M. P. Quillian -Printing claims--Wellborn's Pamphlet--President Johnson. (No. 43.) Whereas, M. P. Quillian has, at considerable expense, put in op- Preamble eration an establishment for the manufacture of brooms; And whereas, it is of great importance that manufactures should be fostered and encouraged within this State, P. Quillian iliges Be it therefore Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Allowing M Georgia, That the aforesaid M. P. Quillian be allowed to transport certain prixbrooms of his own manufacture over the Western and Atlantic Rail Road by weight as second class freight. Approved 12th March, 1866. (No. 44.) claims for Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, That the Comptroller comp Gen. General be and he is hereby authorized and required to audit all to audit all claims for printing and publishing, which were contracted by or- priniing, &e. der of the Hon. James Johnson, late Provisional Governor of this Sate, when the same were osdered by him officially as such Gov ernor. Approved 10th March, 1866. (No. 45.) thorized to number of pamphlet. Resolved, by the General Assembly, that His Excellency, the Governor, be and he is hereby authorized and requested to purchase Governor ag and cause to be sent by mail or express as soon as published, one purchase a copy of Wellborn's pamphlet of Public Laws, &c., of the present Wellborn's session, to each of the Clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts, and to the Ordinaries of each county in this State, and that the Governor pay for the same at one dollar and fifty cents per copy, out of the printing fund, or any moneys not otherwise appropriated, Provided, the same be published and delivered to him within ten days from the adjournment of the Legislature. Approved 16th March, 1866. (No. 46.) Provisa President The Genera! Assembly of the State of Georgia do resolve, 1st. That in Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, we recognize a statesman, wl ose wisdom and patriotism, lifting him above the strifes of faction, render it impossible for him to be identified with Endorses or appropriated by any party, but that which, without regard to for- Julio mer party divisions, shall be composed of men who devote themselves honestly and carnestly to the maintenance of the Union upon the principles of the Constitution. Pledge to unite with all men who rally to the Deaf & Dumb Asylum-Penitentiary-Lunatic Asylum. 2nd. That the only hope for the preservation of free government on this continent lies in the maintenance of the Union upon the principles of the Constitution, and as all rational basis for sectional parties has passed away with the extinction of slavery, we pledge ourselves, irrespective of all former party designations, and of the passions inspired by the recent lamentable war, to co-opsupport of erate cordially and earnestly with all men, of all sections, who will lay down party considerations upon the altar of a common country, and rally to the support of the President in his noble, courageous and patriotic determination that by the exercise of wisdom, justice, moderation and magnanimity, the Union upon the principles of the Constitution shall be re established and enshrined anew in the hearts of the people. the President. Sub-Commit to examine upon wants of 3rd. That His Excellency, the Governor, be requested to forward a certified copy of these resolutions to the President of the United States. Approved 21st March, 1866. (No. 47.) Resolved, That the committee on the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, be, and they are hereby authorized to appoint a sub-committee of tee appointed three, who, acting in conjunction with a sub-committee of two memand report bers of the Senate. shall proceed to visit and examine the Deaf Deaf & Dumb and Dumb Asylum, at Cave Spring, Floyd county, during the recess of the General Assembly, and report upon the management, condition and wants, of the Institution, to the next session of the General Assembly. Asylum. Governor in structed to appoint Commissioners to report on pro Approved 21st March, 1866. (No. 48.) Be it Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State of Georgia, that his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby instructed to appoint three Commissioners to examine and report upon the propriety of removing the present Penitentiary, and locating it elsewhere, or of establishing an additional one. priety of re. If in their judgment the same should be removed from its present tentiary, &c. location, that it shall be their duty to select some suitable and convenient location, and to ascertain upon what terms the same can be purchased, and that said Commissioners report all the facts connected with the same, to the next meeting of this General Assembly. moving Pent Approved 21st March, 1866. (No. 49.) Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum, be, and he is hereby authorized to have his accounts made by the Stew W. & A. Railroad-Secretary of Senate, Clerk of House-Supreme Court Decisions. ard of the Asylum, and that his supervision of the same will be considered a substantial compliance with the law, passed at this session, using the words "the Superintendent shall account," &c. Approved 21st March, 1866. (No. 50.) Superintentic Asylum dant of Lunamay have his accounts made by the Steward. Resolved, By the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, that his Excellency the Governor, be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint an agent (if he thinks it proper to do so,) to urge before Governor authe proper department of the Federal government, and if necessary appoint agent to test, before the proper Judicial tribunal, the following matter purposes. of controversy, between the two Governments, to-wit: Right of Fed contract for cars for W & SEC. I. The right of the Federal authorities to change the con-eral anthoritract (in the manner of payment, and the addition of interest) made ties to change under instructions of the War department, between the Federal pure prof Military authorities, and the authorities of this State, for the pur- A. Railroad. chase of cars, engines, and other property for the W. and A. R. Road. to receive for troops, &c. SEC. II. The right of said Road, and under the same instructions Right of Road to receive remuneration for all troops, supplies, and passengers, remuneration passing over the same, from the time it was taken possession of by being over the military authorities of the United States, until it was restored ame. to the State. eral govern gross earnings SEC. III. The right of the Federal Government to tax the gross Right of Fedearnings of the Road, the value of its cars, engines, &c.; and any ment to tax other matters of controversy arising out of the action of the Fed-of Road, &c. eral authorities, touching said Road. Approved 21st March, 1866. (No. 51.) Senate and House allow Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives, that the Secretary of Secretary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Representa- Clerk of tives, be allowed ten days to bring up the unfinished business of ed ten days to the session, and to index the Journals of the Legislature. Approved 21st March, 1866. (No. 52.) WHEREAS, A. O. Bacon, Esqr., of the City of Macon, is preparing a digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court, of the State of Georgia, from volume 21 to volume 32 inclusive, and whereas, it is desirable that the Judges and county officers should be supplied with such digests; be it therefore, bring up unfinished busi ness. Preamble. appoint com Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby Governor to authorized to appoint a committee of three competent lawyers to mittee to exexamine said digest, upon its completion, and report thereon, to the of decisions of next session of this General Assembly. Approved 21st March, 1866. amine Digest Supreme Court. Committee that the Relative to adjournment of the Legislature. (No. 53.) Resolved, That a committee of five from the House, and three appointed to from the Senate, be appointed to inform his Excellency the GovGovernor ernor, that both branches of the General Assembly, having disposGeneral Ased of the business before them, are ready to adjourn sine die; and ready to ad: to ascertain from him whether he has any communication to make, to either branch of the General Assembly. sembly are journ sine die. Approved 21st March, 1866. |