
partments of our intellectual and moral life's realities. We are daily taught the being. The very essence of exactness, it folly of depending upon outward surwill admit of no swerving from the path roundings for happiness. Even human of right. It guards against all loose hab- affection, that priceless boon may become its of thought and their invariable conse- a medium of disquiet or of positive torquent looseness of morals. It will allow ture. Death may sever the ties which no false reasoning, no specious sophistry, bind us to those we love, or coldness and no tampering with facts, no idle specula- estrangement may separate hearts that tions, no running after whims and sense-lived but in the light of each other's smile, less theories. It leads to deep and ear- making life a weariness until the burdennest thought, to an intelligent investiga- ed soul shall long for the rest and quiet tion of all that may be presented, to see of the grave.

if it will stand the test of sound reason How dark the cloud of despondency and sober truth. It developes just these which will enwrap the mind that, unculpowers, which make the reliable man--tivated and undeveloped, finds nothing good reason, sound judgment, accurate within itself to rely upon when its depenmemory, and a bridled fancy. The moral dence upon the outward fails. character too takes its shape to a very But, when trained and disciplined by great extent from the intellect. Let not culture and a large experience-when the a written Arithmetic be placed in the exuberance of fancy is chastened and hands of the pupil till he is able to com- subdued by contact with the actualprehend fully the nature of the examples when the ephemeral visions and childish he is attempting to solve. Should his expectations of life's springtime are supertime in school not prove sufficient for seded by the more confident (because both, he is better prepared to pursue his better founded) and more glorious (beeducation in after life with a good thor- cause farther reaching) hopes of a well ough knowledge of Mental Arithmetic, developed manhood, then it is that the than if, without it, his brain be crammed mind like a never-failing fountain sends with all the rules of the numberless Arith- forth streams which gladden with perenmetics of our land. He has a slate and nial verdure the otherwise desert tracks pencil in his head, that he can use at any of the soul's pilgrimage.

time and in any place. He has thought,

a solid foundation on which to build.- Then let fortune frown and friendship Mathematics should occupy a portion of fail, and the world go by on the other the time during all school days. Alge- side: connected with all that is great and bra, Geometry, &c., may be pursued to great advantage in school, when time permits, in after years. Platteville, Wis.

J. L. P.

glorious in the past, all that is hopeful in the future, the man is elevated above the storms of the present, into a serene and pure atmosphere where the dawing light of a never ending day shall shed upon him glimpses of the beauty and glory of those regions beyond the boundaries of This is a world of change. The hopes time and sense. Reader if you would unand anticipations of youth are seldom re-derstand and enjoy this, cultivate your alized in manhood. The visions of fancy mind, and do so with reference to its imfade away when we come to experience mortality.


A. J. C.




consider the true object of education, which I conceive to be-the proper cultivation and development of all the faculties and powers of the individual with

Passing from the consideration of the reference to the relations he sustains to right or duty of the State to provide in- himself, to his fellowmen and to God. struction for the children of the people, Let the reader examine this definition, we come next to regard the means to be carefully analyzing the principles containemployed. How shall the child be ed-ed in it, and he will have a guage with ucated, his faculties and powers develop- which to measure the deficiencies and ered and strengthened in accordance with rors of every system of instruction. the laws of mind and the relations he bears to society?

Some teachers neglect to develop one part of the child's nature, some another, Education does not consist in merely but the most fatal defect consists in not developing the intellect. Many have developing the faculties of the child with joined the crusade against ignorance and reference to actual existing relations. echoed the cry of popular education who Leaving this point for the present, let have no just idea or sense of the impor- us consider the kind of organization or tance of moral instruction or heart train-system required by our definition ef eding. Their idea of education is confined ucation. As we possess a physical, an to the acquisition of scientific principles, intellectual, a moral and a social nature, philosophical deductions and abstract his- our system of education should be fitted torical truths. to develope us in all these respects.

"Star-eyed science," is the deity they worship, and they have no patience with those who insist upon the necessity of religious instruction.

