
deliver to the town, village or city clerk, in into the treasury, on account of the principal writing, such determination, stating the amount of the school or university funds, until the required, and it shall be the duty of said clerk amount received by such bonds shall have been to give notice of the application for such loan, stating the amount and terms thereof, with, and as a part of the notice required by law for anch general or charter election or town meeting.

SEC. 3. At any such election the legal voters of such town, village or city aforesaid voting, shall deposit in a seperate box to be provided for that purpose. their ballots as follows Those in favor of the loan, a ballot, on which the words "for the loan" shall be printed or written, and those opposed to such loan, a ballot on which the words, "against the loan" shall be printed or written. Such elections: shall be held and conducted, and the votes canvassed as provided by law in all general elections, and if the majority shall be found in favor of the loan, then it shall be the duty of the supervisors of such town, or the trustees of such village, or the common council of such city, to issue the bond of such town, village or city, to the State of Wisconsin for the amount stated in the accompanying election notice, bearing seven per cent. per annum interest.

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, when he shall receive the bond of any town, village or city, for the purpose expressed in the first section of this act, and shall be satisfied that the same was authorized and executed and herein provided, to file the same in his office, and direct the State or County Treasurer, in whose hands any of the principal of the school and university funds may be, to pay to the Treasurer of the Institution, in whose favor the bond may have been issued, the amount secured by said bond, and further it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, in apportioning the taxes among the different counties of the State, to charge the county in which any institution may have borrowed any portion of the school and university fund with the interest of the bond at seven per cent., and it shall be the duty of the board of supervisors of such counties to add to the ratio of the State and County taxes, the amount annually due from any town, village or city in any such county in consequence of the issuing of its bonds as aforesaid, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer of any such town or city to return to the County Treasurer the amount due the State on any such bond with and as part of the State taxes to be paid over by him to the State Treasurer, as State taxos are required by law to be paid.

SEC. 5. If at the time of the making an application or the presentation of the bond there there shall be no money belonging to the school and university fund, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to file the bond of the town, village or city, as the case may be, and direct the Treasurer to pay over to the Treasurer of any instution in favor of which the bond may haye been issued, the first moneys reeeiyed]

fully paid, and to charge interest as hereinbefore provided upon such sums as shall have been advanced upon such bond as aforesaid, from the date of such advance, and all such bonds shall have precedence in the order of their date.

SEC. 6. All acts and parts of acts contrayening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

SEC. 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. WM. HULL,

Speaker of the Assembly.


President pro tem of the Senate. Approved October 13th, 1856,


From the Newburyport Union. THE DESERTED SCHOOL HOUSE.

Oh! lone deserted school-house!
Where is the happy throng,

Who trod thine aisles, with beaming smiles,
And filled thy halls with song?

Their feet have left no echo!

Their songs have died away;
The pealing shout of joy rings out
No more, in hours of play!

Thy seats are all forsaken!

They'll fill them not again;

The golden gleams of the sunlight streams
O'er thy mottoed walls in vain!

Oh! school-house! lonely school-house!
Remembered thou shall be!

In after years, 'mid hopes and fears,

Their hearts will turn to thee.

They'll think of thee at morning,

When Sol drives back the night;
When down the West he sinks to rest.
Enwrapped in clouds of light.

And in the icy Winter,

And in the balmy Spring,

In Summer's bloom-in Autumn's gloom,
To thee, their hearts will cling.

To fill thy halls deserted,

With treasured ones of yore,
Kind mem'ry's hand shall lead that band,
To tread thine aisles once more.

Editor's Department



protection for the pupils under his charge. The inhabitants of our school districts are not all soulless. Surely in this land of Bibles, of Christian Sabbaths and of newspapers, no entire community could be so dead to humanity, as to The winter terms of the schools throughout deny relief to so reasonable a demand. the State, are now very generally commenced. Teacher should never hesitate to ask what is One of the first things the Teacher should at- clearly right; and if from indolence or a false tend to, if he has not already, is to see that his modesty, he prefers to endure personal ineonschool room is put in good repair, and fitted up venience. and to witness the discomfort of his so as to conduce to the comfort and quietude of scholars from day to day, during a long winter the scholars committed to his care. Ample term, then he is unfit for the business in which means for warming, as well as for suitable he is engaged, and has very likely no adaptaventilation are indispensable. No Teacher can tion to success in any of the active pursuits of maintain good order, and advance his classes in their studies, as well in a rickety, out of repair school room, as in a comfortable and convenient one. A cold and cheerless school room, necessarily makes a discontented school. Would a Teacher have his scholars good natured and agreeable, then he must see to it, that they are not annoyed with cold feet and other discomforts during school hours.



