
Rofs. Over one of the door cafes of the entrance, there are ftill remaining his coat of arms cut out in ftone. He used to fend many old and infirm poor persons of Rofs into the woods and fields, to pick up felf-fown oaks, afhes, &c. to embellish the hedge-rows of his waiks and estate. He had an elder brother, I believe, who was not reckoned very wife, and from whom he inherited. After his death (which happened at the age of 90), in 1724, his body lay in state in his best parlour for fix weeks. The eftate is now divided into parcels, belonging to feveral perfons; one of them, however, belongs to a female collateral defcendant. She is at prefent unmarried, and I hope when the changes her fituation, and becomes a mother, fhe will give the name of Kyrll to be prefixed to the firname of her first son or daughter. Mr. Ball, the owner of the King's Arms at Rofs, the house Mr. Kyrll lived in, has got an original painting of him; it represents him as a man of 60 years, fair in complexion, and grave in aspect. Permiffion, I fancy, can be obtained to have an engraving made from it, which would be a great acquifition to our collections of English portraits; and there is the more reason for defiring this to be done fpeedily, as one of our young military men, fome years ago, in a fit of anger at his hair-dreffer, took the curling irons in his hand, and made two holes with them in the picture. There is now living at Rofs, a female defcendant of his, who, from a proper regard to the memory of her illuftrious ancestor, is now repairing and embellishing a favourite feat of his, known by the Kyrll's feat."

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Strahan and Preston, New-Street Square, London.

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