
JANUARY, 1797.]

Additional Duties–Military Establishment.

expected to produce twenty-five, or thirty thousand dollars.

4th. COTTON MANUFACTURES NOT PRINTED, STAINED OR COLORED.-These are in very general use, and are commonly imported in valuable vessels, and by established merchants; they are for the most part bulky in proportion to their value, and with velvets and velverets, are subject only to the duty of ten per centum ad valorem. It may possibly be safe to place these articles in the class of merchandise, subject to the duty of twelve and a-half per centum ad valorem; but in this case, it is conceived, that adequate provision ought to be made for the protection of the business of printing cotton goods, which has been commenced in this country.

A variety of modifications of the existing duties might be proposed, but as their principal object would be the improvement of the system of collection, by means of a new classification of the articles, without intending thereby to produce any considerable augmentation of the revenue, they are at this time omitted. Materials for a report on this subject are preparing, but it cannot be completed during the present session.

With respect to a general augmentation of the duties on imports, I conceive it to be my duty to observe, that the average rate already imposed, exceeds sixteen per centum ad valorem ; that the last advance of the duties was made at a time when the commerce of the United States was far from being in a natural state; that the temptations to illicit trade will increase in proportion to any reduction of the general rate of mercantile profit; and that a considerable reduction of this general rate, is to be expected whenever the present war in Europe shall terminate. On these grounds, I conclude, that present experience affords no certain data for an opinion respecting the permanent operation of the existing duties.

The domestic manufactures best established, are those of leather, iron, flax, potters' wares, including bricks, ardent spirits, malt liquors, cider, paper of all kinds, hats, stuff and silk shoes, refined sugars, spermaceti and tallow candles, copper, brass, and tin wares, carriages, cabinet wares, snuff, gunpowder, and salt. I have the honor to be, with perfect respect, sir, your most obedient servant,

Secretary of the Treasury.

Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means.
The report was ordered to be committed to a
Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.

TUESDAY, January 24.

The bill for enforcing the laws of the United States in the State of Tennessee, was read the third time and passed.

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lay before the House, a list of the number of subscribing creditors to the United States, upon the books of the Loan officers, in each respective State in the Union where Loan offices have been established."

Mr. H. observed, that the reasons why he offered this resolution, were, that applications had of late been made, by several of the Commissioners of Loans of the United States, for an increase of salary, and he thought it was proper before a decision took place upon those applications, that the House should be possessed of the best information relative to the duties of the officers that could be obtained. He was of opinion, that when the sala

ries of the Commissioners of Loans were first established, Congress could have had no other rule by which to apportion them than the size and population of the States, or the sums expected to be loaned therein. He thought it could easily be made appear, that neither of these principles would produce an equitable apportionment of the salaries; the Commissioners in the larger States would have much the highest salaries, when, it is very probable, they might have the least share of business to transact, and on the other hand, the Commissioners of the smaller States would have the least salary, with perhaps the greatest proportion of duty. The resolution

was ordered to lie on the table.


The House again resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the report of the committee appointed to inquire whether any and what amendments may be necessary to the act to ascertain and fix the Military Establishment of the United States.

Mr. S. SMITH proposed an alteration in the introduction of the report, merely as to form, so as to make it have the proper phraseology of a resolution; which was agreed to. And being read

Mr. Corr said, he rose only for the purpose of inquiry. He was satisfied there was no occasion for a Major General; nor did he know that there was any necessity for a Brigadier General. He wished to be informed on that subject.

Mr. VARNUM did not see the necessity of a Brigadier General. As the Army would be dispersed along the frontier in small detachments, he did not see the use of an officer of that grade.

Mr. DEARBORN said, this subject had undergone discussion last Winter. It was then urged, not only that a Brigadier General was necessary, but also a Major General, and was ultimately so carried. It appeared to him, indeed, that at least one Mr. R. SPRIGG, jun.. moved that the resolution general officer was necessary; and he should supwhich he laid on the table some days ago, rela-pose, for the same reason which his colleague had tive to the act for regulating grants of lands for military services, &c., be referred to the committee to whom was referred a former resolution relative to the sale of lands Northwest of the river Ohio. It was so referred.


Mr. HENDERSON offered a resolution to the following purpose, viz:

That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to 4th CoN.-64

urged against the measure, viz: the dispersedness of the situation of the troops; for, when their divided situation was considered, and that, in time of peace, there was less reason to expect a strict attention to discipline and economy, there would scarcely be a possibility of keeping them in order, without an officer of respectable rank, who would have it in his power to overlook the whole, to know the state of each garrison, and to make strict returns with respect to military regulations;

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Military Establishment.

