


Publishers, 115 Nassau St., N. Y.

Invite the special attention of Teachers and Educators generally to the following Books: Elements of Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene. By Prof. J. B. Loomis, of Lewisburgh University. Illustrated with Colored Plates, and numerous original drawings. 1 vol. 12mo. Price, 75 cents.

This treatise is already introduced iuto many of our best Academies, and whereever used, or known, we believe is considered by far the best text book of the subject issued. Copies sent for examination, postage paid, on receipt of 50 cents.

A Collegiate Course in the French Languag›. By Jean Gustave Keetel, Professor of French and German in the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. 12mo. Price, $1.28.

The problem which the art of teaching a language proposes is, to combine the theoretical and practical in such a manner, that principle and practice, harmoniously and skillfully interwoven, may prompt each other. and develop the language gradually before the mind of the scholar. The author, in attempting to solve this problem, has been careful to subordinate the theoretical to the practical, so that no fact is set forth, involving a principle which has not first been explained; and on the other hand, no principle is introduced with which the scholar may not at once become practically couversant.

Beginning with the first principles of the language, this book develops and illustrates its whole structure, supplying everything necessary to the French student. This plan is entirely original; the order and distribution are admirable; the method, as explained by the author, cannot fail to make the student speak the language. The book is suitable for all classes of scholars, and admirably adapted to the class-room.

Copies will be sent for examination, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents.

The Exhibition Speaker and Gymnastic Book, containing Farces. Dialogues and Tableaux, with Exercises for Declamation in Prose and Verse. Also a Trea ise on Oratory and Elocution, Hints on Dramatic Characters, Costumes, Position on the Stage, Making up, etc. With illustrations. Carefully compiled and arranged for School Exhibitions, by P. A. Fitzgerald. To which is added a complete system of Calisthenics and Gymnastics, with Instructions for Teachers and Pupils, illustrated by numerous Engravings. 1 vol., 12mo, half morocco. Price, 75 cents,

Report of the Text-Book and Library Committee of the Board of Educa tion, City of Rochester.

The Text-Book and Library Committee respectfully report

That having given attention to the subject of physical exercise in connection with the mental training of the youth in our schools, we are convinced of the great importance of immediately introducing a system of Gymnastics and Calisthenic Exercises. Having examined varions works on the subject, we are satisfied that "Fitzgerald's Exhibition Speaker and Gymnastic Book" is the work best adapted for use in the Public Schools. The exercises are simple, and the instructions such as will be readily comprehended and applied by the Teachers. Copies sent for examination, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents.

Stoddard and Henkle's Algebra, dssigned for the use of High Schools, Academies and Colleges. By John F. Stoddard, A. M., and Prof. W. D. Henkle, of Greenmount College, Indiana. 1 vol. 8vo. Price, $1.50.

Copies will be sent for examination, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents.

The ALGEBRA is the first volume of the Higher Series of Mathematics which Professors Stoddard and Henkle have in preparation, and we doubt not will be found to possess merits fully equal to the series of Arithmetics.

In addition to the above, we would continue to call attention to our whole

Consisting in part of


Prof. John F. Stoddard's Series of Arithmetics,



Parties wishing to introduce any of the above, are invited to correspond with the publishers. Liberal terms will be made with Town Superintendents, Teachers, and others wishing to introduce either of the series.




NO. 8.


We give below so much of the Annual Report of the Secretary of State as relates to the School Fund. The amount to be appropriated the ensuing year to each scholar over 4 and under 20 years of age, will exceed the sum appropriated last year between 20 and 80cents.[ED.]


The proceeds arising from the sale of school lands, seventy-five per cent. of the nett proceeds of the lands granted by act of Congress of the 28th September, 1850, and the proceeds of the sale of lands selected in lieu thereof, together with the five per centum of the nett proceeds of the sale of Government lands, to which the State is entitled, the five per cent. penalty as forfeiture for the non-payment of interest when due upon school land certificates and loans from the School Fund. and the clear proceeds of all fines collected in the several counties, for the breach of any of the penal laws of the State, are set apart to constitute the School Fund,—this Fund being subject only to certain expenses, for advertising and selling lands, and necessary books and blanks for conducting the transactions therein.

