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Sir William Kyngston to Secretary Cromwell, with further details of the Queen's conduct.

[MS. COTTON. OTHO c. x. fol. 224 b.]


S the Quene hathe meche desyred to have here in the closet the sacarments, & also hyr Amner who she supposeth to be Devet ; for won owre she ys determyned to dy, and the next owre meche contrary to that. Yesterday after your departyng I sent for my wyf, & also for mestrys Coffyn to know how the 2 had done that day, thay sayd she had bene very mery and made agret dyner, and yet sone after she called for hyr supper, havyng marvell wher I was all day; and after supper she sent for me, and at my commyng she sayd "Wher have you bene all day," and I mad ansure I had bene with prysoners, "so" she sayd "I thowth I hard M. I ansured he was not here; then she be


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gan talke and sayd I was crevely handeled agreweche with the Kyngs Counsell with my lord of

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Norfolke that he sayd

hed iij or iiij tymes, and as for Master Tresurer he You know what she meynes

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to prove me, and dyd lawth with all and was very mery

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sayd I knew at Marks commyng to the Towre

that nyght I reysayved

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the cloke or he ware well loged and then she sayd

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knew of Nores goyng to the towre and then

she sayd I had .

next yf it had bene

leyd she had wone, and then she sayd I w

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y bysshoppys for thay wold all go to the Kyng

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me and yf I dy you shall se the grette

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withyn thys vij yere that ever cam to Yngland, & then

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to put seche abowt me as I never loved: I showed

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Edward Baynton to the Treasurer: declaring that only one person named Mark, will confess any thing against Queen Anne.

[MS. COTTON. OTHO c. x. fol. 209. b.]

MR THESAURER this shalbe to advertyse yow that here is myche communycacion that noman will confesse any thyng agaynst her, but allonly Marke of any actuell thynge. Wherfore (in my folishe conceyte) it shulde myche toche the Kings honor if it shulde no farther appeere. And I cannot beleve but that the other two bee as f

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culpapull as ever was hee.

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ther more playnely expresse my
that they have confessyd like wret
as they shulde do than my n
apoynte. I have mewsed myche at
mastres Margery whiche hath used her
strangely toward me of late being her fry
have ben. But no dowte it cann

* f. frynd.

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Sir William Kyngston to Secretary Cromwell, May 16th 1536, upon the preparations for the execution of my Lord Rochford and Queen Anne.

[HARL. MS. 283. fol. 134. Orig.]


THYS day I was with the Kyng's Grace and declared the petysyons of my Lord of Rochford wherin I was answred. Sir the sayd Lord meche desyreth to speke with you, weche towchet hys consyens meche as he sayth, wherin I pray you I may know your plesur, for by cause of my promysse made unto my sayd Lord to do the same, and also I shall desyre you fur

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ther to know the Kyngs plesur towchyng the Quene, as well for her comfyt as for the preparacion of skefolds and hother necessarys consernyng. The Kyngs grace showed me that my lord of Cantorbury shuld be hyr confessar, and was here thys day with the Quene; & nota in that mater, Sir, the tyme ys short, for the Kyng supposeth the gentelmen to dy to morow, and my lord of Rocheford with the reysydew of gentelmen, & as zit with yowt .bweche Iloke for, bot I have told my lord of Rocheford that he be in aredynes to morow to suffur execusyon, and so he accepse it very well, and will do his best to be redy, Notwithstandyng he wold have reysayved hys ryghts, weche hathe not bene used and in especiall here. Sir I shall desyre you at we here may know the Kyngs plesur here as shortly as may be, atd we here may prepayre for the same weche ys necessary, for the same we here have now may for to do execusyon. Sir I pray you have gud rymembrance in all thys for husf to do, for we shalbe redy al ways to our knowlage. Zit thys day at dyner the Quene sayd atd she shuld go to Anvures & ys in hope of lyf, and thus far you well.


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