[JANUARY, 1797.

and, without such a provision, everything relative | mander, and thus the Army would be embroiled. to the Army would get into disorder. Instead of A commander, it was known, must necessarily this officer being an expense to the United States, have considerable latitude of discretion allowed he believed he would, in the end, prove a great saving to them by taking care that no abuses existed in the service. It was said that the Majors could do the duty as well as a general officer; but was it not reasonable and natural to expect bickerings amongst officers of the same grade; and that there would not be the same promptness in obeying the orders of one of this rank, as there would be in obeying the commands of a superior officer? Persons acquainted with military affairs knew the necessity there was for subordination in an army. He thought it not necessary to say much on the subject; but he thought the wellbeing of the troops required that a Brigadier General should be retained in the service.

Mr. HARTLEY said, he was one of those who were in favor of retaining the Major General last session; but, from a principle of economy, the select committee had recommended a repeal of that part of the act which related to the Major General and his staff, by which means several thousand dollars would be saved; but, after they had dismissed the Major General, he was surprised to hear it proposed that the Brigadier should be struck out also. He had wished the Major General to have been retained; since, if there should be occasion to call out the Militia at any time, a Major General of Militia would not be subject to the command of a Brigadier General of the Army; and except some provision was made in the Militia bill, this circumstance would occasion disorder, if ever such a situation should happen. He hoped, therefore, for the reasons given by the gentleman from Massachusetts, [Mr. DEARBORN,] a Brigadier's staff would be retained.

Mr. DAYTON. That as they had dispensed with the office of a Major General, as no longer necessary, it appeared to him advisable to agree to this part of the report of the committee which recommended the retaining of a Brigadier General in service. In addition to the reasons which had been urged by the members of that committee, and by other gentlemen who had preceded him, there were two which had not, he believed, been mentioned, and which might be thought to deserve consideration. If a Brigadier General should not be provided for, the command of the Army would of course devolve upon one of the Lieutenant Colonels commanding regiments. Such an event would rather tend to excite jealousy than to promote harmony throughout the different corps. The attachment of an officer for his own regiment was natural, and could not be suppressed or concealed, even when his seniority of rank entitled him to exercise a more enlarged command. If in such a situation he should be more prudent and cautious than men so circumstanced usually are, he could not, however, escape the suspicion and charge of his favoring his own to the disadvantage and injury of the other regiments. Those who might think themselves thus aggrieved, would make a common cause of their complaints against their temporary com

to him, and no little share of patronage. He would generally direct what officers should be stationed at particular posts in higher or inferior commands. He could give preference to one corps over another, by ordering the distribution of clothing or pay, especially where a difference in quality or deficiency in quantity and sum, made it impossible for all to be equally served. In an officer attached to no corps exclusively, such things could be seen, and borne, with much less dissatisfaction and murmuring than in one who had a more intimate connexion and interest with a particular part. But that was not all; for, in the paying of the Army, the agency of a Brigadier General attached to no corps was essentially necessary. The regimental pay-abstracts were founded upon the company pay-rolls, and were required to be signed by the commanding officers of the regimens. The Commander-inChief, after having compared and checked those abstracts with the muster-rolls and official returns, was to issue an order for the payment of the money.

It would be truly absurd to have the same officer, in quality of Commander-in-Chief, checking and passing upon his own returns for pay as Colonel of a regiment. There would neither be economy nor security in the expenditures of public moneys under such arrangements.

Mr. BALDWIN said, he recollected when this subject was under consideration, some member said it was indisputably necessary that the Army should have a Brigadier General; it did not then appear so to him. Since the war was over, and even suppose it continued, he thought it being entirely an interior one, they might do away the form which had been of regiments, and convert the whole force into a legionary form, and by degrees an army form also; and let the form be a detachment of companies strung along the frontier. He thought there could be no advantage by even an army form; for the vast extent of two thousand miles frontier to guard with few men as possible, would render this distribution necessary. The force, he said, was twenty-six companies, and he supposed there were no more than twenty-six posts to occupy them; these would be distributed from the Southern frontier to the lakes, and some on the sea-coasts; then, while they remained so extensive, what use could there be of a Brigadier General? Where could he so well correspond from, and conduct affairs, as the Seat of Government? And here Mr. B. thought he would be almost useless. Here we have the War Department, the Commissary of Stores, and the Accountant General, each of which, if clothed with military commissions, could effect any business that officer would have to do, and he did not see the necessity of a Brigadier General having the settlement of the business mentioned by the gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. DEARBORN] as his being clothed with a military commission would not make him more fit to take cognizance

JANUARY, 1797.]