This fund, at the date of the last report from this office, had been overpaid, $1,021 65 Receipts,.

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$84,216 08

812,816 38

229,121 95

813,339 08 818,838 08

[blocks in formation]

The records and books of this office exhibit the following to be the pres

[blocks in formation]

Amount due on swamp land certificates, (#856,746 00,) less 25 per cent. for draining,

642,559 50

$3,090,506 53

The principal, or capital of the School Fund, excepting the balance in the treasury, is productive, drawing interest at the rate of 7 per cent. payable before the 5th day of March, in each year.

This interest constitutes


Which is annually apportioned by the State Superintendent, to the several towns in the State, for the use of Common Schools, and drawn from the treasury, through the treasurer of the proper county.

On account of the Income of the School Fund, during the year

[blocks in formation]

The principal of the School Fund, as above shown, drawing interest, is

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

This sum is the amount of School Fund Income subject to be appropriated for the support of Common Schools in March next, subject to a deduction of 25 per cent. of the income of the gross proceeds arising from the sale of Swamp and Overflowed Lands, apportioned by the act approved 7th March, (Chap. 82, General Laws,) 1857. It, however, will be in

creased by interest on loans made, and sales of School and Swamp Lands, previous to the 1st of March.


This Fund is composed of the net proceeds of the sale of University Lands, and from the 5 per cent. penalty, as forfeiture for the non-payment of interest when due upon University Land Certificates and loans from the University Fund. The transactions in this Fund during the year ending on the 30th ultimo, are as follows, to wit:

[blocks in formation]

The records of the office exhibit the present condition of the University Fund, to be as follows:

[blocks in formation]

This Fund, except the amount above stated as being in the treasury, is drawing interest at the rate of 7 per cent., payable before the 5th day of March in each year, which interest constitutes


This is annually applied toward defraying the current expenses of the State University, and is drawn from the State Treasury by the Treasurer of the Wisconsin University.

During the year the receipts on account of the Income of the

[blocks in formation]

$21,595 58 $21,595 58

The principal of the University Fund as above shown, drawing interest is as follows:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Loans and further sales will doubtless increase the Income to such an extent, that the amount to be apportioned in March next, will reach the

sum of $22,000 00.

The whole number of children in the State between the ages of four and twenty, entitled to share in the common fund is 241,647, being an increase of 27,761 over the number reported for the previous year.

The number of pupils who have attended the public schools is 153,613. The number of school districts and parts of districts reported is 4378 and the number of school houses in the State, 2945. The average amount of monthly wages to male teachers was $24,60, and to female teachers $15,16.

The amount apportioned to schools in March, 1857, was 66 cents to each pupil. The apparent amount to be apportioned this year is about $230,000, which would be 95 cents to each pupil; but in view of the prob able delay in payments to the funds, that average can not be fairly expected.-Governor's Message.


SOME years ago a teacher presented himself as a candidate for the mastership of a school, of which the salary was fifteen hundred dollars. His qualifications were deemed satisfactory in all respects, except in spelling. On account of this deficiency he was rejected. See, now, what ignorance in this elementary branch cost him. In ten years his salary would have amounted to fifteen thousand dollars, throwing out of the calculation the increase which, by good investment, might have accrued from interest. Besides, the salary of the same school has since been advanced to two thousand dollars. But he might have remained in this position twice or three times ten years, as other teachers in the same place have done, and that large amount might, consequently, have been increased in proportion. A gentleman of excellent reputation as a scholar was proposed to fill a professorship in one of our New England colleges, not many years since; but in his correspondence so much bad spelling was found, that his name was dropped, and an honorable position was lost by him. The corporation of the college concluded that, however high his qualifications as a professor might be in general literature, the orthography of his correspondence would not add much to the reputation of the institution.

A prominent manufacturer, in a neighboring town, received a business letter from an individual who had contracted to supply him with a large quantity of stock; but so badly was it spelled, and so illegible the ren

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