
1227 Prichard (J. C.) Natural History of Man, enlarged by E. Norris, 2 vol., coloured plates, 1855-Physical History of Mankind, vol. iv and v, 1844-47, 8vo. (1658)

Walford, £1 5s. 1228 Pulgher (D.) Les Anciennes Eglises Byzantines, de Constantinople, atlas only, 30 plates, some coloured, Vienne,

1880 (1227)

Batsford, £I IS. 1229 Punch, or the London Charivari, vol. i to lxxxi, original issue, with the almanacs, bd. in 41 vol., hf. mor. gt., marbled edge,

1841-81, 4to. (994)

Smith, £16 15s.

1230 Pyne (W. H.) History of the Royal Residences, illustrated by 100 coloured engravings from drawings by the most eminent artists, 3 vol., cf., 1819, 4to. (2864) James, £4. 1231 Rabelais (Fr.) Œuvres, édition variorum, augmentée de pièces inédites, des Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel, des remarques de Le Duchat, Bernier, Le Motteux, Voltaire et autres, par Esmangart et E. Johanneau, 9 vol. in 5, many woodcuts, hf. cf. gt., Paris, 1823, 8vo. (11) Stibbs, £I IIS. 1232 Rabelais (Fr.) Œuvres, avec des remarques historiques et critiques de Duchat, 3 vol., plates by Picart and others, old French cf. gt., Amst., 1741, 4to. (1012) Stibbs, £5 7s. 6d. 1233 Real Life in London; exhibiting a Living Picture of Amuseexhibiting ments in High and Low Life, 2 vol., coloured plates by Heath, Alken, Rowlandson, etc., soiled copy, hf. cf., 1822, Maggs, £3 35.

8vo. (2278)

1234 Roberts (D.) Views in the Holy Land, Syria, Egypt, Nubia, Arabia, etc., 253 large lithographic illustrations, with descriptions by the Rev. Dr. Croly and W. Brockedon, 4 vol., hf. mor., gt. edge, 1842-6, fol. (418)

1739, 8vo. (470)

Rimell, £5. 1235 Rochester, Roscommon, and Dorset (Earls of). Works, with the Cabinet of Love, 2 vol. in I, portraits and plates, cf., Pearson, £2 I2S. 1236 Rogers (S.) Italy, a Poem, vignettes by Finden, from drawings by Turner and Stothard, proofs before letters, in the Ward, £8 125. 1237 Rogers (S.) Poems, vignettes by Finden, from drawings by Turner and Stothard, proofs, in the original bds., uncut, 1834, 8vo. (2853)

original bds., uncut, 1830, 8vo. (2852)

Ward, £8 15s. 1238 Rogers (S.) Poems, vignettes after Turner and Stothard, Ward, £1 16s.

cf. gt., gt. edge, 1834, 8vo. (1747)

1239 Rogers (S.) Poems, Ist ed., with ignettes by Turner, Stothard, and others, in the original silk binding, 1834, 8vo.


Swift, £1 185. 1240 Ronalds (A.) Fly-Fisher's Entomology, 19 coloured plates of the natural and artificial insect, 8vo. (2304) Neish, £1. 1241 Rowlandson. English Dance of Death, with Metrical Illustrations by W. Combe, 2 vol., wanted index to vol. i, coloured plates by Rowlandson, 1815-16, 8vo. (2873)

Bawden, £6 1os.

1242 Rowlandson. Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, by J. Collier, coloured plates by Woodward, and folding front. by Woodward and Rowlandson, uncut, 1808, 8vo.


Robson, £2 4s. 1243 Royal Institution Proceedings and Meetings, set, 13 vol., vol. i to xii in hf. red mor., vol. xiii in parts, 1854-87Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution, hf. mor., 14 vol., 1857, 8vo. (940) Leighton, £2 75. 1244 Royle (J. F.) Flora of Cashmere, 2 vol., coloured plates, wanted plates 9 and 10, hf. mor., 1839, fol. (2896)

Roche, £I IS. 1245 Ruskin (J.) Seven Lamps of Architecture, Ist ed., plates, 8vo. (1680) Quaritch, £4 17s. 6d. 1246 Ruskin (J.) Fors Clavigera, Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain, 14 vol., hf. mor., interleaved, 1871-7, 8vo. (1337)

Edwards, £5 IOS. 1247 Ruskin (J.) Stones of Venice, 3 vol., illustrations drawn by the Author, 1873, 8vo. (82) Leighton, £5 155.

