[blocks in formation]

Ihne (W.) History of Rome, 986

Illustrated Art Hand Books, 1545

Illustrated London News, 1546, 3206

Illingworth (C.) Parish of Scampton, 428 Jameson (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary Art,

Inchbald (Mrs.) British Theatre, 820, 2902,

6480. See also British Theatre

Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 3773

Index Society's Publications, 660, 7241

Inglis (H. D.) Footsteps of Don Quixote,

1691, 2963, 3207

Ingoldsby Legends. See Barham

Ingram (J.) Memorials of Oxford, 429, Jefferys (T.) Dress of different Nations

771, 857, 987, 5313, 6948

Inman (Thos.) Ancient Faiths, 5778

Innes, Account of the Family of, 3694,

[blocks in formation]

Isocrates. Opera, 2454

"Itinerant," The, 4895

Izacke (R. and S.) Antiquities of Exeter, Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the Pretenders,



J.B.C. Looking Glasse, 6290
Jackson (Lady). Old Paris, 4776
Jackson (J.) and W. A. Chatto. Wood
Engraving, 1172, 3779, 6128, 6442, 7336
Jacquin. Botanical Works, 2456-61
Jaennicke (F.) Grundriss der Keramick in
Bezug, 430

Jamblichus. Life of Pythagoras, 4611, 5779
Jamblichus de Mysteriis Ægyptiorum, 4611
James I. Basilikon Doron, 2462, 5311
James I. Great Britains Salomon, 1418
James I. Elegies on the Death of Prince

Henrie, 2405

James I. Entertainment from Edinboro' to
London, 2463

James I. Remonstrance for the Right of
Kings, 3780

James I, Secret History of the Court of,

James II. Proclamation (Broadside), 4822
James (Col. Sir Henry). National Manu-
scripts, 378, 3782-4, 4554-5
James (Col. Sir Henry). National Manu-
scripts of Scotland, 1922

James (W.) Naval and Military Works,
2964, 6129, 6949, 7337

Jameson (Mrs.) Court of Charles II, 4211,
6613, 6672

Jameson (Mrs.) History of Our Lord, 434,
4210, 6130, 6824, 7341

Jameson (Mrs.) Legends of the Madonna,

433, 3785, 6130, 6824, 7340

Jameson (Mrs.) Monastic Orders, 432,

3785, 4896, 6130. 7338

431, 3785, 4896, 6130, 7339

Jameson (J.) Ancient Culdees of Iona,
145, 661

Jameson (J.) Scottish Dictionary. 435, 1829
Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown. Commen-
tary on the Bible, 4386
Jardine (Sir W.) Naturalist's Library, 879
989, 6131, 6522

Jefferies (R.) Works, 858


Jeffrey of Monmouth.

translated, 5006

British History

Jeffrey (A.) History of Roxburghshire,

Jeffreys (T.)
S. America,

French Dominions in N. and


Jeffreys (T.) History of Canada, 4897
Jenner (T.) Barbarous and Inhuman Pro-
ceedings, 1419

Jenning. Landscape Annual, 4777, 6673
Jerrold (Blanchard). London, a Pilgrimage,


Jerrold (D.) Writings, Life, and Remains,
662, 773, 990, 4295, 6614
Jervise (A.) Epitaphs, 3786
Jesse (Capt.)

Life of George Brummell, 9,

1612, 6762

Jesse (G. R.)

History of the British Dog,


Jesse (J. H.)

George Selwyn, 991, 6132,


Jesse (J. H.) London, 6133, 7342

Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the Court of

England, 6825, 7242, 7243

Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of George III, 5312,

5493, 6134, 7244


Jesse (J. H.) Works, 4296

Jewel (Bishop). Sermons, 7541

Jewitt (A.) History of Buxton, 2464

Johnson (C.) Lives of Highwaymen, etc.,
1420, 3208, 6135

Johnson (C.) Adventures of a Guinea, 1830,

Johnson (J.) The Scots Musical Museum,
4613, 6523

Johnson (Dr. S.) English Dictionary, 992,
1831, 1832, 2467, 4159, 5096
Johnson (Dr. S.) Irene, 1421
Johnson (Dr. S) Life by Boswell, 106, 663,
935, 1080, 4242, 4753, 5576, 1600, 6881

Johnson (Dr. S.) Poets, 1174, 6615, 7187,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Norman Dictionary, 148,

Kemble (J. M.) Horæ Ferales, 3792
Kemble (J. M.) Saxons in England, 4617
Kempis, Thomas à. De Imitatione Christi,
569, 4072, 4073, 5994
Kenilworth Illustrated, 2473
Kennel Club Calendar, 1839
Kennett (W.) Parochial Antiquities, 2474
Kent (Countess of). Secrets in Physick,

etc., 6674

Kent. Directory, 6954

Kentish Angler, The, 6955
Kentish Garland, The, 860
Kentish Register, The, 6956
Kepler (J.) Astronomia Nova, 3793
Kepler (J.) Harmonices Mundi, 4618
Kilburne (R.)

