
6646 Claude. Liber Veritatis, 2nd ed., portrait, and 300 plates, with MS. notes, stating the present possessors of the originals, 3 vol., hf. bd., n. d., fol. (10136.)

6647 Colling (J. K.) Details of Gothic Architecture, 201 plates,

Bickers, £6 10OS. Batsford, £1 165.

2 vol., hf. mor., 1852, 4to. (936)

6648 Copper-plate Magazine (The). Consisting of Interesting and Sublime Views in Great Britain and Ireland, 250 engravings, 5 vol., cf., Walker, etc., n. d., 4to. (460) Jones, £1 185. 6649 Craik (G. L.) Romance of the Peerage, portraits, 4 vol., cl., Stibbs, £1 15s. 6650 Cunningham (P.) Story of Nell Gwyn, and the Sayings of Charles II, woodcuts, cl., 1852, 8vo. (414) Roche, £I IS. 6651 Daniell and Ayton. Voyage round Great Britain, coloured views of scenery, 8 vol., hf. mor., 1814-25, 4to. (83)

1848, 8vo. (393)

Sotheran, £5 2s. 6d. 6652 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, plates and facsimiles, 3 vol., rus. gt., 1821, 8vo. (864)

Stibbs, £7 15. 6653 Dresser (H. E.) History of the Birds of Europe, 633 coloured plates, 8 vol., index, hf. mor. gt., 1871-81, 4to. (998)

Bain, £44 IOS. 6654 Elliot (D. G.) Monograph of the Bucerotidæ or family of Hornbills, coloured plates, hf. cf. gt., 1882, 4to. (1013)

Friedlander, £7 55. 6655 Englefield and Webster. Principal Picturesque Beauties, etc., of the Isle of Wight, 50 plates and maps, hf. rus., 1816, 4to.


Thorpe, £I IS.

6656 English Art in the Public Galleries of London, 131 illustrations, the large plates on Japanese paper, 15 parts, Lond. and Paris, 1888, fol. (1014)

Quaritch, £5 17s. 6d.

6657 Friendship's Offering, from its commencement in 1824 to 1843, 20 vol., roan, 1824-43, 8vo. (670) Harvey, £2 4s. 6658 Gentleman's Magazine Library, edited by Gomme, 8 vol., hf.

mor., 1883-7, 8vo. (909)

Kirwan, £1 6s.

6659 Girtin (Thos.) Twenty Picturesque views in Paris and its Environs, being the only etchings of that celebrated artist, aquatinted in imitation of the original drawings, hf. bd., 1803, fol. (231)

Ward, £4 7s. 6d. 6660 Gould (John). Mammals of Australia, coloured plates, 3 vol., Petherick, £18.

hf. mor., 1863, fol. (1015)

6661 Grindlay (Capt. R. M.) Scenery, Costumes, and Architecture, chiefly on the Western side of India, 32 coloured views, 2 vol., hf. mor., Ackermann, 1826, 4to. (612)

Frank, £1 155.

6662 Grose (Fr.) Antiquities of England and Wales, new ed., plates, 8 vol., rus., Hooper, n. d., 4to. (468) Brough, £1 145. 6663 Grose (Fr.) Antiquities of Ireland, plates, 2 vol., hf. rus.,

Hooper, 1791, 4to. (469)

Warburton, £1 25. 6664 Hall (S. C.) Ireland, its Scenery, Character, etc., illustraBrough. £1.

tions, 3 vol., cl. 1841-3, 8vo. (69)

6665 Hamilton (Sir W.) Campi Phlegræí; Observations on the Volcanos of the two Sicilies, 54 coloured plates, hf. mor., privately printed, Naples, 1776, fol. (575) Frank, £I IIS.


6666 Havell (W.) Picturesque Views of the River Thames, with title and 12 views coloured in imitation of drawings, McLean, 1818, fol. (245)

J. Rimell, £2 45. 6667 Heath. Picturesque Annual, views, complete in II vol., mor. and cl., 1832-42, 8vo. (663) Luyster, £1 4s. 6668 Heath. Book of Beauty, complete from 1833 to 1849, plates, 17 vol., mor. and cl., 1833-49, 8vo. (664)

Parsons, £I 14S. 6669 Hewitson (W. C.) British Oology, illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, coloured plates, 2 vol., cf. gt., Newcastle, n. d., 8vo. (883)

Quaritch, £36s.