The lecturing season has now fairly commenced in many of the larger towns. Among the various plans for improving the public taste and inspiring a love for intellectual pursuits during the winter seasons, none have proved more popular than a series of lectures, Teachers are more responsible for the con- by men eminent in the literary history of the dition of the school houses they occupy than country. By these means the masses of the is often supposed. It is true, many districts people are brought to a more familiar acquaintare greatly remiss and neglectful in providing ance with the distinguished men of the age, conveniencies of but trifling expense. The and hear from the living speaker thoughts, school house may be a rude structure, bearing which, perchance, may be the product of years no evidence that an architect was ever con- of mental effort. Public lectures too, are well sulted in determining its proportions, or that adapted as a means, for arresting the tendency the plane of the joiner or brush of the painter, to lower amusements, especially among the was ever employed upon it. Yet even with young. The human mind is so constituted as such a house, if it be not absolutely untenant- to demand entertainments and pastimes of some able, the Teacher, if he have industry, perse-kind, and if those of a rational and clevating verence and resolution, can do much to remedy character be not furnished it, then it will natuits defects, supply its wants and improve its rally and easily be carried along the currents of condition. Whenever a school house displays a great contribution of hats, caps and dinner baskets, thrust into the broken window panes to repel the storm and wind, a suspicion attaches to the Teacher that he is wanting in energy; that he prefers inactivity with its attendant miseries, rather than bestir himself and possess some of the conveniencies of life.

If a Teacher finds himself employed in a school house, haying broken windows, shattered doors, smokey stoves, or gaping crevices in the walls through which the storm drives, let him faithfully and earnestly represent the condition of things to his employers, and demand

senseless and profitless gratification. Every successful effort in turning the channels of thought to higher and nobler pleasures, is true reform. Pleasure and amusement are a part of man's nature-indispensable to his being. So prominent has this attribute of man been regarded, that nations have made suitable provisions by law to meet its necessity and supply its wants. In several of the governments of Europe, public entertainments for the people are provided for, and paid at the nations' expense. It is true, these entertainments have very often not been conducive to the moral and intellectual elevation of the people; neverthe

less, it is an acknowledgment of a want of the tellectual tone to the communities in which people, demanding governmental attention. In they are placed. It is timo Teachers generally, this country our systems pertaining to these realized more fully the true dignity of their matters, are more voluntary, depending upon an calling, and their responsibilities to the intellienlightened public sentiment for their proper gent movements of the age. The Teachers of tho State, should occupy the first rank in the regulation.

tion, than any other class or profession. If they qualify themselves for taking this rank, and enter upon it from a proper sense of self respect and of true duty, public opinion will readily award it to them. But if they hesitate,

The movement for organizing and sustain-circles of influence, respectability and sciening lectures, in our principal towns for the in-tific enterprise. The nature of their vocation tellectual entertainment of the people, during more justly entitles them to take a higher posithe winter seasons, has not yet become as well systematized in the west, as in some of the older States. A number of reasons have conspired to this lack of means, for the rational entertainment and instruction of the people. The number of individuals in the west, and by a sort of acknowledged choice, take a whose time is exclusively devoted to literary pursuits, unembarrassed by professional duties, is comparatively small; consequently the reliance has been chiefly on the cast for lecturing talent. The expense too, attendant upon sustaining a course of lectures, where lecturers aro invited from a distance, is necessarily greater, than where there is an abundance of home)

lower place; shrink from leading, or being associated with leaders in enterprises, aiming at the moral, social and intellectual elevation of the people, they will be quite certain to carry with them all their days the old cognomen, with just the significance of olden times attached to it"schoolmaster."

