
Editorial Department.

the recitations are the times appointed for the examination of the work, and for giving needed instruction. But as the work of the pupil is,

THE TRUE METHOD OF CONDUCTING except in the instances of writing, slate exer


cises, and drawings incapable of physical inspection, rehearsal, telling what he knows, is the only method of getting at what he has


Thus we see the rehearsal is a fundamental

part of the recitation; it cannot be got over nor set aside without injury.

An experienced school officer once said "Let me see a teacher conduct a recitation, and I will give you the full measure of his capabilities as an Instructor." There is much good sense in this remark. Recitations are the The abuse lies just at this point. Instead of life of the school room, and a teacher unskillful in them is defective as an instructor. Few the rehearsal, teachers have fallen into the teachers give sufficient consideration to the way of putting a multitude of questions, and of methods of conducting recitations. The de-judging from the answers to these, the extent fects arising alone under one branch of this of the pupil's knowledge. This process is subIt makes subject, are, to-day, operating largely to the ject to the following objections: the capacity of the teacher a measure of that injury of our schools. Recitations have two of the pupil. The efficiency of the recitation parts, one of which is performed by the pupils, the other by the teacher; the one here referred will depend upon the ability of the teacher to to, is that performed by the pupils. Their part put questions. If he have not first rate ability of a recitation has become abbreviated, and in this direction, and few have, the pupil may what little they do perform, is done all wrong. never be called upon to exert his full powers. The true meaning of the term recitation, is The rehearsal on the contrary, gives full play a rehearsal of a lesson by the pupils before an to all the powers of the pupil; he may tell all instructor. This just covers the ground, it he has learned, whether the teacher have knowlmarks the duties of the pupil. In the practice edge or tact to put questions or not.

of our schools, however, the thing is reversed, the teacher does the rehearsing, the pupils do the listening; they answer questions, he talks, and delivers a little lecture on the lesson, called an explanation. There is no such thing as a real rehearsal of the lesson by the pupil.

Again, children are apt to study for the recitation. It is one thing to study a lesson so as to be able to answer a teacher's questions, and another to study it so as to be able to express intelligently in language what it contains. One is studying to satisfy the de

But why do we want the rehearsal; not sim-mands of a teacher, the other is studying to ply because that word happens to occur in the make the contents of the lesson his own, to definition of the term recitation. By no means. enable him to hold and convey it in language We want it for the very reasons which led to to others; one process makes superficial scholthe adoption of the recitation exercise in ars, the other, thorough, intelligent ones. schools. Experience taught men these things, Still again, questions as used by most teachthat the human mind can only be developed by ers are suggestive, they cut out the very path tasking it; that knowledge is most rapidly ac- for the answer, depriving the child of a most quired in the performance of a series of tasks healthful exercise - that of collecting his arranged to that end; and that in every sphere thoughts, gathering up his knowledge, arrangthe performance of a tyro must be examined by ing and presenting it in the garb of his own a master-hand, in order that his errors and de-language, as he will have in after life to do ficiencies may be pointed out, and such instruc- when teachers and schools are things of rection given as his wants demand.


These principles may be seen in the instance. Here is one grand reason why there are so of the Mechanic and his Apprentice. They few good talkers, so few men good at converare fully recognized in the arrangement of sation among the people. They have never school exercises. The lessons are the tasks, been trained in schools to talk, to tell what

they know; they have always been kept at an- can be made to dig out for himself; require swering questions.

him to make the effort vigorously first, help him only when he halts from real inability.

The method of conducting a recitation here pointed out, renders it an exercise of skill, both on the part of the pupil and teacher, requiring special preparation from both. It will ever be

Hence let the teacher, as the first and most important part of the recitation, require from the pupils a full and definite statement of their knowledge of the lesson. Let it be in their own language as nearly as possible, but precise and orderly. Let the teacher put no found effective in disciplining mind and in questions, other than in the way of a sugges- making good scholars.

tion to each pupil as to the portion of the lesson he is to rehearse. Require from the pupil perfect preparation of the lesson, and promptness in the recitation. Then if there be any mind-any intelligence in the class, the teacher will be sure to call it out and stimulate

it to action.

We would by no means be understood to en



I hope that I may take it for granted, that no boy who reads this, or hears it read, ever has told a lie. But I know that all of you are tempted, sometimes, to say what is not quite true; and I wish to put you on your guard


tirely ignore the use of questions in a recita- against the temptation now, before it gets its tion. But let them be reserved by the teacher first advantage of you. So let me say sometill after he shall have given the class ample thing to the boy who is tempted to tell his first opportunity to state their knowledge of the lesson, then use questions to give animation, to draw out things omitted in their statements, and to produce repetition of principles and of facts.

Perhaps you have done something which you are afraid to have known. You were playing and your ball struck the window and broke it, and you do not know what will be done to you if it is found out that you did it.