Killigrew (T.)
King (C. W.)

King (C. W.)

King (D.)


King (E.)


Survey of Kent, 2475

Plays, 2967, 6526

Antique Gems, 3794, 4619
Gnostics, 7247

The Vale Royal, 2476, 6292,

Munimenta Antiqua, 445, 2477,

King (H.) Poems, 7549

King (R.) Voyages of the "Adventure" and
"Beagle", 3795

King (R. J.) Cathedrals, 5318

King (Rev. S. W.) Italian Valleys, 3796
King (T. H.) Ouvrages en Métal, 1179
King (W.) The Toast, 5788

Kinglake (A. W.) Crimea, 993, 4213, 4388,
4620, 5319

Kinglake (A. W.) Eothen, 7550

Kingsley (C.)

Alton Locke, 1424

Kingsley (C.)

Water Babies, 1425

Kingsley (C.)

Westward Ho, 4300

2478, 5494

Kirby (W. F.) European Butterflies, 861
Kit-Cat Club. Memoirs, 2479, 6293
Kitchener (H. T.) Letters on Marriage,


Johnstone and Croall. British Seaweeds,
439, 774, 1177, 6136

Joinville (Lord), Memoirs of, 2965
Jones (Inigo). Sketch Book, 5783
Jones (Inigo). Stoneheng, 7545, 7546
Jones (Owen). Alhambra, 440, 1833

Jones (Owen). Chinese Ornaments, 441
Jones (Owen). Grammar of Ornament,
1834, 6138, 6139, 6826

Jones (Owen). Initial Letters, 3788

Jones (R.) First Booke of Songes, 3789
Jones (T.) British Language in its Lustre,


Jones (T.)


History of Brecknock, 2469,

Jones (T.) Sporting Works, 2468

Jones (W. B.) History of S. David's, 5010,
5314, 6951

Jonson (B.) Works, 146, 2470, 2966, 6137,
6524, 6827, 7126, 7547

Journal of Forestry, 859

Journals of the Houses of Lords and Com Kip (I.) Théâtre de la Grande Bretagne,

Jonston (J.) Inscriptiones Regum Scoto-

rum, 3790

Jortin (J.) Various Works, 5784

mons, 1547

Jowett (B.) St. Paul's Epistles, 1548

Joyce (J. G.) Fairford Windows, 443

Joye (G.) The Reputation of the Byshop
of Winchester, 1422
Julian (Imperator). Opera, Varia, 58, 5785
Junius, Letters of, 77, 2471, 5097
Justinus. Historia, 3209, 4959

Kabbala Denudata, 1178

Kaempfer (E.) History of Japan, 6291,

Kane (E. K.) Arctic Explorations and
Voyages, 4298

Kane (P.) Wanderings of an Artist, 4299
Kay (J.) Portraits and Caricatures, 775,
1835, 3791, 6828, 6952

Kay (T.) Original Portraits, 4615

Kaye (J. W.) Indian Mutiny, 1836, 6953
Keatinge (J.) History of Ireland, 2472
Keats (J.) Endymion, 4960, 5098, 5787, 6525,

Keats (J.) Lamia, Isabella, 4961, 4962,

Knapp. Gramina Britannica, 2480
Knight (C.) English Cyclopædia, 5495
Knight (C.) Gallery of Portraits, 446,
2942, 3259, 3723, 5496, 7248

Knight (C.) History of England, 28, 863,
4389, 7127

Knight (C.) London, 862, 094. 6140
Knight (C.) Old and New Testaments, 241
Knight (H. Gally). Architecture of Italy,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Lauder (Sir T. D.) The Great Floods of
1829, 3808

Lauder (Sir T. D.) Highland Rambles,

Lauderdale. Family of Maitland, 7413
Lavater (S. C.) Essays on Physiognomy,
449, 668, 2489, 2969, 5100, 6145
Law (J.) Life and Projects, 3810
Layard (Sir A. H.) Monuments of Nineveh,
5321, 6829

Layard (Sir A. H.) Nineveh, 995, 4301,
6146, 7348

Layard (E. L.) and Sharpe. Birds of
South Africa, 1186, 7041
Lazamon's Brut; or, Chronicle of Britain
(Madden), 1185, 5800

Leach (W. E.) Malacostrata Podophthal-
mata, 2490

Leake (W. M.) Numismata Hellenica, 6959,

[blocks in formation]

Le Keux (J. H.) Memorials of Cambridge,
996, 4214,5217,7350

Leland (J.) De rebus Britannicis, 2494, 3217,
4898, 5294

Leland (J.)