A few earnest Teachers in a town, might entalent, fitted by long and careful preparation for list an interest among the people; organize an association, and procure such lecturing talent this particular field of employment. Notwithstanding these disadvantages, it is as may be within their reach. By this means, desirable that some plan should be inaugerated the tastes and habits of young men may be and sustained, at least in the principal towns of improved, and their passion for the lower the State. It may not be practicable always, amusements restrained. The older members of to secure for this purpose, the services of those the community too, would be benefitted, and whose names hold a high position in the literary their intellectual activities receive new impulse. world; nevertheless, there are resources at This is not merely theory; the ability of Teachhome in almost every village, which might be ors in their respective towns, to originate assoprofitably brought into requisition. highest standerd of talent cannot be obtained, a less one is far better than to neglect the enployment of any.

If the ciations for instructive lectures, and carry such

enterprises into successful operation, is not without practical demonstration in this State. Let examples of this character be greatly multiplied the present winter.


And now, on whom does eminently rest the responsibility of directing public attention to this subject? If the clergy, the legal profession and others of literary habits, fail to move There is probably no other interest of equal in the matter, the Teachers of our public magnitude, which is treated with more indifschools, should ever be ready to lead in ference than the district school. In many enterprises of this character. Let no Teacher things of far less importance pertaining to inimagine his whole sphere of public duties, is dividual interests, men act wisely. They do confined to the school room. Teachers are, or not employ a laborer, mechanic or clerk to should be professional educators; their active perform service without vigilant inspection of endeavors should reach beyond the juvenile his capabilities and faithfulness. Not so with minds with which they are brought in contact; the teacher. He is employed in one of the they should aim not only to fulfill their mission most important departments of human skill as Teachers of the young, but also to give in- and effort; his mission is, to instil into the



youthful mind principles of thought and mo- the part of parents, disheartens the teacher, tives of action, which will have a controling and leads him to relax his efforts; the children influence through all subsequent life. In the partake of the spirit of indifference of their discharge of these high responsibilities, how parents, and fail to realize the true importance little interest is manifested in his efforts by his of making progress in study. employers? There are many districts, in which parents and guardians never visit the school, or manifest any concern in its affairs, save when some frivolous complaint against the teacher, excites their temper; then they hesitate not, to speak of him with severity in the presence of their children. They send their children to school irregularly, and at the close of the term find fault because they have made no progress. They expect the teacher to maintain good government in his school, but are indignant if their children are required to submit to rules, which they imagine too exacting. They send their children without books, and are astonished that they remain ignorant. They expect the teacher, to teach as well as the best of his profession, but if he introduce any methods of instruction, with which they were unacquainted in their boyhood days, they denounce him as an innovator, and full of new


The best plan for an efficient and intelligent school supervision, is a matter which has long occupied the minds of teachers and friends of education, but there has never been entire agreement as to the exact method to be adopted. The system of town superintendency has a popularity, because of its near relation, and immediate responsibility to the people in every town. The distribution of power as widely as possible among the people, is one of the popular features of our democratic institutions.The town system has merits; but it is doubtful whether it is regarded as the best, by a majority of the most experienced educators in

our country.

One of the primary objects to be secured from school superintendency, is efficiency and the requisite talent. These qualifications are Such a condition of things as is here de- considerations of the first importance, and the scribed, may seem an exaggeration, and as best means for securing these, should be the having no existence in this enlightened age, aim of school legislation. That talent better but it is doubtless not without examples. Most adapted for school supervision, might be obof the complaints and fault-finding against tained by selecting one superintendent from teachers, arise from that want of acquaintance each county, or congressional district, will be with the school, which is obtained by personal readily admitted: It is difficult to find an inobservation in the school room. It is a fact dividual in each town, who by education and generally noticeable, that in those districts habits of study, is adapted to superintend and where parents and guardians are indifferent to give direction to the schools. Besides, the the schools, and never visit them, fault-finding compensation ordinarily allowed to town suwith the teacher, and with the government and perintendents, does not warrant their giving regulations of the school, is always most time to study and preparation, for the proper prevalent. The progress too, of such schools, discharge of the duties of the office. A man is always less marked, than in those where pa- to be efficient and successful in any particular rents are properly interested and make fre-occupation, needs to have his time and attenquent visitations. tion devoted to it. It is true, there are Town