Military Establishment.

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of what related to the troops, than the above sta- these men were added to the fifty-two, the comtioned officers; nor did he see how he could visit plement of which each company is composed, the different posts in the manner proposed by that they would be enough to answer all casualties by gentleman. If a part of these troops were dis-death, desertion, &c., so as always to keep up the tributed on the lakes, and another part on the full number. The expense of pay, clothing, &c., Southern frontier, he could not tell where the he had estimated at thirty-eight thousand dollars. Brigadier General could have his office. It could The saving by striking off the cavalry was fiftynot be at any of the posts, and therefore he sup- two thousand dollars, certain expenses of wagons, posed it must be at the Seat of Government. &c., not included in this estimate, tents and Mr. S. SMITH said, he was on the committee of camp equipage, would be sixty thousand dollars. conference last session with the Senate, on the The addition of these eight men to a company subject of the Major General. It was the opinion would give two hundred and fifty-six men, in of the House of Representatives, that there should place of one hundred and four, at much less price. be a Brigadier only, because the number of troops, These would give an additional strength, at less being four regiments of infantry, was a Brigadier's expense than horse. Yesterday, Mr. S. said, he command. It was urged, on the part of the Se-stated that the expense of two companies of horse nate, that the Major General was necessary for the purpose of taking possession of the posts, and it was therefore finally agreed that he should be retained until March next. At that time it was undetermined whether the Brigadier or Major General should go out of the service at that time. The gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. HARTLEY] thought it necessary to keep up the Major General, because, if called out with the Militia, he would have the superior command of a Major General of Militia; but to strike out both the Major General and Brigadier General, would be to leave the Army without a head; and so far from such a measure being a measure of economy, it would prove destructive of economy. There was a great saving, Mr. S. said, by an officer commanding the whole; if it were otherwise, the Army would be disjointed.

was equal to a regiment of infantry, by which he meant the privates of a regiment, viz: four hundred and sixteen men. If he was understood differently, he wished this to be taken as a correction.

Mr. HARTLEY said, there was some difficulty with respect to this clause of the report. Some gentlemen thought the number of men sufficient already. He was of a different opinion; and as the horse were struck out, he thought the additional men necessary. He believed, without this addition, there would not be a sufficiency of troops to garrison the posts; and he had founded his opinion upon information from good authority. He should therefore vote in favor of the report.

Mr. DEARBORN said, the committee was not unanimous upon this clause of the report. He believed it unnecessary that these men should be If the gentleman from Connecticut, who made added, and that the four regiments of artillery were the motion, had been a military man, this motion, fully equal to all the objects for which they were he thought, would not have been made; as a mi-wanted: he would sooner vote for the reduction litary man, Mr. S. declared, that such a measure of a regiment than for this addition. He had enwould be attended with the most ruinous conse-deavored to satisfy himself of the number of garquences.

Mr. Corr said he made no motion, but merely inquired for information.

risons necessary to be kept up, and the men required for each. As to the casualties which it was said always happened amongst men, they could not be avoided; nor was it necessary to calculate within four or five men for a post; as, for

Mr. HARTLEY said, the gentleman did not know the consequence of such a regulation; he did not know who would have the command. The pre-instance, if fifty men were thought to be necessent Brigadier General, he said, was a man of abilities and respectability, and it would be economy to keep him in the service.

The question for repealing that part of the act which relates to the Major General and his staff was put and carried-ayes 43, noes 32.

The two next resolutions were put and agreed to; and that for adding eight privates to each company being under consideration,

sary for a post, if four or five died out of that number, it could not be supposed that those who remained would not be able to defend it. He should therefore be opposed to the resolution.

The question was put on the resolution, for adding eight men to a company, and negatived without a division.

The next resolution, advancing the pay of the officers, was agreed to without any opposition.

On the last resolution, for allowing Majors four rations per day,

Mr. S. SMITH said, that the subsistence of the Majors had, by mistake, been omitted in the act passed last session, and they had therefore intro

Mr. WILLIAMS thought this would be improper at the present time, as there was a proposition for lessening the number. This, he said, would augment it two hundred and fifty-six men. Each company now was composed of fifty-two privates, four corporals, four sergeants, and two officers;duced it here. which made sixty-two: as he saw no need to make a larger augmentation, he thought this proposal wrong, and therefore hoped it would not be agreed to.

Mr. S. SMITH said, this was a question discussed in the select committee. It was argued, that if

This was agreed to.

It was moved that the Committee rise; when

Mr. HOLLAND said, before the Committee rose, he wished to add an amendment to the first section, after the word "repealed," "and that the four regiments of infantry be reduced to three."