6670 Houbraken and Vertue. Heads of illustrious Persons of Great Britain, with their lives and characters, by T. Birch, both series, original impressions of the 108 portraits, 2 vol. in 1, vol. 2 wanted title, mor gt., Knapton, 1747, fol. (615)

Sotheran, £6 155. 6671 Howitt (S.) British Sportsman, Groups of Animals and Miscellaneous Etchings, 164 plates, 3 vol., uniform, hf. mor., 1811-12, 4to. (1010)

Bain, £1 135. 6672 Jameson (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles II, 2nd ed., 21 portraits, 2 vol., cl., Colborn, 1838,

8vo. (72)

Parsons, £I IIS. 6673 Jennings. Landscape Annual, plates by Roberts, Prout, Harding, etc., 10 vol., mor., 1830-39, 8vo. (665)

Bennett, £1 25. 6674 Kent (Countess of). Choice Manual of Rare and Select Secrets in Physick and Chirurgery, cf. 1708-Delights for Ladies to adorn their Persons, etc., cf., 1630, 16mo. (662) Harvey, £1 6s. 6675 Keepsake (The). Complete from the Commencement to 1857, plates by the first artists, 30 vol., cl., 1828-57, 8vo. (667)

Harvey, £4.

6676 Lewin (J. W.) Birds of New South Wales, 26 coloured

plates, hf. mor., 1822, fol. (1002)

6677 Lewis (M. G.) The Monk, a Romance vol. in 1, Waterford, 1796, 8vo. (749)

Nield, £2 165. (uncastrated ed.), 3 Pearson, £1 185.

6678 Lycett (J.) Views in Australia, or New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land delineated, 50 views, hf. bd., 1824, 4to.


Petherick, £6.

6679 Marshall. Monograph of the Capitonide or Scansorial Barbets, coloured plates, hf. mor. gt., 1870-1, 4to. (1000)

Quaritch, £6 2s. 6d.

6680 Maximilian (Prince of Wied). Travels in the Interior of North America, 81 coloured views (title of plates foxed), with 4to. vol. of text, 2 vol., hf. mor., Ackermann, 1843-4, fol. and 4to.



Sabin, £4


6681 Meyer (H. L.) Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs, 322 plates, 7 vol., hf. mor. (sold not subject to return), 1842-50, 8vo. (869) Bickers, £8 JOS.

6682 Middleton (T.) Works, now first collected, with Notes by the Rev. A. Dyce, LARGE PAPER, portrait, 5 vol., hf. cf., Lumley, 1840, 8νο. (775)

Walford, £4 155. 6683 Mitchell (Major T. L.) Three Expeditions into Eastern Australia, illustrations, 2 vol., cl., 1839, 8vo. (18)

Thorpe, £1 95. 6684 Nattes (J. C.) Bath Illustrated by a Series of Views, with descriptions, 30 coloured views, hf. rus., Miller, 1806, 8vo. (321)

Parsons, £1 145. 6685 Neale (J.) Abbey Church of Saint Alban, Herefordshire, 60 lithograph plates, hf. bd., n. d., fol. (950)

Batsford, £1 75.

6686 Neale and Le Keux. Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland, both series, several hundred views, II vol., cf. (rebacked) (and a MS. Index), cl., 1818-29, 8vo. (71).

Frank, £4
12s. 6d.

6687 Ouseley (W. G.) Views in South America, 25 coloured lithographs (some loose), cl., McLean, n. d., fol. (310)

Nield, £1 35. 6688 Peele (G.) Works, collected and edited, with life by the Rev. A. Dyce, 3 vol., hf. mor., W. Pickering, 1829-39, 8vo.


Walford, £1 16s. 6689 Portraits of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper and Beattie, with notes biographical and critical, 138 portraits, 2 vol., hf. rus. Carpenter, 1824, 8vo. (26) F. Sabin, £4 IOS. 6690 Prinsep (J.) Essays on Indian Antiquities, with his Useful Tables, illustrations, 2 vol., cl., 1858, 8vo. (333)

Bumpus, £5 7s. 6d.