It is in vain to expect that children will be Superintendents, who are well fitted for the profitably interested in the school, if parents duty, and who freely give their time, regardmanifest none; nor can the usefulness of the less of the small pecuniary consideration alteacher be secured, without co-operation. Pa-lowed them. Examples of this kind however, rents are generally, not aware of the influence are not numerous. they are capable of exerting upon their district school; their presence and friendly advice in the school room, is a never failing stimulus to the teacher, and encouragement to the scholIndifference and neglect of the school on


It seems a reasonable conclusion, that the districting of the State into territories of a size and population, sufficient to employ the entire time of a well qualified Superintendent, would conduce to a more intelligent and effect


ive school supervision. This subject is one, capable of great amplification, and has been largely discussed by the best talent of the

ENCOURAGING.-A correspondent at Ran

country; it is a subject we approach with diffi- dolph, Wis., writes us an interesting letter, in

dence, nevertheless, we shall probably refer to it again.


relation to the progress of educational matters in that town; we have only room for the following extract:

haye provided themselves with those recommended by the State Superintendent. Our Teachers are all workers of the right stamp.Our school boards do not inquire who can we we get to teach, but where can we find first rate Teachers? The general feeling of the people is, give us energetic, thorough going and prac

tical Teachers ?"

C. B. H.

"At Omro, Winebago county, a new school house, 32 by 60, two stories high, will be completed in a few weeks. The people of Berlin are waking up to the interests of schools. Our house is not very convenient; we have about 200 scholars and three Teachers. At the last annual meeting, the inhabitants voted to raise

"It gives me pleasure to state that the district schools have commenced their winter terms, under the most favorable circumstances. The Probably at no period in the history of Wis-number of scholars is much greater than at any consin, has there been so large a number of previous year; the school houses are in a much new school houses erected, as during the past better state of repair; the scholars are better year. In many of the cities and villages in furnished with books, and as far as practicable, various parts of the State, we hear of the building of large and elegant school edifices, ranging in cost from one thousand to ten thousand dollars each. The policy of dividing a village containing a few hundred, or even a few thousand inhabitants into small districts, is becoming every year more unpopular. Educators maintain, and experience proves, that large houses with classified departments, are more economical, and are better calculated to Mr. J. J. M. ANGIER writes from Berlin, advance the interests of education. As to the giving some school items, among which are plans on which most of these houses have been the following: constructed, and their internal arrangement, we have no definite information. It is reasonable however, to infer from the character and intelligence of the population of the towns where these buildings have been erected, that the latest and approved models have been consulted. A school house with an elegant exterior, is certainly very desirable; but after all, its interior plan and equipments, have a greater practical importance. The art of constructing school buildings, and supplying them with necessary appendages and fixtures, has for years been undergoing progress like all other arts. This department of educational enterprise, is as susceptible of improvement, as the implements of agriculture or mechanical machinery. We suggest to teachers and friends of education, whether it might not serve a useful purpose, were they to furnish suggestions on this subject through the columns of the We regret to learn that a tax levied for the Journal. These considerations derive addi- purpose of erecting large and commodious tional importance from the fact, that a large school houses in that city, failed to bo approamount of capital, will continue to be be em- priated to that object. We earnestly hope that ployed yearly in this State, in the building of school edifices. Every district, which has resolved to build a new house, should be satisfied before beginning the work, that it has a plan fully up with the improvements of the age.

$1,000 to build a primary school house, to be completed by the first of January, 1857."

MADISON. We haye a letter from a correspondent at Madison, giving a graphic description of the school house accommodations in the capitol city of the State. He says:

"Our school houses beggar description; they combine modern disregard of comfort, convenience and health, with ante-deluvian architecture.

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the capitol of our State, will not be long without public school houses, worthy the acknowledged intelligence of its population, and which shall prove an additional ornament to that beautiful city.

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