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which surgical interference has seemed to be the only remedy are now amenable to this, which may be defined as merely a method of helping the patient in his efforts to overcome the disease.

Natural science was revolutionized by the Darwinian theory of natural selection and the survival of the fittest. It is possible that the science of the bacterial diseases has now reached its point of practical solution.-Editorial in Medical Council, Philadelphia.

Books and Magazines.

STARR ON NERVOUS DISEASES.-Organic and Functional Nervous Diseases. By M. Allen Starr, M. D., Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of Neurology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; ex-President of the American Neurological Association and of the New York Neurological Society. Second edition, thoroughly revised. Octavo, 824 pages, with 282 engravings and 26 full-page plates. Cloth, $6, net; leather, $7, net. Lea Bros. & Co., Philadelphia and New York, 1907.

The author's position in the forefront of neurologists has been shown anew in the rapid exhaustion of the first edition of his work, limited though it was to organic nervous disease. An even warmer reception is assured for this revision, which brings the organic portion to date and adds a section covering the functional diseases, so that the volume now presents the whole field of neurology as understood and practised by a master. The author is the reverse of abstruse or nihilistic. On the contrary, he is straightforward and direct, and justifies his optimism as to the advanced position of neurological diagnosis and treatment by the wealth of information placed at command of his readers. Paying due regard to theory, he devotes especially full attention to etiology, diagnosis and treatment, both medical and surgical. The book is largely based on the solid foundation of long experience, but it also embodies the wellattested knowledge of other authorities as gleaned from a thorough sifting of the vast literature of neurology. Practical, authoritative, covering the whole subject in all its aspects, and abundantly illustrated, this new edition of Prof. Starr's work answers the needs of students, practitioners and specialists.

PRACTICAL MEDICINE.-Series 1906. Year Book Publishing Co., Chicago.

This series consists of ten volumes, covering the field of medicine in every department, gleaned from the medical journals of the year. In our last issue we noticed all the series except Volume X, which is just at hand. It is "Skin and Venereal Diseases, Nervous

are prone to linger and either become chronic
or lead to graver maladies


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[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][ocr errors]

and Mental Diseases," by Baum Patrick Healey. Price per volume, $1.25. The set of ten for $10.

PRACTICAL DIETETICS WITH REFERENCE TO DIET IN DISEASE. By Alida Frances Pattee, Graduate Boston Normal School of Household Arts; Late Instructor in Dietetics, Bellevue Training School for Nurses, Bellevue Hospital, New York City; Special Lecturer at Bellevue, Mount Sinai, Hahnemann, and the Flower Hospital Training Schools for Nurses, New York City; St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Ontario, Canada. Fourth edition. 12mo, colth; 300 pages. Price, $1, net. By mail, $1.10. C. O. D., $1.25. A. F. Pattee, Publisher, 52 West 39th St., New York. A text-book for the physician, student and nurse as a general guide for proper diet in disease. A work on the preparation of proper food for the sick and convalescent, giving in detail the method of preparing and administering liquid, semi-liquid and solid food. Contains the diet lists and what to avoid in various diseases; also the proper diet for infants and children as advised by leading physicians and hospitals of New York and Boston.

This book fulfills the requirements as to simplicity, brevity and exactness with reference to the dietetic treatment in disease and represenst the course in dietetics as arranged for and used at Bellevue Hospital.

This text-book has been in such demand that three large editions have been published since July, 1903.

Added to the authorized text-book list of the New York public schools, listed No. 3807.

Adopted by the United States government, Medical Department of the Army.

Adopted by the Canadian government, permanent schools of instruction for the Canadian militia.

THE PRACTITIONERS' VISITING LIST FOR 1907. An invaluable pocket-sized book containing memoranda and data important for every physician, and ruled blanks for recording every detail of practice. The Weekly, Monthly and Thirty-Patient Perpetual contain 32 pages of data and 160 pages of classified blanks. The 60-Patient Perpetual consists of 256 pages of blanks alone. Each in one wallet-shaped book, bound in flexible leather, with flap and pocket, pencil and rubber, and calendar for two years. Price by mail, postpaid, to any address, $1.25. Thumb-letter index, 25 cents extra. Descriptive circular showing the several styles sent on request. Lea Brothers & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia and New York, 1906.

This well-known and popular book has been thoroughly revised and brought up-to-date.

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Students may matriculate at any time during the year.
The course of study may be general or confined



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to one or more special subjects.



General, Orthopedic, Rectal, Genito-Urinary,
Gynecology, Obstetrics,

Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat,

Operative Surgery on the Cadaver.

Clinical Medicine, Digestive System, Children, Skin,
Nervous System, Electro-radio-therapy.

Bacteriology, Pathology, Clinical Microscopy.

Special courses, involving individual work, may be arranged for.

For further information, address

CHARLES H. CHETWOOD, M. D., Secretary of the Faculty

PETERSON'S OBSTETRICS.-The Practice of Obstetrics. By Emi-
nent Authorities. Edited by Reuben Peterson, A. B., M. D.,
Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women in the University
of Michigan, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Ann Arbor,
Mich. Large octavo, about 1087 pages, with 523 engravings and
30 full-page plates in colors and monochrome. Cloth, $6, net;
leather, $7, net; half morocco, $8, net. Lea Brothers & Co.,
Philadelphia and New York, 1907.

With the volume edited by Prof. Reuben Peterson, The Prac-
titioner's Library of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics is com-
pleted. It is fully up to the high standard set by its companions,
the Gynecology, edited by Bovée, and the Pediatrics, by Carr. The
profession now has at command in convenient form an authorita-
tive exposition of the latest and best knowledge upon three closely
interrelated and important specialties. The basic subjects of ap-
plied pathology and etiology are considered with sufficient fulness

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