1248 Ruskin (J.) Seven Lamps of Architecture, illustrations drawn by the Author, hf. cf., uncut, t. e. g., 1880, 8vo. (83)

Walford, £1 55. 1249 Russell. History of America, from its Discovery by Columbus, 51 portraits, plates, and maps, 2 vol., cf., 1778, 8vo.


James, £I IS. 1250 Saviolo (V.) His Practise; of the Use of the Dagger and Rapier, wanted sig. E; and of Honor and Honorable Ridler, £1 35. 1251 Schliemann (H.) Ilios, the City and Country of the Trojans, maps and many plates and woodcuts, hf. cf., marbled edge, 1880, 8vo. (618)

Quarrels, cut in headline, 1594-5

Stibbs, £1 9s.

1252 Schliemann (H.) Mycenæ and Tiryns, a narrative of

researches, with preface by Rt. Hon. W.
maps and plates, 1878, 8vo. (614)

E. Gladstone, Stibbs, £1 95. plates, Edinb., by Turner, ib.,

1253 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, 48 vol., 1829-33-Poetical Works, 12 vol., plates 1833-34-Prose Works, 30 vol., plates by Turner, ib., 1834, etc., together 90 vol., 8vo. (857)

1254 Sevigné (Mme.) Lettres, 11 vol., portraits

1818, 8vo. (1329) 1255 Shakespeare (W.)

Works, edited by Chas.

James, £10 10S.
and plates, cf.,
Stibbs, £1 5s.
Knight, 12 vol.,
Stibbs, £1 18s.

many woodcuts, 1842-44, 8vo. (35) 1256 Shakespeare (W.) Works, Cambridge ed., edited by W. G. Clark and J. Glover, 9 vol., Camb., 1863, 8vo. (645)

Sotheran, £6 125. 1257 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, 4th ed., portrait, few ll. slightly damaged, maroon mor. ex., gt. edge, 1685, fol. (2895)

Robson, £10. Westell, £1 5s.

1258 Shakespeare (W.) Works, "Reader's ed.," 9 vol., portrait,

1886-7, 8vo. (2659)

1259 Sidney (Sir. P.) The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia, now the ninth time published, wanted portrait and 4 ll., brown mor. antique, blind tooling, gt. and marbled edge, by Rivière, 1638, fol. (2894)

Ridler, £1 1S. 1260 Simpson (W.) Seat of War in the East, both series, tinted illustrations, hf. mor., gt. edge, Colnaghi, 1855-6, fol. (422)

1261 Skene (W. F.) Four Ancient Books of Wales. 2 vol., fac

simile and map, Edinb., 1868, 8vo. (1667)

Ridler, £1 35.
Bain, £1 35.


1262 Speculum Exemplorum, lit, goth., stained and wormed, old oak bds., covered in stamped pigskin, Argent., 1490, fol. Pink, £2 125. 1263 Speed (J.) Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, presenting an exact geography of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 4 vol., coloured maps of the counties, cf., 1611 (1192)

Harvey, £3. 1264 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, vol. iii-Commentary on the Gospels from the Fathers, 6 vol. (odd); and others, II vol., 8vo. (1472)

Edwards, £1 IS. 1265 Stanley (A. P.) History of the Jewish Church, 3 vol., maps, etc., 1863-76, 8vo. (922) Luyster, £1 25. 1266 Sterne (L.) Works, with Life, edited by J. P. Browne, 4 vol., portrait, hf. mor., t. e. g., 1873, 8vo. (391) Sotheran, £1 25. 1267 Sterne (L.) Works, with Life, 10 vol., plates by Hogarth and others, cf., 1788, 8vo. (471) Sotheran, £1 125. 1268 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Napoleon's Bequest to Cantillon, a fragment of International History, new cf., 1858-On some Varieties of Historical Style, new cf., 2 vol., 1866,

8vo. (877)

Bain, £4 10s.