As the final part of a recitation, and a distinct exercise, if we may so speak, come the ex-No one else was there. If you deny it no one planations of the teacher. This part of the ex- will know it. It will be so easy to say no.— ercises of the recitation is especially delegated Why not say it, and so have no more trouble to him to perform, and in it be assumes his about it? Why not? Because that would be true character of instructor. From the rehear-a lie-and it would be worse to tell a lie than sal and the subsequent examination, the teach- to suffer any punishment which will come upon er has learned the errors his pupils may have you if you should tell the truth, honestly as it fallen into, and the difficulties and embarrasswas. If you tell the lie, do you think no one ments they are laboring under. It is for him will know it? I tell you that is a mistake. in this part of the recitation to correct these You will know it. You will know that you errors, to explain the difficulties, to remove the have told a lie. It seems mean to you now— embarrassments, and from his superior know-but it will seem meaner then. It does not seem ledge to distribute light and life, and pleasure such a very great thing now to say that one along their pathway.

word. But when you have said it you will But let the teacher recollect never to mix up find that it has made you a liar, when you was the rehearsal, the questions, and the explana- a true boy before. And the more you think of tions together. Let each have its separate it, you will think that it was not worth while part and be attended to in its proper time. Let to make yourself a liar just to escape the his explanations, too, be brief. Avoid every punishment which you had deserved for your thing like lecturing-pouring in knowledge on carelessness or your fault. You will wish you the brain; it is worse than useless. Too much could take the lie back and take the penalty explanation takes from the pupil the necessity now. But you cannot do that, without conof making proper effort, and without effort on fessing that you told a lie; and what can you the part of the pupil nothing substantial is do? You have to shut it up in your own ever gained. Never explain what the pupil breast-and it is miserable company-is it not?

And there is this about a lie, You never can
get away from it. If it has once passed your
lips you can never get the taste of it off your
tongue. If you do not get rid of it now in the
best way you can, that is, by coming out brave-
ly with the truth and so killing that first lie, it
will cling to you and punish you in one of two
ways. Either you will go on and tell other lies
and so become an habitual liar, or if you never
tell another lie you will never forget that one,
and every time you think of it, as you grow
from boyhood into manhood, it will seem to you
meaner and meaner. As you come to feel more
and more the worth of self respect, how many
times you will wish, and how much
you would
give, if you could say-these lips never utter-

ed a word of falsehood.

Will anything you can gain by any falsehood make up for the loss of the charm of that honor and confidence in which you will be able to hold yourself and to walk among your fellows now and in all your life, if you can know, in your own breast, that your word was never false?


ANYTHING that ought to be done at all, ought to be well done. A little well done is better than much indifferently done. Let every word that is spoken in the school-room be correctly uttered. Let every figure and diagram made upon the blackboard be correctly made. Let all the movements of classes be orderly. Let explanations be ablaze with light. Let every argument be aglow with truth. Never pettifog a question in the school-room. If you cannot solve a problem or demonstrate a proposition, or illustrate a principle, do not make the attempt. Pupils will never forgive pretensionthey hate shams.

Billy Gray, the rich merchant of Boston, once reproved a carpenter for not doing his work well. The carpenter told Billy he knew him when he was nothing but a drummer.

« Well," said Mr. Gray, "didn't I drum well—

eh? Didn't I drum well?”


Besides these lies that are spoken out, there are a great many lies that come in disguise-a great many that may be told by some actionGEORGE PEABODY, the London Banker, was or by some look-or by some words that are received on the 9th ult., by the people of Dannot exactly untrue, but still they make some vers, Mass., in such a manner as indicated proone think something that is false-and a great found respect for his character, and gratitude many times you can tell a falsehood simply by for his liberality. It will be remembered that saying nothing. Do you think that all these in 1852, Mr. PEABODY gave a large sum for kinds of deception are any better than a lie the purpose of founding a Lyceum in his natold plainly out in words? Just see what you tive town. He believes that "Education is a do when you deceive in any such way. You debt due from the present to future generatell a lie to the other person just as much as if tions." you spoke with words. The only difference is that you try to make yourself believe that you are not telling a lie-and is not that lying to yourself as well as to him? And so you tell two lies instead of one.

The only way to make a brave and true man is to be determined never to tell, or to do, or to think any kind of a lie-but always to try to know what is true-and to think what is true-and to say what is true-and to do what is true and so to be now and always a true boy and a true man.

J. E.

A. GOOD IDEA.-At the late meeting of the N. Y. Teachers' Association, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That under a vote of their respective districts, trustees should have authority to select, not exceeding one acre of land for a school-house site, in the same manner as land is now taken for highway purposes.

EDUCATION AND CRIME.-From statistics presented to the British Scientific Association, at its meeting in August last, it was shown that about seventy per cent of those arrested for crime could not read. All reports presented

J. J. M. ANGEAR has been appointed Princi- showed a fearful connection between ignorance pal of the Berlin Union School.

drunkenness and crime.