Leland (J.)

Le Neve.

Itinerary, 450, 2492, 2493, 3218
Laboryeuse Journey, 2506
Monumenta Anglicana, 2496,

Le Roy (M.) Beaux Monuments, 2497
Lery (J.) Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam,


Le Sage (A. R.)

[blocks in formation]

Asmodeus, 29, 997, 2498,

Gil Blas, 997, 1550, 1847,

Le Sage (A. R.) Works, 4391

Leslie (C. R.) Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds,

Leslie (C. R.) Life of Constable, 3813,


L'Estrange (H.) History of Charles I,


LeVaillant. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux,


Le Vaillant. Histoire Naturelle des Perro-

quets, 2499

Lever (C.)

Lever (C.)

Lever (C.)

Lever (C.)

Lever (C.)

Arthur O'Leary, 1695

Charles O'Malley, 1189, 1848

Daltons, 1434, 1851, 2973, 3221

Dodd Family, 3222

Laplace. Voyage autour du Monde, 2487

Lapraik (J.) Poems, 6529

Harry Lorrequer, 866

Lardner. Cabinet Cyclopædia, 3215, 6143

Lever (C.)

Jack Hinton, 1188

L'Art de Vérifier les Dates, 667

Lever (C.)

Knight of Gwynne, 1849

Latham (J.) History of Birds, 2488, 7040

Lever (C.)

Martins of Cro' Martin, 2974

Latham (R. G.) Dictionary, 992, 6144

Lever (C.)

O'Donoghue, The, 2975

Latham (S.) Falconry, 5799

Lever (C.)

Roland Cashel, 1850, 3220, 6763

Latimer (Hughe). Sermons, 1430, 4624

Lever (C.)

Tom Burke, 1188

[blocks in formation]

Lewis (G. H.)

Life of Goethe, 4302

Lockhart (J. G.) Spanish Ballads, 4307,

Lewis (J.)


Life of Caxton, 2503, 3815, Lockhart Papers, The, 1854, 2516
Lewis (J.) History of Thanet, 7128
Lewis (M. G.) The Monk, 1435, 5804, Lodge (E.) Portraits, 31, 454, 671, 999,

Loddiges (C.) Botanical Cabinet, 2518,

7044, 7353


1194, 1195, 1551, 2517, 3223, 4217, 6151,

Lewis (M. G.) Various Plays, 5805

6831, 7129, 7130

Lewis (S.) Topographical Dictionary, 2502,


Loggan (D.) Cantabrigia Illustrata, 2519,

Lewis and Clarke (Captains). Travels, 4303,

Loggan (D.) Oxonia Illustrata, 2519, 6296
London Magazine, The, 5103

London Society (Periodical), 4394
London Theatre, The, 867

Leycester (Sir P.) Historical Antiquities,

[blocks in formation]

Longhus. Daphne and Chloe, 1437
Lonsdale Magazine, The, 149
Lord (H.) Display of Two Sects, 7558
Lorraine (Claude de). Liber Veritatis,

Loubat (J. F.) Medallic History of the

U.S., 7352

Loudon (J. C.)

Arboretum, 4308

Loudon (Mrs.) Ladies' Flower Garden,

Loudon (Mrs.)

British Wild Flowers, 6152

[blocks in formation]

Lightfoot (J. B.) Apostolic Fathers, 5326 Lowe (E.) Ferns, 2521, 4965, 6455

Lilly (J.) Sixe Court Comedies, 5806

Lindesay (Sir D.) Works, 6530

Lindley (J.) Fossil Flora, 453

Lindesay (J.) History of Scotland, 3817

Lindley (J.) Collectanea Botanica, 2509

Lindley (J.) Sertum Orchidaceum, 6150
Lindley and Sweet. Ornamental Flower
Garden, 4304

Lindsay (Lord). Christian Art, 2510, 3820,
4630, 5327, 7351

Lindsay (Lord). Ballads, Songs, and Poenis,

Lindsay (Lord). Lives of the Lindsays,
998, 1853, 3818, 3821, 4215, 5807, 6962
Lindsay (W. S.) Merchant Shipping, 4216,

Lingard (I.) History of England, 2511,
4305, 4778, 5328, 5498, 7249
Linnæus (C.) Species Plantarum, 2512
Linnean Society. Publications, 1192, 2513,
4963, 4964

Linschoten (J. H. van). Voyages, 1193,

Lipscomb (G.) History of Buckingham,

[blocks in formation]

Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual,

32, 868, 1000, 1196, 1855, 2522, 4163, 4633,
6531, 7131, 7251, 7559

Lucan. Opera, 5811
Lucas. Memoirs, 1800, 7560
Lucretius. Opera, 5812, 5813
Ludoulphe. Jhesu Christ, 455, 456
Lumsden (A.) Antiquities of Rome, 6388
Lupset (T.) Workes, 5814

Luther (M) St. Paul's Epistle, 2523
Luttrell (N.) Relation of State Affairs,

Lycett (J.) Views in Australia, 6678
Lye (E.) Dictionarium Saxonicum, 4635
Lylie (J.) Euphues, 3225, 3226

Lyndsay (Sir D.) Ancient Heraldic Manu-
script, 777, 1856, 3824
Lyndsay (Sir D.) Poetical Works, 4628,

Lysia. Orationes et Fragmenta, 150
Lysons (D.) Environs of London, 33, 869,

[blocks in formation]

Lyttleton (Lord). Dialogues of the Dead, Maldonado (L.), Concionero de, 1200

Lytton (Lord). Falkland, 5816
Lytton (Lord). Works, 870, ICOI, 4395,
6153, 6833, 7045

Mabillon (J.) Acta Sanctorum Benedicti,
5500, 5501

Mabinogion, The, 3825
M'Carthy (J.) History of Our Own Times,
871, 1002

Macaulay (Lord). Essays, 79.4309, 4900
Macaulay (Lord). History of England,
80, 672, 3227, 4310, 4397, 4779, 5333, 6964
Macaulay (Lord). Lays of Ancient Rome,
3826, 4311
Macaulay (Lord).
Macculloch (H.)

Works, 3827, 4396, 7046
Scottish Landscapes,

Macculloch (J.) Western Islands, 2977,


McDiarmid (A.) Scenery round Loch
Earn, 1875

McDiarmid (A.) Beauties of Edinample,

Mace (T.) Musick's Monument, 1439,
3830, 5817

Macgeorge (A.) Old Glasgow, 1197
Macgillivray (W.) History of Dee Side,
7252, 7355

Machiavel (N.) Art of Warre, 2528

Mackay (C.) Popular Delusions, 2529,
3831, 4901

Mackenzie (A.) Voyages from Montreal,


Mackenzie (Sir G.) Essay on Solitude,

Mackenzie (M.) Orcades, 7414

Mackerell (B.) History of King's Lynn,

Macknight (J.) Memoirs of Sir Ewen
Cameron, 3832

Maclagan (C.) Hill Forts, 458, 4637
Maclise (D.) Father Prout, 5818

McUre (J.) View of the City of Glasgow,

Mcure (J.) History of Glasgow, 3835,

Madden (Sir F.) Gesta Romanorum, 5275
Madden (Sir F.) Lazamon's Brut, 1185,

Madden (R. R.) The United Irishmen,

[blocks in formation]

Malleson (G. B.) Indian Mutiny, 6965
Malmesbury (Earl of). Diary and Corre-
spondence, 2533, 4218
Malory (Sir T.) King Arthur, 6039
Malthus (T. R.) Works on Population,
etc., 3481

Manchester Exhibition of 1857, Gems of
Art at the, 6101
Mandeville (Sir J.)
Manners (Lord J.)


Voyages, 3842
England's Trust, etc.,

Manning (Card. H. E.) Sermons, 1201,
6456, 7356

Manning (O.) and Bray (W.) History of
Surrey, 2534, 5104

Manship (H.) History of Great Yarmouth,

Mantz (P.) La Peinture Italienne, 778
Manwood (J.)

Marat (T. P.)

Marbek (J.)

Marco Polo.

Marcoy (P.)


Forest Laws, 7561

Essay on Man, 1859

Concordance, 459

Travels, 5819

Journey across S. America,

Marguerite (Reine de Navarre). Mémoires,

[blocks in formation]

Marston (J.) The Malcontent, 3228

Marston (J.) Works, 4402

Martial. Opera, 2539, 5822

Martial Achievements of Britain, 3229
Martin (J.) Privately printed Books, 3418
Martin (Γ.) Life of Prince Consort, 874,


Martin (W.) History of the Kings of
England, 2540, 4165
Martingale's Sporting Scenes, 4109
Martyn (T.) English Entomologist, 2541
Martyr (Peter). De Novo Orbe, 3230
Marvell (A.) Various Works, 7562
Mascall (L.) Arte of Planting Trees, 2543
Maskell (Wm.) Monumenta Ritualia, 461,
4639, 5339, 5502, 6966
Maskell (W.) Centuries of Books, 5823
Maskell (W.) Wanderings of P. Charles
Edward, 1894

Mason (T.) Nobile Par, 2544
Mason (W.) Works. 153

Mason (R. H.) History of Norfolk, 2984
Massachusetts, Charter granted to, 4823

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