Acts Passed by the General Assembly of GeorgiaJ. Johnston, 1866 |
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Act to authorize Act to incorporate aforesaid alter and amend amount appoint Approved 12th March Approved 21st March Assembly Association Atlanta Bank Board of Directors body corporate bonds by-laws capital stock cent charter Chattahoochee river Chestatee River Clerk Code of Georgia Commissioners common seal contract corporate limits debts deem necessary duty Georgia do enact Governor held hereby authorized hereby repealed hold House of Representatives hundred dollars hundred thousand dollars impleaded Inferior Court issue Judge jurisdiction Jury Justices lands levy liable Manufacturing Company Mayor and Council Milledgeville Mining Company name and style number of shares oath ordinances paid pany passage payment penalties poration Preamble prescribe privileges Proviso purchase purposes Rail Road Railroad Company regulations Repeals conflicting laws Savannah Section sell Senate and House Stockholders subscribed subscription sued Superior Court term thereof tion town town of Hardwicke Treasurer vacancy vote WHEREAS