1269 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Catalogue of Prints engraved from the works of Velasquez and Murillo, privately printed, and only 15 of this size (8vo.), new hf. mor. ex., t. e. g., 1873, 8vo. (878)

1270 Stuart (Villiers). Nile Gleanings, 58 coloured and outline

plates, 1879, 8vo. (616)

Rimell, £2 13s.
Bain, £1 35.
Toovey, £1 175.

1271 Surtees (R. S.) Handley Cross, coloured plates and wood

cuts by J. Leech, 1854, 8vo. (519)

1272 Surtees (R.) History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, 4 vol., portraits and plates (wanted map), autograph of J. T. Bockett in vol. i and vol. ii, vol. iv had the extra ll. published subsequently, last vol. shaved, 181640, fol. (1635)

Pink, £17.

1273 Surtees Society's Publications, complete from its commencement in 1835 to 1870, vol. i to lvi, 1835-72, 8vo. (1287)

Hitchman, £15 155.

1274 Sussex Archæological Society's Collections relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, vol. xii to xxvi, and Index to vol. i to xxv, 16 vol., plates, etc., 1860-75, 8vo. Walford, £3 10s.


1275 Swift (J.) Works, with Notes, etc., by J. Nichols, 19 vol., portraits, hf. cf. gt., 1800, 8vo. (2548) Reeves, £1 18s. 1276 Swift (J.) Works, with Notes and Life by Sir Walter Scott, 2nd ed., 19 vol., portrait, uncut, in hf. cf. gt., Edinb., 1824, 8νο. (450) Sotheran, £5 17s. 6d. Swift (J.) (J.) Works, with Letters, Supplement, etc., edited by Dr. Hawkesworth, complete set, 27 vol., plates, cf. gt., gt. edge, y. e., 1765-79, 8vo. (388)


Ridler, £3.

1278 Temple of the Muses, or the principal Histories of Fabulous Antiquity, 60 plates by Picart and other masters, cf., 1733 (1186) Ridler, £1 IOS.

1279 Thackeray (W. M.) The Newcomes, 2 vol., original ed., illustrations by R. Doyle, several ll. soiled, hf. cf., 1854,

8vo. (2271)

Cunliffe, £1. 1280 Thackeray (W. M.) Comic Tales and Sketches, by MA. Titmarsh, 2 vol., plates, new hf. mor. gt., marbled edge,

H. Cunningham, n. d., 8vo. (2541)

Dobell, £3 10S. 1281 Thornbury (W.) Haunted London, illustrations by F. W. Fairholt, tree-marbled cf. ex., marbled edge, 1865, 8νο.


Webster, £1 155. 1282 Todd (R. B.) Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology, with the Supplement, 6 vol.. many cuts, cf., full gt. backs,

marbled edge, 1835-59, 8vo. (919)

Reeves, £1 1OS. 1283 Tuer (A. W.) Follies and Fashions of our Grandfathers, LARGE PAPER, earliest impressions of the plates, the costumes coloured, one of 250 copies, uncut, t. e. g., 1886-7, fol. (2755) James, £I IS. 1284 Turner Gallery, with Memoir and Illustrated Text by R. N. Wornum, 60 plates plates on India paper from the principal works of J. M. W. Turner, engraved by Willmore, Brandard, Goodall and other engravers, hf. green mor., gt. edge, 1875 J. Nield, £3. 1285 Ulster Journal of Archæology, vol. i to viii, 8 vol., plates, hf. cf. gt., and Nos. 33-36 (vol. 9), Belfast, 1853-61, 4to. (1780) Quaritch, £4 15s. 1286 Vetusta Monumenta, 5 vol., numerous plates, including the set of 17 large coloured engravings of the Bayeux Tapestry (vol. v wanted title and 19 plates), 1747-1815, fol. (1650)


Quaritch, £8 15s. 1287 Voltaire (M. de). Collection Complète de ses Œuvres (with the supplementary volume of correspondence), 45 vol., portraits and plates, Geneva and Paris, 1768-95, 4to. (1048)

Sotheran, £3 125.
Sotheran, £2 6s.