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It was desirable, he said, to reduce the establishment as much as possible. The Committee had determined not to reduce the infantry from four to two regiments; but though they did not think it right to make so great a deduction, he trusted they would agree to reduce them from four to three.

The question was put and negativedayes 37, noes 38.

[JANUARY, 1797.

of things, he should vote for retaining the four regiments, as he believed it would prove a misfortune to the country, if the regiment proposed was done away.

Mr. WILLIAMS said, if they were for a moment to suppose, for the sake of argument, that there was danger of a war from European nations, he would inquire how they should guard against it? Would it be by garrisoning the frontier? No, he re-believed not; and, therefore, from the arguments of the gentleman himself, he ought to reduce the number of infantry and increase that of the artillery. This, Mr. W. said, was his intention when he proposed to reduce the four regiments to two; for, if there was any danger it was on the seacoast; therefore, to reduce the infantry and increase the artillery would be real economy.

The Committee then rose, and reported the solutions, and the House took them up; when Mr. GALLATIN proposed to amend the report, by introducing the amendment just negatived in the Committee of the Whole, viz: for reducing the infantry from four to three regiments, and desired the yeas and nays to be taken upon it. The yeas and nays were agreed to be taken.

Mr. HARTLEY said, they were some how or other in the habit of disorganizing. Last year the whole complexion of our Military Establishment was changed, and now it was to undergo another change. Last year the men and officers were appointed to each other; he hoped they should not become habitual disorganizers by adopting the present motion.

Mr. PAGE said, if he had thought the amendment really economical, he might have voted for it; but as he believed it was quite the reverse, as the reduction of troops at the time that the number of posts were increased, and some posts were to be advanced far beyond any hitherto occupied, and out of the reach of reinforcements or succor, must necessarily endanger the loss of some posts, Mr. Buck hoped it could not be said that he which would, without counting the loss of men, was a favorer of disorganization; but he did not be found, in loss of stores, ammunition, and arms, see at present any necessity for keeping up the an expensive circumstance. It had been said that whole of the Military Establishment. Could the the Indians could not take a fortified post, however number of garrisons and of troops necessary for weakly garrisoned; but this was a great mistake, them be ascertained, he would cheerfully vote for they took from the British in one day, under for the number wanted; but until that informa- | their leader, Pontiach, immediately after the war tion was before them, being in time of peace, and between Great Britain and France, every post not wishing to keep up more troops than were they held, except Detroit and Fort Pitt. As to the necessary, he should vote for the proposed reduc-state of peace we were in, said Mr. P., although


Mr. CLAIBORNE was of the opinion, with the gentleman from Pennsylvania, [Mr. HARTLEY] that they were about to reduce disorganization to a system; and, unless they economized a little better, the whole Government would be disorganized. He was for economizing, in order to prevent that disorganization. He hoped, therefore, the amendment would prevail.

he believed the Indians might at present recollect the circumstances which induced them to make peace with the United States, he said he did not rely on its continuance, so as to think it politic or economical to reduce the number of our troops, and to expose the remainder in distant posts, out of the reach of relief. Indeed, said he, I think it cruel to expose a small garrison in some of the intended posts, as the savages would attack them whenever caprice or avarice should prompt them. From motives of economy, said he, I opposed the first motions for raising an Army and holding posts on our frontiers, and then observed, that if we raised one regiment, we should soon be called on for another, and that if we began to establish posts, there would be no end to establishments; but having now established certain posts, he said he believed it would be politic and economical to take care of them and their garrisons.

Mr. W. LYMAN said, if this were a time of profound peace, perhaps this question would carry a different aspect; but this country could not be said to be in a state of profound peace; for, though we were not in hostility, there were several nations in hostility to us. Was this, then, a time for reducing the Military Establishment? He thought not. It was very uncertain whether we should continue in a state of peace or not. Under this impression, and aided by the information which the select committee had given, he helieved it was necessary to retain the whole of the establishment. The committee had stated the posts and the number of men required, and gave it as their opinion that the whole four regiments would be required. He was satisfied, and he be-regiments to three.

Mr. ISAAC SMITH said, it did not appear that any garrison held last year had been abandoned this, and it was well known they had now a number of fresh garrisons on the Southe n frontier; he therefore could see no propriety in reducing the four

lieved the committee had retrenched the expense Mr. RUTHERFORD said, no one respected miliof the establishment as much as possible.