6691 Pugin. Examples of Gothic Architecture, 224 plates, 3 vol.,

cl., Bohn, 1850, 4to. (933)

6692 Pyne (J. B.) The English Lake District, 25 lithographic

views, hf. mor., 1853, fol. (238)

Batsford, £2 45.
Lupton, £1 6s.

6693 Pyne (W. H.) History of the Royal Residences, 100 tinted views, 3 vol., hf. mor., uncut, 1819, 4to. (108)

rus., 1811, 8vo. (868)

Parsons, £1 125. 6694 Richardson (Sam.) Works, with Life by Mangin, 19 vol., Britnell, £2 45. 6695 Roberts (D.) The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia, with descriptions by Croly, 250 tinted lithographs, 6 vol. in 3, cl. gt., Day and Son, 1855, 4to. (147) Lupton, £3. 6696 Rowley (G. E.) Ornithological Miscellany, 103 coloured plates, 3 vol., hf. mor., t. e. g., 1875-8, 4to. (1007)

Quaritch, £3 155

6697 Sclater (P. L.) Monograph of the Jacmars and Puff Birds, 55 coloured plates, hf. mor., n. d., 4to. (999)

Leighton, £3 125. 6d. 6698 Scott (Sir W.) Provincial Antiquities and Picturesque Scenery of Scotland, original ed., 50 plates, 2 vol. in 1, hf. mor., gt. edge, 1826, 4to. (190)

Edwards, £2. 6699 Seebohm (H.) Geographical Distribution of the Family Charadriidæ, coloured plates, cl., Sotheran, n. d., 4to. (1006)

Quaritch, £4 8s.

6700 Seebohm (H.) History of British Birds, 68 coloured illustrations of Eggs, 4 vol., hf. mor., gt. edge, 1885, 8vo, (872)

Quaritch, £6 2s. 6d. 6701 Shadwell (T.) Dramatick Works, portrait, 4 vol., cf., 1720, 8νο. (782) Stibbs, £1 195. 6702 Shelley (Capt. G. E.) Monograph of the Nectariniidæ, or family of Sun Birds, 121 coloured plates, hf. mor., t. e. g., published for the author, 1876-80, 4to. (1008)

Quaritch, £6 15s. 6703 Shirley (J.) Dramatic Works and Poems, now first collected, with Notes by Gifford, and additional notes, etc., by A. Dyce, portrait, 6 vol., hf. cf., Murray, 1833, 8vo. (776)

Sotheran, £3 5s. 6704 Slater (J. H.) Book Prices Current, a record of the prices at which books have been sold at auction, vol. 1, Elliot

Stock, London, 1887, 8vo.

Lord, 18s. 6705 Squier (E. G.) Travels in Central America, maps and coloured illustrations, 2 vol., cl., N.Y., 1853-Notes on Central America, map, 1856, 8vo. (420) Roche, £1 35. 6706 Stafford Gallery. Arranged with Remarks by Ottley and Tomkins, plates and plans, 4 vol. in 2, mor. gt., 1818, 4to.


Bickers, £2 8s. 6707 Stark (J.) Scenery of the Rivers of Norfolk, with descriptions by J. W. Roberts, 36 views, India proofs, hf. mor. gt.,

Norwich, 1834, 4to. (140)

Thorpe, £2 25. 6708 Stone (Fr.) Picturesque Views of all the Bridges belonging to the County of Norfolk, 84 lithographs, hf. cf., Englemann,

n. d., 4to. (105)

Rimell, £1 11S.

6709 Sturt (Capt. Chas.) Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia, map and fronts., 2 vol., cl., 1849, 8vo. (16)

Thorpe, £1 11S. 6710 Tennyson (Lord). In Memoriam, Ist ed., Moxon, 1850Poems, 4th ed., 2 vol., cl., 1846, 8vo. (741) Leighton, £3 6s. 6711 Turner (J. M. W.) Liber Fluviorum, or River Scenery of France, 61 line engravings after J. M. W. Turner, cl., Bohn, 1853, 8vo. (32)

Bennett, £1 6s.

