-66 466 1966 II-APPRENTICES. III-APPROPRIATIONS. IV-BONDS OF THE STATE. V-CODE, CHANGES IN. VI-CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. VII-CONVICTS. VIII-COUNTY OFFICERS. IX-COUNTY BONDS, TAXES, &c., X-COUNTY LINES. XI-COUNTY REGULATIONS. XII-COURTS. I-SUPREME. II-SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR III-COUNTY. IV-OF ORDINARY. XIII-COURT CONTRACTS XIV-DEAF AND DUMB. XV-DISTILLATION. XVI-DOGS. XVII-EDUCATION. XVIII-ELECTIONS. XIX-EVIDENCE. XX-EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, &c. XXI-HEALTH AND QUARANTINE. XXII-JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. I-BANKS. II-BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. IV-EXPRESS. V-GAS LIGHT. VI-INSURANCE. VII-LAND AND LUMBER. VIII-MANUFACTURING. IX-MINING. X-MINING AND MANUFACTURING. XI-MEDICAL COLLEGE. XII-STEAMBOAT 66 XXX-PENAL CODE, CHANGES IN, &C., XXXIV-SALARIES. XXXV-SEAL. XXXVI-TAXES. XXXVII-VENDUE MASTERS. XXXVIII-WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. BOOKBINDING QUALITY CONTROL MARK Section 1. Donation of public lands accepted. Section 2. Act requiring names of stockhold- An Act accepting for the State of Georgia the donation by the United States of certain lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, by Acts of Congress, approved severally July 2nd, 1862, and April 1. SECTION I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do en- act, That the State of Georgia hereby accepts the donation by the Donation United States of such public lands as may be apportioned to said accepted State, under an Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled an Act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, approved July 2nd. 1862, and an Act extending the time within which the States and Territories may accept the grant of lands made by the aforesaid Act, approved April 14th, Act repealed. Forfeitures zemitted. Cotton and Wool Factories. (No. 2.) An Aet to repeal an Act to require the incorporated Cotton and Wool 2. SEC. I. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do enact, That an Act entitled an Act to require the incorporated Cotton and Wool Factories in this State to publish lists of their stockholders, assented to, December 9th, 1862, be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. SEC. II. That all penalties and forfeitures heretofore incurred under the said Act, be and the same are hereby remitted and released. Approved 5th March, 1866. TITLE II. APPRENTICES. SEC. 1. Minors may be bound out by parents. SEC. 7. May be dissolved at instance of the 2. By Judge of County Court or Ordinary in certain cases. 3. Indentures, how made, witnessed and master. Of the apprentice or hisfriend. 8. Proceeds of labor. Allowance to ap prentice. 4. What the Master shall teach and fur- 66 9. Right of action in the master. "10. Laws of force. "5. Controversies. Master in default. Ap An Act to alter and amend the laws of this State, in relation to Apprentices. 1. SEC. I. The General Assembly of this State, do enact, From and after the passage of this act, that all minors may, by whichever my parent has the legal control of them, be bound out as apprentices ner children. to any respectable person, until they attain the age of twenty-one, or for a shorter period. Parents 2. SEC. II. It shall be the duty of the Judge of the County Court, Judge of Co. or the Ordinary, to bind out, in like manner, all minors, whose paCourt or Orrents are dead, or whose parents reside out of the county, the profwhat cases. its of whose estate are insufficient for their support and maintenance; also, all minors whose parents, from age, infirmity or poverty, are unable to support them. Indentures witnessed and kept. 3. SEC. III. Indentures of apprenticeship shall be made in duplihow made, cate, and witnessed in the same manner as deeds. The original shall be kept by the master, and the duplicate shall be filed and recorded, either in the office of the Judge of the County Court, or in the Ordinary's office, and it shall not be necessary for the apprentice to sign the same. |