Economical considerations undoubtedly influenced the first founders of the common school system. The inability of parents to provide suitable instructors On the other hand there are those who for their children at home, rendered it regard the religious element as the most necessary that they should unite their important component in individual char- means and efforts; hence, the schoolacter and who have no faith in and will house and the congregating of the children give no support to any system of educa- therein. In many European countries tion which does not embrace some definite the children of the higher classes (females form of religious belief as a basis or fund- especially) receive the greater part of amental part of its teachings. Again, a their education at home under the guidgreat many regard the education of their ance of a tutor or governess, and I have children simply as the performance of met with many parents who would purpersonal duty, growing out of the relation sue the same plan here, were it not for of parent, and they are governed by fash- the expense attending it. ion and custom as to the amount and kind of instruction they furnish, the same as they are, with regard to food and raiment.


This is a great mistake. If there were enough of competent instructors and each parent abundantly able to provide a teacher for his children, it would yet be far betThe error of each of these classes of ter to educate them with others in the individuals will be discovered, when we common school room.

This would be true if education consist- But it is chiefly on account of its effect ed only in intellectual development.-upon the moral and social nature of chilThere are few children who "love learn-dren that we regard their education in ing for learning's sake," so as not to need masses essential to the perfection of a systhe stimulus which the excitement and tem of instruction-which points we will emulation of the school-room furnish.- consider in our next number. A. J. C. The contact of mind with mind, the de


sire to excel, and the pleasure arising THE GUARDIANS OF OUR PUBLIC from the faithful performance of a task, are powerful incentives to intellectual exertion. An over-crowded class is objectionable; but few teachers like to conduct a recitation when less than half a dozen


Town Superintendents, School and

State. To them are intrusted the educa

pupils are engaged on the lesson. Again, District Boards, are, by law, made the the active sports engaged in by school- guardians of the Public Schools of the children, are well calculated to develop the physical powers. The playground is tional interests of the youth. The trust is an important one, excelling, by far, as necessary an accompaniment to a schco! room as a black board. There should be any mere monetary consideration however large; in as much as mind is more separate grounds for each sex, planted with shade and ornamental trees, and fur- precious and durable than gold and silver. nished with all necessary appliances to It is to be presumed that the people, promote cheerful and healthy exercise.—whose children are to receive their eduAmerican females are too much like hot-cation under the direction of these officers, house plants, they do not take enough will select men to fill these responsible

out-door exercise.

They are mewed up in the house day after day, often engaged in unhealthy sedentary employments, and when they do venture into the streets, they cover their heads with a parasol to exclude the sun, their faces with a thick vail to exclude the fresh air, preferring dyspepsia and consumption to a hightened complexion and full chest.

It is useless to attempt to reform the mothers, but we may do something with

the daughters. Let the play-ground be supplied with swings, jumping ropes, trundling hoops, balls and the like, and the exercise obtained during the walk to and from school, and at the daily recess, and intermission, will produce effects of incalculable importance to the mental and physical well being of generations yet unborn.

stations, who have qualifications for them. In doing this, they would only use the same discrimination which they are accustomed to use in securing minor interests which they intrust to others.Wishing to construct a dwelling, they do not seek a plan of it at the hands of a tradesman or of a professional man, but of a mechanic; of one whose skill in such matters has been properly cultivated and thoroughly tested. To such a one, in whom is laid the foundation of responsi

bility in such matters, is confided the

dence here will not be misplaced. construction of the edifice; and confiAlso they do not go to the lawyer for medical advice, nor to the physician with a suit at law. That individual is sought who has qualifications in the direction of the interest involved. And why not apply the same rule when men are to be selected to

whom shall be confided the education of shine through its gauzy texture and garour children? Indeed, this is supposed nish each thread with the mellow tints of to be the case, and men allow to their virtue. Mind is every thing, and schools sagacity its legitimate exercise here, as are its nurseries.

they do touching other interests which they feel under obligation to protect and enhance.

School officers, then, are not to be mere

cyphers in their stations; nor bare clerks to see that dollars and cents are properly

It is expected that this Journal will be counted, and that debts and credits balDollars and cents are only as the read by every City and Town Superin-ance. tendent of Schools in the State, and by oil in the machinery that aids to keep the the members of every Board of Educa- wheels and levers in easy motion; but tion. And to them I wish to address they are no part of the machinery itself, myself in this communication; and be- nor do they enter, at all, into the abidcause much, very much, is depending ing results. It is well to have them, upon the manner and faithfulness in and and to use them discreetly, as the means with which they discharge their duties.

to an end; but let no school officer suppose that the centre and circumference of his work lie there.