If it were profound peace, (as he had already said,) and there were no distant expectations of hostility from any quarter, he would agree to the amendment proposed. But, in the present state

tary characters more than him; but he thought, nevertheless, it would be a valuable thing to reduce the infantry from four to three regiments, which would make them more complete. It was his sincere wish that every private should be well

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accommodated and well paid. He surely wished that, and he could say that he wept after the hearse of any brave man who fell in the defence of his country, and would mingle tears with his relatives and friends. He knew we had many brave military characters. This he rejoiced in. And it would be remembered that it would be an easy matter to increase the troops, if it were at any time necessary, perhaps more easily than to reduce them; he was, therefore, for making the proposed reduction. In this case, he said, the best troops would be retained; and if any emergency should at any time arise, the brave yeomanry would come forward in aid of the military corps; and therefore, at this time, when our revenue was embarrassed, if the four regiments could be reduced to three, it would be a valuable purpose done for the people whom they served-it would but be their duty.

Mr. SWANWICK said, some gentlemen had, on this occasion, spoken of the danger of war; but if there was any danger of this kind, our infantry would not serve us. And yet, whilst gentlemen were ready to increase this department of our force, they were willing to do away the frigates. The gentleman from New York, [Mr. WILLIAMS,] indeed, very different from his usual conduct, had said that he would carry the amount of the retrenchments in the Army to the Navy. On this occasion, he said, he joined in opinion with that gentleman; he thought they had already spent too much on land and too little at sea; and, therefore, in hopes that that gentleman and others would vote with him for the frigates when they should | come under view, and because he thought it would answer them a much better purpose to have a number of sailors than so many troops, he should vote for the amendment.

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were unnecessary, or that the contemplated number of men for each was too great, he should have been at a loss how to have voted; but when he had only heard, in support of the amendment, that our finances needed economy, he felt no embarrassment in giving it his direct negative. If the principle upon which the amendment was supported was true, it should be carried farther; if we were in profound peace, and economy were to be pursued, why not disband the whole establishment? For, if they admitted an Army of any kind to be necessary, they would certainly admit that it ought to be sufficiently large for the purposes for which it was wanted. They had, he said, appointed a committee on the subject, who had informed them of the garrisons necessary, and of the troops proper to be placed in them, by which it appeared that the whole four regiments would be wanted; and therefore he believed there would be no propriety in reducing the number on the ground of economy.

For his own part, Mr. S. said, he did not pretend to be a judge of military affairs; but he thought, when our posts were increased, the military for garrisoning them ought not to be decreased. A state of peace with the Indians, he believed, did not do away the necessity of a Military Establishment, because he believed that peace was only to be continued by the terror inspired by the garrisons.

and willing to pay those expenses. Indeed, if there could be any reliance upon the decision of that House, there would be no doubt of revenue being found. If there was any unwillingness there, however, to find revenue, he believed there was none out of doors. There might, indeed, be objections to the mode of raising revenue, but he believed the people were ready to give what was necessary.

He would take this opportunity of remarking upon what had fallen from his colleague, [Mr. GALLATIN,] who had said that he thought the four regiments necessary, but that on account of the unwillingness of the House to grant revenue, he would wish to reduce them. Mr. S. said, he believed the circumstances of this country to be such as were fully equal to all the expenses of GoMr. S. SMITH hoped this motion would not ob-vernment; he believed the people were both able tain. The question had already been tried in Committee of the Whole, to reduce the infantry to two or three regiments, and both had failed; he trusted they would again fail. When the select committee had estimated that the four regiments would be necessary, and that the surplus would only be four companies, which it would be right to place in a proper situation to serve as a corps de reserve, which might be applied to in case of attack, he thought these attempts to reduce the number was extraordinary. He did not know whether it was the intention of gentlemen to strike out the officers of a regiment only; if this was their meaning, the saving would be very trifling indeed. He was apprehensive this idea of economy would carry them too far; for his part, he was not for the name of economy, when he was convinced it would not produce the effect. He found men, heretofore liberal in granting money, since direct taxes had been under discussion, were become very sparing. He was afraid, however, their fear of direct taxes would carry them

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Mr. S. said, that when gentlemen agreed that the four regiments were necessary, it was their duty to vote for them, and to provide the means for paying them. It was not right to say, "We agree the men are wanted, but there will be found a difficulty in paying them, and therefore we will withhold our vote;" they ought to vote for the men, and afterwards provide the money. Such was his opinion, and he believed it to be the opinion of the people in general; he should, therefore, vote for retaining the present number of infantry.

Mr. PRESTON hoped this motion would not prevail. He voted yesterday for doing away the cavalry, but he had no idea of reducing the infantry, as he believed the present establishment necessa ry for the protection of the frontiers. It was true we were at peace, but it was also true that it was with a faithless people, who, when their disposi

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