SHEBOYGAN UNION SCHOOL.-This school Mr. J. C. PICKARD, late of Jacksonville, Ill., has been opened under the charge of Mr. D. has opened a school for young ladies at MadJ. HOLMES, as Principal. The people of She-ison.

boygan have erected one of the best School. WE learn that there is a good state of feelBuildings in the State, and have shown an en-ing in Whitewater towards the Public Schools. lightened liberality in arranging their school, The efforts of the teachers seem to be apprewhich will be as beneficial to the place as it is

creditable to the people. boygan Union School.

Success to the She

We understand that Mr. W. VAN NESS, SO long and so widely known in our State, as the efficient Principal of the Fond du Lac Union

School, has resigned. We deeply regret this:

Mr. VAN NESs has labored long and hard in the cause of education, and there are too few such men in the State not to make his loss felt.


THE Public School Building at Horicon will be completed about the 1st of January. It will cost about $9,000.

A. A. KENDRICK has lately been appointed Principal of one of the Ward Schools of Janes


Prof. GEO. R. PERKINS, of Albany, N. Y., has been appointed Professor of Mathematics of Iowa University.

The people of Fond du Lac have heretofore Do not forget to read our advertising pages. shown an interest in sustaining their public We advertise the best library books in the Schools, which led us to suppose that Mr. VAN country. All the school books advertised by NESS' connection with them would continue for us are good.

a long time to come.


SMITH'S JUVENILE DEFINER.-The idea running through this work is to classify the words

Ir is said that Mr. Jons G. KEENAN, of Lansingburgh New York, has solved the problem of the tri-section of an angle. Let us have the proof. A School, we understand, has been estab-expressive of familiar objects; thus under the lished in Maza Mania, by Mr. BENEDICT, a graduate of our State University, under very favorable auspices. It is the intention of the founders to make it of a high order.

THE new School Building in Kenosha is just completed. The High School Building has been repaired and refurnished in fine style.Messrs. McKindley, Butler and Stone are hard at work. Success to them.

A new school-house is to be erected at Palmyra. The people of this thriving village are not indifferent to their educational interests.

We understand that Mr. BROWN has been appointed Principal of the Fond du Lac Union School, in place of Mr. VAN NESS, resigned. We regret the loss of Mr. VAN NESS, but welcome Mr. BROWN.

AN OLD SCHOOL.-The "Reformed Dutch School," of New York City, recently celebrated its two hundred and twenty-third aniversary.

head of "things made of leather," are the words shoe, boot, harness, &c. The plan is good. Published by A. S. Barnes & Co., New


PHILOMATHEAN MAGAZINE.-Published by the Students of Carroll College, and full of readable articles. We are glad to chronicle its advent.

RAY'S HIGHER ARITHMETIC.-This work seems to be what its name indicates. It is full, and sufficiently lucid. We can commend it as a work of the first class. Published by W. B. Smith & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Ir gives us great pleasure to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the American Educational Year Book for 1857. Such a work can be made a valuable handbook for teachers. When we receive a copy we shall notice it further. Published by Robinson & Richardson, Boston, Mass.

BELOIT COLLEGE MONTHLY.-Creditable to all concerned.

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and adorned with it the years of our first
awakening into manly life? Did she com-
mit a sin when she clothed so many forms
about us with loveliness, and made the
first years of life the spring-time also of
human feeling? Is it forbidden to pre-
fer the beautiful to the ugly? forbidden,
too, in learning and the arts?
In these,

[We give here a translation of a discourse by one of the noblest, purest, and most religiousminded of Germany's great thinkers. It will serve to show the elevated tone in which the the ornaments of human nature, why subject is treated in the only country where as should we not seek the ornament of the yet teaching has really taken its rank as one of

the liberal arts. We think that no teacher, ornament, the essence of the attraction. however humble his sphere of duty, can read it without profit and improvement.



Nature never errs, and she would least

"OUTH is the age of beauty in human of all be a deceiver where she shows herlife, the period when we love and self friendly, and in what of loveliness practise nothing so willing as what seems she lays in the path of our lives. She beautiful. The element of beauty in acted as a wise and benevolent mother literature, science, and art, is the sweet when she surrounded the true and the allurement which attracts us, the Hespe- good in her works with beauty, and made rides fruit which enchants us. The most the first years of our life a garden of useful and valuable teaching needs only pleasant delight. The very novelty of to seem hard, or to wear an earnest and the first objects of our knowledge and melancholy countenance, and yonth fiies activity delights us; the lightness with from it as the talk of dry old age; what which our blood flows and our heart is most useless needs only to put on a beats and our thoughts and desires arise light and pleasing mien, and it is sought for, loved, and reverenced.

within us, softly allures us up the hard heights of human life, and charms us into How then? Is this impulse of our na- its bonds. We learn with pleasure, unture, this attraction and inclination for all consciously, and as it were in sport, what that is pleasing and beautiful, to be con- we hereafter must practise in sadder and temned? Did Nature commit a sin when more earnest years, and harder and more she implanted this tendency in our hearts, troublesome relations; an inviting spring

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