6712 Turner's Southern Coast. Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour round the Southern Coast of England, 84 engravings after J. M. W. Turner, Westall, Prout, Collins, etc., hf. mor., uncut, Nattali, 1849, 4to. (186) A. Thomas, £2 25. 6713 Tweeddale (Marquis of). Ornithological Works, edited by Ramsay, portrait and coloured plates, hf. mor., privately printed, 1881, 4to. (1004)

Quaritch, £2 155. 6714 Twycross (Edw.) Mansions of England and Wales, County Palatine of Lancashire, 165 views in lithography (some stained), 3 vol. in 1, hf. mor. gt., Ackermann, 1847, 4to. (162) E. Daniell, £1 35.

6715 Vincent (Capt. W.) History of the Birds of Ceylon, map and coloured plates, bd. in 3 vol., hf. mor., published by the author, 1880, 4to. (1005)

Sotheran, £9 155.

6716 Wakefield (E. J.) Illustrations to "Adventure in New Zealand", 15 plates, coloured, hf. bd., Smith Elder, n. d., fol.


Nield, £3 17s. 6d. 6717 Webber (Jas.) Views in the South Seas, illustrative of Capt. Cook's Voyages, 16 coloured plates, hf. bd., Miller, 1808, fol. Roche, £2 7s. 6d.


6718 Webster (J.) Works, now first collected, with account of the author and notes by the Rev. A. Dyce, 4 vol., hf. cf., W. Pickering, 1830, 8vo. (779) Walford, £1 35. 6719 Westall and Owen. Picturesque Tour of the River Thames, map, vignettes, and 24 coloured views, cl., Ackermann,

1828, 4to. (643)

Pollington, £2 6s. 6720 Whitaker (T. D.) History of the Deanery of Craven, co. York, plates (a few extra, and Pedigree of Wilson of Eshton, on vel., inserted), cf., 1812, 8vo. (994)

Bickers, £2 25. 6721 Wickes (C.) Spires and Towers of the Mediæval Churches of England, with the Supplementary vol., 70 plates (stained), 3 vol., hf. mor. and cl., 1853-9, fol. (958)


Stibbs, £I IOS. 6722 Wright (T.) History and Topography of the County of Essex, views by Bartlett, some on India paper, 2 vol., hf. mor. gt., Virtue, 1836, 4to. (177) Rimell, £1 65. 6723 Zoology of Capt. Beecheys Voyage, upwards of 50 coloured plates by Sowerby, hf. mor. gt., 1839, 4to. (1009)

Britnell, £2 6s.

[JULY 19TH, 20TH, AND 23RD, 1888.]



6724 Arabian Nights Entertainments, a plain and literal translation, by R. Burton, 10 vol., original cl., Benares, for subscribers only, 1885, 8vo. (456)

Sotheran, £18. 6725 Arabian Nights. Supplemental Nights, by Burton, 4 vol., cl., Benares, for subscribers only, 1886-7, 8vo. (457)

Kolckman, £2 155. 6726 Arthur (Prince). Ancient Order, Society, and Unitie Laudable of Prince Arthure, and his Knightly Armory of the Round Table, with a Threefold Assertion in favour and furtherance of English Archery at this day, translated and collected by R. R(obinson), woodcut title edged, and shields, mor., J. Wolfe, 1583, 4to. (670) Pickering, £2 18s. 6727 Bacon (Lord). Essaies; Religious Meditations; Places of Perswasion and Diswasion, Seene and Allowed, John Jaggard, 1613-Apologie in Certaine Imputations concerning the Earl of Essex (edition described by Lowndes as believed to be unique), in I vol., for M. Lowns, 1605, 8vo. (566)

Pearson, £3.

6728 Bewick (T.) History of British Land and Water Birds, woodcuts, 2 vol., mor. ex., by Zaehnsdorf, t. e. g., Newcastle, 1826, 8vo. (220)

Maggs, £3 10S.

6729 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, Ist ed., woodcuts, 2

vol., mor., t. e. g., some fore and lower edges uncut, Newcastle, 1797-1804, 8vo. (817)

Cooper, £4.

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