1288 Vyse (H.) Operations at the Pyramids of Gizeh, 3 vol.,

plates, 1840-42, 8vo. (1678)


1289 Watson's Dendrologia Britannica, 2 vol., 1825, hf. rus., 8vo. Reid, £1 6s. 1290 Westminster. A Description of the Westminster Tobacco Box, the property of the Past Overseers' Society, compiled by the Overseers for 1887, 2 parts in I vol., engraved title and 121 plates, bevelled cloth, gt. arms stamped on side, gt. edge, Westminster, 1887, 4to. (2204) Bennett, £1 IOS. 1291 Westwood (J. O.) Palæographia Sacra Pictoria, illustrations of the ancient Versions of the Bible from Illuminated MSS., 53 illustrations, mor., gt. edge, 1843-5, fol. (1935)

Leighton, £2 Ios. 1292 Wickes (C.) Spires and Towers of the Mediæval Churches of England, 3 vol. in 1, 72 plates, hf. mor., 1859, fol. (2803) Harris, £1 135. 1293 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, 2nd series, 3 vol., plates, 1841, 8vo. (1725)

Walford, £1 145. 1294 Williams (W.) Oxonia Depicta, LARGE PAPER, 65 old views of the colleges, halls, etc., of the city, old cf., 1733, fol.


Daniells, £1 12S. 1295 Winteri (G. S.) Bellerophon sive Eques Peritus, numerous plates of horses and bits, few cut into, VELLUM, Norimberg, 1678, fol. (2034) Quaritch, £1 65. 1296 Wright (J., A.R.A., of Derby). Life and Works, by W. Bemrose, with preface by Cosmo Monkhouse, plates and woodcuts, including 2 etchings by F. Seymour, Haden, 1885 (1075)

Leighton, £1 IOS. 1297 Wycherley (W.) Miscellaneous Poems, portrait by J. Smith,

cf., 1704, fol. (2517)

1298 Zoological Society Proceedings, 1881 and 1871-80, wanted part 2, 1882, coloured 8νο. (1469)

[JANUARY 30тн, 1888.]

Parsons, £1. 1882, with Index, plates, 8 vol., 1882, Lawler, £1 IOS.


1299 Art and Song. Edited by Robert Bell, LARGE PAPER, engravings after Turner, Stothard, etc., gt. edge, 1867, fol. (19) Ward, £1 35. 1300 Caricatures, illustrating the Attorney-General's charges against Queen Caroline, 51 plates, n. d., fol. (21) Rimell, £1 185.

1301 Cruikshank (G.) Illustrations of Time, in the original wrappers as issued, 1827, fol. (24) Robson, £1 16s. 1302 Cruikshank (G.) Phrenological Illustrations, in the printed Robson, £1 16s.

wrappers as issued, 1827, fol. (23)

1303 Cruikshank (G.) Cruikshankiana, an assemblage of the most celebrated works, 81 plates, original issue, M'Lean, n. d.,

fol. (27)

Maggs, £1 125. 1304 Edwards (E.) Old Inns, parts 1 to 3, all as far as issued, etchings on Japanese paper, 150 copies printed, 1873-81,

fol. (29)

Parsons, £2 45. 1305 Etched Thoughts, by the Etching Club, India proof plates, Robson, £2 25.

1844, fol. (31)

1306 Evening's Amusement, or Repertorium Comicum, 81 plates by Cruikshank, Seymour, etc., 1830, fol. (32) Maggs, £1 5s. 1307 Foster (Birket). Brittany, a series of 30 sketches, India J. Nield, £1 95. 1308 George (E.) Etchings in Belgium, with descriptive letterOliver, £1 135.

proofs, 1878, fol. (33)

press, 30 etchings, 1878, fol. (34) 1309 Germ (The), 4 nos., all published, in I vol., etchings by Holman Hunt, J. Collinson, etc., with the covers to each No., and various newspaper cuttings, etc., mor., uncut, t. e. g., 1850, 8vo. (7)

Ward, £6 145. Fielding, £1 6s.

1310 Haden (Seymour). About Etching, etched examples, uncut,

1879, 4to. (14)

1311 Holbein (Hans). Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII, in imitation of the original drawings, by J. Chamberlaine, portraits in colours, original impressions,

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