
Since there is a way to the gate of the Supreme Father, Christ, may I not be sad before thy throne!



Text, vol. ii. p. 12. Notes, vol. ii. p. 331.

AIL, glorious Lord!

May church and chancel bless Thee!

And chancel and church!

And plain and precipice !

And the three fountains there are,

Two above wind, and one above the earth.

May darkness and light bless Thee!

And fine silk and sweet trees!

Abraham the chief of faith did bless Thee.

10 And life eternal.

And birds and bees.

And old and young.

Aaron and Moses did bless Thee.

And male and female.

And the seven days and the stars.

And the air and the ether.

And books and letters.

And fish in the flowing water.

And song and deed.

20 And sand and sward.

And such as were satisfied with good.

I will bless Thee, glorious Lord!

Hail, glorious Lord!



Text, vol. ii. p. 13. Notes, vol. ii. p. 331.

I. WILL extol Thee, the Trinity in the mysterious One, Who is One and Three, a Unity of one energy,

Of the same essence and attributes, one God to be praised. I will praise Thee, great Father, whose mighty works are


To praise Thee is just; to praise Thee is incumbent on me.
The produce of poetry is the right of Eloi.

Hail, glorious Christ!

Father, and Son, and Spirit! Lord,

God, Adonai!

II. I will extol God, who is both One and Two,

Who is Three without any error, without its being easily

Who made fruit, and rill, and every gushing stream;
God is his name, being two Divine Ones to be com-

God is his name, being three Divine Ones in his energy;
God is his name, being One; the God of Paul and Anhun.

III. I will extol One, who is both Two and One.

Who is, besides, Three, who is God Himself,

Who made Mars and Luna, and male and female,

And ordained that the shallow and the abyss should not

be of equal depth;

Who made heat and cold, and sun and moon,

And letters in the wax, and flame in the candle,

And affection to be one of the senses, and lovely woman late,
And caused the burning of five Caers, and an erring consort.



Text, vol. ii. p. 13. Notes, vol. ii. p. 332.

EN the name of the Lord, mine to adore, whose praise is great.

I will praise the great Ruler, whose blessing is great on an


The God that defends us, the God that made us, the God that will deliver us,

The God of our hope, blessed, perfect, and pure is his true happiness.

God owns us; God is above, the Triune King,

God has been felt a support to us in affliction;

God has been, by being imprisoned, in humility.

May the blessed Ruler make us free against the day of


And bring us to the feast, for the sake of his meekness

and lowliness,

10 And happily receive us into Paradise from the burden of


And give us salvation, for the sake of his agony and five


Terrible anguish! God delivered us when he assumed flesh. Man would have been lost, had He not ransomed him,

according to his glorious ordinance.

From the bloody Cross came redemption to the whole world.

Christ the mighty Shepherd, his merits will never fail.



Text, vol. ii. p. 14. Notes, vol. ii. p. 333.

HERE is a graciously disposed King, who is wonderful
in the highest degree,

Who is chief above the children of Adam,
Who is a happy and most mighty defence,
Who is generous, glorious, and most pure,
Whose claim is most strong and binding.

What is heard of him, and what is true, that will I celebrate. To the great God, to the condescending and most compassionate God,

To the blessed God a sacred song I will sing.

Until I become a blameless man to God, I will consider the substance,

10 About the sin which Adam sinned.

About sin before the judgment I am very anxious,
Against the day of appointment, when all men shall come
From their graves in their strength and greatest vigour,
As they were when they were in their very prime,
In one host to the one place most pleasant,
Even to the top of one hill, in order to be judged.
Among this multitude may I attain the merit

Of being protected by a retinue of the nine orders of


My God! what a gathering!

20 My Lord God! may my bardic lore

Affect the bonds of the universe!

My great Superior! my Owner!

The object of my reverence! before going to the sod, before

going to the gravel,

Permit thou me to indite a composition


2 L

To thy praise, before my tongue becomes mute,
And my memory like Job, who spoke

Unto his wife concerning her dragonic obedience.
When the servant of God on a certain day came

To him to the contest with his wife,

30 Before the blow he gave a handful

Of what had peeled from the surface of his flesh.

And since the presents which any one gave were now


The merciful God made a gift of charity

In pure gold, the treasure of the Trinity.

In a fainting state he sits, and there praises God.
Blessed was he to be plagued! Now said Sin,

"Thou knowest how to conceal the perfidy of the mysterious


The love-diffusing Lord of heaven, the Creator, take thou

to praise Him,

That thou mayest reach the fair and happy region, 40 Happy, pleasant, free, and greatly deserving praise.

Loving wine, love thou the gentle, preserve the truth.
Eva did not preserve the sweet apple-tree which God com-
manded her.

For her transgression He was not reconciled to her,

But manifest pain he inflicted upon her.

Some wonderful covering of a flinty dress she put on herself; The Maker of heaven caused her, in the midst of her riches,

to make herself bare.

And a second miracle did the bountiful Lord, who hears

being praised.

When she wished to avoid being caught,

The way in which she fled was where

50 There was a ploughman ploughing the ground,

With men in attendance. The mysterious Trinity has spoken it.

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