The limits of this article forbid that I

Our school laws contemplate that every officer, elected under its provisions, will wisely and efficiently fill his station under them. In a young and growing state should call attention to more than one like ours, where foundations are being subject. But this is by no means an unlaid, and where seeds are being planted important one. They should give carefor future growth, there can be no sine-ful attention to school house arrangecures. As said Lord Nelson, when about ments, for these will exert a very decided to descend with his fleet upon the French influence upon the pupils that will assemsquadron in the Bay of Aboukir, "Eng-ble there for a century or more to come. land expects every man to do his du- And first, where shall the site of the ty," so now, Wisconsin demands that building be? This is a question that may her pioneer citizens shall be faithful be asked, with solicitude, even a hundred to their trusts. What are our rail roads times or more in our state the present seaand harbors, mines of wealth and extend- son. For, many old districts will build ed fields waving in the yellow harvest, new school houses, and new districts will when compared with the jewels that be organized and buildings must be erectgather around our family fires, and are ed in them, and these all must be located nurtured into men and women under the somewhere. See to it that the location is fostering hand of Education? This earth, a healthy one. Do not place your school from mountain top to lowest vale, was house either in or beside a stagnant pool made for mind, and without mind to act of water, because it happens to be the upon it and through it, it is but a worth- geographical centre of the district; nor less ball in God's universe. Bones and upon the north-east side of a mill-pond, sinews even, without a motive power to unless you wish the pupils to shake with wield them and to make them efficient in the ague. See that the location is a pleasthe right direction, are no better than ant one. There may be a beautiful grove bones of iron and ropes of hemp. Beauty upon a slightly elevated spot of ground, is vain, except as the inclosed spirit shall and a neat and tasty building nestling

there would remind one of "Academus' into activity, unfolded, matured and qualsacred shade," and there is the very spot ified for the duties of the citizen, the patwhich you should advise the people to riot, the statesman and the christian; select. Suppose it does cost money; pay here, the moral man is to receive his conit quickly and cheerfully; it will be a trolling influence, and determining charsplendid investment. Two or three dol-acteristics. Here, those emotions are to lars apiece now for each family in the be awakened, those sentiments inspired, district, will expand into thousands, in and those principles inculcated, which the future cultivation of the cheerful, shall lead aright, and prompt to deeds of beautiful and lovely in the minds of their noble daring, and virtuous and holy acchildren. Or, if the location must be the tion. It is here, in short, that the imopen prairie, avoid the sloughs and low mortal mind, as it came from the hand of grounds; and plant trees plentifully upon Deity, with relations infinite and interests it, immediately, that no time be lost in eternal, is committed to the mechanist, their growth. And be sure in either case who is to give it vital energy, develop, that the site be large enough. Something mold and perfect it, and prepare it for more is needed than simply room to pass the end for which it was designed-for around the building without rubbing both usefulness, for happiness, and for Godfence and wall with the elbows. In this here that the rising generations are to be large world there is room enough; and it disciplined, educated and prepared for is not necessary to compress the educa- their responsibilities to society, to the tion of a child into a four by eight rods state, the church, and to their Creator. Large minds cannot grow thus Too much care, then, cannot be exerconfined, unless they spindle upward cised, in an effort to render the influences of the school-room such as shall accomupon a narrow base, liable to be overturned by a breeze that would serve only plish these great objects of study and disto fan the brow that canopies a noble soul. cipline: in selecting such studies and School officers, as well as others, sho'd look well to these foundations of things, for mind and eternity are involved; the one is the most valuable existence, and the other the longest period. Racine, Wis,


M. P. K.

[For the Journal of Education.

adopting such exercises, and discipline, and in engaging such teachers, and securing such facilities and appliances, as shall instruct aright the intellect, enlarge the understanding, strengthen the judgment, give a healthy tone to the feelings, control the will, refine the taste and spir itualize the soul, Every influence exert

THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SCHOOL-ed goes to form the character and fix the destiny, and every impression made is eternal in its consequences, reaching be


The instructions of the school-room, if yond time into the infinite future, in its properly administered, are not inferior in effects upon the character and happiness value to those of any other department of of man. Then, if the schoolroom be unlife. It is here that the physical consti- pleasant and repulsive in appearance, the tution of our youth is to be developed in sensibilities of the student must sufferstrength, symmetry and beauty, and pre- if the school book be imperfect and wrong, pared for the arduous labors of useful its teachings will be wanting and incorlife; here, the intellect is to be awakened rect-if the teacher be deficient and un

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