpetual despair. The real desire to get work done, will itself "Let the dead past bury its dead” exlead one more and more to truth; to nature's appointments, which are truth.cept so far as its remembrance may lead to a new life. Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness.

ifest itself-success lead to new zeal, fire us for nobler conflicts, incite to higher aims, and defeat even nerve us for more untiring labors?

I repeat but the teachings of my own

All true work is sacred: in all true experience, when I say to you, fellow work, were it but true hand-labor, there teachers, you have had trials. Bear with me while I speak a few moments of the is something of divineness. Labor, wide trials of the teacher. These spring partas the earth, has its summit in Heaven. Laborare est Orare; in a thousand senses, ly from within and partly from without ourselves. Of the former, the sources from one end to the other, true work is worship. He that works, whatsoever be are physical, mental and moral. Of his his work, he bodies forth the forms of physical trials, the teacher knows the things unseen; every worker is a small least, hence he does not realise how greatpoet." ly disease of body may magnify external trials. In our willingness, in common with the whole human race, to find fault with any one but ourselves, we are often tried beyond measure by the unruly conduct of our pupils, and fret, and perhaps storm at that which has an existence on

There is no faculty of the mind which can bring its energy into effect, unless the memory be stored with ideas for it to work on.

The purest metal is made through ly within ourselves. We take to the q the hottest furnace; the brightest thun-school-room a body unrefreshed by | derbolt from the darkest storm. healthful exercise, and every twitch of

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